Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 508: The Master of the Ancient Bell

"Boom!" There was an explosion in the sky, the sound waves of the ancient bell were in charge of killing, and ancient divine patterns blasted out. A human monarch of the Beiming Dynasty was crushed to death before he could even scream.

The strong men in the distance frowned when they saw this. Chu Yan killed another monarch, and the humming sound of the ancient bell continued, knocking on everyone's soul.

"Asshole!" The eyes of the strong men of the Beiming Dynasty were red. This time, they died not the prince or the emperor, but a great monarch.

"If we don't kill this boy today, we, the Beiming Dynasty, will not be human!" The people of the Beiming Dynasty roared.

"Who else wants to kill me!" Chu Yan stood under the ancient bell, his eyes were cold, and blood kept flowing out of his palms, merging with the ancient bell. The ancient divine pattern descended on him, causing his body to swell and become a giant ten feet tall, covered with golden light, as inviolable as a god of war.

More people came from afar, besieging the ancient bell. A human monarch of the Beiming Dynasty said coldly to the people around him: "Everyone, this boy is so crazy that he has killed monarchs continuously. Are you still going to wait and see?"

The Xuanwu Demon Lord of the Beast King Hall sneered: "Beimingyu, you are right. This place is your Beiming Dynasty. This boy is so presumptuous here. Aren't you going to punish him in your Beiming Dynasty?"

Beimingyu snorted coldly. At their level, no one is a fool. Now Chu Yan's combat power is immeasurable. Ordinary human monarchs will die if they go forward.

As for the Earth Lord realm, I haven't tried it, but the Earth Lord is the backbone of a force. Who is willing to be the first to stand out?

"Haha, it's really ridiculous. The strong men surrounded me, a mere emperor, and there are countless great lords, but they are still testing each other. It's sad. Today, Chu is here. Want the ancient bell? You can try it." Chu Yan stood under the ancient bell, his white clothes fluttering, standing with his hands behind his back. He looked around the barren mountain and saw people everywhere, densely packed, nearly 10,000 people, and the weakest among them were all emperors.

But under the ancient bell, there was a quiet land, a thousand meters in radius, and there was only him, which would form a wonder.

There are sixteen veins in the Heavenly Monument, and countless great lords, but no one dared to step forward easily.

"Everyone, this boy is vicious, are you still going to continue watching?" Someone in the distance spoke up again, and everyone looked up at the man: "Donghuang clan? You claim that your bell method is invincible. Now that this ancient bell is here, why don't you go forward to stop this boy?"

The monarch of the ancient Donghuang clan also came, looked at the ancient bell, and said lightly: "This ancient bell is a top-level divine object. My Donghuang clan is just a relic of ancient times, so we can't look down on it. You are all from the Tianbei lineage, the power of the sixteen states of Xinghai. How come you can't do anything to a small emperor?"

"Hmph!" Everyone snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Chu Yan sneered in his heart at this test. What about the sixteen veins of the Tianbei? At the critical moment of life and death, who would risk their lives?

Chu Yan stood in the crowd, he was not in a hurry, allowing the countless monarchs to oppress him, and his ancient bell blocked it. Then he began to look for a breakthrough. He was not a fool. If he continued to stay here, it would only attract more strong men. Even now, if the monarchs attacked at the same time, he could not resist it.

"Everyone, it's not a good idea to hold on like this. If we delay, something will happen. Why don't we join forces and kill this boy together today? Whoever kills him will get the ancient bell. How about that?" The Xuanwu Demon King of the Beast King Hall said.

"In that case, let me ask your opinions." A king of the Purple Thunder Dynasty nodded and looked at everyone: "Everyone, since everyone wants to take the ancient bell, let's use the life of this boy as a bet. Whoever kills this boy will get the ancient bell. How about that?"

"Okay!" A king of the Cangyan Ancient Clan nodded.

Several great kings discussed casually, as if their words had determined Chu Yan's life or death.

Meng Ya listened to the side, her delicate face in pain, she bit her lips and said, "How can this be..."

Chu Yan also heard it clearly, but he stood there without any emotion. How ridiculous was this in his eyes? Countless great kings bet on his life and regarded his life as worthless.

In that case, why should he be polite?

"I agree." The rulers of the Jiuyou Dynasty also nodded. Although they had no grudge against Chu Yan, Chu Yan was wrong today because he refused to hand over the treasure.

"In that case, let's do it!" The people of the Beiming Dynasty said gloomily. Today, if they were humiliated again, they would never let Chu Yan go.

"Kill!" More people slashed at Chu Yan, and countless people roared. The Xuanwu Lord of the Beast King Hall took the lead. His huge demon body covered the sky and crushed Chu Yan like a mountain.

Chu Yan stood there, raised his palm, and suddenly the ancient bell hummed, turning into countless sound waves to bombard the Xuanwu Lord. The two forces collided, and there was a ripple on the sky. Then a deep and bottomless chasm appeared on the ground, and the Xuanwu Lord was shocked back several steps.

"This ancient bell is really a monster!" Xuanwu Lord roared.

"Boom!" The ancient bell trembled again, and then blasted towards the Xuanwu Lord. The Xuanwu Lord's face was pale. He was a dignified Lord, but at this moment he felt a sharp pain of soul being torn away.

"Asshole, you can't kill me, kid!" The Xuanwu Lord felt a sense of crisis and quickly retreated, but at this time, wings grew behind Chu Yan, and the ancient bell was lifted up, crossing the barren mountain, chasing the Xuanwu Lord.

"You want to kill me, my life is worthless, then you, in my eyes, are like ants! Die!" Since he started, Chu Yan was no longer polite, murderous everywhere, and everywhere he met Sheng. Suddenly, the barren mountain collapsed, and the bell sound actually materialized, forming a huge Fang Tian Huaji, piercing the Xuanwu Lord.

"Puff!" A Xuanwu Lord, with a tortoise shell defense, was so fragile under the spear that he was nailed to death in the void.

"This..." Everyone was horrified. Another great king died. Chu Yan held up the Soul-Hungry Bell and killed countless people. Then he turned to the other side. The ancient bell clanged, and the people of the Beiming Dynasty were in agony.

"This son's realm is not high, but under the ancient bell, he is invincible. You all follow me and break the ancient bell together!" said a land monarch from the Purple Thunder Dynasty, and then slowly stepped out of the crowd and stood proudly. , Dijun, finally takes action.

"Boom!" Chu Yan's face darkened, and he felt a strong force oppressing him from behind, making his knees weak and almost falling to the ground. He glanced sideways and looked at the Lord coldly.

But he didn't talk nonsense. At this point, even Dijun took action. He only thought it was ridiculous, but he would never accept his fate.

Not far away, Zi Longyang stared at Chu Yan and was greatly shocked.

If he was still a little dissatisfied in the first battle in the Six Domains, but today, he is completely convinced. Today, Chu Yan alone can be said to be a sensation in the sea of ​​​​stars.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared, exuding a terrifying aura, and it turned out to be an Earth Lord.

"Master!" Zi Longyang said respectfully when he saw this person. The shadow nodded with a smile, and then looked at Chu Yan, quite surprised: "Has he grown to this point in a few years?"

This phantom Chu Yan is no stranger to him. The huge face in the void during the storm at Shenzhu Mountain was this person, the giant-faced monarch.

"Master, during this trip to the ruins, Emperor Xuntian has given instructions. If we meet him, we will give him full support. But I didn't expect that those present are all the top beings of Tongtian Xinghai, and several lines of Tianbei Mountain are also there. They actually want to kill an emperor. It's ridiculous for the emperor to encircle and suppress the fifth-level juniors. "Zi Longyang said unhappily. He had just seen Chu Yan's battle strength without borrowing the ancient bell. He could be said to be the top genius. Instead of being admired, the man ended up like this.

"Isn't this normal?" The giant-faced monarch said with a calm smile: "The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of possessing the jade. What's more, what he got is the ancient divine bell. It's strange. It can only be blamed on the Demon Sect's insufficient strength to protect him. "

"Master, are you planning to take action?" Zi Longyang asked.

"Don't worry, the current situation can be said to be a certain death for him, but he is still resisting and has not handed over the ancient bell. I think he should still have a trump card, otherwise, is he looking for death?" The giant-faced monarch smiled mysteriously. : "I also want to see how many trump cards a guy like Ye Xun has to make him willing to follow him and try his best."

Zi Longyang frowned and looked at Chu Yan strangely. At this time, Chu Yan was using the power of the ancient bell to kill the enemy. Several Earth Lords had taken action in succession, making the bell sound weaker and weaker.

"How can we reverse such a dead situation?" Zi Longyang sighed.

The Earth Lord of the Purple Thunder Dynasty stood proudly, with a picture of mountains and rivers behind him, showing his imperial power and imperial aura. Several punches were thrown out, causing severe pain all over Chu Yan's body, and the bells of the Soul-Destroying Bell were suppressed.

"Your life is mine!"

Na Dijun said calmly, turned into a big hand, and grabbed Chu Yan. Chu Yan suddenly felt that the surrounding air had solidified.

"Is the Lord of Earth so terrifying?" Chu Yan sighed secretly in his heart. This was the first time he felt the power of Lord of Earth. He was much more powerful than Lord of Ren.

Even if Renjun could fight with the power of the ancient bell, it would be impossible for him to do so in front of the Earth Lord.

"Boom!" Chu Yan was blasted away again and slammed into a barren mountain. Covered in blood, he half-knelt on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

"You forced me!" At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashed with an elite light, without the slightest fear, but with unlimited fighting spirit.

"A dying man, do you still want to talk nonsense?" the Earth Lord of the Purple Thunder Dynasty said contemptuously.

"A dying person?" Chu Yan shook his head calmly, stood up, patted the dust on his white clothes, and exhaled: "I didn't want to do this at first. My predecessor has been dead for many years and should rest in peace, but you are so presumptuous. , I was only offended."

"Huh?" Everyone's expressions froze. They didn't understand what Chu Yan was talking about. What offense?

"Since you covet the ancient bell, then talk to the seniors in person!" After Chu Yan said this, terrible blood light suddenly erupted from his body, and then the Soul-Hungry Bell shook wildly, the barren mountains were being destroyed, and a holy light rose from his body. , leaping to a height of ten thousand feet.

"What's going on?" Everyone's eyes froze, but then they were all shocked.

I saw a shadow standing at the end of the holy light. He was very handsome, covered in golden light. The moment he appeared, the Soul-Hungry Bell let out a sad chime and slowly lowered his head, as if surrendering.

"That's...the Lord of the Ancient Bell!?"

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