Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 531: Pursuit of the Ultimate [Happy Lantern Festival to everyone]

"So strong." Many people's eyes flashed with disbelief, including Ye Binning and Xu Miao.

Even though they had thought that Chu Yan might win, they could not have expected it to be so easy. This battle was almost the same as before, fierce and fast. It was just reversed. Previously, it was Kuang Yuan who used his power to kill Han Dong. In this battle, it was Chu Yan who killed Kuang Yuan.

"Interesting." The corners of the mouths of the top disciples, including the first hall master, looked at Chu Yan thoughtfully while sitting on the Void Throne.

"You are very strong." The first hall leader said calmly: "Kuan Yuan has half the blood of a demon ape. In the same realm, his strength is almost invincible. But you are three realms weaker than him, but your strength can defeat him. There is only one way. Maybe it’s because your four bloodlines and life souls are all based on strength.”

"Yes." Chu Yan did not hide this. The people present were all top emperors. As long as they paid a little attention, they could see through his bloodline and life soul.

"Are you pursuing the ultimate power? Kuang Yuan was defeated unjustly." The first hall master looked at Chu Yan with admiration and said: "I am very interested in you, why not join my hall and become my general?"

"Huh!" Everyone looked at Chu Yan with some envy. Being able to worship at the first entrance of the hall is a dream for many people, including some hall leaders.

You must know that many of the lieutenants of the first hall actually have the combat power of the hall master. However, if they are willing to follow the first hall master, they will get more benefits, and their power is no worse than that of a hall leader.

"Good luck guy." Yan Long snorted displeased.

Ye Bingning's jade face was slightly ugly. She did not expect that the first hall master would openly poach her, and now, Chu Yan was the only one left beside her.

After the battle just now, Han Dong obviously couldn't fight again. If Chu Yan agreed, she would basically miss the next exchange meeting.

"Thank you very much, Master, for your kindness, but I'd better stay at the entrance of the sixth hall." Chu Yan looked at the first hall master in surprise, and shook his head with a smile.

"Although your strength is strong, this training method is violent and has many shortcomings. Speed ​​is your biggest flaw. In this battle, you encountered Kuang Yuan. He happened to have also cultivated strength, but he changed to a sword cultivator and a bow cultivator. , or some Heavenly Emperor who majors in speed, you have no chance of winning." The first hall leader frowned and said, "Follow me, and I will help you practice and make up for your shortcomings."

"No need." Chu Yan shook his head with a smile, but felt ridiculous in his heart. The speed of the second true self is indeed weak, but who knew that he also has the ultimate speed training?

Every one of his true self pursues the ultimate, but this deity uses this to gain insights and integrate their powers. However, the first hall master tries to change him. How ridiculous?

What's more, Chu Yan admits that even if his second true self is slow, he may not be defeated by ordinary swordsmen and bow cultivators.

"Uh, rejected?" Everyone was stunned for a while, and many people looked at Chu Yan with a sneer. It seemed that he had defeated Kuang Yuan, which gave him too much confidence.

"Haha, that's alright, I won't say more then." The first hall master shook his head, his tone was extremely calm, and he remained aloof and did not look at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan retreated behind Ye Bingning, and the white-faced scholar was looking at him fiercely. He thought he would advance this time, but he didn't, and it was a shame to lose.

"Boy, you are very good! At the seventh entrance, admit defeat." The white-faced scholar said solemnly, not to mention that Chu Yan was not weak, Ye Binning had not made a move yet.

He has made a lot of progress this month, but he is not sure that one person can defeat Ye Binning. In his plan, he wanted to use Kuang Yuan to get rid of the trouble. In the end, the two of them joined forces to fight against Ye Binning, but now, it has become him It's one-on-one, and if he doesn't admit defeat, what else can he do?

"Bing Ning, it's your turn next."

The first demon general looked at Ye Binning, who nodded slightly, took a step forward, and looked heroically at the entrance to the fifth hall: "Entry to the sixth hall, challenge."

The fifth leader grinned and took a step forward: "Accept the challenge, Bing Ning, we are all acquaintances, so we don't need to talk nonsense, right? How about a direct fight, with both sides fighting until one side admits defeat?"

Ye Binning frowned lightly. The melee was very disadvantageous for her now because she was missing a lieutenant. But when the other party proposed, she couldn't refuse, so she coldly snorted: "Okay."

"Let's begin!" The fifth hall master took a step forward. There were two lieutenants beside him and more than ten subordinates, all with the strength of the Emperor of Heaven.

Ye Binning sent a message to everyone: "Everyone, be careful. If you lose, just admit defeat. There is no need to fight."

After saying that, Ye Binning looked at Chu Yan again: "Just help me hold down one of the lieutenants."

"There are still two main forces left. Do you want to fight against the hall leader and the deputy general alone?" Chu Yan tilted his head and asked.

"Otherwise? The fifth hall is not the seventh hall. Their fighting power is stronger. I lost the last exchange meeting. It's good to keep my position this time." Ye Binning smiled bitterly, Chu Yan hesitated, nodded, and didn't say much.

After all, Ye Binning still has no confidence in Chu Yan, which is not surprising. In fact, Ye Binning already has a high regard for him, but the other party is from the fifth hall, which is completely different from just now.

It's just that Ye Binning doesn't want to argue anymore, and Chu Yan won't expose it too much.

"Fight!" Both sides stepped onto the central platform together. In fact, the platform was very wide, but with dozens of Heavenly Emperors fighting in succession and countless brilliance, it seemed a bit crowded.

The continuous benefits of various magical powers include flames burning outside the field and the ground cracking. Fortunately, those outside watching the battle are also the Emperor of Heaven. Otherwise, just this billowing power would be enough for a person to eat a pot.

Chu Yan stood on the stage, strolled out, and collided with a lieutenant. The lieutenant majored in fighting souls. It was a special life soul that could raise ghosts of various martial arts and bless himself in battle, making him as terrifying as a ghost. .

The giant hammer kept smashing out, and every time the hammer fell, it was like a star falling. The sound of "dong-dong" kept erupting. The deputy general shouted loudly again, and countless ghostly shadows emerged from behind, each with sharp claws pointing at Chu Yan. Caught by the void, Chu Yan's hammer light erupted, as if it were indestructible. With one hammer blow, countless ghosts died miserably.

"You are indeed a bit powerful, but even so, you are still not enough." The deputy general smiled evilly, suddenly opened his huge mouth, and actually raised a terrifying fighting spirit in his body, which was a silver fierce tiger attached to His body made him become extremely strange.

"But the evil spirit is still trying to cause trouble after death?" Chu Yan snorted coldly, and then the starry sky giant hammer blasted out, and countless starlights suddenly fell down, like meteorites, hitting the deputy general. The deputy general's silver tiger seemed to be Feeling the threat, he started to tremble and wanted to break away.

The deputy general's face changed with shock, and he wanted to take a step back, but at this moment, Chu Yan took a step forward, and a chasm opened in the ground, blocking the deputy general's retreat. He punched out, and the deputy general vomited violently. Blood was blasted off the platform.

"We won again. Is he really only the sixth level emperor?" Many people looked at Chu Yan, a little strange, including Xu Miao, who stood aside blankly: "This guy..."

"I surrender." Not long after Chu Yan won, Ye Binning withdrew from the chaotic light ball, covered in blood, looking extremely embarrassed, obviously having just experienced a fierce battle.

Compared with her, the two people on the opposite side were much more relaxed. This was not surprising. Ye Binning was not as good as the fifth hall master, not to mention that there was a general around. Her defeat was inevitable.

"Ye Binning finally stopped at sixth place, and still couldn't go any further." The hall master in front sneered.

Xu Miao and others were also a little embarrassed. Although they were only one person behind, the fifth hall master's combat power was generally higher than theirs. It can be said that in this battle, except for Chu Yan's victory, they were completely defeated.

"Clean up, let's continue." The first hall leader glanced at the battle platform. There were not many fluctuations. He had the supreme status. In his opinion, no one could threaten his position, and he was the authority.

"Whoosh!" But at this moment, a figure suddenly flickered, very fast, like a ghost, appearing on the battlefield out of thin air.

"What a beautiful beauty, I didn't realize it before. Bing Ning, since you don't want to follow me, I want this woman." Qiong Feng fell in front of Xu Miao in an extremely lustful manner, unscrupulously, and then he stretched out his hand and wanted to face Xu Miao. Miao caught him.

This sudden scene happened so fast that many people did not have time to react.

Xu Miao was full of panic, but just as she was about to take a step back, she was suppressed by a force. Qiongfeng's big hands stretched directly to her delicate body and hugged her waist: "Little beauty, you will be mine from now on." ”

Seeing this scene, a chill flashed across Chu Yan's eyes from a distance. Xu Miao was the only one he cared about in the Chi Lian Sect. Even Ye Binning was not as good as Xu Miao.

"Qiong Feng, you're going too far. Xu Miao is my cousin." Ye Binning frowned. Although she had known that Qiong Feng was lustful, she didn't expect that he would dare to rob someone openly.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. Then I'll ask her, little beauty, are you willing to follow me? Do you have to think carefully?" Qiong Feng smiled lewdly, with a hint of imperial authority and command in her voice. He was the leader of the fourth hall, and there was no doubt about his strength. His imperial power immediately made Xu Miao turn pale.

Everyone seemed to have gotten used to it, and no one spoke. Xu Miao's face turned even uglier. She looked at Ye Binning for help, but Ye Binning felt helpless. She was not as good as Qiongfeng.

"I don't want to." Xu Miao struggled for a while, but she still refused. She also knew Qiong Feng, so she knew better what her fate would be if she agreed.

"Bitch, you dare to reject me?" Qiong Feng's eyes flashed with anger, and then he reached out his hand and slapped Xu Miao on the chest. Xu Miao's whole body was in severe pain, several of his internal organs were broken, and blood spurted out continuously. .

"Qiongfeng!" Ye Binning couldn't stand it anymore and she shouted, but Qiongfeng seemed to have done a very ordinary thing: "She's just a bitch. She refuses to follow me. If I don't kill her, I'm doing it to her." Gift? Also, don’t forget your and my status.”

However, at this moment, Qiong Feng couldn't help but feel stunned, and then he felt a cold gaze staring at him. He looked at Chu Yan: "Haha, it seems that you are very unhappy?"

"Apologise." Chu Yan took a step forward, his arrogance rising, and everyone looked shocked. Does this guy still want to fight Qiong Feng?

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