Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 519 Battle with Yuwen Longyuan

The life soul of Chu Yan's Purple Star Demonic Bow was suspended high in the sky, emitting a bright luster.

Everyone watched this scene and held their breath. The purple bow seemed to have a spirit. Chu Yan put his fingers on the bow string. Every time he fiddled with it, a melodious sound like the sound of a piano came out, and then a stream of vitality arrows were shot out, aiming at Jiu Yan. The ghost demon dragon stabbed away.

The bow arrow broke through the air and turned into a purple star. There was a strong storm around it, but Yuwen Longyuan's demon dragon life soul was not weak either. It had nine heads and madly spit out high-temperature dragon flames. For a moment, the stone forest was like an endless sea of ​​fire. The bow arrow It shot in, melted every inch, and then more arrows shot in.

"Both of them are so strong..." Everyone's eyelids twitched, and they were shocked by the unprecedented battle in front of them.

At this time, Yuwen Longyuan stood on the stone forest, standing in the void, standing on the demon dragon, like a peerless demon king, arrogant.

Chu Yan stood opposite him, with the same grace, with purple light blooming all over his body. Stars twinkled from time to time in the sky, just like the Galaxy Emperor. He kept pulling the bow string with one hand behind his back. It didn't look like he was fighting, but more like Just like playing the piano, the elegant music continued to play around the beams, and then the notes fell one after another, and thousands of arrows shot out in the stone forest, as if they were commanding thousands of troops.

The Nine Nether Demonic Dragon let out a strong roar, and its nine heads opened their bloody mouths, as if they were about to tear the world apart, and countless arrows were cut through.

Chu Yan was as motionless as a bell, and when the bow and arrow were broken, he continued to release. The terrifying bow and arrow pierced the clouds and sunlit, and the purple light appeared, like an eagle striking the sky.

"You are indeed no ordinary person."

Several more bows and arrows shot through the air. Yuwen Longyuan raised his hand, and the nine-headed dragon head rushed out, breaking the bow and arrows. He looked at Chu Yan with cold eyes.

Chu Yan stood calmly. He had no intention of hiding his identity as the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect: "Since you know who this emperor is, if you don't let the fairy go quickly, do you want me, the Heavenly Emperor Sect, to crush your Sanding Sect?"

"It's true!" Even though there were speculations, Chu Yan's personal admission still made many people's hearts beat.

The Cangyan Ancient Clan clenched their fists and glared at Chu Yan, but felt powerless again. Now that the Emperor's Gate was at its peak, looking down at the existence of the Four Gods Alliance, it was definitely not something that the Cangyan Ancient Clan could take revenge on.

"Even if you are the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, it is impossible for our Sanding Sect to release you easily. Otherwise, how can we still exist in this Emperor's Road?" Yuwen Longyuan snorted coldly.

"Do you mean to start a war? To bear the wrath of my Heavenly Emperor Sect?" Chu Yan sneered, and the corners of the other party's mouth twitched.

The Heavenly Emperor Sect has a large number of people, and there are many powerful people. Several of them are still above Yuwen Longyuan and Donghuang Bell.

"Haha, Master of the Tiandi Sect, you are too confident. Now that the Tiandi Sect and the Four Gods Alliance are fighting fiercely, if you provoke us, if our three major forces unite with the Four Gods Alliance, we will become seven super powerful forces. At this time, can your Heavenly Emperor Sect withstand that anger?" Donghuang Zhong said coldly from the side.

Hearing this, someone nodded and said: "What Donghuang Zhong said is right. Although the Tiandi Sect became famous quickly, its foundation is not deep and it is not an extraordinary force. It appeared out of thin air. Now it no longer has the advantage to compete with the Four Gods Alliance. Beiming Sha Tian will come out of seclusion at any time, and if he provokes the Sanding Sect, he will be defeated by then. "

"Have you thought clearly about the Seven Heavenly Monuments, and your Heavenly Emperor Sect can still survive?" Yuwen Longyuan also laughed, his eyes sparkling.

Chu Yan shook his head sadly and looked at Donghuang Zhong: "The Donghuang Clan is really a bunch of trash. In the past, I was on the periphery. I was lucky enough to be present during the battle with Gu Zhong. I saw that you, the Donghuang Clan, are extremely shameless. The king makes a sneak attack and makes a living. As a result, he was killed, and now he still pins his hope on the Four Gods Alliance, which is sad. "

Donghuang Zhong's eyes flashed sharply: "You are looking for death!"

"Do you want to try?" Chu Yan was not polite, his arrogance rose, and arrows flashed on the purple bow.

"I have long heard that the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect is arrogant and arrogant. Although the Heavenly Emperor Sect is strong, you are not at the sixth level of the Emperor. Your only son comes to our Sanding Sect, so just stay." Donghuang Zhong said contemptuously, and then he swung up. , an ancient clock appeared in his hand.

The people around them immediately dispersed, making space for the two of them.

Fairy Wangyue frowned below and shouted sweetly: "Master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, the Donghuang clan practices the ancient bell method, which mainly focuses on music cultivation and spiritual magic. You have to be careful."

"Haha, I can't bear to die when the fairy is worried about me." Chu Yan said with a hearty smile, and then he directly faced the Donghuang Bell, with bows and arrows shooting out from behind him.

The arrows flew like a shuttle, extremely fast, and purple light occupied half of the sky for a while.

"The method of souchong, archery, is not mainstream after all." Donghuang Zhong glanced at the rain of arrows in the sky and sneered. Then the ancient bell behind him dinged, forming a sound wave, and the arrow rain was affected by the sound wave. The attack visibly trembled and became extremely unstable. Taking this opportunity, he quickly pursued and closed the distance with Chu Yan.

"Donghuang Bell, I want to get close." Someone with sharp eyes shouted. As we all know, although archery is strong, it is not mainstream. This is because people who practice archery are generally weak in close combat and have weak defense. Once they are close, they will My hands are powerless to restrain a chicken.

Chu Yan continued to shoot arrows, and brilliance bloomed in his body. Seeing Donghuang Zhong approaching, he suddenly retracted his purple bow, and a vitality arrow appeared in his hand, and then he slashed out a sword. Everyone was startled when they saw this.

"This is swordsmanship?"

"The master of the Tiandi Sect is not only good at archery, he is also good at swordsmanship? Using arrows as swords?"

"Think you can win if you get close? If you get close, you will die faster." Chu Yan held the sword and used his speed to the extreme. His third true self is speed, majoring in bow skills, but speed, in addition to In addition to bowing, it can also be used for any power.

Like swords and spears, both can practice speed, mainly focusing on dexterity. Chu Yan held the sword and came out. The purple light faded and turned into golden light, like a roc. A pair of golden wings appeared behind him. With a burst of force, even the space They can be torn into pieces and chopped towards the Donghuang Bell.

"How is it possible?" Donghuang Zhong's eyes changed with shock, and he wanted to retreat, but unfortunately it was already too late. Chu Yan's wheel speed was now comparable to the top Heavenly Emperor. The space was suddenly shattered, and that slash came, shocking the sky, and suddenly formed Nearly a hundred feet of light fell directly on the head of the Donghuang Bell.

"Boom!" The slash fell, and a huge bloody hole appeared on the chest of Donghuang Bell. The blood flowed continuously and it hit the ruins hard.

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, and they were all shocked by this sudden scene.

"So strong!"

"Who said... the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect is not strong in combat?"

"Emperor Level 6, fighting against the Emperor of Heaven, this is the top level of combat power."

"Donghuang Clan, you are so weak, you are three levels higher than me, but you are so afraid to strike. Are you trying to become the third power in the emperor's path like this? It's simply ridiculous." Chu Yan made a shocking move and said disdainfully, and then Tian Qiong The emperor list above changed, and there was only a fluctuation. The ladder at the thirteenth position began to move upward, replacing the ninth Donghuang Bell.

Donghuang Zhong got up, but was speechless for a while, finally defeated in shame, and then retreated to the stone forest formation.

"Aren't you ready to release him now?" Chu Yan looked at Yuwen Longyuan, who stared at Chu Yan and said coldly: "Who are you? Why have I never heard of you?"

"I said, a nameless person." Chu Yan said calmly, but Yuwen Longyuan shook his head: "It's impossible. In the land of the sea of ​​​​stars, with your fighting power, it is impossible to be nameless, unless you are not a person who reaches the sky and the sea of ​​stars. But from the alien sea.”

After Yuwen Longyuan finished speaking, others looked at Chu Yan. Indeed, Chu Yan showed such talent. No matter where he was, he was a peerless genius and could not be unknown.

And so far, no one in Dilu even knows the name of the head of Tiandi Sect.

"So what?" Chu Yan didn't explain, Yuwen Longyuan's eyes flashed sharply in the distance: "People from the outer star sea are so unruly in our heavenly monument realm, aren't they afraid of being surrounded and killed?"

"Haha, a bunch of losers are worthy of surrounding and killing this emperor?" Chu Yan was extremely arrogant and completely despised everyone, which made many people feel angry in their eyes, but there was nothing they could do. Even Donghuang Bell was defeated in humiliation. The only person who could possibly defeat Chu Yan was Yuwen Longyuan.

"It seems that you are very confident. In this case, I will personally kill you. Your death will not be unjust." Yuwen Longyuan stood up slowly. The nine-headed demon dragon behind him became even more monstrous and transformed into Thousands of feet high, it kept roaring, and the dragon flames burned, forming a sea of ​​fire.

"Fight if you want, no need to talk nonsense. If you are defeated and killed by me, there will be no excuses." Chu Yan held a sword in his left hand and a bow in his right hand. The bow strings kept humming like a war song high in the sky. sounded.

"I will let you know that the power of the dynasty cannot be violated, die!" Yuwen Longyuan stepped out, and suddenly the Nine Nether Demonic Dragon was dormant, and the ground was shattered, and the abyss-like ravine was filled with demonic energy. It turned into a ruthless monster and engulfed Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was arrogant, and the surrounding space was torn apart by him. Then he came out with his sword and slashed at the dragon's head. The Nine Nether Demonic Dragon roared angrily. Its huge bloody mouth seemed to be able to swallow the sky. The dragon's flames formed cannonballs. Chu Yan's sword The light became thicker, chopping the shells into pieces, and he strolled out, ignoring them.

Everyone was excited about the top battle.

The dragon flames of the Nine Nether Demonic Dragon were so strong that even the rocks in the Stone Forest Formation melted and turned into blood. The blood immediately rose into the air and turned into a ten-foot-tall flaming giant, punching Chu Yan.

"Boom!" Chu Yan was not weak either. He seemed to be strolling out, ignoring the opponent. Seven arrows were shot out, spinning around him, forming an indestructible shield.

"So strong. He actually combines swordsmanship and bow skills. With the help of bow strings, the speed of arrows reaches the extreme. He also manipulates objects to turn arrows into swords and form sword violence. He is simply a genius." People in the distance were stunned.

"He really only has the sixth level of the Emperor?" In today's battle, Chu Yan completely overturned everyone's understanding of the sixth level of the Emperor.

Fairy Wangyue was moved, and there was a hint of admiration in her autumn eyes.

"Senior sister, it seems that you are tempted." A woman next to her said teasingly. Mochizuki glared at her with an angry look and said admiringly: "They say that gentlemen are jealous of fair ladies, but isn't it the same for unparalleled geniuses and women, like No woman would like someone like him."

"Indeed, it is no accident that the Tiandi Sect became famous. Everyone said that although the Tiandi Sect was strong, the sect leader was useless and only relied on his subordinates. But after today's battle, the rumors were self-defeating." The fairies of Wangxian Tower smiled.

"After today, who dares to say that the leader of Tiandi Sect is not strong?"

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