Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 498: Contempt for the Dynasty

Compared to the Demon State, the Beiming Dynasty gives people a stronger visual impact.

The Beiming Dynasty is surrounded by mountains on the periphery, winding like a dragon's spine. In this huge territory, you can no longer tell how many stars it is composed of. The stars are connected to each other, with cities and towns, vassal counties, and a strong sense of hierarchy. In the center, there is a huge dynasty that seems to have no end.

"In the Mingzhou, the Beiming Dynasty has absolute dominance, controls one side, has clear classes, and the imperial power is supreme." Gu Lie said.

Chu Yan nodded. He could feel that in terms of order alone, the Beiming Dynasty is much stricter than the Demon State.

"Let's go. It will take some time to get from here to the Tianjun Ruins." Meng Jun said calmly, and the wooden boat continued to fly across Mingzhou.

The Tianjun Ruins appeared in the wild mountains and wild land on the edge of the Beiming Dynasty. Chu Yan and others flew together and finally arrived here three days later.

This wild land is usually extremely desolate, but now it gathers countless strong people. There are flags and barriers in all directions, with tens of thousands of people.

Chu Yan and his party were shocked when they arrived here.

"So many people..." Although they had expected it, they were still slightly shocked when they saw it with their own eyes. Not only were there people from the Sixteen Veins of the Heavenly Monument, but also countless powerful people from the galaxy.

Chu Yan also saw some familiar figures among them, including Jian Wuya's people, Wangxian Tower, and Feng Qingcheng Lord of Jiancheng.

"When you practice to this point, every step is extremely difficult to improve. Once the ruins of the Heavenly Monarch are revealed, it will surely attract everyone's attention, and all the monarchs will not let it go." Meng Ya stated on the side.

Chu Yan nodded lightly. In the center of the wild mountain forest, there was a huge light curtain. The color of the light curtain kept switching, as gorgeous as the northern lights. It was the entrance to the ruins of the Heavenly Monarch.

"The top monarchs of our sect have entered it. There will be several riots in the ruins next. I will protect you when you enter, but you must be extremely careful." Meng Jun warned.

"Get out!" There was a sudden commotion in the distance, attracting a lot of attention. There was a group of monsters running rampant there, dispersing the crowd.

They could have transformed into human form, but they didn't at this time. Instead, they appeared in the form of monsters, giving people a strong sense of shock.

"It's the people of the Beast King Palace. They are really domineering." Someone in the distance whispered.

"A group of evil beasts, so arrogant." Suddenly another voice came, and many people were amazed that they dared to humiliate the people of the Beast King Palace, and they all looked at the person who spoke.

"Roar!" A disciple headed by the Beast King Palace also roared, revealing ferocious fangs.

"Why, you are not convinced? If you want to fight, this prince will accompany you!" A young man in a purple gown in the distance raised his head and said, looking very proud.

"It's the little prince of the Purple Thunder Dynasty, Zi Chen, he is here too." Someone whispered.

"Zi Chen, you are too arrogant. Now that the ruins of the emperor are imminent, my Beast King Palace is too lazy to bother with you. If you want to fight, come out and this emperor will accompany you." Another big monster in the distance spoke human words. His original body was a nine-headed snake dragon, and nine mouths spit out sounds at the same time, which was shocking.

"There are so many beautiful fairies." Someone else said. Everyone looked up and saw a fairy platform in the distance, slowly flying over. On it stood a group of graceful women, as beautiful as a dream or a painting, all of whom were extremely beautiful, especially one of them, who made people feel love for her.

"They are the fairies of Wangxian Tower. The most beautiful one is Li Xian'er, the first fairy in Xinghai." Someone else said.

"Over there are people from Jiuyou Dynasty. They practice the law of the underworld and can control corpses." Meng Ya pointed to the distance and introduced to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan glanced at them. The people of Jiuyou Dynasty were extremely weird and exuded death. One of them seemed to feel Chu Yan's gaze and sneered, showing great contempt.

Chu Yan didn't care about this. Now, all the people who came here are top geniuses. Who would be convinced?

Jian Wuya's people also came, including Changfeng. Then more people came here, including the Poison Sect, the Saint Sect, the Chilian Hall, the Crazy Thunder Sect, the Western Region Galaxy, the Wandao Sect, and the Tianshan Mansion.

In the distance, a group of monks appeared. They were wearing cassocks and making seals in their hands. They looked extremely outstanding and detached, standing alone.

"They are the monks of Jingxin Temple. Rumor has it that the remains of the Heavenly Lord belong to the Demon Lord. I didn't expect them to come." Someone said, and then the Purple Thunder Prince Zichen looked at a monk and sneered: "Jingxin Temple is a holy place of Buddhism. Are they going to enter the remains of the Demon Lord?"

"The Buddha said, if I don't go to hell, who will? We come here to save all living beings." A little monk smiled, his eyes were very bright.

"Mr. Chu." At this time, Wangxian Tower looked over, and Li Xian'er smiled sweetly after seeing Chu Yan, and greeted him: "Mr. Chu, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you?"

"Thank you for your concern, Chu, everything is fine." Chu Yan nodded, and he had a good impression of Li Xian'er.

Meng Ya curled her lips on the side and transmitted her voice: "Little Junior Brother, it's great, Li Xian'er, the most beautiful woman in the galaxy, actually took the initiative to greet you, it's really enviable, no wonder you don't like Senior Sister, alas..."

"..."Chu Yan smiled bitterly, it was unfair, he and Li Xian'er were just ordinary friends.

"Brother Chu." Jian Wuya looked over, Changfeng also saw Chu Yan, then showed a sneer, and took the initiative to greet him: "Brother Chu has a great reputation in recent days. I heard that even the little prince of the Beiming Dynasty was beheaded. I was worried about you and thought I wouldn't see you at the Tianjun Ruins this time. I didn't expect you to come. It's really amazing. Changfeng admires you."

Chu Yan suddenly frowned and looked at Changfeng coldly. The relationship between him and Changfeng was already very bad, but the other party now took the initiative to say hello and mentioned Beiming's death in public, which was undoubtedly an instigation.

Sure enough, as soon as Changfeng finished speaking, many cold eyes were immediately fixed on Chu Yan.

The death of Beiming Emperor Killer caused quite a stir in the Xinghai. In addition to the people from the Beiming Dynasty, the rest of the Tianbei lineage also looked at Chu Yan, sizing them up, wanting to know about the young man who killed Beiming Emperor Killer. Something special.

"Are you Chu Yan?" Someone immediately roared from the direction of Beiming Dynasty, his eyes were cold and filled with murderous intent.

Chu Yan glanced at the person from the Beiming Dynasty. The person was not at a high level and was at the fifth level of the Emperor. Fortunately, he did not give him any face. He said calmly: "Yes, I am Chu Yan. Why, do you want to replace your prince?" Revenge? I advise you not to do so. Your prince's realm is higher than yours, and his combat power is stronger than yours. If I kill him, it's like slaughtering a dog. Even if I have the protection of the king, I will still kill him. If you try, you will die."

"Hiss..." Everyone took a breath of air and secretly sighed that this Chu Yan was really arrogant.

Changfeng smiled calmly at the side and said: "Haha, in the Beiming Dynasty, Brother Chu is right. He is not only a disciple of the Demon Sect, but also the descendant of the Sword Master of Demon City Sword City. I advise you not to overestimate your capabilities. If you go out If you fight, you will die, and you, the Beiming Dynasty, can't do that."

"Boom!" Beiming Dynasty was even more angry. This was Mingzhou, but now Changfeng openly said that they were not as good as Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's eyes were cold, and he glanced at Changfeng. The other party provoked him several times, and he said calmly: "Not only the Beiming Dynasty, but also the people of your Jian Wuya, I also tortured a lot of people in Qingfeng City. Didn't you Changfeng want to do it too?" Why don't you kill me? Now you still have the nerve to talk nonsense."

"Also, don't forget Brother Chu. Brother Chu, when the word "Brother Chu" comes out of your mouth, I feel sick." Chu Yan said disdainfully.

Changfeng's face suddenly stiffened and his eyes were red, but he had no words to refute. Regarding Qingfeng City, he, Jian Wuya, was indeed embarrassed, and there were several other veins watching.

"Haha, this kid is really crazy. Just from the beginning, he has completely offended the people of Beiming Dynasty and Jian Wuya." The other people in the distance laughed.

"Is this the person who reached the Sixteenth Heaven Monument a few years ago but refused to join any party?" said the elder of the Cangyan Ancient Clan in the distance. A junior who went to the Sixth Domain that year nodded: "That's him. It’s just that he was not in the Tianzun realm back then, but now he has reached the fifth level of emperor status.”

"She's a stunning beauty." The elder of the Cangyan Ancient Clan smiled, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, he had become a king, and in his eyes, the Emperor Realm was just a junior. There were many talented people, but those who could grow up , is called a genius, but as for Chu Yan, he is not very optimistic about it. Chu Yan is too sharp, easy to break if he is too strong, and does not know how to tolerate, so it is difficult for him to become a great person.

"No matter what, you must pay the price for killing the prince of my dynasty." The people from the Beiming Dynasty said angrily. In terms of hatred, Chu Yan and the Beiming Dynasty have the greatest hatred. Killing the prince is a mortal enemy, followed by Jian Wuya.

Chu Yan glanced at the other party and said disdainfully: "Your prince wants my life. If he is defeated and killed, then he is a waste. What? If you want revenge, you can do it, but now that Tianjun remains, if you want to send the emperor Take action, I, the elder of the Demon Sect, will not watch you insult me ​​like this, right, Senior Mengjun."

"..." The corner of Meng Jun's mouth twitched, and he scolded Chu Yan ten thousand times in his heart. This guy is really shameless.

"Shameless!" Someone else cursed, and Li Xian'er burst out laughing at the side: "It's still the same virtue."

"Xian'er, do you recognize this boy? No matter how I look at him, I think he is shameless?" The other fairies in Wangxian Tower laughed.

Li Xian'er smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's quite shameless."

"Of course, if you feel dissatisfied, you can also fight one-on-one. Now that I am the fifth level emperor, you can send people as you like within the same level. I can challenge you continuously, or I can let you be in the same realm. , if you can kill me, count on you. When the time comes, I guarantee that the Demon Sect will never avenge me. Unlike you, you can’t afford to lose. When a prince dies, the entire Xinghai screams and kills. Tianbei Mountain Witness me." Chu Yan's momentum changed in vain, and he took a step forward, forming a battle platform at his feet. He held a long sword in his hand and looked at the opponent.

Hearing this, Manshan was horrified. Chu Yan's craziness exceeded their expectations. Within the same territory, you can send as many people as you want. I can challenge you continuously, or can I let you stay in one territory?

Is this, contempt for the Beiming Dynasty?

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