Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 528 Strong Suppression and Killing

Yang Tiancha left, and Chu Yan looked at Xu Miao unexpectedly. The power of the bear demon was still killing him, and now even if they wanted to run away, it was too late.

In fact, he wouldn't be angry when Xu Miao left just now. After all, in a life-and-death situation, who would give up if he could survive? Or because of an unfamiliar person.

But Xu Miao didn't, which surprised Chu Yan and couldn't help but look at Xu Miao again.

"Don't be moved. I'll hold it back with all my strength. You can find an opportunity to attack." Xu Miao bit her lip. In desperation, she yelled at Chu Yan.

Although she didn't want to give up Chu Yan, she didn't want to die either.

Chu Yan strolled out and walked directly in front of Xu Miao. The giant hammer behind him clanged and suddenly changed into a size of nearly a hundred feet.

"I'll do it." Chu Yan smiled calmly. Xu Miao looked at him in surprise and scolded: "Come on, I don't need to be a hero saving a beauty. Although your combat power is good, there is a gap in realm." It's too big, I'll contain it, you can find an opportunity to attack, just don't die."

Chu Yan shook his head helplessly, and a terrifying bloodline suddenly bloomed in his body. He stared at the bear demon, and golden light suddenly appeared, like an ancient demon king.

"Suppress and kill!" The two words were spat out, and the pure power was condensed. Xu Miao was shocked at the side. At this moment, she felt that Chu Yan was like a giant. Standing next to her, she actually had an urge to crawl on her knees?

"Roar!" The bear demon also roared, seeming to feel the danger, and became more violent, and slapped Chu Yan hard with its huge body.

As for the giant bear's paw falling, Chu Yan simply ignored it and flew up.

The hundred-foot giant hammer stood there like a small mountain, weighing at least tens of millions of kilograms. But Chu Yan held it with both hands and lifted it directly. Suddenly, a dazzling golden light bloomed from above. When the hammer was blasted, the entire forest trembled. The bear was furious and raised its giant claws to block it, but it was no match at all. The huge bear body was immediately beaten to death by Chu Yan.




With just one hammer, the demon forest was shattered.

Even people in the distance were affected. The ground kept shaking, and loess and flying sand kept rising.

When everything cleared up, it was seen that the giant hammer had returned to its original size, but the giant bear demon had long since disappeared, and a huge crater appeared on the ground.

Xu Miao looked at the scene in front of her, her almond-shaped eyes kept blinking, and she was stunned.

"Where's that bear demon?" Xu Miao shook his head, still feeling a little unreal.

"He must be dead, right?" Chu Yan smiled casually, and then a few feet of spiritual energy appeared behind him.

Xu Miao was dumbfounded. Although she knew that Chu Yan had good combat power and could kill people across borders, crossing three realms was something she never dared to think about, otherwise she would not have been protecting Chu Yan.

"How did you do it?" Xu Miao looked at Chu Yan in surprise. Chu Yan shrugged: "Just like just now, kill him with a hammer."

Listening to Chu Yan's light words, Xu Miao was filled with shock. As a disciple of Chiliantang, she knew better than others what it meant to kill an enemy beyond the third level.

With such top-notch combat power, judging from Chu Yan's age, he should be at least thirty years old, right? That would mean that the person in front of him would be a born king, and his fighting power would be even more terrifying.

"Are you stupid?" Chu Yan said lightly. Xu Miao woke up in shock, but her heart still couldn't calm down.

"You are so strong, why didn't you take action when you first entered the Demon Forest?" Xu Miao said speechlessly.

"Didn't you say that you asked me to hide behind you?" Chu Yan turned around and smiled lightly. Xu Miao glared at him angrily: "Then let's be your main force. The time is almost up. There are still three more hours. , we will go back.”

Chu Yan nodded with a smile and agreed. In the next few hours, the two of them would team up to hunt Ling Yuan. No matter what level of monster you are, I will kill them all instantly with one hammer blow.

Xu Miao watched from behind and was stunned. Later, he became a little numb and couldn't help cursing: "Monster!"

Chu Yan didn't care either. If it weren't for Xu Miao, he wouldn't have been exposed. But even if he was exposed, he didn't hide it and swept all the way.

At dusk, the setting sun shines in the demon forest, and the mottled light spots are like gold.

The disciples of the Chilian Sect came out of the demon forest one after another. Some of them gained a lot, but of course, there were also sacrifices. For example, a team of ten people encountered a big tiger demon, and only three of them came out alive.

"Okay, that's it for today, let's go." Yang Tiancha counted the number of people and said that only one team had not returned.

Someone next to him frowned: "Deputy Hall Master, Xu Miao's team hasn't come out yet, why don't we wait for them?"

"No need, they can't come out." Yang Tiancha sneered.

"Who are you saying can't come out?" But at this moment, a voice came from the demon forest, and two people walked out of the demon forest, it was Xu Miao.

Yang Tiancha's eyes were condensed, and there was a strong chill in his eyes. He couldn't figure out why the two of them didn't die under the sword bear demon, but it was fleeting. He sneered: "The fate is big enough. It seems that the bear demon was killed." You kill me. If that’s the case, hand over the spirit essence.”

Xu Miao explained on the side: "Everyone who enters the Demon Forest must hand over 90% of their spiritual energy."

Chu Yan frowned. He hunted Ling Yuan in order to attack Qianzhang. It was naturally impossible for him to hand over Ling Yuan. Moreover, Yang Tianshi could have saved the two of them but did not take action.

"What? Are you ready to disobey?" Yang Tiancha looked at Chu Yan, full of teasing.

"Hand it over, this is the rule. Yang Tiancha is leading the team this time, and he still has 80% to hand over to the hall master." Xu Miao said in a low voice, as if worried that Chu Yan would be stupid.

Chu Yan pondered for a moment and looked at Xu Miao: "Can I be the deputy hall master?"

"Hmm?" Everyone was stunned when they heard Chu Yan's words, and then many people smiled. Is Chu Yan crazy? He just entered the Chi Lian Sect and wants to be the deputy hall master?

Xu Miao also looked at Chu Yan in surprise.

"Haha." Yang Tiansha was stunned for a moment, and then his murderous intent became stronger. This guy actually wanted to replace himself?

"You want to be the deputy hall master? Of course, in the Chi Lian Sect, there has always been a clear distinction between superiors and subordinates. If you can defeat me, the deputy hall master is yours, but, are you worthy?" After Yang Tiansha finished speaking, his arrogance rose layer by layer, turning into a terrible spirit sword that rotated around his body.

"Is he true?" Chu Yan asked Xu Miao, making everyone laugh even more, and hugging their arms to watch the excitement.

Xu Miao frowned. Although she knew Chu Yan was very powerful, the opponent was Yang Tiansha, not a monster. She said worriedly, "The Chi Lian Sect does have rules. People below can challenge him. If they can win, they can replace him. But Yang Tiansha is very powerful and is one of the top three in the sect. Don't be impulsive."

"I know."

Chu Yan nodded after confirming the rules. As for the rest of the words, he seemed not to hear them. He slowly took a step forward, and the giant hammer floated out, looking at Yang Tiansha: "Please teach me!"


"You really don't know how to live or die." The eyes of the others flashed.

"Boy, this is the rule, but there is another one. You may not know that if you challenge me, it will be considered as a violation of the superiors. In the battle, even if I kill you, the hall master will not say anything. Do you still want to challenge?" Yang Tiansha sneered.

"Then can I kill you?" Chu Yan asked. Everyone's heart was churning, and they were stunned by Chu Yan's arrogance.

The corners of Yang Tiansha's mouth slowly rose, and his killing intent became stronger. Finally, he took a step forward and stood opposite Chu Yan: "I am an eighth-level emperor, two realms higher than you. I don't want to bully you, but since you are seeking death, I have no choice but to fulfill your wish. Everyone, get out of the way."

The others immediately stepped back and made way for the two of them.

"Boom!" Suddenly, Yang Tiansha exploded. He used a blood-red long sword. The sword was full of blood and immediately dyed the mountains and rivers red.

Feeling the terrible blood, the others exclaimed: "The life soul of the deputy hall master is the blood-drinking sword. This sword can drink human blood and gradually become stronger. Now, over the years, I don't know how many top emperors have been drunk by this sword. This kid is simply seeking death."

Aside, Xu Miao was full of worry, clasping his fingers.

Slightly raising his head, Chu Yan looked at the violent blood energy, and he also moved. Dong, he took a step forward, stretched out his hand to grab the floating giant hammer, and the giant hammer burst into golden light under his urging, dazzling and dazzling, making many people feel uncomfortable, and they could not help but turn their heads to avoid the light.

"Go to hell!" Yang Tiansha's blood-drinking sword burst out, and immediately formed a blood-colored long rainbow. Chu Yan looked at the blood sword with a cold look, and then he also stepped out, and the giant hammer blasted out, colliding with the blood sword. Suddenly, there was a huge tremor, and the blood sword was offset and was actually shaken away.

"Huh?" Just this one attack caused a lot of horror, and Yang Tiansha's face became embarrassed. He jumped up suddenly, flew into the sky, grabbed the long sword, and slashed out one after another. Each sword was filled with terrible blood energy, forming a sword net and pounced on Chu Yan.

However, Chu Yan did not dodge or evade, and looked directly at the sword energy. His giant hammer was across his chest. No matter how terrible the sword energy was, it could not shake him at all.

"How is it possible?" Yang Tiansha's eyes flashed with anger, and his attack became more fierce. There were crackling sounds in the air, and the blood-colored sword energy was like a blood bird.

"So you are so weak that you can't even break my defense." Chu Yan continued to ignore it and let the sword energy fall. He raised his giant hammer and changed it into a thousand feet in the air. With just one hammer, he smashed it towards Yang Tiansha.

"No!" Yang Tiansha screamed, and his blood sword resisted frantically, but the giant hammer pressed down like a mountain, indestructible. With a click, his blood sword broke. Chu Yan hammered again, and with a bang, Yang Tiansha's bones broke. With a crackling sound, he fell to the ground fiercely and twitched constantly.

"This..." The disciples of the Chi Lian Sect were all shocked. This result was completely different from what they imagined.

Chu Yan slowly fell down, and then he walked to Yang Tiansha with a cold look in his eyes: "You haven't answered what I said just now."

"Now that you are defeated, should I kill you?"

The disciples of Chi Lian Sect trembled in their hearts. Chu Yan, is he going to kill Yang Tiansha?

Xu Miao frowned. Although this is the rule, Yang Tiansha has been in Chi Lian Sect for many years and is valued by the sect master. She dare not imagine what the price will be if Chu Yan kills him.

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