Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 51: Sun-Destroying Palace [Update]

"What are you going to do?" Chu Yan looked at Fu Tao.

"I'm fast, I'll lure them away."

"No!" Chu Yan directly objected. There are thousands of people chasing him now. Although Fu Tao is fast, many of the people chasing him are still above the fifth level of the moving dust realm. Fu Tao will No matter how fast, it is impossible to escape their pursuit. If you do this now, you will undoubtedly die.

"Brother Chu!" Fu Tao suddenly raised his voice. He stared at Chu Yan and smiled sincerely: "Don't hesitate. This is the only way now! It doesn't matter if I die, but you can't die. You If I die, who will avenge San'er! Besides, it's you they are hunting for. Maybe they will let me go after they find out I'm not you!"

Chu Yan was silent. Ye Xun sighed deeply at the side. He looked at Chu Yan and said, "Chu Yan, do as Fatty said. You are seriously injured now and we can't escape. If Fatty leaves, maybe you can still escape." We can survive, but if the three of us are together, we will definitely die.”

Chu Yan clenched his fists. He also knew that what the fat man said was right. Even though he had a great background, it was of no use now. He looked at the fat man.

"I have only one request for you, live! If you have to, you can betray me, but you must live and wait for me at Wanzongtai. I will take you into Haotian Sect! No one can stop me!" Chu Yan said every word. said.

"Okay!" The fat man agreed readily, and then he and Chu Yan changed clothes. Finally, he grinned broadly at Chu Yan, got up and ran in the direction of Wan Zong Tai.

Looking at the fat man's back, Chu Yan and Ye Xun felt a heavy feeling in their hearts, because they knew that it was a dead end leading to the abyss.

"Chu Yan, no matter how long it takes in the future, one year, ten years, or a hundred years, we will definitely let them repay these grievances personally, right?" Ye Xundao.

"Definitely! Everyone involved in this plan must pay the price with blood!" Chu Yan's eyes were also red. He was not a hypocritical person, but what the fat man did today was truly touching. Got him. The honest fat man, although a little wretched, was willing to risk his life for Chu Yan at the most critical moment.

Because Chu Yan was wearing a loose and loose black robe, and the fat man was wearing a bamboo hat, it was impossible to recognize him unless he looked at the front.

"If you want to kill me, come after me!" The fat man yelled at a group of people again before running wildly in the direction of Wan Zongtai.

"Where is it! Chase after me!"

All the people who were chasing Chu Yan were attracted by Fatty.

"Let's go too!" Although the fat man led the people away, it is still not safe here because the fat man left, so Ye Xun and Xiao Lang switched to carrying Chu Yan, and they still did not go in the direction of Wanzongtai. Instead of chasing him, he ran toward the deepest part of the black forest.

Until late at night, the two of them hardly stopped for a moment. They also encountered some pursuers on the way. Fortunately, the level was not high, and Ye Xun and Xiaolang could deal with them. Late at night, Ye Xuncai put Chu Yan down and lit a bonfire.

"When will your vitality recover?" Ye Xun asked. The situation is critical now. If Chu Yan's vitality does not recover, the danger will be even greater.

Chu Yan looked inside himself and found that the damage caused by the acupuncture method this time was more serious than the last time. The last time he recovered half of it in one day, but this time it has been four days, and his body is still empty. It can be seen that the mortal world and the moving dust The difference in vitality of the environment.

"I will be in seclusion tonight, and I should be able to move on my own tomorrow." Chu Yan said. Ye Xun nodded without any nonsense. He and Xiaolang shared their vigils to guard Chu Yan.

Chu Yan sat cross-legged in front of the bonfire. He collected his soul into his Dantian and entered the second floor of the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda.

Here the vitality can gather ten times more towards Chu Yan. He feels every molecule of the stars in the sky and the earth, and the vitality begins to circulate little by little. After an unknown period of time, his dry Dantian has a trace of life, and he begins to New vitality is born.

In the next few days, a few people kept rushing during the day, and Chu Yan kept recovering at night. Another three days passed in the blink of an eye. On the tenth day of Wan Zong Na Xin, more than a thousand people had walked out of the black forest. In five more days, Wan Zong's acceptance of new people would be over, so some of the people besieging Chu Yan began to get impatient, and some people simply gave up and went directly to Wan Zongtai.

In three days, Chu Yan's vitality finally fully recovered and reached its peak. In addition to repairing his vitality, they hunted many low-level monsters in the black forest in the past three days. Chu Yan used some monster cores and spiritual grass to refine it. Making the elixir made him and Ye Xun achieve a breakthrough in strength. In three days, Chu Yan himself reached the third level of the moving dust realm, and Ye Xun and Xiao Lang also broke through to the second level of the moving dust realm.

On the fifth day, the twelfth day of Wan Zong's acceptance, there were almost no students left in the central part of the Black Forest, and most of the disciples gathered near Wan Zongtai.

This allowed Ye Xun and Chu Yan to breathe a sigh of relief, but unfortunately, on the sixth day, a group of people once again surrounded Chu Yan and Ye Xun.

The bonfire had just been extinguished, and a group of people walked out of the dense forest. There were dozens of people. The leader was Bai Haohe. His eyes were full of blood. He looked at Chu Yan and Ye Xun and sneered: "Haha, you two Your life is really big, so many people are chasing you, and you are still alive!"

Seeing the Bai family, both Chu Yan and Ye Xun's eyes sank, and Ye Xun snorted coldly: "I didn't expect that you haven't rushed to Wanzongtai yet in order to hunt us down."

Bai Haohe shook his head: "It is important for others to join Wanzong, but in my opinion, it doesn't matter whether you go to Wanzongtai or not, because as long as I kill you, there will naturally be a better place to go."

Chu Yan looked at Bai Haohe coldly. The Bai family sent out many dead men, and there were also Zhang family disciples on the side. The strength of these people was in the Dust Moving Realm. The highest was Bai Haohe, who was in the sixth level of the Dust Moving Realm. With the forbidden techniques of the Red Moon Valley, his strength was several times stronger than the last time Chu Yan saw him.

"What should I do?" Ye Xun glanced at Chu Yan. In the current situation, fighting would only lead to death!

"Since you can't beat him, run away!" Chu Yan has never been a shameless person. Compared with his life, of course he would run first. As long as he could leave the Black Forest alive, he would have a way to destroy the Bai family.

Ye Xun nodded, waved the black dragon in his hand, and a mysterious light burst out. Then he and Chu Yan stood up suddenly and ran towards the back very quickly.


Bai Haohe waved his sleeves and shattered the mysterious light, but Chu Yan and Ye Xun had already run away. However, he was not anxious about this. Instead, he showed a playful smile at the corner of his mouth: "Want to play cat and mouse? Then I will play with you! Zhang Feng, can you still track them?"

"Don't worry, my Zhang family can communicate with the earth, and all the plants here are my eyes." Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.


Bai Haohe and others chased Chu Yan all the way, which made Chu Yan and the other two in front a little speechless. No matter how the two ran, they ran separately, but Bai Haohe seemed to be able to control their location, and they couldn't escape at all.

This chase lasted for two more days. Fortunately, in the black forest, late at night was a taboo, and no one dared to take action at night, so when dusk fell, it became the only time for Chu Yan and Ye Xun to relax.

"Fuck! How can they be like worms in our stomachs? How can they find us?" Ye Xun cursed angrily.

"It's the Zhang family's Eye of Nature. As long as we are still within his control, he can keep watching us through plants." Chu Yan said.

"Eye of Nature? I heard my grandfather talk about it, but I didn't expect it to be so perverted." Ye Xun sighed: "That means, we have to keep running and let them keep chasing us like this?"

"There is another way, we don't have to run!"

"What way?"

"Kill them."

Ye Xun rolled his eyes at Chu Yan in annoyance: "You said it lightly, there are dozens of them in the Dust Realm, not to mention that there are only three of us, and one is not considered a human. Even if there are more people like you and me, we are not opponents."

"Don't worry about it, I have my own way. Just follow the route I planned tomorrow." Chu Yan showed a wicked smile and took out a map from his waist. This was made when he was on the run these days. Although it is not very clear, it can roughly determine a direction.

Looking at the map in Chu Yan's hand, Ye Xun asked, "What is this? I saw you holding it every day these days? Isn't it a treasure map?"

"You will know tomorrow. We will go here at dawn." Chu Yan marked a circle on the map. In addition to practicing these days, he also explored the first floor of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower again. Finally, he determined the location of the two divine objects on the Eternal List, which happened to be not far from them.

Eternal List No. 8,500: Sun-Destroying Sword.

Eternal List No. 7,900: Iron King Dragon Spear.

Ye Xun looked at Chu Yan strangely, but he didn't say anything nonsense. In the early morning of the next day, the two of them extinguished the fire and rushed to the place marked on the map. The Bai family was still chasing them closely behind.

It was almost sunset, and the sky was still slightly bright. Chu Yan's eyes showed a gleam of light, because there was a very spacious open space in front of him. There were no trees here, which meant that Zhang Feng could no longer track them with the Eye of Nature.

What's even more amazing is... there is an ancient city in the center of the open space. The city is very broken, more like a ruin. All the buildings have collapsed and can't be seen in their original state. But despite this, the ancient city is still very spectacular and shocking, and it is not difficult for people to imagine what it looked like in the past.

The size of this city is larger than the imperial city of Changlong Kingdom. The most amazing thing is that there is a palace ten feet high in the center, with a plaque hanging on it. Now you can still vaguely see the words on the plaque: Mie Ri Wang Palace!

"Oh my God, this is actually the palace of Mie Ri Wang?" Ye Xun swallowed his saliva. He had listened to Ye Tao telling him some ancient stories in the world since he was a child, and Mie Ri Wang was one of the most memorable ones. When there was no wilderness, Mie Ri Wang had opened up mountains and rivers by himself, and fought against the three emperors alone with his own strength. He was an absolute god of war.

Chu Yan looked at the ruins in front of him, compared it with the pictures recorded in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda, and nodded: "That's it!"

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