Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 521: Junshang Realm [Three Updates]

Yuwen Longyuan died, and at the same time, the emperor list was changed, and the leader of the Tiandi Sect rose by one, ranking eighth.

Everyone who paid attention to the emperor list frowned. For a short while, the number of Tiandi Sect leaders continued to rise, which surprised many people.

However, some discerning people discovered a shocking thing. After the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect rose to eighth place, Yuwen Longyuan disappeared directly from the emperor list.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, Yuwen Longyuan died and disappeared in the Imperial Road. Suddenly, the news spread like a flood and wild beast in the Imperial Road.

"The Lord of the Heavenly Emperor Sect killed Yuwen Longyuan? That's really crazy!" In the Four Gods Alliance, Zichen raised the corners of his mouth and smiled even more.

"It is said that the Jiuyou Emperor is angry this time and wants to send the Jiuyou Heavenly Emperor's army to enter the emperor's path and destroy the Heavenly Emperor's Gate." Jian Wuya, the broken-armed swordsman next to him, said.

"That's good, it saves us a lot of trouble." Zichen tasted the wine nonchalantly, and then glanced at Beiming Shatian, who was inheriting the inheritance: "It's been a month, and I haven't left the customs yet. It seems that this inheritance , It’s true, it’s really enviable.”

"Your spirit essence is also nine hundred feet high. It's not far from the heavenly inheritance." The top beast king of the Beast King Palace said.

Zichen smiled and said nothing, then a chill appeared in his eyes: "Is there no news about that person yet?"

Everyone shook their heads, and one of them said: "Some people heard that they saw him once in the Imperial Road, but there was no trace of him after that. People from Shenzhu Mountain who disappeared with him probably left the Imperial Road. "

"Hmph, sooner or later, that ancient clock will belong to our Zi Lei Dynasty, and his life as well." Zi Chen's murderous intention became even stronger. Besides the ancient clock, his Zi Lei Dynasty suffered great losses.

Yuwen Longyuan died in battle, causing a sensation.

In the Heavenly Emperor Sect, Huo Feng looked at the rising ranking and said with enthusiasm: "I said, the sect leader will become famous in one battle."

"Emperor Level 6, fighting against the top Heavenly Emperor, Brother Huo Feng, and now Brother Chu's fighting power may be enough to fight you." Youyou said with a smile.

Huo Feng spoke of the light in his eyes and nodded: "The master once observed the stars. Within ten years, the sea of ​​​​stars will usher in a new era. At that time, there will be a person with the king's destiny, affecting the destiny of the world, breaking through the king, and birth A state that has not appeared for a long time, the emperor controls the sea of ​​​​stars, and he is ready to ascend. "

"Now that the ruins have been revealed and the commotion in the Star Sea continues, it seems that the master's prediction is correct. There will really be a person who will affect the fate of the world."

Youyou Qiu's eyes lit up, and a name came to mind.


Huo Feng smiled and said nothing. There were rumors in the sea of ​​​​stars that once a saint appeared, the sea of ​​​​stars would surrender. However, there was no one in the sea of ​​​​stars for tens of thousands of years. Once he appeared, it would be the time of imperial rule.

"Could it be the sect master?" You murmured alone.

Saint is also called the holy realm, the ninth realm in the martial arts world, and nine is the ultimate number, which is the supreme realm.

In the files of top powers, there have been records about saints, but there are very few, because once he becomes a saint, it means that he will reach a supreme existence.

Saints are regarded as transcendent and superior to humans. Since ancient times, every time a saint is born in the sea of ​​stars, it will inevitably attract visions from the Emperor of Heaven.

The so-called overlords of the Star Sea, such as Tianbei Mountain and Shenzhu Mountain, have a necessary condition for being able to unify the Star Sea. That is, a saint has been born. Only in this way can they be qualified to rule the Star Sea.

This is why the giant-faced monarch was so solemn when he saw Chu Yan, and his attitude changed later.

However, Chu Yan didn't know all this.

In the stone forest formation in the west, he beheaded Yuwen Longyuan. The people of the Jiuyou Dynasty were extremely angry, but they did not dare to retaliate and could only look at Chu Yan fiercely.

"Master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, if you kill me, the crown prince of the Jiuyou Dynasty, you will pay the price with blood." The ministers of the Jiuyou Dynasty roared.

Chu Yan glanced at the other party indifferently. Yuwen Longyuan wanted him to die, how could he let the other party live?

"Let them go, and then go away on your own. You can still live, or else we will slaughter all of you in three breaths."

Chu Yan said bluntly that he was not a murderer, but he was not afraid of offending anyone. On the way of cultivation, if you follow your true heart, if you restrain yourself and don't dare to kill the other person and let him be bullied just because the other person has a super strong background, then how can you go far in the way of martial arts?

"You will regret it!" The people from Jiuyou Dynasty gritted their teeth and left one after another.

At this moment, Donghuang Zhong suddenly looked at Li Xian'er, with a stern look in his eyes, and suddenly rose into the air, the bell rang, and slapped Li Xian'er's shoulder with a palm.

"Xian'er!" Fairy Wangyue shouted, and Chu Yan's body exploded with anger. He strode out across hundreds of meters and landed directly in front of Donghuang Zhong: "You are looking for death!"

"Haha, I can't get it, and you don't want it either. Don't you want to let him go? Then I will give you a corpse." Donghuang Zhong's palm contained venom, and Li Xian'er's delicate face turned pale, and he vomited blood continuously.

"Poison Sect!" Chu Yan's murderous intention became even stronger. He punched out with a bang. Donghuang Zhong was shocked and hurriedly used the ancient bell to resist. However, as soon as the ancient bell came out, it was shattered by a punch, and the fist did not stop. , crushing it down like a big mountain, with infinite power.

At this moment, Donghuang Zhong's eyes changed in shock. He stared at Chu Yan. He had fought with Chu Yan and knew Chu Yan's bloodline, but now, Chu Yan used another bloodline.

"It turns out it's you!" At the moment when Donghuang Zhong was about to die, he finally understood something. Bloodline transformation and pure power were exactly Chu Yan's power.

"Now that I know, you didn't die unjustly." Chu Yan's eyes were cold and contemptuous, and he punched him hard.

"Chu..." Donghuang Zhong desperately wanted to expose Chu Yan, but it was still too late. He only shouted the word "Chu" and was smashed into the rocks, and then arrows shot through the sky.

Everyone's hearts fluctuated and they were all shocked. The Donghuang Clan's Donghuang Bell died.

"First Yuwen Longyuan, and then Donghuang Zhong, this Tiandi Sect master is really not afraid of anyone? By doing this, he has completely offended several powerful people." Everyone frowned.

"Donghuang Zhong shouted the word Chu before he died. What happened?" someone asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, I'm afraid I heard it wrong." Another person said, and everyone shook their heads. In the end, no one doubted Chu Yan, but after today's battle, everyone has a new understanding of the master of the Tiandi Sect.

This person is a complete lunatic. No matter what your background or identity is, if you offend him, you will kill him without any fear.

"Asshole, you killed the young master of my clan!" The people of the Donghuang clan were also angry, and the next moment, thousands of arrows were fired at everyone crazily.

"Damn it, let's go!" The Donghuang clan had no choice but to retreat, but today's revenge was settled, and the Donghuang clan was also angry about it.

Donghuang Zhong and Donghuang Yaotian, two young geniuses, were all buried in the ruins.

Only one person died at the hands of Chu Yan, and the other died at the hands of the Heavenly Emperor Sect’s leader.

"Are you really not afraid of retribution for killing people from my Tianbei lineage so unscrupulously?" someone from the Poison Sect asked in a low voice.

Chu Yan looked at the other party with cold eyes: "It's ridiculous. When you wanted to kill me, did you ever think that this would be the result today? Now that you are defeated, you just move out of the background?"

"Very good, I hope you can withstand the anger of the Sky Monument, let's go." The man from the Poison Sect snorted, but did not provoke Chu Yan in the end.

"Stop!" But at this moment, a terrifying energy came, sealing off the battlefield and covering everyone in the Poison Sect.

"What do you mean?" The person headed by the Poison Sect said with a gloomy face. Chu Yan looked coldly and said calmly: "Leave the antidote."

The corner of the poisonous sect's mouth twitched, he looked at Li Xian'er, and finally waved his hand, throwing out a jade bottle, and then walked out.

Chu Yan caught the jade bottle and did not make things difficult for the other party. Fairy Wangyue and others were supporting Li Xianer. He strolled over and handed the antidote to Fairy Wangyue: "Fairy Wangyue, give it to her."

"Is this antidote trustworthy?" A woman from Wangxian Tower questioned.

"Don't worry, I've seen it with the Eye of the Big World. The antidote is real. Give it to her and she will wake up." Chu Yan nodded, Wang Yue took out the pill, helped Li Xian'er feed it, and saw Li Xian'er feeding it to her. Xian'er gradually regained her color, and the fairies in Wangxian Tower breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you so much, Master." Wang Yue looked at Chu Yan gratefully: "I haven't asked for the Master's name yet."

"Fairy, there is no need to be polite. I once received a favor from Miss Xian'er. She may not remember it, but I will always remember it. Today's action can be regarded as repaying the favor. As for the name, it is just a false name, so why should I care." Chu Yan smiled and shook his head. Shaking his head, he would not tell Mochizuki his identity. Now he has transformed into the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, and has enemies all over the world. Once exposed, the Demon Sect will be implicated.

Although he trusts Mochizuki, mistakes are inevitable. If Mochizuki is killed and his memory is searched, he will be in trouble.

Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, her charming face was a little sad, but she immediately returned to her smile: "Even so, there must be a title. You are the master of the Tiandi Sect, and I will call you the Master Tian."

"Anything is fine." Chu Yan smiled, and then he looked at Li Xian'er and said: "Fairy Wangyue, Miss Xian'er is injured now. If you don't mind, why not go to my Heavenly Emperor's Gate temporarily? If someone seeks revenge, I, Heavenly Emperor The door will give you some protection, of course, if you don’t want to, I will never force you.”

"Thank you so much, sir." Fairy Wangyue said with a smile, and the group set off towards the Tiandi Gate.

On the way, a junior sister from Wangxian Tower joked: "Brother Tian, ​​what do you think of our senior sister?"

"Xiaoya!" Wangyue glared at her junior sister, then lowered her head shyly and glanced at Chu Yan, as if she also wanted to know the result.

"Fairy Wangyue is naturally extremely beautiful, virtuous and generous. If anyone can marry her in the future, it will be a great blessing." Chu Yan smiled helplessly, and Xiaoya's big eyes blinked: "Brother Tian really thinks so. ? That’s great, our senior sister likes you.”

"Xiaoya, don't talk nonsense!" Wangyue said angrily, then looked at Chu Yan and whispered: "Master Tian, ​​don't listen to Xiaoya's nonsense."

"I know." Chu Yan smiled lightly, and the Heavenly Emperor's Gate was already in front of him. Huo Feng and others stood outside, welcoming Chu Yan.

Seeing Chu Yan's return, everyone in the Tiandi Sect became excited, and almost at the same time, another piece of news caused a sensation in the Emperor's Road.

Beiming kills the sky and comes out of seclusion.

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