Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 50 This blood feud will be avenged sooner or later

She Yi glanced at Chu Yan and the others with disdain and waved his hands: "Kill them. Remember, there must be no survivors. Otherwise, if Chu Yan escapes from this dark forest, we will all suffer."

"It's the second prince!" The four people from the Snake Dragon Kingdom approached Chu Yan and others.

Chu Yan and others didn't talk nonsense and directly faced them.

The four people from the Snake Dragon Kingdom are all at the fifth level of moving dust. Their strength can be said to be crushing Chu Yan and his group. Ye Xun is a little better. He has also reached the moving dust level. Although not as good as it, he can still withstand one or two, but Fatty It's difficult with Zhao Sanfeng. The two of them are only in the mortal world. It can be said that they don't even have the power to fight back in front of Dong Chen.

The eyes of Chu Yan and others were red, full of anger, and sharp arrows filled with vitality were thrust out, like a rain of swords, falling continuously. Soon the fat man was injured. Zhao Sanfeng himself was seriously injured, and his waist was wounded. A sharp arrow pierced him and pinned his body directly to the tree.


Ye Xun roared, and he jumped up suddenly, inserting the iron spear from the back of the heart of a Snake Dragon Kingdom disciple, directly piercing the heart of that disciple.

But Ye Xun was still a step too late. Before the disciple died, the crossbow arrow in his hand had already been shot, passed through Zhao Sanfeng's throat, and nailed Zhao Sanfeng to the tree.

When Zhao Sanfeng died, he did not have any hatred before his death. Instead, his eyes were determined and full of pride.

Before he died, he glanced at Chu Yan, nodded at Chu Yan, and left with a smile. For him, there are no regrets in this trip, only unwillingness. This time, he came with a huge dream to welcome new members of the sect. Unfortunately, all this has not fulfilled his wish, but he has said goodbye forever. He still has I don’t know what the real world is.

Chu Yan, Ye Xun, and Fu Tao were all angry at this time. The little wolf looked up to the sky and let out a sad roar.

"Ah!!!" Ye Xun roared, his eyes were red. Such a group of young people had just left the family and joined Wan Zong Naxin with big dreams. But today, they really learned a bloody lesson. A lesson to let them know how cruel this world is.

The Snake Dragon Kingdom also sacrificed one person, but then the rest of the people met Ye Xun, and three people attacked Ye Xun at the same time.

"Quickly, the rest of the people will catch up and we will be in trouble. I don't want to share the credit with those losers." She Yi never made a move, just watched from the side. In his opinion, killing Chu Yan and others There is no need for him to take action.


Not long after, Ye Xun was also injured, seriously. Two sharp arrows shot through his calf, causing him to kneel in the forest with pride. His whole body was covered in blood, and his vitality at the first level of the moving dust realm was gone. Consumed.

"Ye Xun!" Chu Yan's eyes turned red in the distance. His eyes suddenly turned cold, his palms formed a seal, and he punched forward fiercely: "The Soul-Capturing Art!"

The Soul Capturing Technique of the Moving Chen Realm compressed the vitality like a dragon roaring, and immediately forced a disciple in front of Chu Yan to retreat.

Chu Yan jumped forward and helped Ye Xun up with cold eyes.

"I couldn't save him!" Ye Xun's eyes turned red. He tried hard not to cry, but he still couldn't hold it back.

"I don't blame you, you tried your best!" Chu Yan shook his head, and then he called Xiaolang over and asked Xiaolang to look at Ye Xun, who rushed out alone.

Chu Yan didn't attack the others. He kept dodging at an extremely fast speed. Even if he couldn't dodge, he didn't make a move. He just let the swords of those disciples slash at him. No one saw him. There were already more swords in his hands. Nine silver needles.

"Want to kill me directly? It's a good idea, but can you do it?" Looking at Chu Yan approaching him, She Yi sneered, and a strong wind suddenly appeared in his sleeves, full of disdain.

In She Yi's view, Chu Yan was vulnerable, so facing the approaching Feng Yin Sword, he rolled up a strong wind in his hand and drew it out fiercely.

But the next moment, She Yi's eyes widened because he found that Chu Yan's vitality was soaring. His whole body was like a deflated rubber ball. The vitality in his body leaked crazily. In just a short moment, he reached the third level of moving dust. And it is still increasing.

"How is it possible!?" Snake Yi couldn't figure it out. The next moment, the seal had cut off the strong wind in his hand and pierced his palm. Then a hissing sound sounded, and the wind roar went directly through Snake Yi's throat, knocking him Crucified to a tree.

She Yi was dead. Chu Yan did not stop attacking until he killed She Yi. Before all his energy was exhausted, he stabbed at She Yi crazily, stabbing She Yi with one sword after another.

The remaining disciples of the Shelong Kingdom were shocked. They never expected that Chu Yan could kill She Yi, but when they came to their senses, She Yi had been stabbed through thousands of holes.

After killing She Yi, Chu Yan's vitality also disappeared. After acupuncture and a stick of incense, all Chu Yan's vitality disappeared, and the whole person was like a mortal with no cultivation.

Ye Xun watched the other people from the Snake Dragon Kingdom approaching Chu Yan. He clenched his fists, but the injury on his leg prevented him from standing up.

"Brother Chu Yan!" At this moment, Su Muyan arrived. She led hundreds of disciples from the Changlong Kingdom to surround the entire dense forest layer by layer.

Su Muyan fell next to Chu Yan. She helped Chu Yan up, and her heart ached when she saw the seriously injured Chu Yan.

"Who are you? He killed the second prince of our Snake Dragon Kingdom. I advise you not to meddle in other people's business!" The three people from the Snake Dragon Kingdom said coldly to Su Muyan.

"Kill them all, leave no one alive!" Su Muyan raised her head, glanced at the three of them, and ordered coldly.

"Yes, Princess Thirteen!" The army of the Longlong Kingdom took action. Many of them were specially found by Su Hao for Su Muyan. They were less than 25 years old and had not reached the Absolute Dust Realm. Their goal was not to join Wanzong, but to protect Su Muyan.

So the strength of this group of people was at the third level of the Dynamic Dust Realm, and several of them reached the fifth level of the Dynamic Dust Realm. There were more than a hundred people, and they immediately overwhelmed the three people from the Snake Dragon Kingdom. After a short breath, the three people died without a burial place.

All the Shexie people died, and Su Muyan hurriedly called for people to treat Chu Yan and Ye Xun. When she saw Zhao Sanfeng's body, a trace of pity flashed in her phoenix eyes.

She was still a step late. She was in pain, but she said nothing, because she also knew that this bloody lesson was their path to growth.

After using the acupuncture method, Chu Yan's vitality was completely depleted. If he wanted to recover, it would take at least a day. Su Muyan walked to Ye Xun and Fu Tao, looked at Chu Yan again, and said: "Brother Chu Yan is in your hands. Take him and run. The farther the better."

"What about you?" Ye Xun asked heavily.

Su Muyan raised his head and glanced at the depths of the dense forest. At this time, thousands of people were approaching here.

"I will stop them and buy you time."

"No, this is too dangerous!" Ye Xun shook his head. Although Su Muyan brought more than a hundred disciples from Changlong Country, he knew very well how many people were chasing Chu Yan. There were thousands of people. It can be said that half of the people in the entire Black Forest wanted Chu Yan dead.

"Don't worry, I'm the Palace Master of Changlong Country. They don't dare to do anything to me. I just want to hold them back for a while." Su Muyan smiled at Ye Xun: "You must take good care of Brother Chu Yan!"

Ye Xun hesitated. He also knew the current situation. Chu Yan's vitality was depleted. He and Fatty were both seriously injured. Even if he stayed, it would only cause trouble for Su Muyan. Besides, the other party only wanted Chu Yan's life. If Chu Yan was not here, he would not necessarily embarrass Su Muyan.

"You have to be careful too!"

Ye Xun made a decision. He carried Chu Yan on his back and ran to the distance of the forest with Fatty and Little Wolf. Before leaving, he took another look at Zhao Sanfeng's body and clenched his fist. He swore in his heart that today's blood feud would sooner or later make the Snake Dragon Country pay for it with blood!


Chu Yan and others left. Su Muyan led the people of Changlong Country to block many pursuers for an hour. After an hour, the number of pursuers gathered more and more. Finally, even the disciples of Changlong Country were no match for them. They could only take Su Muyan and escape.

As for Chu Yan and his group, Chu Yan had been unconscious since he killed She Yi, and Ye Xun and Fatty took turns to carry him and run away.

When Chu Yan woke up, it was already late at night. He was lying under an ancient tree next to the campfire, his whole body was in pain, and he had no vitality.

"How long have I been unconscious? Where is this?"

"Three days. The opposite direction of Wanzong Terrace. Fatty and I took turns to go out and investigate these two days. There are people ambushing you near Wanzong Terrace. We can't get through at all, so we can only run in the opposite direction." Ye Xun sighed. Now that Wanzong has been recruiting new members for almost ten days, some people have walked out of the Black Forest, but more people are still in the Black Forest, just to ambush Chu Yan.

Chu Yan nodded, he recalled the scene before he fainted, his eyes were like ice, the blood feud of the Snake Dragon Country, and the real culprit of this plan, he will never let the other party go, no matter how big the other party's background is!

"In that case, let's stay in the Black Forest for a while. They can't guard the Wanzong Terrace all the time. They must go out in half a month at most."

Ye Xun and Fu Tao nodded. This was the only way to do it now. Fortunately, Chu Yan woke up, and the three of them would be relieved next.

In the early morning, the sky was slightly bright, and the three of them put out the fire.

"Quick, there is a fire ahead!"

"After chasing for so many days, we finally found him!" But just as the three were about to leave, a noise suddenly came from the distant forest, followed by a burst of hurried footsteps in the dense forest.

Hearing the sound, Chu Yan, Ye Xun and the other two frowned. Through the dense forest, many people were approaching them: "It's really haunting."

Ye Xun glanced at Chu Yan, his expression was quite solemn. Chu Yan's current condition was very bad. Although he was not seriously injured, his vitality was depleted. Like a mortal, it was obviously not the time to fight with others.

But now there are enemies on all sides, and it is almost impossible to escape.

"Brother Chu, let's change clothes!" The fat man looked at the enemies around him and suddenly said to Chu Yan.

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