Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 49: Ambush

Chu Yan picked some herbs that can heal internal injuries on the way and refined two pills for Zhao Sanfeng. Now Zhao Sanfeng's injuries are no longer serious. The group of people gathered in front of the campfire, and their faces were not very good.

It feels bad to be chased by people, let alone being chased by a group of strangers. In the past few days, the group has been traveling quickly and has passed through most of the black forest. However, as they go deeper, more and more people are chasing them, and there are more than a thousand people.

Now for them, it can be said that it is difficult to move forward, and there may be hundreds of people shouting and killing in any direction.

"Fuck! Don't let me walk out of this black forest alive, otherwise I will never bypass them in the future." Fatty Fu Tao cursed on the side.

"Everyone, take a rest, and when it gets light, we will hurry up. Fatty, San'er, after leaving here, you will follow me, and I will take you to Haotian Sect." Chu Yan said.

"Really, Brother Chu?" The two of them became excited. The Haotian Sect was the leader of all the sects. Even the major royal families were trying their best to join. With their backgrounds, they had absolutely no chance.

"Don't worry, everyone will remember all the blood feuds in the past few days. After we leave here, let them pay with blood!" Chu Yan snorted in anger. He still hadn't figured out who hated him so much and wanted him dead.

There was no conversation that night. When it was dawn, Chu Yan and his group extinguished the bonfire and prepared to set off.

But they didn't walk far and stopped immediately, their faces were very solemn.

The little wolf was dormant on the side, making muffled sounds from time to time, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

"Someone ambushed us in front." Ye Xun said.

"Not only in front, Brother Chu, there are also people approaching on the left." Zhao Sanfeng said helplessly.

"We are surrounded." Chu Yan sighed. After a few days of fleeing, this day finally came. He thought that someone must have exposed their position, so they attracted people from all directions. Now they have nowhere to escape, let alone go to Wanzongtai. He didn't need to think to know that Wanzongtai must have set up ambushes everywhere, waiting for them to fall into the trap.

Four people plus a wolf, now there is no place to escape.

"Why don't we fight them! Let's pick one side to fight and kill a bloody way out." Zhao Sanfeng rubbed the wound on his chest and put on a pair of boxing gloves.

Ye Xun also looked at Chu Yan at this time. In the current situation, he could not run away, so for him, he just waited for Chu Yan's order.

"Now you have two ways. The first is to go by yourself. The person they want is me. As long as you are not with me, they will not deal with you."

"Stop talking nonsense and say the second one directly!" Ye Xun rolled his eyes at Chu Yan, and the little wolf beside him was unhappy.

"The second is to kill them. I will send Little Wolf out to pick a position where they are weakest, and we will fight them head-on."

"Wouldn't it be over if you said that earlier? They have been running for several days and I have long wanted to kill them!" Zhao Sanfeng roared.

Chu Yan looked at the few people and felt a little touched. He knew that Fu Tao and Zhao Sanfeng followed him because of the wilderness, but now they were worried about their lives, and they still chose to stand by his side. This was rare, so he nodded and said nothing, but kept this kindness in his heart.

Chu Yan glanced at Little Wolf. Little Wolf was a demon beast, and he was familiar with the mountains and forests, so it was more appropriate to let him go out to explore the terrain.

"I'm fast, I'll go too!"

When Little Wolf went out, Fu Tao followed him. His speed was indeed fast, and even ordinary people in the fifth level of the Dynamic Dust Realm could not catch up. He could be said to be a competent and agile fat man.

Chu Yan and the other two also began to divide the work. Chu Yan first took out a large number of pills and distributed them to Ye Xun and Zhao Sanfeng one by one. These pills were all Yuan-renewing pills and blood-replenishing pills, which could increase a lot of combat power in the battle. After everyone got the pills, Chu Yan and the other two took out their weapons and began to wait for Xiaolang and Fatty to come back, preparing to start the final breakout.

"The three o'clock direction is the weakest, one third-level Dongchen Realm, three first-level Dongchen Realm, and more than a dozen Fanchen Realm!" Fatty and Xiaolang came back.

"Then go to the three o'clock direction and kill them!" Chu Yan immediately ordered!

The four people plus a wolf immediately aimed at the three o'clock place. They shot out fiercely. The four people were extremely fast and crossed the dark forest.

"Do it!"

The group of people who were slowly approaching Chu Yan at the three o'clock direction had not reacted yet. Suddenly, a series of Yuanqi shells fell from the sky. Zhao Sanfeng suddenly jumped out of the bushes and punched at the open ground. Every time he punched, a fist light was shot out.

"Not good! There's an attack!" The people at three o'clock were suddenly shocked and hurriedly took out their weapons.

The leader, Dongchen, level three, looked at Chu Yan and his group, his eyes cold: "Chu Yan? I didn't expect you to take the initiative to attack."

Chu Yan glanced at this sharp-nosed and monkey-faced disciple: "You will die next!"

"Arrogant! Everyone, attack!"


Including the little wolf, Chu Yan and his five companions rushed directly into the wolf pack. The five people were like bloodthirsty wolves at this time. They rushed into the crowd frantically, and all kinds of martial arts were directly launched. Anyone Chu Yan encountered was directly killed with one blow.

Although Chu Yan's current strength is only Dongchen level one, with the Tianxing Juechen Classic and Tianxing Secret Method, he can basically reach the same level of invincibility. He kills whoever he sees, and soon the group was shocked by Chu Yan's powerful fighting power.

The other party was a team from a small country. The leading disciple frowned even more when he saw Chu Yan. This was very inconsistent with the information he received. Chiyue Valley found him and asked him to kill Chu Yan. He just said that Chu Yan was a waste and the best. Waste, but this is not a waste in front of me, it is just a killing god.

Chu Yan opened up a great momentum, and his Three-foot Wind Yin could be said to kill anyone he saw. Soon three disciples on the first level of Dongchen died, and then countless disciples in the Mortal Realm also died. The Wind Yin was directed at Dongchen. A disciple of the third level of dust.

"Damn it! Retreat and let them go!" The leading disciple was horrified. He originally had the third level of moving dust and was able to suppress Chu Yan to a certain extent, but at this time he was shocked by Chu Yan's powerful momentum. He didn't even have the courage to fight Chu Yan.

"Want to run?" Chu Yan snorted coldly. He stepped on the sole of his foot and rushed out, approaching the leading disciple.

The wind chant directly pierced the throat of the disciple. The disciple's eyes widened. He was on the third level of dust, but he was instantly killed by Chu Yan?

Ye Xun on the side also swung the black dragon fiercely and assassinated two Mortal Realm disciples: "Your eldest brother is dead, who dares to come out to fight next!"

Ye Xun shouted, and the remaining group of disciples immediately panicked. The only ones left were a group of mortal realms. How could they dare to fight Chu Yan and others?

"Run!" All the disciples were instantly defeated, dropped their weapons and ran towards the Youlin.

"What a pleasure!"

The fat man on the side also shouted excitedly. Everyone was exhausted from being chased these past few days. Now that they can finally fight back, everyone is very happy.

"A bunch of trash!" But at this moment, a disdainful voice sounded from the forest.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" The next moment, sharp arrows shot out, followed by a burst of screams. The previous group of disciples were shot directly through the throat one by one, and no one was spared. .

Looking at the countless corpses lying on the ground, Chu Yan and others frowned, and Ye Xun and the other three all moved closer to Chu Yan.

"Your friend?" Ye Xun couldn't help but ask.

"No, it should be the enemy." Chu Yan said very solemnly. The sharp arrows just shot from the forest, each one reached the third level of moving dust. Even he did not dare to block it easily. It can be seen that these sharp arrows How terrible the owner is.

The fat man and others all became serious, and the little wolf howled from time to time, staring intently at the depths of the forest.

Finally, after the sharp arrow was over, a group of young people walked out of the mountain forest. There were not many people. There were only four people like Chu Yan and his group. However, these four people were dressed very noblely. The leader was wearing a golden dragon robe. He saw He glanced at the third-level disciple of Dongchen who was killed by Chu Yan: "The strength is pretty good. At the first level of Dongchen, he can kill people on the third level of Dongchen."

Chu Yan stared at the young man. From him, Chu Yan felt an unprecedented oppression: "Who are you?"

"Let me introduce myself. I am the second prince of the Snake Dragon Kingdom: She Yi. I didn't expect that a trap was laid for you, but you actually got in." She Yi smiled.

Hearing She Yi's words, the faces of Chu Yan and his party turned gloomy. The Shelong Kingdom... is a big country that dominates ten empires, and its strength is more than ten times stronger than the Changlong Kingdom.

"Are you deliberately arranging a group of weaker people here, and then let us choose to break through from here?"

"Yes, your life is too valuable. If it falls into the hands of others, I won't try." She Yi nodded, and Chu Yan and others turned pale.

The fat man Fu Tao clenched his fists: "Brother Chu, it's all my fault. I didn't find out clearly. I didn't know they were ambushing here."

Chu Yan shook his head: "I don't blame you. Their strength is at the fifth level of the Chen Realm. It's normal that you don't notice it."

"What should we do now? This group of people is more difficult to deal with than the dozen or so people just now."

Ye Xun also felt the pressure. Chu Yan did not speak. This group of people was stronger than those they had encountered before, even Bai Haohe and others were just like this.

"Fuck, fight with them! The worst that can happen is death, and you will have someone to support you when you die." Fatty Fu Tao scolded from the side.


She Yi glanced at the fat man out of the corner of his eye, and then his eyes were full of disdain. He waved his sleeves, and a strong wind was directly drawn out. The fat man rolled out violently, his body was in sharp pain, he stared fiercely, and was hit hard. On a tree.

"Fat man!"

"You don't know how to live or die." She Yi was full of disdain.

Ye Xun and Zhao Sanfeng both took out their weapons and opened up their stances. They knew that there would be a tough battle next, and this battle would be directly related to their life and death, and they could not retreat.

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