Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 507 The Storm is Coming

The air continues to be quiet, but it contains storm.

Everyone stared at Chu Yan and felt shocked, including Zichen. Even though he was a prince, this was the first time he encountered such a thing.

"He actually killed... the emperor, regicide!" Someone's throat rolled.

But because of this move, more people looked at Gu Zhong with endless greed. In their view, Chu Yan was able to kill the king because of Gu Zhong.

This ancient bell is so powerful that it can defy the king.

"It's too scary..." Some people were afraid, sighing secretly that they didn't have the impulse to provoke Chu Yan, otherwise even the king could be killed, and if they went up, they would just die.

"Asshole, how dare you kill me, Elder Jian Wuya!" Jian Wuya's disciple's eyes were red, and he was extremely angry. Forget about Changfeng's death, now even a monarch has fallen. This is absolutely terrible for Jian Wuya. Not good news.

"Do you also want to die?" Chu Yan's eyes were cold, and he suddenly locked onto countless disciples of Jian Wuya. The bells kept ringing, which was chilling.

Jian Wuya's disciples clenched their fists, but no one dared to step forward.

"Now, who else wants to kill me?" Chu Yan stood proudly under the bell, arrogant and domineering, and the golden light was still lingering in the nine heavens.

Mengya looked at Chu Yan, slightly worried. Although Chu Yan had been strong until now, suppressing emperors and killing kings, unparalleled in the world, the more so, the more dangerous his situation would be.

Because she knew that since the monarch of Jian Wuya came here, the balance would naturally be broken, and more monarchs would arrive here next. How many people could Chu Yan kill by then?

"Asshole, I didn't expect him to be so strong." People from the Beiming Dynasty roared, but someone next to them said: "It's not a bad thing. The more people he kills and the more people he offends, the higher our chance of revenge. What's next? A king will come here, and when he does, it will be his death."

"Mengya, protect Chu Yan with all your strength and evacuate!" At this time, Mengya suddenly received a message, which was the voice of Meng Jun.


"Don't ask any more questions. Tell Chu Yan that it's important to save your life. The incident in the periphery has alarmed Tianbei Mountain. There are kings from all sixteen branches. Even I can't save him at that time!" Mr. Meng was extremely serious.

Mengya became even more anxious. She looked in the direction of Chu Yan: "Junior brother, let's go quickly!"

Chu Yan frowned, but at this moment, there was a majestic momentum in the distance, and a top-level monster descended. It was a basalt giant beast, the king of the Beast King Palace.

"I want to leave now, but I'm afraid it's too late!" The Xuanwu Lord looked at the ancient clock, full of greed: "Boy, hand over this ancient clock. You are not worthy of this ancient clock!"

Mengya's heart sank: "Is it still too late..."

She was heartbroken and could not express her feelings for Chu Yan. At first, she joked about pursuing him because of a bet with Wangfeng, but after long-term contact, she felt more and more that this young man was full of mystery. He was unparalleled in talent, but also worked extremely hard. , but in the end, can't you still escape the secular world?

"Old bastard, you still can't take this ancient bell from the Beast King Palace." At this moment, another voice emerged from the distance, and a top-level human king stood in the void. Behind that human king was a wheel of holy light, like Like the scorching sun.

"It's the Holy Sect, Lord Chiyang!"

"Haha, I have no regrets in being able to witness such divine objects in my lifetime." Then there was the monarch's power, and one day the monarch of Shanfu appeared in the northwest.

It’s not over yet. The female monarch of Wangxian Tower is charming and independent, just like the Nine Heavens Fairy. In addition, there are also monarchs from the Cangyan Ancient Clan. There are monarchs from the Western Region Xinghe, Poison Sect, and the sixteen branches of Tianbei. When it arrived, there were people standing outside the barren mountains.

"I didn't expect such a divine object to appear in the Tongtian Sea of ​​Stars. Unfortunately, it's not in our Sea of ​​Stars." On a cliff in the distance, a group of people were talking. Zi Longyang was among the crowd. He looked at Chu Yan and couldn't help but Frowning: "Why is it him!"

"Long Yang, do you know him?" A Heavenly Emperor from Shenzhu Mountain asked beside him.

Zi Longyang nodded: "This is the person Emperor Xuntian asked us to find."

"What?" Tiandi's face darkened and he opened his mouth. Zilongyang could feel that Tiandi seemed to want to curse, but he still endured it and shook his head helplessly.

"Inform our lord." The Emperor of Heaven sighed, and then immediately sent out a message.

In the land of barren mountains, countless monarchs were encircling and suppressing them. Meng Jun also arrived at this time, but his face was gloomy. When he arrived at the land of the Demon Sect, Meng Ya saw this and said hurriedly: "Dad, save him!"

Mengjun squinted his eyes slightly, with a flash of coldness, but after a long time he shook his head and looked towards the Purple Thunder Dynasty and the Western Galaxy. The two monarchs there were the ones he was also afraid of: "It's too difficult, this time He is too impulsive and should be patient. Neither he nor our Demon Sect are strong enough to withstand so many strong men now."

Mengya's heart sank deeper, almost despairing.

"This ancient bell belongs to me." Another monarch from the distance spoke, and it was a monarch from the Wandao Sect.

"Huh, all the branches are gathered together today, I'm afraid you Wan Dao Sect is not qualified yet." A monarch from the Zi Lei Dynasty spoke, the monarch's power was released, it was extremely terrifying, he was a genuine earth monarch.

"King Zifeng!" Everyone narrowed their eyes slightly, showing a bit of fear.

"Do you think I don't exist?" At this moment, an extremely inappropriate voice suddenly came out of Chu Yan's mouth, and then it turned into a bell and resounded throughout the wasteland.

Chu Yan glanced at everyone. The Soul-Destroying Bell was his thing, but as soon as these people came out, they fought for each other as if they were dead. The Soul-Destroying Bell was even more in their possessions. They only had to fight for each other. Just make him extremely unhappy?

Everyone was surprised, and then looked at Chu Yan with interest. Zi Chen was even more playful. Now there are countless monarchs, and any one of them is a top existence in the star sea. Chu Yan dared to interrupt at this time?

"Haha, it's an interesting boy." The Xuanwu Lord of the Beast King Hall sneered: "At this time, you dare to interrupt?"

"You want to kill me and take my things, so I can't interrupt?" Chu Yan sneered and shook his head. Human nature is like this. In the eyes of these great monarchs, they are strong, so they are used to being high and mighty and looking down on all living beings. As for himself, I am afraid that he is not even as good as grass in their eyes.

"Since you are speaking, everyone, let's kill this boy first, take the ancient bell, and then decide who will get it." A monarch of the Beiming Dynasty said coldly.

Everyone frowned slightly. As monarchs, they are all a little arrogant and disdain to attack Chu Yan.

But they also heard that Chu Yan used the power of the ancient bell to kill the monarch, so it was obviously impossible to let Chu Yan withdraw voluntarily, so they nodded.

"Yes!" said the Lord of Wandao Sect, and then Jian Wuya and another Lord walked out.

Meng Jun frowned on the side, and the Lord's might was released. Suddenly, a huge Meng Yao appeared, causing the sky to change color: "Everyone, we are all Lords. It's not appropriate to treat a young man, right?"

"Meng Jun, this boy has a bad heart. He borrowed the ancient bell to kill me, Jian Wuya. It's a great rebellion. Even if you are here, you can't save him today."

Jian Wuya stepped out, and the air around him condensed into a sword, which was very sharp.

"Hmph, since you don't want to save your face, then today, I will accompany you!" Meng Jun snorted coldly. He also knew that today's battle was probably a foregone conclusion. Even if he couldn't change the situation, he still wanted to fight and fight for it. He also liked Chu Yan very much.

"Count me in!" Feng Qing Jian Jun took a step in the distance and released the might of the sword.

Someone looked at Feng Qing Jianjun and said coldly: "Feng Qing, it's not easy for you to be here today, so don't go astray."

"This boy is the descendant of Jian Junya, and he is my fellow junior brother. Today you are bullying me like this, and as a senior brother, I naturally cannot stand by and watch." Feng Qing Jianjun said lightly, showing his determination. Chu Yan was also quite surprised under the ancient bell and looked at Feng Qing Jianjun gratefully.

"Master!" Li Xian'er looked at a female king begging, but the female king shook her head decisively: "I can do not participate, but I won't help him. He has offended too many people today. Wangxianlou will not put himself in danger for an outsider!"

Li Xian'er was a little absent-minded, but she also understood that this was the greatest gift from her master. If Wangxianlou also participated, she and Chu Yan would be opposites in the future.

"Hmph, this boy is a mortal enemy of my Beiming Dynasty. Whoever helps him today will be an enemy of my Beiming Dynasty." An extraordinary king of the Beiming Dynasty stepped out with a strong murderous intent.

"Let's do it!" The people of Beiming Dynasty took the lead, their mighty power turned into a gust of wind, and the wind blades repeatedly swept towards Chu Yan as if they could cut everything.


Meng Jun and Feng Qing Jian Jun also moved at this time, but the next moment, Jian Wuya's ruler blocked Feng Qing Jian Jun, and a ruler of Zilei Dynasty also stepped out with endless might to stop Meng Jun.

"Damn it!" The two cursed inwardly. Their power was too weak after all. Who would have thought that because of an ancient bell, a war between the sixteen veins of Tianbei would be triggered.

Chu Yan stood under the ancient bell and also showed a mocking smile. It was this scene again, how familiar it was, but this time he did not complain at all, but stared at the ruler of Beiming Dynasty with a determined look. Suddenly, the ancient bell behind him rang, and golden light filled the sky.

"Does the divine object give you such arrogant courage? Today, you must die!" The ruler of the Northern Ming Dynasty roared, and his palms clenched slightly. Immediately, an evil light shot out, colliding with the sound waves of the ancient bell, forming a residual power and rolling up the yellow sand.

It's not over yet. Chu Yan's palms are flowing with blood, and he slammed into the ancient bell. The dongdong bell sound was deafening, and a terrible power continued to form in the air, as if thousands of monsters were rushing out.

"Just now, there was a ruler who despised me like you, but he died." Chu Yan said coldly, and then his palm wind continued, the golden light became more and more dense, and he madly swept and smashed towards the ruler of the Northern Ming Dynasty.

"Do you think I'm him?"

"In my opinion, you are no different. If you want to kill me, you will die too!" Chu Yan said domineeringly. The sound of the bell became stronger. The Soul-Eating Bell could kill souls. It madly attacked the ruler of the Northern Ming Dynasty. Seeing this scene, people in the distance were also shocked. Chu Yan actually did it. He borrowed an ancient bell to fight the ruler and was invincible!

"Kill!" With the word "kill", the ruler of the Northern Ming Dynasty turned pale. Under the strong sound wave, he felt a sharp pain in his soul. Then, he trembled all over, and his soul was taken away alive, and he died miserably!

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