Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 524: The Heavenly Emperor Sect

Beiming Shatian took action, and just as he said, one person immediately affected the situation of the battle.

The leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, who had shown endless grace before, was suppressed by a giant hand holding up the sky.

"Beiming Shatian is worthy of being the number one among you. He is too strong. Even the leader of Tiantian Emperor Sect showed unparalleled magnificence and killed countless Emperors of Heaven. However, as soon as the opponent took action, he was suppressed with just this one blow."

"That's natural. The prince of my dynasty has extraordinary strength, and his soul is the emperor's. Now he has understood the inheritance of the emperor's path. Looking at the realm of the Star Sea Emperor, except for the top people on Tianbei Mountain, who can compete with you? Your Majesty The first person is none other than him." The people from the Beiming Dynasty looked proud.

Bei Ming's giant sky-killing hand fell, and with a bang, Chu Yan was sent flying and hit the ground, vomiting blood continuously. Then he suddenly raised his head, with anger in his eyes.

"Not dead?" Beiming Shatian was stunned for a moment and showed an interesting smile.

"Is this what Prince Beiming does to attack others secretly?" Chu Yan got up and looked at Beiming Shatian coldly.

"To kill you, why bother with a sneak attack?"

Bei Ming was so arrogant that he took a step forward, as if to ask all living beings to surrender. Then he raised his giant hand, which was as big as a mountain peak, and slammed it down on Chu Yan.

"Sect Master!" The disciples of the Tiandi Sect looked gloomy, and Qian Zhan and others wanted to take action immediately.

"Stand there and don't move!" Chu Yan suddenly shouted. He knew that Qian Zhan and others were no match for Beiming Shatian. Even if they took action, they would die in vain.


"Didn't you say, listen to my order? Then don't move, this is an order." Chu Yan said coldly. Huo Feng and others were all red-eyed and clenched their fists, but they did not step forward and stood there unwillingly. .

"Order? Interesting." Bei Ming's smile grew thicker and he strolled out, as if he was the only one in the world. Every step closer made the earth tremble. He raised his head slightly and looked at Chu Yan: "Think of your strength. Yes, I will give you another chance, follow me, the Heavenly Emperor Sect will be merged into our Four Gods Alliance, and I will make you my number one general!"

Everyone nodded secretly: "Beiming Shatian is indeed born into a powerful royal family. He is good at power and loves talents. At this time, he actually wants to recruit the head of the Tiandi Sect."

"The number one general under his command is already very high. In the Four Gods Alliance, he has a higher status than Zichen and others." Someone else said: "If the master of Tiandi Sect is interested, he should agree to fight today." , he is not guilty of defeat, and he is not ashamed to follow Beiming Shatian."

Chu Yan looked at Beiming Shatian with a funny look: "I will give you a chance. Now you kneel down and beg for mercy. If I become the Emperor of Heaven someday, maybe I won't kill you."

Everyone's hearts trembled. At this time, wouldn't the Heavenly Emperor Sect's sect master still refuse to obey?

"Shatian, someone is provoking you." Zichen sneered from the side, and Beiming Shatian's eyes flashed with a ferocious look: "It seems you really want to die."

"Boom!" Beiming's giant of killing the sky moved again, and the sky-wide beam of light seemed to have divine power. Wherever it passed, everything turned into flat rivers, rushing down towards Chu Yan's brutal suppression.

"Kill!" Chu Yan's eyes shot out a strange purple light, and arrows rained out. He was extremely fast, holding a purple bow, and kept dealing with the giant hand.

"How long can you run?" Beiming Shatian stood with his hands behind his back. The giant hand kept sending out, like a mountain falling down and the ground cracking. What was even more exaggerated was that he seemed to have golden armor all over his body, allowing arrows to rain down. But it was impossible to break through his defense.

Staring at that scene, Chu Yan sighed secretly, after all, his realm was too different.

Chu Yan is confident that even if he is asked to break through another realm and become the Emperor of Heaven, he will be confident in today's battle. However, the four realms are too difficult. The ability to break the emperor and the realm of emperor fullness are far beyond what he can compete with.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The giant kept blasting out, leaving huge craters on the ground, like meteorites blasting away.

In the sky and the earth, the stars kept falling, and Chu Yan kept retreating. In a moment, he turned into a bloody man, but the brilliance was still bursting out of his body, resisting as much as he could.

"Go to hell!" Beiming Shatian roared. At this moment, the giant opened up, like a five-fingered mountain, and immediately crushed Chu Yan, blocking all space and time around Chu Yan.

"I am a born prince, and I have received inheritance from heaven. Following me is a gift to you. If you don't obey, you will only die." Beiming Shatian said arrogantly.

Everyone's eyes froze, and the giant mountain slammed down. Chu Yan spat out a mouthful of blood, and the purple wings on his back were broken, and it hit the ruins hard.

"Roar!" Huo Feng and others were extremely angry, with murderous intent. They raised their heads and glared at Beiming Shatian.

"A bunch of ants!" Beiming Shatian said contemptuously. With a movement of his mind, brilliance suddenly shot out, forming a terrifying light curtain, three thousand feet high, impacting Huo Feng Qianzhan and others, causing everyone in Tiandi Sect to vomit blood crazily.

"It's useless, the Tiandi Sect will eventually be defeated."

"The leader of the Emperor's Sect that day was considered very powerful. At the sixth level of the Emperor, he could fight like this with Beiming Shatian. If he had been given another period of time and he had also reached the level of Emperor of Heaven, this battle might have been even more exciting, and the ending would have been difficult. Expected it." Some people felt sorry for Chu Yan, but they all knew that there was no chance in that battle, and Chu Yan would die today.

"Whoosh!" At this moment, someone strolled out from a distance, and Fairy Wangyue stepped forward and blocked Chu Yan.

"Fairy Wangyue?" Beiming Shatian was stunned for a moment, and smiled proudly: "I heard that the master of the Tiandi Sect rescued you not long ago. Why, you have developed feelings and want to stand up for others?"

"Beiming Shatian, you have been famous in the Star Sea for a long time, and you are also a person who destroyed the emperor. Don't you feel ashamed to kill a sixth-level emperor?" The fairy Wangyue said unkindly, Li Xian'er, and the other fairies in Wangyue Tower also flew out.

Chu Yan was suppressed under the mountain, and frowned when he saw the attitude of the crowd.

"I gave him a chance, follow or die. I was born in the dynasty and am the son of destiny. My life is destiny. If he violates it, I must kill him." Beiming Shatian looked down at the Emperor of Heaven and said calmly: "Besides, what I do is not the turn of Wangyue Tower to manage. Seeing that the elders have some intersections, I will let you go today, retreat!"

"Retreat!" A retreat immediately formed a sound wave, and the fairy jade face of Wangyue Tower flushed, and was shocked back.


"Boom!" The giant hand that held up the sky exploded in an instant, and endless divine punishment fell, shooting towards the suppressed Chu Yan. Everyone witnessed with their own eyes that Chu Yan was pierced by endless killing light and bleeding profusely.


"Asshole!" The disciples of the Tiandi Sect were all angry, their eyes were red, Huo Feng stared at Beiming Shatian, and growled: "If the master dies, I will leave the Emperor Road, return to Shenzhu Mountain, and inform Xuntian Emperor to send people here to flatten Beiming!"

Youyou's eyes were also red: "Brother Chu..."

"Tiandi Sect, listen to the order!" But at this time, there was a sudden loud singing, and everyone's eyes froze, and they all looked at the broken ruins. At this time, there was a thin figure slowly standing up. He was extremely embarrassed, but his eyes were determined. Surprisingly, he was still alive.

"Still alive?" Beiming Shahuang was also surprised, and his smile became even stronger. He didn't make a move for a while, but wanted to see what instructions Chu Yan wanted to give at this time.

"The Heavenly Emperor Sect! Here!!" Huo Feng and the others all stared with bloodshot eyes, growling one after another!

"From today on, the Heavenly Emperor Sect is disbanded! Everyone, kill them, and everyone, survive!" Chu Yan's voice was very weak and extremely haggard.

Huo Feng and the others felt depressed and looked at Chu Yan: "The Sect Master is here, the Heavenly Emperor Sect is here!"

"This is an order! Go!" Chu Yan roared, with a faint golden light flowing in his body, but the stars suppressed him.

Huo Feng and the others were extremely angry, their eyes were about to burst, but after hearing that order, they clenched their fists one by one. Huo Feng finally nodded his head vigorously, looked at Bei Ming Sha Tian again, and roared: "Everyone, go!"

"Want to leave?" The people of the Nine Nether Dynasty flashed a killing light and stepped out immediately.

"Nine Nether Dynasty, you will die miserably."

Chu Yan's eyes flashed fiercely, and a purple bow floated behind him. Then the divine power rose into the air, turning into a rain of arrows, shooting at the people of the Nine Nether Dynasty.

"Dying man, how much power can you still have?" A Heavenly Emperor of the Nine Nether Dynasty said contemptuously, raised his hand and slapped Chu Yan cruelly.

"Killing you is enough!" But at this time, Chu Yan took a step forward, and the ground suddenly cracked and turned into a ruthless light. Then, a terrible sword forest formed under his feet, and the swords condensed into fire, madly slashing at the top Heavenly Emperor of the Nine Nether Dynasty.

"No!" The Heavenly Emperor screamed, and everyone was stunned, staring at the powerful sword formation.

"It's a fire pattern formation! The leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect is actually a level 7 fire pattern master!" Many people trembled in their hearts.

Chu Yan stepped out with a thud, and a thousand fire swords floated behind him. The top Heavenly Emperor fell into it and was cut into pieces. The fire swords seemed to have the power to burn the sky. Even a top Heavenly Emperor could still be disintegrated in it, and was constantly decomposed. In the end, only a piece of ash remained in the void.

"Asshole!" The people of Jiuyou Dynasty were furious. They all thought that Chu Yan had been hit twice by Beiming Shatian in a row and was already at the end of his strength, but even so, he killed another Heavenly Emperor.

"Haha, Jiuyou Dynasty, it's still as useless as before! Today I can destroy the Heavenly Emperor, and one day, I can destroy your entire dynasty!" Chu Yan laughed wildly.

During the whole process, Beiming Shatian did not stop them, and let the people of the Heavenly Emperor Sect leave, but stared at Chu Yan: "I'm curious, that should be your last blow, right?"

Everyone trembled in their hearts. Was that Chu Yan's last blow just now?

At this time, half of Chu Yan's body was covered in blood, and there were hundreds of wounds on his body. He was able to stand, which was a terrifying perseverance.

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at Bei Ming Sha Tian with cold eyes, without saying anything.

Bei Ming Sha Tian continued: "You have a peerless talent. If I hadn't stopped you just now, you would definitely have a chance to escape. In the future, you might not be able to become a person like me. However, you didn't do that. Instead, you chose to help others leave at the cost of your own life? Do you expect them to avenge you? Is it worth it for you?"

"The leader of the Tiandi Sect tried his best to send away the disciples of the Tiandi Sect at the last moment. He is a man of iron and blood. But now, he has no strength to tie a chicken and can't escape death."

"The last blow?"

Chu Yan suddenly smiled and shook his head, very sarcastic, and then a three-foot green sword appeared in his hand, blood was flowing on the blade, the sword rang, and a long roar reached the sky.

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