Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 497 What is Tao

After several years of entering the realm of emperor, Chu Yan finally crossed halfway and reached the fifth level of the realm of emperor.

Thinking back to the time when the young man from Tianyong City walked out of the mortal realm, it was as easy for a king to kill him as to crush an ant. The emperor was the top existence in the mortal world. If he was crowned as an emperor, he could seal a valley and be admired by thousands of people.

But now, ordinary emperors can no longer threaten him. Looking around, there are countless emperors, which makes him sigh that his vision was once small.

"The mortal world and the six-domain galaxy are ultimately small places with poor resources. They are not as good as a city in a state in the sea of ​​stars." Chu Yan sighed. In the past half month, in addition to practicing, he often stood in front of the wooden boat and overlooked the earth. The vast territory and the interlaced cities gave him a feeling of enlightenment.

He had only been to Jiancheng and Jingxincheng in the Demon State, but there were king-level strongmen in the two cities alone, and now he saw more.

Some top cities have several great monarchs, including top human monarchs, who are stronger than Ji Huangji. But whenever a wooden boat passes by, those top people will come to pay homage.

"Little Junior Brother, what are you thinking about?" Gu Lie asked.

"Thinking about my hometown, Senior Brother Gu Lie has been there. Now it seems ridiculous." Chu Yan sighed, "If the Demon State is like this, how vast is the entire starry sea? And Tianbei Mountain is the overlord of this vast territory, far beyond the six regions."

"This is normal. There are countless galaxies under the starry sea, and some of them are powerful galaxies, forming their own veins. For example, the Western Region Galaxy was originally a galaxy, but the martial arts culture is very strong. Over the years, many human monarchs and earth monarchs have walked out. Now it has formed its own vein and become one of the sixteen veins of Tianbei." Gu Lie smiled.

Chu Yan nodded. There is indeed a galaxy in the sixteen veins of Tianbei.

"That's why I feel sorry for the six regions. They are poor, but they don't think about how to become stronger and improve their strength. Instead, they are constantly fighting. No land lord has been born in the past ten thousand years. Instead, they cherish themselves and think they are very strong. They don't know that the outside world is vast and endless, and they are like rice grains." Chu Yan said helplessly. The world and the six regions are his hometown. If possible, he also hopes that they will become stronger and one day, they can break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly.

"For some people, their vision is limited. This is not their fault. Just like you, when you have never heard of the land of the sea of ​​stars, you will reach the top existence in the galaxy. Wouldn't you be proud?" Gu Lie said calmly: "The path of cultivation is like this. It is accumulated by generations. They use their lives to pave the way for us and enlighten us."

Chu Yan nodded. Indeed, vision is very important, and so is enlightenment. Why has there never been a lord in the world? Is it because of insufficient talent? Not necessarily, but no one has ever reached that level. They don't know what a lord is and are very unfamiliar with it. They can only rely on themselves to enlighten, which is very difficult.

But the Star Sea is different. In the Star Sea, there are often monarchs preaching, teaching sentient beings, and teaching, so it is naturally much easier to break through.

"There may be more advanced places in the Star Sea." Gu Lie raised his head and said with a look of mutual respect: "I really hope to have a chance to go and see it, and the people there may also look at us as lowly people."

Chu Yan couldn't deny it.

"Brother, thank you." Chu Yan suddenly bowed to Gu Lie. The short conversation made him feel deeply. In his body, there was a faint force that seemed to break out of the cocoon and be reborn. Then he turned and left, and went directly into practice.

"What an interesting guy." Meng Ya came to Gu Lie and smiled at Chu Yan's back.

"Junior Brother Chu, you are not an ordinary person." Gu Lie nodded in approval. He knew Chu Yan earlier, so he was more shocked. In the short few years, Chu Yan's growth made him smack his mouth.

"In just half a year, he broke through two realms?" Meng Yaying smiled, with a bit of expectation in her phoenix eyes: "With such a perverted cultivation speed, maybe he can catch up with the feast three years later."

Chu Yan's state of mind changed during this retreat.

This time, he practiced not for breakthroughs, but for enlightenment. In a short week, he seemed to have entered several reincarnations and saw the sufferings of all living beings.

In one reincarnation, he turned into an ordinary person, living a life of working from sunrise to sunset. His life was very plain, but very fulfilling. Liu Qingcheng was still his wife, and Wangfeng was his younger brother. Later, one year, an immortal flew through the village. He wanted to practice, join the sect, and embark on the immortal path.

But in that life, he had mediocre qualifications and stopped on the immortal path, and died with regret.

Another time, Qin Ruoming was the queen of the Divine Palace, and her words were the law of the world. He followed her to practice, practice, and inherited all of Qin Ruoming's mantle, reaching an extreme height, but in the end he still couldn't transcend the ordinary and become a saint, as if he was under a kind of shackles.

Then there were several more lives, and he practiced in each life, practicing different ways, but it made him more confused. He seemed to have been practicing the ways of others, not his own.

"What is the way, what is practice? Practitioners practice the way, where does the way come from? Without the way, how can one practice?" Chu Yan's body was filled with rolling sounds, like the sound of Buddha lingering around, which made Chu Yan fall into an extremely wonderful artistic conception. What is the way?

The great way is simple, and from simple to complex, what is the way?

Where does the way come from? Chu Yan felt that he was closer to the truth, but the distance was so far away.

"In the path of practice, everyone has his own way, and there is no order in asking for the way. Some people understand the sword in their lifetime, and then they know the weapon after watching thousands of swords. From then on, they become free and easy swordsmen, dressed in cloth, and travel the world with swords."

"Some people play music in bamboo forests, feel the singing of thousands of birds, listen to thousands of songs and then understand the sound, play the piano and drink, and feel relaxed and happy. Some people accompany monsters all their lives. If they are monsters, they can command hundreds of beasts with a roar."

"These people all have their own ways, what is my way?"

"My way should be a unique way, a way that belongs to me. Only in this way can I be free from constraints." Chu Yan's heart was boiling, and the fire in his body began to roar faintly, like an ancient giant beast, with golden blood flowing all over his body, making his eyes clear.

The blood that had not awakened for a long time reacted again today, but this time, it was more terrifying than before, reaching an extreme state.

Although he could not control his blood, at least today, when his blood appeared, he did not fall into a rampage, and the Tianxing Juechen Classic was running wildly in his body, vaguely forming a unique set of magical powers.

"Nine Stars of Heaven!" An ancient golden pattern suddenly appeared in Chu Yan's mind. He was in a world of his own, evolving the Nine Stars of Heaven. For a moment, it seemed as if a meteorite fell from the sky, turning into nine mad dragons, madly destroying the world.

"What a terrifying magical power." Chu Yan sighed. If such a move could be cultivated to perfection, it would be terrifying and could even defeat all enemies in the world.

But Chu Yan also knew that this was not the case. The world was too big. Although this magical power was strong, it could not be the strongest, just like the Chu Hanfeng God Clan he saw in his memory.

People of that level could control the way of heaven and bring about heavenly punishment. With a thought, they could change the blue sea sky. That kind of power was something he could not even imagine now.

"We are here." At this moment, a disciple said excitedly.

Driven by Meng Jun, the wooden boat finally crossed the Demon State, passed through a vast void star field, and arrived at the Beiming Dynasty.

In the Beiming Dynasty, Chu Yan also started the battle from the wooden boat. When he saw that the endless territory was slightly moved, the stars were connected to each other, forming a huge territory, like a huge dragon flying in the clouds.

"Beiming Dynasty!"

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