Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 526 God Hammer Emperor

The disciples of Tiandi Sect didn't know what Chu Yan was thinking, his lofty ambition.

At that time, this battle was so frustrating that everyone was extremely unhappy. Huo Feng raised his fist and punched the stone forest array, and the wall trembled violently.

"Are we going to swallow this breath like this?" The others were also very unhappy. They came from Shenzhu Mountain. Who is not a genius? Not a monster? When have they ever suffered such humiliation.

"I know everyone's mood, and so do I. But if we start a war now, the result will not change, but I will not give up. In the next month, I will be in seclusion alone. You should be careful and accumulate strength. In a month, Tiandi Sect will gather again!" After Chu Yan finished speaking, a glimmer of elite light flashed in his eyes.

"Then, blood debts will be paid with blood!"

Listening to Chu Yan's words, the disciples of Tiandi Sect were excited, their eyes bright, and they could feel that Chu Yan at this moment was like the king of the world, full of domineering.

"I will obey the orders of the sect master!" Everyone responded.

Chu Yan nodded and looked at Youyou again: "Youyou, you still need to help me change my appearance, it would be best if it can cover this face."

"That's no problem, I can prepare two faces for Brother Chu, switch at will, but Brother Chu, your blood emperor soul is now exposed, can you still change?" Youyou frowned, her face change is small, but she has reached the level of emperor, her mind power is sky-high, and her disguise is okay to deceive some low-level realms, but once she meets the Emperor of Heaven, she can't hide at all.

Chu Yan smiled calmly, the Haotian Tower in his body was mysterious, and he switched to his true self. He changed into a ten-foot-tall man, very burly, which was pure power.

"Not bad!" The eyes of the disciples of the Emperor of Heaven lit up. Although they saw Chu Yan switch to his true self once, they were still shocked when they saw it again.

"Too scary, if you count it this way, the sect master has twelve bloodlines, and can switch them at will. If he uses them when fighting Bei Ming Sha Tian, ​​he may not necessarily lose with this method alone." Huo Feng thought to himself, and he admired Chu Yan even more in his heart.

Of course, Huo Feng didn't know that Chu Yan was also helpless now, sighing that his true self was not enough. This was his last time to switch, and if he switched again, he would have to change back.

"It seems that I have to seize the opportunity to find the next Nine Heavens Remnant Chapter." Chu Yan thought helplessly.

The power of the true self burst out, and Chu Yan's physique changed accordingly, and then Youyou changed Chu Yan's appearance, as if he really changed into a different person.

"The sect master of Tiandi Sect has been exposed and can no longer be used. Now this body should also have a name." Chu Yan thought, looking at the giant hammer beside him, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "From now on, this emperor will be the Great Emperor of the God Hammer."

The Great Emperor of the God Hammer! Everyone's eyes lit up. Dare to be called the Great Emperor, it can be seen how ambitious their sect master is.

"Youyou, besides me, you should also change the appearance of the others. When you go out, try not to use your own magical powers. Everyone should be careful this month." Chu Yan gave another reminder, and everyone responded, changed their appearance, and then all left.

Chu Yan did not leave, but stayed in the stone forest.

Sitting under the stone statue and feeling it, he slowly raised his head one day, letting the warm breeze blow by. He slowly opened his eyes, looked at the stone statue and thought: "The power of the predecessor is really terrible. The eyes of the big world can see the future and the past, and see through the nothingness of the world, but even so, he can still stay here to pass on the legacy, and prove the truth with his body, which is admirable."

Next, Chu Yan sat quietly under the stone statue for another three days. During these three days, he did not practice, but just quietly felt the breath of the Emperor of Heaven, which was a kind of respect for the stone statue predecessor.

Three days later, Chu Yan just got up, and his breath changed, and the flow of the wind around him slowed down. He smiled gently, and his smile was very sunny.

"It's time to take action." Chu Yan's eyes lit up. He had his own plan for setting a deadline of one month.

One month is the time for Bei Ming Sha Tian to comprehend the inheritance.

"The Emperor's Road is a place of opportunity. Bei Ming Sha Tian, ​​since you want to fight and call yourself the king of destiny, then fight for it!" Chu Yan stood up, and then his arrogance suddenly burst out.

"Next, I want the spirit of the Emperor's Road!"

Chu Yan's figure burst out, and then a huge beam of light flashed on the sky.


It has been several days since the end of the peak battle, but Yu Bo is still the same. What people from all sides talk about the most is still the unprecedented battle between Chu Yan and Bei Ming Sha Tian that day.

The Tiandi Gate is now in a mess and has been divided up by many strong men.

The name of the Four Gods Alliance is even more powerful, becoming the first force in the Emperor's Road that no one doubts. The name of Bei Ming Sha Tian is even more prestigious and has become the representative of an era.

Everyone in the Emperor's Road regards Bei Ming Sha Tian as an idol and role model.

Chu Yan has not appeared since he disappeared in the battle. At first, many people speculated about the wonderful battle a month later, but they forgot about it as time went by.

There was also a voice that Chu Yan's words were just nonsense. He and Bei Ming Sha Tian were not at the same level at all. Even if he was given more time, he could not defeat Bei Ming Sha Tian.

Because Bei Ming Sha Tian's thousand-foot spiritual essence attracted the inheritance of the Heavenly General, the Emperor Road also changed slightly. More people were trying to seize the spiritual essence in order to attract the inheritance.

One day, above a mountain in the Emperor Road, a figure was walking and flying. He was strong and about ten feet tall. He was flying in the air with a black giant hammer under his feet. It was Chu Yan.

Behind him, the spiritual essence was a hundred feet, emitting a dazzling light.

"Who is that person? He actually has hundreds of feet of spiritual essence." Someone under the mountain looked up and showed envy.

"Sir, wait a moment." Just at this moment, a figure blocked Chu Yan's way.

"Something?" Chu Yan paused, and the man said greedily: "You have so much spiritual essence, it's really enviable, why don't you share some?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, another person flew out from the side, smiling at Chu Yan with ill intentions.

Chu Yan glanced at the other party, a total of seven people, all of whom were at the seventh level of the emperor.

"You want to take my spiritual essence?" Chu Yan said calmly, and the man smiled and said: "Since you know, why don't you hand it over? Although spiritual essence is precious, you have to be alive to use it."

"In that case, hand over your spiritual essence."

Chu Yan nodded, and then he didn't waste any words, and took a step forward. Just one step out, the mountains and rivers on the ground suddenly rioted, and the pure power turned into gold, suppressing everyone.

A group of people were caught off guard when Chu Yan suddenly attacked, and they quickly retreated, but it was too late. Chu Yan clenched the air, and the throat of a strong man was locked as if by a dragon claw. No matter how he struggled, he could not move.

"No!" The emperor screamed in fear, and the people around him looked embarrassed. One of them looked at Chu Yan coldly: "Who are you?"

"Who am I, and you are qualified to ask?" Chu Yan said contemptuously. The top emperor stepped out: "Sir, we are from the Western Region Xinghe, the lineage of the Heavenly Monument. The person you caught is my Western Region Saint Son. I advise you not to do stupid things."

"Saint Son? In the past, there was a leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect who killed the prince of the dynasty and was very majestic. I wonder if your Saint Son has such a status and made me famous in one battle." Chu Yan laughed wildly, and the other party's face suddenly sank, feeling an ominous premonition.

"You dare!" The top Heavenly Emperor was about to attack, but it was too late. Chu Yan clenched his palm, and the Saint Son didn't even scream, his throat was directly broken.

"You lunatic!" The people of the Western Region Galaxy were furious and roared.

"Let's do it together and avenge the Saint Son!" The other six roared, and suddenly a terrible light came out of their bodies, and they strangled Chu Yan madly.

Under the beam, Chu Yan walked out as if he didn't see it at all, and then his body changed to a height of ten feet. With just this punch, he had the power of Mount Tai, and immediately blasted the top Heavenly Emperor away, vomiting blood continuously.

"How is it possible? How can a level six emperor have such terrible power?" The corners of the mouths of the people of the Western Region Galaxy twitched. The other party was only a level six emperor, not a Heavenly Emperor, but the purity of that power was shocking.

"Who are you?" The rest of the people of the Western Region Galaxy realized a problem and roared hurriedly.

"You are not worthy of not knowing, die!" Chu Yan punched out again, and another Heavenly Emperor fell, and the spiritual energy behind him continued to surge.

"Damn it, send a message quickly, find other people." The people of the Western Region Galaxy screamed, and then strong men kept flying from a distance, bursting out terrible power towards them.

But at this moment, another figure flew out, quite beautiful, with a somewhat extraordinary posture, standing in the void and shouting: "Stop!"

The people of the Western Region Galaxy looked at the woman and frowned: "People from the Chilian Hall? Do you also want to interfere in the affairs of my Western Region Galaxy?"

The woman looked at Chu Yan. She had been on the side for a long time. She saw clearly in the battle just now that the sixth-level emperor burst out a thousand tons of power, which attracted her.

"Western Region Galaxy, countless Heavenly Emperors surrounded and killed a Level 6 Emperor, don't they have any shame?" The woman from the Red Snake Hall continued, "If so, I, the Red Snake Hall, wouldn't mind learning from you."

After that, the woman burst out, showing the aura of an Level 8 Emperor. Her soul was a giant flaming python, which was wrapped around her delicate body, making her look even more enchanting.

Chu Yan looked at the woman in surprise. Although the woman didn't take action, and he wasn't afraid of the people from the Western Region Galaxy, it was better for someone to stand up for him. He didn't waste words and stepped aside.

The people of Xiyu Xinghe snorted coldly, but they didn't want to provoke Chilian Hall. The leader suddenly said, "Today's matter will not end here."

"Let's go!" The people of Xiyu Xinghe uttered harsh words and retreated. Chu Yan didn't care about this. He looked up at the woman and nodded, "Thank you for your help, young lady."

"Are you from the Tianbei lineage?"

"Why do you ask this, young lady?"

"Xiyu Xinghe is not weak among the Tianbei lineage. Now it has established the Xiyu Sect and has a great reputation in the Emperor Road. If you are not from the Tianbei lineage and have no background, you can only be said to be an idiot." The woman laughed, and Chu Yan suddenly realized that it was true. Without a background, ordinary people would not do such impulsive things.

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