Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 525: Changes in the Emperor Ranking [Three Updates]

The sound of the sword was clear and loud, echoing in the world.

Everyone looked at Chu Yan with some surprise: "At this point, he still refused to give up, is he going to fight?"

"The last gasp of a spent force!" The Emperor of the Nine Nether Dynasty roared, and with a thud, another person stepped out. He was also a sword cultivator, and he swept a huge sword across, very powerful, and chopped down with force.

Chu Yan's eyes were cold, and his long sword dragged on the ground. There was a sword sound with every step. In a moment, the sword cultivator of the Nine Nether Dynasty approached him, and the long sword was like a rainbow, sweeping towards his chest.

"Bang!" Almost at the same time, Chu Yan jumped up, the sword lights intersected, and there was a strong collision. Then the two figures fell to the ground separately, but after Chu Yan landed, he stood up shakily and continued to drag the sword, his eyes were determined, and the Emperor of the Nine Nether Dynasty glared, and there was a blood line on his throat.

"One sword to seal the throat..."

Even at this point, does the leader of the Tiandi Sect still have the power to fight the Tiandi?

"What a terrible willpower!" Everyone was trembling. The leader of the Tiandi Sect was only in his twenties, but in today's battle, he showed his peerless style. He fought Beiming Shatian, was defeated, but was unyielding. He was a level 6 emperor and killed the Tiandi with one blow. What kind of style is this?

Fairy Wangyue cried and her makeup was ruined. She covered her mouth with her slender hands, feeling heartbroken.

"Don't..." Fairy Wangyue murmured in a low voice. The boy appeared briefly, but broke into her heart. She witnessed too much with her own eyes and witnessed the boy's style, but today, the boy knew it was impossible to do it, and this was a battle to his death.

Chu Yan continued to drag the sword and looked at Beiming Shatian. The sword tore a gully in the ruins and stepped hard step by step, but never stopped.

"Kill him!" A beast king in the Beast King Hall roared.

"Roar!" Countless monsters roared and turned into giant beasts to pounce on Chu Yan. They were all Heavenly Emperors. The emperor's might was like a huge mountain.

"Boom!" Facing countless big monsters, Chu Yan leaned on the hilt of the sword, raised the corner of his mouth, and mocked: "Even if you lose, you must have a wonderful fight!"

The next moment, the sword light was sprinkled all over the sky, piercing through the huge monsters. Even a Heavenly Emperor could not stop Chu Yan's anger at this moment.

"What a strong sword intention!" Countless people were moved. Those monsters screamed and retreated quickly, not daring to get close.

"Who wants to kill me?" Chu Yan's eyes flashed with a strange light, and he roared. After a long time, no one dared to come forward. He continued to shake his body, grabbed the hilt of the sword, and continued to drag the sword.

For a while, a strange scene appeared in front of the Heavenly Emperor's door. Countless Heavenly Emperors and many powerful people surrounded Chu Yan, but no one dared to come forward easily. Every time Chu Yan took a step forward, everyone took a step back.

"Since you want to die, I will grant you your wish!" A cold light flashed in Beiming Shatian's eyes, and he finally turned into a huge arm, disturbing the sky, and rolled towards Chu Yan.

"Boom!" The ground trembled, and Chu Yan's body suddenly sank into the ground, spitting blood wildly, but he sneered again, and no one knew what that smile meant.

"Bang!" Beiming Shatian made another move, and the ground was broken layer by layer. Almost at the same time, Chu Yan raised his hand and chopped towards Beiming Shatian with a sword.

Everyone's eyes were fixed, and the giant hand seemed to be able to destroy everything, but Chu Yan's sword collided with it, and it was not shattered, but left a huge bloody wound on the giant hand.

Almost at the same time, a blood mark appeared on Beiming Shatian's palm, which made his murderous intent even stronger.

"It turns out that you are not invincible either." Chu Yan stared at the wound on Beiming Shatian's palm and sneered.

"You really pissed me off, go to hell." Bei Ming Sha Tian roared, and rushed forward immediately. His whole body became huge, like a giant. He raised his foot and stepped hard on Chu Yan: "Heaven-sent inheritance, I am the will of heaven, I can turn into a demon giant, how can you block this blow?"

Feeling that huge kick, Chu Yan felt a sharp pain in his heart, and the violent pressure hit him, making him take a deep breath.

"I thought I would try it, but it seems that it is still a little bit worse." Chu Yan sighed, and everyone was stunned. Chu Yan could not survive that kick.

"No!" Fairy Wang Yue roared in grief. She wanted to rush forward, but was stopped by Li Xian'er.

"Boom!" The kick finally fell, and everyone witnessed that Chu Yan was trampled in the ruins by the giant foot.

"It's over." A voice sounded as the giant foot fell, and then Bei Ming Sha Tian retreated and turned into a normal size. In the ruins, there was no trace of Chu Yan, only the sword he used, standing there.

"No bones left..."

Today's battle against the Tiandi Sect was too tragic. Countless people from the Four Gods Alliance and the Jiuyou Dynasty died. In this battle, the Tiandi fell like hemp and existed like an ant.

Chu Yan almost showed an invincible posture, crossing three realms to fight Bei Ming Sha Tian, ​​but in the end he still couldn't escape death?

"Finally dead!" The Tiandi of the Jiuyou Dynasty breathed a sigh of relief.

Zi Chen was standing in the distance, also shocked. He was the prince of a dynasty, but he didn't think he could block the sword just now.

"The Tiandi Sect has also been disbanded. Bei Ming Sha Tian's words have come true." Someone sighed, "After Emperor Road, there will be no more Tiandi Sect."

"Bei Ming Sha Tian is too strong. Even the leader of Tiandi Sect has been defeated. Your Majesty, I'm afraid no one can beat him. Your Majesty, you are invincible!"

Today, Bei Ming Sha Tian's name has also spread throughout Emperor Road.

But at this moment, someone suddenly frowned and looked up at the Emperor List in the sky.

"Look, the Emperor Ranking has changed!" Everyone looked up at the ladder list. The name of the eighth leader of the Tiandi Sect kept flashing. Just when everyone thought it was going to disappear, it didn't. Instead, it became more brilliant and began to move upward.

"Seventh, replaced Jian Wuya's one-armed swordsman."

"Sixth, surpassed the Beast King of the Beast King Hall."

"Fifth, the mysterious Lin Daoyan was also overshadowed!"

"Fourth, Zi Chen was also surpassed, and it is still rising! What's going on?"

"Third... On the Emperor Ranking, the leader of the Tiandi Sect is third!" The onlookers swallowed their saliva, watching the names move up one by one, and finally stopped at the third position.

"It seems that this battle was also affected by the rules of the Emperor Road. The leader of the Tiandi Sect directly entered the top three of the Emperor Ranking! Only Qingyi and Beiming Shatian are left on it." Someone sighed, but then there were more doubts and couldn't figure it out.

"The leader of the Tiandi Sect is dead, why hasn't his name disappeared from the Emperor List?"

According to the rules of the Emperor List, after falling, one will disappear from the list, such as Yuwen Longyuan, but this time is different. After the death of the leader of the Tiandi Sect, not only was he not removed from the list, but his ranking became even higher.

Beiming Shatian stared at the Emperor List and frowned, and at this moment, a loud voice suddenly sounded from the sky.

"The Tiandi Sect is still here!" Everyone's heart trembled suddenly. That voice was the leader of the Tiandi Sect?

"He is not dead yet? That invincible kick didn't kill him?"

"Four Gods Alliance, Beiming Shatian, it's not over yet. Today's humiliation, one month later, I, the Tiandi Sect, will take it all back!" Lang Lang's voice echoed in the sky.

Beiming Shatian's eyes turned cold, as if he wanted to penetrate the void and turned into a giant to explore, but almost at the same time, there was a space force twisting, forming an endless killing array, blocking Beiming Shatian's power.

For a moment, the people of the Four Gods Alliance looked embarrassed. The leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect was not dead, but even boasted that he would come to attack in a month.

When Bei Ming Sha Tian took action, it was too late, and the other party had already escaped.

Of course, the most depressed one was the Nine Nether Dynasty. The joy just now was gone, and everyone looked fierce. Too many people in the Nine Nether Dynasty died at the hands of the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect. The two sides must be mortal enemies, but today, such a battle failed to kill the other party.

"It seems that he still wants to seek revenge on you." Zi Chen laughed on the side, and Bei Ming Sha Tian snorted disdainfully: "The defeated general will not change the result even if he fights a few more times. If he wants a month, he will give him a month and see what kind of storm he can stir up."

A great war finally ended, and everyone sighed, and for a period of time afterwards, the most talked about thing in the Emperor Road was this battle.

After this battle, the Heavenly Emperor Sect was temporarily disbanded, and various powerful forces rushed into the Heavenly Emperor Sect to plunder and take advantage of the fire, which triggered another riot.

However, after this battle, the leader of the Tiandi Sect never appeared again. The Jiuyou Dynasty was still madly chasing the disciples of the Tiandi Sect, and the two sides often collided in the Emperor Road.

One day, a thin young man slowly stood up from a stone statue in the west of the Emperor Road. His breath was still very weak, but it did not affect his temperament.

In his hand was an exquisite brush, revealing the power of space.

"It was really dangerous."

The young man smiled bitterly, it was Chu Yan.

In the battle that day, the giant foot crushed down, and he really felt the meaning of death. At the last moment, he used the shuttle pen to cut the space and escaped.

The next moment, a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes, and many figures rushed towards him in the distance. They were Huo Feng, Youyou, and the other disciples of the Tiandi Sect.

"Master." Everyone was relieved to see Chu Yan, and Chu Yan nodded: "Are you all okay?"

"It's okay, I just suffered some minor injuries, and I have recovered in a few days." Huo Feng said honestly, and then said with a fighting spirit: "Master, what are your orders next? When will we fight again?"

"No hurry, this defeat, fighting again, it won't change much." Chu Yan said calmly, Youyou blinked smartly on the side, and said to Chu Yan: "Brother Chu, why do you care? That Beiming Shatian is extremely shameless. He has practiced for nearly a hundred years and broke the realm of the emperor, but he attacked Brother Chu, and won unfairly. If they were in the same realm, how could Brother Chu be defeated by him?"

"Silly girl, if you lose, you lose, you don't need to comfort me." Chu Yan smiled, and naturally understood Youyou's little thoughts, but he has practiced for more than ten years, from being a waste and a barbaric abandoned child in the mouth of the people, until now fighting the Emperor of Heaven, he has experienced a lot, how could he be discouraged by this defeat?

Youyou was right in saying that the other party was four realms higher than him and had practiced for decades longer. If he was given the same amount of time, he would not lose.

Moreover, even if he won, he would not be proud. After many years, he already knew his life experience. His parents were extraordinary. They fought against the gods and dared to question the existence of the heavens.

And his future path must be to kill all the immortals and demons in the world. Why would he care about the defeat in the Star Sea?

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