Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 522 The War is Coming [Fourth Update]

There was a sensation in the Four Gods Alliance today.

Beiming killed Tianling Yuan Qianzhang, and passed down the inheritance from heaven.

After a month, I finally got out of the customs.

Zichen, the one-armed swordsman, the top beast king and others all floated into the air, and they saw a bright beam of light on the ancient city, full of holy power.

After a long time, a figure slowly walked out. He was dressed in white, with a long sword floating beside him. He looked very casual, but no one dared to underestimate him.

The young man in white is Beiming Shatian. In just one month, he has become more powerful. His aura is restrained, but like a sharp sword with a hidden edge. His eyes are shining with a strange luster, and every step seems to have a fluctuation of charm.

"How is it?" Zichen stepped forward and asked. Beiming Shatian smiled and said nothing, but the imperial power behind him bloomed, and there were endless changes in the sky.

"Glacier Emperor Picture!" The disciples of Beiming Dynasty were all excited: "It seems that Prince Shatian has become stronger. This Emperor Picture is even stronger than the emperor when he was in the Imperial Realm."

"In the realm of breaking the emperor, it seems that you have understood some of the emperor's will." Zichen said enviously.

"Did anything big happen in the Imperial Road during this month?" Beiming Shatian asked lightly. At this moment, he was like a peerless emperor. Even Zichen was also a prince, but in front of him, he was far worse.

"There are indeed some." Zichen smiled and told Beiming Shatian about what happened in the Stone Forest Formation not long ago, causing a stern look in his eyes.

"Yuwen Longyuan, were you killed by him?" Beiming Shatian was a little surprised. They were both princes and they all knew each other. Although he had always looked down on Yuwen Longyuan, he was still the emperor of heaven: "The six emperors were killed by him. It’s really shameful to kill him.”

"Give me my order. Within three days, the Heavenly Emperor Sect will be disbanded. Otherwise, the Emperor will be removed from the list." Beiming Shatian said calmly, but his words were full of orders.

Everyone's eyes flashed with elite light. Are they finally going to take action?

A few months ago, Beiming Shatian had a conversation with the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect through the air, causing a sensation in the Imperial Road. However, at that time, Beiming Shatian was the high-ranking prince, the number one person under the emperor, and the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect had not yet In the name of Jin Xi, coupled with the fact that Bei Ming killed the sky and attracted the inheritance from heaven, he went into seclusion and let it go.

Now, Bei Ming Sha Tian came out of seclusion and directly issued an edict, within a three-day time limit, the Heavenly Emperor Sect should be disbanded, otherwise the Emperor would be removed from the list.

Everyone was curious about what the Tiandi Sect Master would do this time.

The next day, another shocking news came out. The Donghuang Clan and the Poison Sect respectively joined the Four Gods Alliance, and the Jiuyou Dynasty sent the Heavenly Emperor's army into the Emperor's path, forming a super powerful force, intending to conquer the Heavenly Emperor's Gate.

The Heavenly Emperor Sect is now in danger.

"The leader of the Emperor's Sect was still a little younger that day and didn't know how to be patient. This time he provoked too many people. The sixteen branches of Tianbei, the three major dynasties and the four major branches all wanted him to die. I'm afraid he would not be able to escape this calamity. It won’t fall anymore.” Someone sighed and commented.


In the main hall of Tiandi Gate, Chu Yan was sitting on the throne at the top. Everyone was gathered. Huo Feng and others were there with serious expressions.

"Sect Master, Beiming Shatian is about to launch a decisive battle. How should we respond?" Huo Feng said coldly, his fighting spirit undiminished and not showing much fear.

The fairies from Wangyue Tower were also there. Fairy Wangyue looked at Huo Feng in surprise, and her eyebrows furrowed slightly. Now that the seven major meridians are about to be destroyed by the Heavenly Emperor Sect, ordinary people would have been trembling with fear, but the people from the Heavenly Emperor Sect did not. Their gazes Determined, seemingly without fear.

"These people are all extraordinary beings. Many of them just don't compete. Otherwise, they would all be nominated on the Emperor's List." Li Xian'er said from the side.

Fairy Wangyue nodded in agreement.

During the few days at Tiandi Gate, she saw a lot. The people here were all extraordinary in strength. The souls forged by the Emperor were all holy and had strong blood. However, they respected Chu Yan very much and followed him willingly.

"Beiming Shatian is the number one person among you. Now that he has received the inheritance from Heaven, I'm afraid it will be even more terrifying. Mr. Tian, ​​I suggest that we disband temporarily and don't collide with him head-on." Fairy Wangyue advised.

Chu Yan gave a bitter smile and said, will everything be fine after disbanding? Naturally it is impossible.

"Everyone, are you afraid?" Chu Yan looked at everyone.

"Don't be afraid!"

"Tiandi Sect, swear to serve the sect master to the death!" Huo Feng was the first to shout, as did Qian Zhan, Youyou and others. Zi Longyang said calmly from the side: "Although I am not a disciple of the Tiandi Sect, I am still a disciple of the Tiandi Sect. This has been going on for so long, but there is still passion.”

"Sect Master, just tell me how we will fight in three days. If you ask, we will never take a step back." The man from Tiandi Sect said.

"Thank you all."

Chu Yan nodded movedly. Although he was the master of the sect, he always knew that these people were trained by Ye Xun for him. He would never let anyone sacrifice needlessly.

After a battle with Yuwen Longyuan, Chu Yan discovered the gap in combat power between the Emperor of Heaven.

He tried his best to kill Yuwen Longyuan, and obtained the inheritance of the stone statue. But this time his opponent was not Yuwen Longyuan, nor the ordinary Emperor of Heaven, but Beiming Shatian.

Bei Ming Sha Tian, ​​number one on the emperor list, received the inheritance from heaven. Chu Yan believed that with his current strength, it would be too difficult to win, let alone Zi Chen, the one-armed swordsman, and the top beast king.

Unless he exposes his identity at all costs and uses the three-dimensional body, magical objects, and immortal magic, but doing so will only make the result worse.

But even so, it is definitely not his character to retreat without a fight.

"The Heavenly Emperor Sect is ready to fight in three days, but remember, in this battle, life is important. If you lose, retreat, don't die in battle!"

"I will obey the order of the sect master!" The people of the Tiandi Sect sang loudly, resounding throughout the world.

The fairies in the Wangxian Tower watched from the side and could not help but be shocked. What a united force this is?

But some people were sad.

This time, the Tiandi Sect had to face not ordinary forces, but the Seven Veins Heavenly Stele. By then, there might be more Heavenly Stele veins intervening. How could the Tiandi Sect be able to resist?

"Even though they knew it was impossible, they had to do it. They were responding to the calamity." Fairy Wangyue sighed and looked at Chu Yan unwillingly. Was a peerless genius going to fall like this?

Fairy Wangyue really couldn't figure out how the Tiandi Sect could survive in three days.

Three days was very short. Chu Yan stood alone at the top of the ancient ruins, standing with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky outside the nine-day cloud.

After practicing for more than ten years, this was one of the biggest crises Chu Yan faced. There were seven veins of the Heavenly Stele and countless Heavenly Emperors, but he did not show any fear.

Suddenly, a long gown was draped over his back, which made him startled. When he turned around, Fairy Wangyue was smiling at him.

"The wind is strong." Fairy Wangyue smiled and then stood beside Chu Yan to accompany him: "Do we have to fight? With Beiming Shatian's character, he will not let you go."

"The road to becoming an emperor is so long, what else can we do if we don't fight? Escape? Where can we escape to?" Chu Yan smiled bitterly.

Fairy Wangyue was silent for a long time and sighed: "It was Wangyue Tower that implicated the young master."

"What does it have to do with Wangyue Tower? Without Wangyue Tower, I would have offended the Four Gods Alliance long ago. There will be a battle between the Heavenly Emperor Sect and the Four Gods Alliance sooner or later." Chu Yan smiled and shook his head, his eyes deep, and did not tell Wangyue the reason. He founded the Heavenly Emperor Sect just to fight the Four Gods Alliance.

"I have arranged for people. Tomorrow, Wangyue Tower will withdraw from Tiandi Sect." Chu Yan said. Wangyue Fairy frowned: "How can Wangyue Tower stand by and watch when it is so important?"

"This battle is a fateful battle between Tiandi Sect and Four Gods Alliance. Wangyue Tower does not need to make unnecessary sacrifices." Chu Yan smiled and did not give Wangyue Fairy a chance to refute.

"Young Master Tian, ​​I like you." Wangyue Fairy looked at the back and murmured.

Xiaoya found Chu Yan in Wangyue Tower. She blinked her big eyes: "Brother Tian, ​​can't your Eye of the Great World see the future and the past? It's not invincible, it can predict the future, just look at the result of this battle, won't you know?"

Chu Yan looked at the little girl and smiled bitterly, rubbing her head: "Silly girl, who can spy on the fate of heaven and earth? Although fate has a fixed number, it is not absolute. The so-called deduction of the future by the Eye of the Great World is just a magical power. The so-called fate cannot be seen through."


Xiaoya nodded as if she understood, pouting, and seemed a little unwilling.


Three days, passed in a flash.

Within three days, the outside of the Emperor's Gate was extremely lively. More than half of the strong men in the Emperor's Road gathered, including Wandao Gate, the Saint Gate, and the Western Region Xinghe.

Early in the morning of this day, the singing of war drums sounded in the Emperor's Gate. Chu Yan walked out alone, stood at the top of the army, stood with his hands behind his back, and seemed to be waiting for something.

The spiritual energy behind him was rising, hundreds of feet high.

"Have they all been sent away?" Chu Yan said without turning his head.

"Master, don't worry. The disciples of the Demon Sect, including our Human Emperor, have been sent to a safe place. The weakest of those who stayed behind is at least level 5 Emperor." Huo Feng said, standing in the position of deputy general.

Chu Yan nodded and stared into the distance. Suddenly, a strong wind blew, the clouds dispersed, and rolling sand and wind came, and everyone's eyes shrank.

"Here it comes!" Everyone became nervous, and the people watching from a distance also looked to both sides, only to see a huge dragon chariot crossing the void in the distance, descending in front of the Heavenly Emperor.

On the dragon chariot sat a young man in white, and beside him were Zi Chen, the one-armed swordsman, the top beast king, and the strong men of the Poison Sect and the East Emperor.

"Beiming Killing Heaven!" Everyone looked at the young man in white and couldn't help but respect him.

This was the first time Chu Yan met Bei Ming Sha Tian. Compared with Bei Ming Sha Huang, Bei Ming Sha Tian was much more restrained, or more arrogant. It seemed that in his eyes, nothing was a concern. He was the Emperor of Heaven.

"I gave you a chance, but it seems that you didn't grasp it. In this case, today, I will bloodbath the Heavenly Emperor Sect." Bei Ming Sha Tian said slowly, and the air suddenly became cold.

"How arrogant!" The disciples of the Heavenly Emperor Sect looked at Bei Ming Sha Tian and couldn't help saying.

"He does have the capital to be arrogant." Chu Yan could feel that Bei Ming Sha Tian's unique arrogance was stronger than all those who had fought with him.

"Master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, you killed the prince of my dynasty, and today I will make you pay with blood!" At the same time, a large number of strong men came. They were dressed in the same clothes and in the same realm. They were all Heavenly Emperor strong men from the Jiuyou Dynasty.

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