Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 509: Shenzhushan takes action

The eyes of the strong men froze, and the holy light rose into the sky, turning into an ancient man?

"Who is it!" The ancient man was reborn, covered with golden light, but he was not happy at all, but full of anger.

For him, he had been dead for many years, fallen, and should be buried in the land forever, but today, someone revived him and woke him up. For him, this was not a good thing, but a pain. He had to experience those life and death separations again.

"Senior!" Chu Yan looked up and looked at the golden light fairy.

"It's you! Wake me up?" The ancient man was a little angry, and suddenly a breath was born, and the Soul-eating Bell rang, making the air in all directions seem to solidify.

Chu Yan's heart trembled, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Senior, I have no intention of offending you. Now I have inherited your mantle and have been recognized by the Soul-eating Ancient Bell."

"Soul-eating, what happened." The ancient man looked at the Soul-eating Ancient Bell and asked.

The Soul-Eating Ancient Bell sighed and told the handsome shadow everything, including not only what was happening in front of him, but also the evolution of the long river of history, including some things about the current master of the ruins.

"Did the Demon Lord also die?" When the ancient man heard that the Demon Lord had died and this place had become a relic, he was full of sadness: "Thinking back to the past, my name was Gu Zhongjun, and I made close friends with the Demon Lord. We traveled the world together and took revenge. I didn't expect to wake up here, but everything has changed. He is gone."

The ancient man looked down at Chu Yan: "Did you endure the nine sounds of the Soul-Eating Bell?"

"To answer the senior, yes." Chu Yan nodded, showing some respect. It can be said that if the ancient man hadn't thought of it before, he would have been destroyed long ago. He can live until now thanks to the ancient man.

"The Soul-Eating Bell is a top-level divine object, but its brilliance has been buried in my hands. It has been buried here for many years. Now it is awakened by you. Perhaps it is fate."

The ancient man nodded, his eyes turned, and the coldness fell on the many monarchs: "Are you the ones who want to take my ancient bell?"

The ancient man raised his hand, and the sound of the bell suddenly rang. The Soul-Eating Bell was affected by his power and burst into a terrible brilliance. The divine patterns condensed and formed a suspended sword, which made the monarchs pale. For a while, the human monarchs screamed and covered their heads. The earth monarchs also retreated one after another, not daring to fly in the air, and could only stand on the ground.

The earth monarch of the Purple Thunder Dynasty spit out a mouthful of blood and retreated. There was no arrogance on his face. Now many monarchs are here, but they are vulnerable in front of this ancient man.

It seems that when he is here, no one is allowed to fly in the air. They can only stand on the ground and look down on him.

"The Demon Lord set up the ancient bell here and has some rules. Why don't you follow them?" The ancient man scolded with a cold voice.

Everyone's heart trembled. At this time, even the Earth Lord did not dare to act rashly.

"Sir, we are from the Beiming Dynasty, the lineage of the Heavenly Monument. This boy has a mortal feud with our dynasty. Even if there is no ancient bell, we will kill him. So I hope you don't intervene and hand him over to us, so as not to cause yourself some trouble." A Earth Lord of the Beiming Dynasty snorted coldly.

"Are you talking to me?" The Lord of the Ancient Bell raised his voice and immediately turned it into a bell sound, like a forest of thousands of spears, pointing at the Earth Lord.

Under the pressure, the face of the Earth Lord of Beiming Dynasty turned pale, but after a moment he said coldly: "Since you are dead, why do you need to interfere in the affairs of the younger generation? And although you have fallen, you must have descendants in this world, right? My Beiming Dynasty is the unified party, and it is not difficult to find them."

"Are you threatening me?" The Lord of the Ancient Bell's voice became colder, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, some emperors of Beiming Dynasty could not bear the power, vomited blood continuously, and fainted.

Even some monarchs were suffering from severe pain.

"I am just telling the truth!" The Earth Lord of Beiming Dynasty gritted his teeth.

A fierce look flashed in the ancient man's eyes, and then he looked at Chu Yan: "You got the ancient bell, so you are half my descendant. Today, you called me back to this world to take a look at the future, which is also a favor. In this case, today, I will protect you. I do have some descendants in this world. If you grow up in the future, please help me protect you. Is it feasible?"

"Replying to the senior, if I don't die, I will definitely not be as good as my fate. I will do my best to protect your family." Chu Yan nodded, without too many polite words, but every word came from the heart.

"Okay! Then today, let these ignorant guys know what the soul-eating ancient bell is!" The ancient man laughed wildly, and then he stretched out his big hand. The face of the Earth God of the Beiming Dynasty was pale, and he immediately felt a force drilling into his mind, which was actually killing his soul.

"Asshole!" The Earth Lord was furious and immediately released his majesty. However, in just a moment, the sound of the ancient bell formed a wave of sound that directly passed through the body of the Earth Lord. The Earth Lord's eyes suddenly became empty and he became at a loss.

"Threatening me, ignorant!" The ancient said indifferently, and then the bell rang, and countless strong men in the distance were shocked.

An Earth Lord of the Purple Thunder Dynasty also quickly retreated, not daring to bear the terrible bell sound.

"What a terrible power!" Everyone sighed. Just a casual move to kill an Earth Lord, is this the peerless elegance of the ancients?

He had a life-and-death friendship with the Demon Lord, and the two left this relic, an ancient bell, to suppress the world.

"Is this the true power of the Soul-Eating Ancient Bell?" Chu Yan was slightly moved. The power of the divine object is enhanced with the power of the user. The Soul-Eating Ancient Bell in the hands of the ancients can easily kill the soul of the Earth Lord.

"No!" The people of Beiming Dynasty showed despair. Countless sound waves and spears pierced through the sky. All of a sudden, countless emperors and rulers of Beiming Dynasty were tragically destroyed.

After a brief moment, when the spear disappeared, an empty space appeared on the barren mountain. It was originally the place where the Beiming Dynasty was located, but now, there was no one left there.

All the emperors and monarchs of the Beiming Dynasty disappeared under the sound waves, and no bones were left.

"This..." The people of the other branches in the distance were also in fear. If the terrible bell sound just now was directed at them, they would all be like the Beiming Dynasty, right?

Is this the price of threatening the ancients?

"Asshole! Roar!" There was a roar in the distance, and everyone frowned slightly. They saw an extraordinary strong man flying in the void in the distance. The man stood high in the sky, and the royal power behind him was full of imperial power.

"It's the left prime minister of the Beiming Dynasty! The top-level earth monarch." Countless people frowned and were shocked. The top-level earth monarch, that is, the sixth level of the monarch realm, is infinitely close to the realm of the heavenly monarch.

"You dare to destroy the people of my dynasty! I will definitely destroy your soul, kill your descendants, and your descendants and this ancient bell, all of them will die!" Zuo Xiang roared, and the barren mountain trembled immediately.

In the Beiming Dynasty, there is an emperor who is powerful in the court. In addition, there are two major phases. Zuo Xiang is one of them, with supreme power and combat power.

Now, even Zuo Xiang has appeared.

"I'm afraid that the Beiming Dynasty will really go crazy this time." The people of Tianbei's veins whispered. They sent countless people to this relic, but now they have been completely destroyed.

The ancients glanced at Zuo Xiang with cold eyes: "You overestimate yourself."

"Kill!" Zuo Xiang didn't waste words. He took a step forward, and then countless sword beams were slashed out in his hands. The terrible monarch's power was like a mountain torrent, swallowing the ancients, Chu Yan, and the ancient bell.

At this time, even Meng Jun and Di Jun of the Purple Thunder Dynasty frowned. Even they couldn't intervene in such a confrontation.

"Soul Eater!" The ancient roared, and the ancient bell roared here, immediately forming a terrible bell sound, and then turned into a monster and crossed with Zuo Xiang.

The power of the confrontation was very terrible, making countless people tremble.

However, at this time, a figure suddenly walked out from a distance, and then a huge face appeared in the void, covering the sky and the sun. When the face appeared, countless people were shocked.

"So strong... This breath, is it the Lord of Heaven?" Everyone was shocked and stared at the empty face.

"Destroy!" At this time, the huge face did not say any nonsense. A giant appeared in the clouds and mist, like the Five Finger Mountain, and grabbed Zuo Xiang ferociously. Then there was a continuous rumbling sound, and Zuo Xiang's monarchy continued to explode, and his body was torn to pieces by the giant.

At this moment, Zuo Xiang stared at the huge face, full of disbelief: "I have no grudges against you, why do you want to kill me?"

"You provoked someone you shouldn't have provoked." The huge face said indifferently, and then with a bang, Zuo Xiang's body was smashed on the spot. Until the moment of death, he didn't know why he died and who he provoked.

This sudden scene also shocked many people, and several veins of Tianbei looked at the huge face in surprise.

"Shenzhu Mountain?"

The Earth Lord of the Purple Thunder Dynasty frowned, stared at the huge face, and said with some displeasure: "This place is my Tongtian Star Sea, have you stretched your hands a little too long?"

"Why, do you want to die too?" The giant-faced monarch looked at the Purple Thunder Earth Lord and said coldly. The Purple Thunder Earth Lord's face suddenly turned pale, and he snorted coldly, but didn't say much.

Meng Ya was also full of surprise on the side, wondering why Shenzhu Mountain would take action, and once it took action, it directly destroyed a prime minister of the Beiming Dynasty.

Standing under the ancient bell, Chu Yan was quite surprised to see the giant-faced monarch, and then he saw the other party looking at him and said calmly: "You caused such a commotion, why don't you follow me and leave quickly? Do you want to wait for the Tianjun of the Beiming Dynasty to arrive?"

Chu Yan smiled bitterly. He didn't expect it to get to this point. He looked up at the master of the ancient bell: "Thank you today, senior."

"Remember your promise, the Soul-Eating Bell will stay here. You are not strong enough to take it now. My soul is connected to the Soul-Eating Bell. My memories, descendants, and the magical skills I have practiced in this life are all in it. When you are strong enough, come here to take it away, and you can read it then." The master of the ancient bell said lightly.

"All is up to the senior's arrangement." Chu Yan cupped his hands and bowed deeply to the ancient man.

He knew that the master of the ancient bell said this for his own good. Over the years, he has learned something about divine objects, and he also understands that even if he takes the Soul-Eating Bell away now, he cannot exert his full power. Just like the Haotian Tower and the Evergreen Tree in the past, they are not things he can use.

Rather than this, it is better to stay here, so that some people will not think about it and cause trouble.

"Don't worry, since the Soul-Eating Bell has chosen you, you will be the next master. With me here, no one can covet the ancient bell, even the Heavenly King." The man of the ancient bell was extremely domineering at this moment, as if he was the god of all living things. His words also told everyone that no one except Chu Yan could get the ancient bell, so don't think about coveting it anymore, otherwise you will pay the price.

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