Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 499: The ruins are opened

Hearing Chu Yan's words, everyone in the Beiming Dynasty looked extremely embarrassed, and cursed Chu Yan in their hearts for being shameless.

Chu Yan was a level 4 emperor, and Beiming Sha Huang died in his hands. Now he is a level 5 emperor, who can win the level 6 emperor? Are they stronger than their own princes? This is obviously impossible.

But they can't do anything about it. After all, Chu Yan is indeed a level 5 emperor, and he gave up a level. They can't shamelessly send the Emperor of Heaven to fight, right?

"Really arrogant, in this case, I will try to see how much foundation you have." With a thump, a person from the Beiming Dynasty stepped out. He was a level 6 emperor, and his soul was released immediately. He was a golden-winged roc, showing golden light, and madly killed Chu Yan.

"It's Cheng Qian! The top genius under the Emperor of the Northern Ming Dynasty!"

"Well, it's rumored that he has been sparring with the Northern Ming Emperor. The two grew up together and both have top combat power. Now he is fighting."

"If Chu Yan is not as strong as the rumors say, he will be dead in this battle."

Inside the Barbarian Mountain, everyone immediately made way for an open space.

Chu Yan glanced at the other party and acted very calmly. Then he didn't waste any words. He stepped out with a thump, a killing thought with every step, the sword intent turned into piano music, the Tianlai Sword trembled wildly, and then countless sword lights enveloped the void, forming a sword of killing, and slashed at the people of the Northern Ming Dynasty.

"Kill!" Cheng Qian was once called the peerless duo in the Northern Ming Dynasty and the Northern Ming Emperor. His combat power was also very strong. The Golden Winged Dapeng was good at speed. The wings behind him shook wildly, and he punched out with a thump, forming a strong storm.

"Bang!" Then the fist and sword collided, and a strong fault was formed immediately. The void was torn apart, and the people in the distance were slightly shocked.

"What a violent battle." Everyone sighed, and the people of the Beiming Dynasty smiled. Chu Yan's sword was obviously suppressed by the punch just now.

"Golden Winged Dapeng, worthy of the bloodline of the divine beast." Chu Yan secretly admired, but then he became more eager to fight, and the ruthless swords between heaven and earth raged wildly, forming countless terrible sword storms.

"I can even kill your prince, let alone a servant!" Chu Yan was not polite, and the Tianlai Sword was thrust out in his hand. Wherever it passed, the space was shattered. Then he raised his hand and slashed from the sky without reservation, and immediately slashed towards Cheng Qian.

Cheng Qian's face changed slightly. Chu Yan's sword was extremely strong, reaching a terrible degree. In the sword storm, his golden roc wings were in great pain, and he screamed immediately.

"Die!" Since they were deadly enemies, Chu Yan would not be polite in the fight. The Tianlai Sword immediately broke through the defense, forming countless sword shadows, stabbing towards Cheng Qian.

"No!" Cheng Qian was terrified, and crossed his wings behind him, trying to defend himself, but it was useless. Under the terrible sword, everything seemed illusory, and a sword pierced through Cheng Qian's chest.

"Bang!" Cheng Qian was immediately killed, and fell from the sky in a very embarrassing manner, crashing into the Savage Mountain, losing his life.

"This..." The onlookers were speechless for a while, just like that, killed?

In a short moment, a sixth-level emperor was killed by Chu Yan with a sword?

The people of the Beiming Dynasty suddenly looked ugly, and one of them roared, but the next moment Meng Jun's arrogance burned up, forming a nightmare, blocking Chu Yan, and said indifferently: "You are the one who started the battle, and you deserve to die in the battle. What, do you think my disciples of the Demon Sect are easy to bully?"

"Demon Sect!" The eyes of the Beiming Dynasty's monarchs were ferocious, but there was nothing they could do, because Meng Jun was right, they started the battle, and Chu Yan was one realm lower, and they still lost.

"The Tianjun Ruins have just begun, and you killed my disciples. When you get inside, aren't you afraid of revenge from my dynasty?" The people of the Beiming Dynasty said angrily.

Another great monarch of the Beiming Dynasty said coldly: "See you in the ruins, and then you will make your Demon Sect pay the price!"

Then the talents of the Beiming Dynasty retreated one after another, but they looked at Chu Yan with extremely ferocious eyes, as if they wanted to cut Chu Yan into pieces.

The other clans also showed an interesting smile when looking at Chu Yan.

"This relic is interesting." An elder of the Cang Yan Ancient Clan said with a smile, and then sent a message to Chu Yan: "Boy, it's very interesting. If you have time, come to my Cang Yan Ancient Clan."

Chu Yan looked at the other person in surprise and nodded politely.

"Chu Yan!" In the distance, Feng Qing Jianjun came walking over, and behind him there were several Jiancheng strongmen. They had seen Chu Yan before, but now, they acted very respectful.

"Jianjun." Chu Yan smiled politely, and Feng Qing Jianjun nodded: "I was short-sighted and misjudged you back then. Now you haven't let me down. I said it long ago, if you don't mind, just call me senior brother."

"Senior brother." Chu Yan nodded, and then more people came, and then his eyes focused on a group of figures, because in that group of people, he saw a familiar figure, Zi Longyang.

"People from Shenzhu Mountain?" Chu Yan muttered, and Meng Ya looked at Chu Yan in surprise: "You still know Shenzhu Mountain?"

"Sister, what kind of power is Shenzhu Mountain?" Chu Yan asked. Since he came to Xinghai, he has known the situation of Tongtian Xinghai, but he has never heard of Shenzhu Mountain.

"They come from another Xinghai." Meng Ya lowered her voice and looked quite solemn.

"Another Xinghai?" Chu Yan was surprised. He originally thought that there was only one Xinghai, and it was a sea that accommodated all rivers. He didn't expect that there were other Xinghai.

"There are countless seas of stars between heaven and earth. The sea of ​​stars that connects the sky where we are belongs to the Tianbei Mountain, while the Shenzhu Mountain is king in the sea of ​​stars that is close to us." Mengya said seriously: "It is rumored that whether it is the sea of ​​stars in the sky, The Monument Mountain is still the Divine Pillar Mountain. There are sixteen heavenly monuments in the Tianbei Mountain, and there are twelve divine pillars in the Divine Pillar Mountain. They are all inherited wills from the heavens in the upper world. For example, when the evil demon you understand comes, it is the top of the demonic heavenly monument. The presence."

Chu Yan was surprised. He had known that Ye Xun was in Shenzhu Mountain. Now that he knew how powerful Shenzhu Mountain was, he couldn't help but feel proud.

Zi Longyang also noticed Chu Yan at this time and was slightly surprised. After being defeated in the war, he returned to Shenzhu Mountain and was punished by Emperor Xuntian again.

But he didn't hate him because of this. Instead, he had some respect for Chu Yan, for no other reason than that he and Emperor Xuntian were brothers.

Zi Longyang originally wanted to say hello, but was stopped by Chu Yan's eyes. The existence of Shenzhu Mountain was quite special, and he didn't want to expose it prematurely yet.

"The ruins of Tianjun are opened!" At this moment, there was a commotion in Manshan, and everyone looked towards the light curtain in the center of Manshan.

The aurora-like light curtains intertwined for a while, and then a hole of nothingness appeared.

"Let's go!" Many strong men's eyes lit up, and without any nonsense, they began to walk towards the ruins of Tianjun.

Tianjun characters are top-notch existences even in Xinghai Land. A strong man of that level is enough to destroy the world and burn mountains and seas in a single thought. Therefore, even if they fall, their ruins are full of dangers, and the tombs are extremely huge, and the inside is full of dangers. Hidden entrance.

"Follow me closely. After entering, be careful at all times." Meng Jun said in a deep voice. Even he became extremely solemn.

Everyone nodded, and then countless strong men stepped in. The Sixteen Meridians of the Sky Monument, Shenzhu Mountain, and some strong casual cultivators all passed through the Hole of Nothingness.

"Is this the ruins of Tianjun?" Inside the ruins, it seemed to be a space of its own. After entering, all the powerful people sighed secretly.

The space here is very large, it is actually an entire star, with mountains, rivers, forests, and even some ancient ruins. Everyone can't help but sigh: "As expected of a heavenly king, he sealed up a star and used it as his tomb. "

Chu Yan couldn't help but be shocked. He had been to many secret palaces, such as the Eternal Forest and the 81 Sumeru Peaks. They were all independent spaces, containing entrances, and were extremely powerful.

But compared with the ruins of Tianjun in front of them, they seemed to be extremely weak. After everyone passed through the virtual cave, they appeared above a green forest sea. There were towering cliffs, flying waterfalls, and birds all around. The beast was startled and shocked.

"Tianjun's relics, every inch of land and every inch of gold, are all treasures. Let's search together and don't miss them." The disciples of Chilian Hall in the distance shouted.

"Let's go too, don't fall behind." The people from the Holy Sect began to take action.

Chu Yan and others took a wooden boat and flew by at a slow speed. This ruins was too shocking. Just like the rumors, there were treasures everywhere. Not long after, they arrived in front of a lake, and there was a strong man from the Beast King Palace in the lake. , this deity is a deep sea dragon.

But at this time, the dragon got a piece of real dragon bone under the lake, shed its skin, turned into a nine-day dragon, and rose up from the sky.

"Someone over there has got an opportunity. He is a disciple of Tianshan Mansion. He has received a bloodline inheritance, which makes him as if he has turned into a mountain god and has infinite power." Someone said enviously.

"There are really opportunities everywhere in this Tianjun ruins. There are so many good fortunes just on the outside." Chu Yan also sighed. He also found some good opportunities along the way, such as a place with red flames and a volcano in the center that was constantly erupting. Inside the mouth, there is a stone statue of a phoenix.

But Chu Yan did not seek enlightenment. Although he had practiced demon magic, he was not proficient in it, and he did not understand the phoenix.

In the rear, Changfeng flew with his sword and came to the station of Beiming Dynasty. When he saw Changfeng, the disciples of Beiming Dynasty looked unkind. Before, outside, although Changfeng provoked Chu Yan, he also humiliated them. One person snorted coldly: "People from Jian Wuya? What are you doing here?"

"We have a common enemy, and that is a friend, right?" White clothes fluttered in the wind.

"Do you have a grudge against Chu Yan?" someone from Beiming Dynasty asked.

"Yes, but it's not a mortal enemy, but I can help you, but I have one condition." Changfeng smiled calmly.

The people from the Beiming Dynasty looked at each other and then motioned to Changfeng to continue. Changfeng said: "His life belongs to you, and the space ring belongs to me."

"Deal!" The people from the Beiming Dynasty looked at each other. As a dynasty, they only had hatred for Chu Yan. As for the space ring, they naturally disdained it. However, Chang Feng showed an evil smile. He wanted Chu Yan to transform. The bloodline technique has been practiced for a long time, and now, I finally have a chance.

"Chu Yan, your death is not far away."

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