Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 47 Being chased

Thousands of miles of black forest, when viewed from above the world of dust, is like a huge black circle. It isolates the inner circle and the outer circle of the world of dust. The real strong men in the world of dust are all in the inner circle, including Manhuang and Sangu. , these extraordinary forces in ASEAN that surpass ten thousand sects, they are all in the inner circle.

Many students were escorted by the Changlong Kingdom to the Black Forest of Ten Thousand Miles. There was a cold wind whistling over the Black Forest.

After Chu Yan and Ye Xun separated, they came to a deserted place alone, and then said calmly to the air: "Come out, there is no one here."

The air behind Chu Yan was distorted, and the demon old man appeared behind Chu Yan.

"Why are you looking for me so urgently?" Chu Yan turned around and glanced at Yao Lao, his eyes a little strange. In his memory, Yao Lao had always followed him silently, and rarely took the initiative unless necessary. Ask to meet.

The old demon's expression was quite solemn. He glanced at Chu Yan and said, "Master, I was nearby just now and saw people from Chiyue Valley."

"Crimson Moon Valley? What are they doing here?" Chu Yan frowned. Scarlet Moon Valley is a transcendent force above all sects just like the wild wilderness.

"I don't know, but I think they want to take action against the young master. This time, the people participating in the Wan Zong Naxin include Bai Haohe and Bai Jue of the Bai family."

"Bai Haohe? Didn't you cut off his limbs and shatter his Dantian?" Chu Yan looked at Yao Lao.

"It's the forbidden technique of Chiyue Valley. I heard that Chiyue Valley directly sent Chiyue to Changlong Kingdom, so I thought that the young master should not participate in Wan Zong's recruitment this time, and just follow me back to the wilderness. Three years later, You can directly participate in the Ten Thousand Sects Ceremony for Manhuang," Yao Lao said.

Chu Yan was silent for a while. He had long expected that someone would attack him this time in Wan Zong Naxin, but he didn't expect that the other party would be Chiyue Valley. He suddenly showed an evil smile and asked the Yao Lao: " People from Chiyue Valley, can you stop me?"

"No problem, but the current Wanli Black Forest has been set up by Wan Zong. Only Dongchen and below can enter. Although I have the Wilderness Order, I can't easily break the barrier. If the young master encounters danger in the Black Forest, "It's hard for me to help you," the old demon said helplessly.

"You don't have to worry in the black forest, you just need to stop the people in Chiyue Valley." Chu Yan paused, and then said to the old demon: "If you see Chiyue, tell him for me, what do you want? With the title of the First Young Master, go find the other fools, don’t bother with me here, advise him not to mess with me, or I will ask my sister to bulldoze him in Chiyue Valley!”

The old demon nodded with a wry smile. If you look at the world, the only person who can threaten Chiyue Valley is that woman, right?

Chu Yan ended his conversation with Yao Lao and then turned around and came to the entrance of Wanli Black Forest.

Coming to the Black Forest, this is a dense mountain forest that is thousands of miles long. This is also the origin of the Black Forest. If you want to go to Wanzongtai, you must pass through the Black Forest.

Ye Xun, Fu Tao, and Zhao Sanfeng had been waiting for Chu Yan at the entrance of the black forest. The little wolf was lying on the side. When it saw Chu Yan, it pounced on him.

"What happened?" Ye Xun asked.

Chu Yan glanced at Ye Xun and said without any concealment: "Bai Haohe and Bai Jue, who you injured, both participated in the Wan Zong Naxin this time."

"Them? Aren't they disciples of the Tianshan Sect?"

"Things are a little complicated, so be careful next time."

Chu Yan sighed. Although Wan Zong was a behemoth to Changlong Kingdom, it was not worth mentioning in front of Chiyue Valley. According to what the demon elder said, Chiyue Valley intervened this time, so he wanted Bai Haohe and Bai Jue to It is just a small thing to participate in Wanzong's acceptance of new ideas.

Chu Yan glanced at Fu Tao and Zhao Sanfeng: "Fat man, San'er, Ye Xun and I have enemies, why don't we go our separate ways."

Fu Tao and Zhao Sanfeng looked at each other and shook their heads as if they had made an agreement. Fu Tao smiled and said: "Brother Chu, you underestimate me, fat man. Although I don't have any great abilities in this life, I hate abandoning my friends the most. "If you let us stay in the palace for one night, we would not abandon you. Besides, the more people there are, the more powerful you will be."

Chu Yan was not one to talk nonsense, so he nodded boldly: "Okay, then let's get together and take care of each other."

"Brother Chu, have you ever been to this Thousand Miles of Black Forest? I heard that here, once the sun goes down, you can't see your fingers. When we came in, Brother Liumu specially told us that we must set up a bonfire in advance at night, otherwise we will last the whole night. Don't go there," the fat man said.

"I've been here a few times, but I've always flown there on a monster beast. I'm not familiar with the dark forest, but it's okay. Let's just follow what Brother Liumu told us." Chu Yan said, and the group started on their way.

The Black Forest of Ten Thousand Miles, based on ten thousand miles, if you want to cross it in half a month, you have to walk an average of 800 miles every day, so everyone along the way is crossing it quickly.

Of course, this showed Fatty's kamikaze skills. When running, Fatty's speed was not slow at all, but was a little faster than Chu Yan and Ye Xun.

This also made everyone speed up. Before night fell, the group of people had been on the road. If they encountered some monsters on the way, they would hunt them down and then put them away as food for the night.

They would also encounter some bloody corpses on the way, all of which were students from the Changlong Kingdom. Looking at these corpses, Ye Xun sighed: "Some were attacked by monsters, and some were caused by fights between students."

"This is true practice. The path of a strong man is made of countless blood and corpses." Chu Yan sighed, kindly collected the corpses of several students, and then continued on his way.

Things like the tent covering the sky and the ground are Chu Yan's strong point, so he and his group unconsciously take Chu Yan as the center. The four of them, including the little wolf, are not in a bad situation in the black forest.

As night fell, Chu Yan and his group gathered in front of a living being. It was pitch dark around them. It can be said that there was no light five meters away from the campfire. However, this also made Chu Yan and Ye Xun feel relieved. At least in this situation, it is almost impossible for the Bai family or the Zhang family to attack him late at night, unless they don't want to live.

At this time, on the other side, Bai Haohe, Bai Ting, Zhang Feng and his group also lit a bonfire in the black forest. They had nearly a hundred people and were very powerful.

"Brother Bai, we have been chasing for a whole day and have not found the trace of that little beast. Are you sure they are coming in this direction?" Zhang Feng said without boredom.

"That's right. Find a fire nearby at dawn tomorrow."

"Okay, I will kill Chu Yan tomorrow anyway." Zhang Feng said arrogantly.

The night passed quickly. Chu Yan and Ye Xun took turns to rest. Because Fatty and Zhao Sanfeng were weaker, they were responsible for two hours, and Chu Yan and Ye Xun were responsible for three hours. After five hours, the sky began to light up slightly.

"Let's go." Chu Yan said to everyone at dawn. Because he knew that Bai Haohe would chase him in the black forest, Chu Yan kept speeding up to avoid being caught up.

Ye Xun and his group got up, put out the fire, and followed Chu Yan, shuttling into the bottomless black forest.

In less than half an hour, Bai Haohe and others chased to the place where Chu Yan and others rested last night. Bai Ting grabbed a handful of warm ashes on the ground.

"Brother, this fire is still hot, they probably didn't run far." Bai Ting said to Bai Haohe.

"Chase! I want them dead today!" Bai Haohe's eyes were bloodshot, he stepped on the ground, the residue of the fire was blown away by the strong wind, and then he burst out and chased in the direction where Chu Yan and others fled.

Bai Ting, Zhang Feng, and countless Bai family warriors below Dongchen followed closely.

Chu Yan and his group had already rushed out a hundred miles away, and felt the sudden sound of wind behind him, Chu Yan frowned.

"We've been discovered! Speed ​​up!"

Chu Yan said immediately, the old demon had told him that Bai Haohe had used the forbidden technique of the Red Moon Valley, and now his talent has reached the level of eight stars in the life body, and his strength is at the sixth level of Dongchen. With him and Ye Xun now, they are definitely not Bai Haohe's opponents.

The group continued to speed up, and their faces became serious. Fu Tao and Zhao Sanfeng were even more nervous. If they were caught up by the Bai family, it would be a dead end.

"Chu Yan, something is wrong. There are people blocking us in front." But at this moment, Ye Xun suddenly stretched out his hand and stopped several people.

Chu Yan looked forward, through the bustling dense forest, he saw a group of young men in white clothes, each holding a long spear in his hand, looking for something. Suddenly, one of the young men turned his eyes and looked at Chu Yan through the dense forest. The next moment, the young man's eyes revealed a strong murderous intent.

"Run!" Chu Yan reacted very quickly. He shouted fiercely, and a group of people ran towards the west.

"Brother Chu, the group of people just now are from the Snow Country. I saw them when I accompanied my father to escort the caravan before. Why do they want to kill you?" Fu Tao asked curiously.

Chu Yan shook his head. So far, he dared to guarantee that he had no hatred with the Snow Country, but the young man's eyes just now were obviously to kill him. There was only one explanation, someone hired the Snow Country students to assassinate him.

But Chu Yan didn't know that the Snow Country had just begun. The rest of the way was almost surrounded by all sides. The students of the major recruiting points, whenever they met Chu Yan, there was only one word, kill!

In just one day, from only Bai Haohe and his group chasing and killing, until the evening, there were almost nearly a thousand people chasing and killing Chu Yan in the Black Forest.

Running wildly in the mountains and forests, Ye Xun looked at Chu Yan helplessly: "Fuck! Who did you offend? Now the whole Black Forest basically shouts to kill you when they see you!"

"How the hell do I know!" Chu Yan was also speechless. He didn't expect that someone would go to such great lengths to kill him, and bribed people in all the major recruiting points. This was completely to kill him.

"There are people in front, change positions!"

Zhao Sanfeng said hurriedly, and the group turned around suddenly, but the next moment, a black shadow rushed out from the front of several people, and a palm blasted out, and Zhao Sanfeng's body was immediately knocked out.

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