Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 529 Hall Exchange Meeting

Yang Tiancha was still lying on the ground, looking at Chu Yan with cold eyes, and sneered without any fear: "Yes, you can kill me, but do you dare?"

"No!" Xu Miao said softly from the side: "Don't be impulsive. He is valued by the hall master. If you kill him, it will definitely cause trouble. You have won today's battle and you are the deputy sect leader. There is no need to kill him. "

"Did you hear that? If you kill me, you will not be able to survive in the Chi Lian Sect." Yang Tiancha said with a ferocious smile, as if he was sure that Chu Yan did not dare to kill him.

Dragging the giant hammer, Chu Yan walked up to Yang Tiancha. His eyes were extremely cold and he looked at Yang Tiancha: "Don't you dare to kill? How ridiculous."

"Huh?" Yang Tiancha's eyes narrowed, and an ominous premonition came over him, but without giving him a chance to react, a giant hammer came down, weighing a thousand pounds, and hit it hard without even a scream. .

Seeing this scene, the Chiliantang disciple’s heart was beating loudly: "Really kill..."

Xu Miao frowned, but she knew that it was too late to say anything now.

The moment Yang Tiancha died, a hundred-foot-high sandstorm rolled up in the distance, and a beautiful woman stood on it. She had exquisite eyes and a tall figure. She was wearing a tight red dress, which was even more vividly displayed.

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the woman. From the lines, it was not difficult to tell that this woman was the hall master behind the curtain yesterday. Her name was Ye Binning.

I just didn't expect it to be so beautiful.

"See the Hall Master!" The disciples of the Chilian Hall hurriedly bowed their heads, while Xu Miao also secretly cursed at the side.

"Why kill him?" Ye Binning ignored everyone and looked at Yang Tiancha's body with a slight frown.

Chu Yan felt the pressure of the emperor's power and said flatly: "I want to be the deputy hall master."

"Even so, you have won, so why take his life?"

"He wants me dead. Even if he is defeated today, he will still look for opportunities to kill me in the future. If he stays, it will be a hidden danger. I should avoid future troubles." Chu Yan stared at Ye Binning. He did not speak. After practicing for many years, he understood The truth is, you must not be merciful to those who deserve to be killed, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

"Someone should have told you that he was my right-hand man and I respected him. Even so, you still killed him?" Ye Binning asked again.

"Yes!" Chu Yan nodded, the aura in his body surged, turning into a height of ten feet, and the giant hammer shone with golden light.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this. Does this guy still want to fight with the hall master? Isn't that crazy?

No matter how strong Yang Tiancha was, he was still a first-level hall master and an eighth-level emperor, but Ye Binning was indeed a top-level emperor and a person on the emperor list.

Ye Binning was also quite surprised and looked at Chu Yan with interest without saying anything.

The vitality around Chu Yan surged wildly, forming a terrifying storm. The pure power made the ground tremble. When all the power gathered, he punched out, but this punch was not aimed at Ye Bingning, but towards the distance. A huge rock.

"Boom!" The rock endured for a while, and suddenly there was a crackling sound, and it exploded into powder.

"What a terrifying power!" The eyes of the disciples of Chiliantang flashed. The rock weighed a thousand tons and contained metal. Even the top emperors could not break it with one punch.

"This power alone is comparable to the top Heavenly Emperor." Someone praised, Xu Miao was in a daze aside, the shock that Chu Yan gave her was really too much.

After punching down, Chu Yan looked at Ye Binning: "This is my power, I can kill people across three realms."

"Then what?" Ye Bingning looked at Chu Yan with a smile.

"The hall master must have gone through countless hardships to achieve today's achievements. The people around him must also be the ones who have overcome thorns and obstacles for the hall master and swept the road ahead. And I have this ability, what use is it for him?" Chu Yan said calmly, but his voice was full of arrogance.

Hearing Chu Yan's words, Ye Binning's eyes narrowed slightly, and she also showed a look of satisfaction: "Very good, from today on you will be the deputy hall master, follow me around, there will be an exchange among the seven halls in three days, you will follow me join."

"Okay." Chu Yan nodded. Xu Miao breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Chu Yan and smiled happily.

"Come up!" Ye Binning shouted. Chu Yan was promoted to deputy hall master. His status was different. In the future, he could live in the temple with the hall master.

Chu Yan said goodbye to Xu Miao, then strolled out and jumped onto Ye Binning's storm.

Ye Binning waved her sleeves, picking up the billowing sand again, and then flew towards the temple.

Everyone looked at Chu Yan's background with envy, because they all knew that another person was about to rise, and some thoughtful people also fawned over Xu Miao.

Chu Yan was brought into the sect by Xu Miao, and it is said that he tried his best to protect Chu Yan in the Demon Forest. This relationship was enough to change Xu Miao's status in the Chilian Sect in the future.

Xu Miao listened to the many flatteries and secretly sighed at the reality, but did not say much and returned to his residence alone.

Chu Yan returned to the temple with Ye Binning. The other deputy hall master did not target Chu Yan, but looked at Chu Yan with a smile: "Interesting, he killed Yang Tiancha in just one day. It seems true. You have some skills, Han Dong, what do you call him?"

"Emperor Godhammer." Chu Yan said with a smile. Han Dong was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Interesting, people who dare to call themselves emperors are rare in Xinghai, but you dare. You are indeed courageous."

Chu Yan smiled calmly and said nothing. He called himself the Great Emperor, which was a kind of courage. Ever since he was defeated in the battle with Beiming Shatian, he knew that what he had to achieve in the next battle was to reach the invincible imperial realm.

"Please prepare for the exchange in three days and join us together." Ye Binning looked at the two of them and said indifferently, then stepped behind the curtain without saying anything.

After Chu Yan became the deputy hall master, someone would hand over spiritual energy to him every day. Although it was not much, it was better than nothing. This also gave him more time to practice.

There was a period of time on the road to becoming the Emperor, and his realm was finally stable. Now he only lacked an opportunity to try to break through the Emperor of Heaven.

Three days flew by.

As the morning light of the third day fell, Ye Binning gathered a group of people, Xu Miao was among them, and the weakest one was at the seventh level of the Emperor, the Heavenly Emperor realm.

But among the crowd, there was a particularly dazzling figure, leaning on a huge hammer. At the forefront, he was only an Emperor of Level 6.

"Are everyone here?" Ye Bingning stepped out of the storm. She was even more beautiful today. Her long hair was tied up, and she was carrying a red caltrop that added a bit of heroism to her, making her look like a female general.

"Already." Han Dong said respectfully from the position of deputy general.

"Very good, come with me." Ye Binning nodded lightly, and the storm rolled towards Jiutian, and the people below followed in unison.

The Chilian Sect occupies a large area on Dilu. It has one sect master and seven entrances. Ye Binning is one of them, along with the other six.

Among the seven halls, there will be an exchange every month. The so-called exchange is actually a test of strength, and there will also be a ranking.

The hall where Ye Binning is located ranks sixth, which is the second to last.

The place of discussion is the Chilian Palace. The huge palace was transformed from a ruin. At this moment, there are many strong people gathered in the center. The weakest among them are the Emperors of Heaven, standing in different camps.

Chu Yan followed Ye Binning to the Demon Palace and immediately attracted many eyes, but more of them were sarcastic and lewd. After all, Ye Binning was the only one among the hall masters.

"Ye Binning, you are still so sexy, so I said, why should a woman be the master of the hall? Why don't you come to my hall and serve me? Isn't it beautiful for you and me to command a hall?" There is a person with eyes in the distance. The very thief young man smiled, his eyes were evil, he scanned Ye Binning's body unscrupulously, and deliberately swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Ye Bingning's eyes turned cold and she glared at the young man. This man was the same hall master as her, and the fourth hall master, named Qiong Feng. He always spoke scornfully against her, but Qiongfeng was stronger than her. She There is nothing to do.

"Be careful at the exchange meeting." Ye Binning snorted coldly, and Qiong Feng laughed and said: "That's natural. I have always been very gentle when dealing with beautiful women, especially...in bed."

"Shameless!" Ye Binning scolded without saying more.

"Bing Ning, have you changed your lieutenant?" Another young man spoke in the distance. He was the leader of the fifth hall. Suddenly many eyes looked at Chu Yan.

"Emperor Level 6?" After scanning for a while, everyone showed interesting smiles: "Bing Ning, are you so short of people? Tell me, I can lend you a few people."

"Keep it for yourself." Ye Binning said lightly. Chu Yan looked on and could feel that the relationship between the seven hall masters was not good and full of competition.

"Such a waste, you don't deserve to be here, get out." Suddenly a wave of air burst out and rolled towards Chu Yan. Chu Yan's face darkened, and a killing intent shot out from his eyes, and he faced the opponent. The giant beside him The hammer shook even more, shattering the air waves.

"That's the deputy hall master of the second hall, Yanlong, the top emperor. He is very powerful. It is said that he is stronger than Hall Master Ye." Han Dong said from the side.

Chu Yan nodded and looked at each other coldly: "You and I are both deputy hall masters. We are here today to fight for the hall master. If you can be here, I can be here. What qualifications do you have to ask me to get out?"

"Hey, you're not too short-tempered?" Yan Long laughed ferociously, but did not take action again. Instead, he sneered: "That's fine. I gave you the opportunity just now, but you didn't cherish it. By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing. , can kill people at exchange meetings.”

Chu Yan did not speak, but a deep chill flashed through his eyes. At this moment, another group of strong people arrived. This group of people was extremely arrogant and their team was also very exaggerated. It was several times more powerful than Ye Binning's. Go times.

Among the crowd, the leader was riding a bloody chariot, and there were actually three top Heavenly Emperors pulling the chariot for him, which showed his extraordinary status.

Looking at the crowd, everyone in Chilian Palace became quiet and showed respect, including the second hall master and Yan Long.

"Who is he?" Chu Yan raised his head slightly and was a little surprised when he saw the lineup. With all the top Heavenly Emperor configurations, this team alone could easily sweep the other six halls.

"First Hall Master!"

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