Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 48: Prince Fan Ye of Yan State [Added]

"San'er!" Chu Yan's eyes suddenly shrank, Zhao Sanfeng's body flew backwards and brushed past him, he grabbed Zhao Sanfeng's shoulder.

Because of Zhao Sanfeng's accident, the group stopped immediately, Ye Xun pulled Fu Tao, the two took a step back, landed on a branch as thick as a person, and looked coldly at the figure in front.

Zhao Sanfeng vomited blood twice in a row, the palm just now was very strong, plus Zhao Sanfeng's own forward speed, so a rib was directly broken.

Chu Yan supported Zhao Sanfeng, took a look and said: "Stand behind, wait until you leave here, I will help you treat it."

"You guys be careful, I may not be able to help." Zhao Sanfeng clenched his fist unwillingly.

"It's okay." Chu Yan nodded, then he took a step forward, jumped to Ye Xun's side, and glanced at a figure in front of him. This person was very tall, at least 1.9 meters tall, with some strange tattoos on his face, dark skin, and bare arms.

"Who are you?" Chu Yan said coldly.

The young man looked up at Chu Yan and smiled jokingly: "Are you Chu Yan?"

Chu Yan said without hiding: "It's me, you should want to kill me, right?"

The young man was stunned by Chu Yan's attitude, and nodded with a smile: "Smart man, but I have changed my mind now. Next, how about we play a game?"

"What game?"

"Let me introduce myself to you first. I am from the Eastern Yan Kingdom. My name is Fan Ye. They all call me Fan Ye. Although I don't know you, I heard that you have a great background, but the person who came to Yan Kingdom to find us to kill you also has a great background. So, I considered it comprehensively. If I kill you, it's okay, but if I do it here and let you run away, it will be more than I gain to leave Heilin. With your background, you will definitely send someone to kill me, and I don't want to die."

"Then why are you chasing me?" Chu Yan's eyes were still cold.

"I can't help it. After all, I have received their money. If I don't do it, I will be retaliated by them after I leave the Black Forest." Fan Ye shrugged indifferently.

"Tell me, how do you want to play?" Chu Yan didn't waste time talking to Fan Ye. After all, there were thousands of people chasing him behind him. If they continued to waste time with Fan Ye, even if Fan Ye didn't do it, they would be buried.

"I see that you have two people in the Dust-moving Realm. So, I will send two people, and you will send two people. Let's fight. If you win, I will let you go. Of course, I am also afraid that you will go out to retaliate against me. In return, I will help you block the people chasing you for an hour." Fan Ye paused and looked at Chu Yan: "If you lose, you should know the result, right?"

"I know." Fan Ye's meaning was very clear. If they lost, there would be only one result, which was death.

Ye Xun glanced at Fan Ye and said coldly: "You said you can help us stop the people chasing us from behind, just by yourself?"

"Then you don't have to worry about it, I have people." Fan Ye clapped his hands, and suddenly there was a rustling sound in the dense forest, and hundreds of figures surrounded Chu Yan and his party.

Seeing these hundreds of people, Ye Xun and others' faces sank. The number of people here has exceeded his imagination. Although everyone in the black forest is traveling together, there are at most thirty or fifty people, and a hundred is a minority, but now Fan Ye actually brought hundreds of people.

"Mr. Chu, make a decision." Fan Ye smiled with his arms folded.

Chu Yan glanced at Ye Xun, and Ye Xun nodded at him. He also understood that in the current situation, he had no choice at all. Being surrounded by hundreds of people, it was impossible for them to break through the siege.

"Then do it!" Chu Yan shouted, and then jumped forward and took out the three-foot-long Fengyin from his waist.

Ye Xun followed closely behind, holding a spear in his hand. This spear was called Black Dragon. It was made by Ye Tao himself when he participated in the Wanzong Recruitment. It was pitch black and seven feet long. There looked like a black dragon lying on the tip of the spear.

When Fan Ye saw Chu Yan and Ye Xun fighting, he also stepped forward in person. Then a boy over 1.9 meters tall jumped out of the crowd.

"Fight, if you win, I will let you go. If you lose, you will die!" Fan Ye laughed wildly with his head tilted.

Chu Yan and Ye Xun looked at each other, and no one said anything nonsense. They took a step forward fiercely.

Fan Ye was sixteen years old and had a seven-star life body. This kind of talent was definitely superior to others of the same age. Looking at Changlong Country, there were not many people who could match Fan Ye, except Bai Haohe and Bai Ting, whose blood was changed by the Red Blood Technique. In addition, Fan Ye's cultivation was also very high, three stars in the Dust Movement, and his weapon was a huge golden hammer. When the hammer came out, the ground in the forest trembled.

The young man who followed Fan Ye to fight was also extraordinary. He was one year younger than Fan Ye, but he had the strength of Dongchen.

"I'll deal with Fan Ye, you go deal with the other one, hurry up, come and help me after you're done!" Chu Yan said to Ye Xun.

Ye Xun nodded. He also knew that in terms of strength, he was not as good as Chu Yan, so the best choice was that Chu Yan would hold Fan Ye first, and after he dealt with the other person, they would go to help Chu Yan together.

The two of them completed the division of labor, Chu Yan took a step forward, Feng Yin waved his hand, and immediately there was a starlight flashing, and then he stabbed towards Fan Ye.

"The speed is good, but it's shit in front of my strength!" Fan Ye laughed wildly with excitement. He exerted force with both hands, grabbed the golden hammer, and swung it to hit Chu Yan. Almost in an instant, the air in front of the hammer seemed to solidify, and it actually slowed down Chu Yan's speed.

Chu Yan frowned and quickly took a step to the side to avoid the golden hammer. He stepped hard with his toes and angrily stepped on the golden hammer. But almost in an instant, his body rolled upwards. , the three-foot long sword produced strong winds and stabbed at Fan Ye's throat.


Fan Ye hurriedly stopped his hand and used the golden hammer to block Chu Yan's sword. However, he was too naive. He thought that Chu Yan would be knocked away by him, but unexpectedly, the moment the sword and the hammer collided, Chu Yan abandoned it directly. Sword, body continued to approach Fan Ye.


A palm! In the same position as Fan Ye when he hit Zhao Sanfeng, Chu Yan slapped Fan Ye on the chest and forced Fan Ye back a few steps.

"Here comes the sword!" Chu Yan opened his palm, and the next moment the wind roar flew from the air and landed directly in Chu Yan's hand. The next moment, the long sword pierced the air and stabbed directly at Fan Ye's throat. The speed was so fast Fast, astonishing.

Everyone was shocked. One of the disciples who fought with Ye Xun also had his eyes widened. He punched Ye Xun hard and forced Ye Xun back. He wanted to help Fan Ye, but it was too late. Ye Xun's spear came from behind. Stab out, pointing directly at his back.

In just a short moment, Fan Ye and the other two were defeated miserably. The group of people following Fan Ye all stared wide-eyed. They couldn't bear to watch the next scene, because in their view, Fan Ye and another disciple were both in the next second. He will be crucified with no chance of survival.

But just when Feng Yin was just inches away from Fan Ye's throat, he suddenly stopped. Chu Yan looked at Fan Ye coldly: "You owe my brother a slap in the face. Now that we have won, let's let go People."

Fan Ye looked at the sword in front of him, and his throat rolled. He still couldn't believe that he had been defeated so completely.

"Why don't you kill me? With your ability, even if you kill me, it will be easy to escape from here." Fan Ye couldn't help but ask. From the brief fight with Chu Yan just now, he knew that Chu Yan couldn't use ordinary methods at all. Measured by strength, his strength is far beyond the surface.

"I'll kill you. Even though I can run away, there's no one to stop the pursuers, which will make it even more troublesome." Chu Yan said calmly.

"I understand, let's go." Fan Ye nodded solemnly, then turned around and shouted to a group of several hundred people: "Get out of the way! Let them go!"

Chu Yan then put away his sword, then helped Zhao Sanfeng up, looked at each other with Ye Xun, and the group walked through the crowd.

Watching Chu Yan and the others leave, another disciple walked up to Fan Ye and said strangely: "Prince, are you really going to let them go like this? Kill them. With the support of Chiyue Valley, our Yan State can rise in the east." It’s a piece of cake.”

Fan Ye looked at the place where Chu Yan left. The vitality in his body suddenly changed. From the original third level of Dongchen, he reached the eighth level of Dongchen in one go. If he had used this power to fight Chu Yan before, then Chu Yan would have There is absolutely no chance of winning.

"What do you know? Just watch. Soon you will know whether my choice today is right or wrong." Fan Ye smiled meaningfully, then he picked up the golden hammer on the ground and swung it around like a divine aid.

"Work, no one is allowed to pass here for the next hour. After an hour, we will go directly to Wanzongtai. There is only so much we can do to help him. Whether he can get out alive depends on his own abilities. "Fan Ye said.

For a time, hundreds of people from the Yan Kingdom blocked a mountain forest, and all those who were pursuing Chu Yan were blocked.

At this time, on the other side, with the help of an hour, Chu Yan and his group had already run to the central area of ​​the black forest. Late at night, they lit a bonfire and gathered around it.

"You can even defeat the third level of Dongchen now?" Ye Xun took some pieces of monster meat and handed them to Chu Yan.

"It's okay to move to the third level of Dongchen, but Fan Ye deliberately let me go today." Chu Yan said.

"I gave you up on purpose? What do you mean?"

"If I remember correctly, I visited the Yan Kingdom once when my mother and I traveled around. The Fan family is the royal family of the Yan Kingdom, so Fan Ye should be the third prince of the Yan Kingdom, and his strength is not at the third level of Dongchen. He must be Higher." Chu Yan said lightly.

Ye Xun was stunned for a moment, a little confused, and looked at Chu Yan in confusion: "Then if this is really the case, then why does he want to help us?"

"I don't know. Let's leave the Black Forest first. Once San'er's injury is better, let's hurry up and try to break out of the Black Forest within ten days!"

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