Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 520: The Wrath of the Nine Nether Emperor

The killing beams on the sky continued, and there seemed to be a halo around Chu Yan, which kept flashing. Yuwen Longyuan controlled the Nine Nether Demon Dragon, and the terrible light curtain kept hitting Chu Yan, forming bursts of explosions.

Chu Yan endured hundreds of strong attacks, and his heart was also somewhat moved: "The way of cultivation is indeed ever-changing. Cangtian Fengtian and Donghuang Zhong are also top-level emperors, but compared with this Yuwen Longyuan, they are too much worse, it is simply a world of difference."

Although Chu Yan knew long ago that realm is not combat power, in the process of cultivation, realm is height, combat power is foundation, and many people will deliberately slow down the speed of cultivation in order to increase the foundation.

In the past, Chu Yan could always be invincible in the same realm because he was solid enough in every step, and this gap, the higher the realm, the more obvious it is.

"Boom boom boom!"

Under the terrible power, Chu Yan felt some pressure, but he still behaved calmly, allowing Long Yan to kill, as steady as Mount Tai.

Another fighting force slashed down from a distance. Yuwen Longyuan was separated from the Nine Nether Demon Dragon and attacked from both wings. Chu Yan's eyes condensed, and a light curtain rose from his body, containing a strong charm, and then turned into a terrible eye, opened from the clouds. When the eye came out, it was like the eye of a god, piercing through all illusions, making everyone's heart tremble, and a trace of submission rose in their hearts.

"Boom!" The stone statue on the stone forest formation also resonated at this time, and its eyes flashed purple light, forming a terrible beam of light.

"Huh?" Chu Yan was surprised and looked at the independent stone statue. What he had just operated was the Eye of the Great World practiced in the Demon Sect.

This is the top pupil technique of the Demon Sect. If you practice it to perfection, you can see through illusions and even evolve battlefields. But he didn't expect that this stone statue would resonate.

"Is this stone statue the portrait of the predecessor of the Demon Sect? And is it the creator of the Eye of the Great World?" Chu Yan suddenly realized that the pupils of the stone statue were even more magical, and could actually predict the future.

Chu Yan looked at the stone statue for a moment, and then showed respect. The stone statue seemed to have spirituality, and an ancient sound came into Chu Yan's ears.

"Haha, after many years, I finally waited for the successor. It seems that you are from the Demon Sect. In this case, I will give you the complete version of the Eye of the Great World. This pupil technique can not only see through illusions, but also see the past and the future. Deducing the battlefield, don't let me down."

The ancient sound dissipated, and Chu Yan was moved. This pupil technique can not only see through true and false illusions, but also see the past and the future?

"What a terrible magical power." Chu Yan thought, and then bowed to the stone statue: "Thank you, senior!"

"What's going on?"

Everyone looked at Chu Yan in surprise, wondering what he was doing. Yuwen Longyuan even sneered: "When you are about to die, have you already placed your hope on prayer? But today I will tell you that all prayers are useless. I am the son of destiny, born to the throne, and my words are destiny! Destiny cannot be violated!"

"Nine Nether Burns!" Yuwen Longyuan shouted in a low voice, and the ground exploded with a bang. Endless evil ghosts rushed out. The heavenly soldiers and ghosts seemed to be controlled by Yuwen Longyuan at this moment. He was the first god general in the world, the emperor of man, and looked at Chu Yan ferociously: "Die!"

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, and they were all shocked by this terrible move.

"The mystery of the Nine Nether Dynasty, the heavenly condemned ghost general!" Everyone said in surprise.

Fairy Wangyue also looked at Chu Yan worriedly at this time. Chu Yan was surrounded at this time.

"The leader of the Tiandi Sect is going to die!" Everyone's eyes condensed. The people of the Cangyan Ancient Clan and the Donghuang Clan were all excited when they saw the heavenly soldiers and ghosts fighting towards Chu Yan.

"Isn't destiny inviolable?"

However, at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly looked up. His eyes were emitting purple light, which was extremely strange. He looked at Yuwen Longyuan: "Just now, I got the inheritance of the stone statue predecessor. He taught me the Eye of the Great World. He said that this pupil technique can see through the future and the past."

"And guess what I saw?"

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned. Chu Yan said that he got the inheritance of the stone statue and could see through the future and the past?

Really? If so, what did he see?

Yuwen Longyuan also frowned and looked at Chu Yan, then he said arrogantly: "Haha, since you can see the future, you must have seen my future. I will definitely sit on the throne, with power over the court and the country. I am the son of destiny, in charge of destiny! Command the nine heavens!"


Chu Yan said calmly, his purple eyes kept flashing: "I saw that you will die today!"

After speaking, everyone's eyes froze. Chu Yan said that he saw Yuwen Longyuan's future and he would die today. Is this possible?

Yuwen Longyuan, the natural prince of the Jiuyou Dynasty, was born noble, in power, and had the soul of the Jiuyou Demon Dragon.

But at this time, Chu Yan burst out with endless brilliance, and then he walked out, the purple bow in his hand expanded infinitely, and a Yuanqi arrow was generated. The bowstring had been pulled by him for a full moon. The arrow has not been shot yet, but it has the power to kill the Emperor of Heaven.

Everyone's pupils shrank, and they all felt a strong threat.

Yuwen Longyuan's face turned pale. He felt as if the sky was pressing down on him, making him unable to resist. His bones were broken, his skin burst, blood spurted out, and with a thud, he knelt on the ground.

"It's over." The arrow shot out, and everyone was stunned. The huge arrow was crushing towards Yuwen Longyuan, and it was impossible to stop it.

"How dare you!" At this moment, a shadow shot out of Yuwen Longyuan's body, standing in the sky like a giant, like a human emperor, blocking the huge arrow with a thought.

"That's the Emperor of Jiuyou!" Everyone was startled when they saw the shadow that suddenly appeared, and then everyone realized that Yuwen Longyuan was the prince of Jiuyou, and it was normal for him to have the Emperor's divine consciousness in his body.

"You want to kill my son?" The Emperor of Jiuyou's divine consciousness moved, and immediately swept the battlefield next to him, and a strong wind rolled up.

Chu Yan looked up at the Emperor of Jiuyou, and was not too surprised: "In the Emperor's Road, the Emperor cannot enter. When is it your turn to intervene?"

"Humph, how many years has no one dared to talk to me like this, kid, you are very arrogant, but even if it is the Emperor's Road, I will kill you today!" The Emperor of Jiuyou roared, and a terrible light curtain suddenly appeared in the sky. The Emperor's divine consciousness was too strong, and it immediately controlled the battlefield.

Everyone's face was pale, and Wangyue looked at Chu Yan. He had shown extraordinary power today. The Emperor was level 6, fighting Yuwen Longyuan, but could he still not change the result?

"You are not allowed to act recklessly in the Emperor's Road!" With a thud, a huge shadow suddenly appeared in the Emperor's Road. A giant hand stretched out from the sky and suddenly sent it out. Emperor Jiuyou's face turned cold and he looked up at the giant hand: "The power of rules, even if you are dead, you have left rules in the Emperor's Road?"

"In the Emperor's Road, the emperors are fighting for the top, you shouldn't be here!" There was a huge shadow in the void, and the devilish energy leaked.

Emperor Jiuyou's face sank, staring at the huge shadow and gritting his teeth, saying: "I won't take action, give me some more time, I will leave on my own."

"Solve it as soon as possible." The shadow said calmly, and did not embarrass Emperor Jiuyou.

Emperor Jiuyou looked down at Chu Yan, a cold light flashed in his eyes, but it was fleeting, and he said calmly: "Let him go, I will let him quit the Emperor Road now, return to the Jiuyou Dynasty, and no longer participate in this relic, how about it?"

Chu Yan raised the corner of his mouth, and the mockery became stronger: "Emperor Jiuyou, the master of a dynasty, I didn't expect him to be such an ignorant person?"

"What did you say?" Emperor Jiuyou had a killing intention.

"I said you were ignorant. As soon as you appeared, you ignored your identity and wanted to kill me. But now there are rules in the Emperor Road. You know you can't save him. Now let me let him go? Are you kidding?"

Everyone's heart beat wildly, and they looked at Chu Yan in astonishment.

The other party is Emperor Jiuyou, the king of a dynasty. Chu Yan dared to talk to him like this?

"What do you want?" Emperor Jiuyou was pale and roared. He was the king of a dynasty. If this was not the Emperor Road with rules, he could kill Chu Yan with one palm.

"I said, I saw in the future that Yuwen Longyuan will die today, and the future is irreversible! That is destiny, which cannot be violated!" Chu Yan said, and he took a step forward, the purple light in his body became stronger, and he turned into an arrow, pointing at Yuwen Longyuan, and shooting out a strange light.

"You dare!" Emperor Jiuyou roared, and his majesty was released immediately.

"How presumptuous!" But almost at the same time, the huge shadow on the sky also moved, and a big hand slapped out fiercely, shattering the mind of Emperor Jiuyou. The emperor's mind was extremely angry. At the last moment, he witnessed Chu Yan's arrow piercing Yuwen Longyuan's eyebrows and taking away all his vitality.

"Roar!" The emperor roared and finally disappeared in the emperor's road.

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone was shocked. Yuwen Longyuan, dead?

As Chu Yan saw in the future, even if Emperor Jiuyou appeared, it still did not change.

"How dare you kill my dynasty's prince!" The people of the Jiuyou Dynasty were furious and roared, but they did not dare to take any action. Even their prince was dead, what was the point of them taking action?

Everyone was stunned, and the corners of their mouths twitched: "What's wrong with this world?"

This relic was simply horrifying. First, Chu Yan killed everyone under the ancient bell, and Qing Yi threatened Emperor Beiming. Today, another person, the leader of the Tiandi Sect, despised Emperor Jiuyou and killed the prince in front of him.

"Crazy, all crazy..." Everyone shook their heads.

At this time, in a huge dynasty in the Xinghai Land, a roar suddenly came out.

"My son!!!" Emperor Jiuyou stood up from the throne, his eyes red, and countless ministers beside him were stunned. Since Mo Wangchen, they haven't seen Emperor Jiuyou so angry for many years.

"Emperor, what happened?" A monarch frowned and asked. The power of Emperor Jiuyou was released uncontrollably, and he roared hoarsely: "Longyuan, died!"

"Boom!" The hearts of the people in the Jiuyou Dynasty trembled. Yuwen Longyuan, died?

"Listen to my orders, send the army of the Emperor of the Dynasty into the Beiming Ruins, and kill this boy at all costs!" Emperor Jiuyou immediately gave the order, sitting on the throne, with murderous intent: "I want this boy to be torn into pieces, and he will not die well!"

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