Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 476: Killing the Demon Palace

Whenever someone enters the Demon Mountain, the Demon Sect will have people come to watch, and the number of people varies according to their talents.

Only this time, most of the people from the Demon Sect came, just because the person who entered the Demon Mountain this time was actually a human cultivator. This has never happened in the history of the Demon Sect.

When the people around Xie Yun saw Chu Yan stepping into the Killing Demon Palace, they snorted coldly: "He is overestimating his own abilities. He should feel honored to be recognized by the Heart Demon Palace. He entered it and chose to practice, but he even wanted to challenge the higher Demon Palace. He is simply courting death."

"Don't say that." Xie Yun smiled calmly on the side: "He was born in a humble galaxy. How can he know how big the sky is? He is the king of the galaxy, which is also considered to be some ability. He always gives people some self-righteous rights."

"Brother Xie Yun is right." Everyone nodded, but showed a sarcastic face. Wang Feng stood aside and curled his lips, and did not argue with him.

Zi Yin, Zhu Feng and others looked at the Demon Mountain, all slightly worried.

The Demonic Palace of Killing is different from the Demonic Palace of Heart. In the Demonic Palace of Heart, you just need to keep your original heart, but in the Demonic Palace of Killing, you need some real skills, a test of combat power, and they have all experienced the Shuras in it, which are extremely difficult to break through.

In a sense, the Demonic Palace of Killing is one of the most difficult of the eleven Demonic Palaces, and the number of recognized Demon Sect disciples is the least.

Chu Yan passed through the Demonic Palace of Heart and looked at an ancient road in front of him, his eyes calm. It was like an ancient battlefield, with scarlet battle flags erected on both sides, fluttering in the cold wind, and a demon world Shura in the center, with killing light flashing in his eyes, as if Chu Yan would tear him to pieces as soon as he took a step.

"The Demonic Palace of Killing seems to have a barrier here, which can sense my realm. The Shuras that appear in front of me are all the same as me, and are all at the third level of the emperor." Chu Yan glanced at the Shuras in front of him, and the realm of these Shuras is the same as Chu Yan.

However, the combat power test does not look at the realm. Although combat power is proportional to realm, it is not a necessary condition.

For example, no matter how strong a Venerable is, it is difficult to defeat an Emperor. But for both Emperors, blood, soul, and magical skills will play a decisive role.

And the Shura in front of him is obviously the top-level combat power among the third-level Emperors. Chu Yan has fought with countless third-level Emperors, including fourth-level Emperors, but none of them gave him as much pressure as the Shura in front of him.

"He is also a third-level Emperor, but he has top-level blood, top-level soul, and extraordinary magical powers. If he does not have super combat power, he can't get through this Demon Palace at all." Chu Yan said.

Outside the Demon Mountain, everyone saw Chu Yan blocking outside the Killing Demon Palace for a long time, and they all thought he was going to give up. Xie Yun smiled and said, "It seems that he still has some self-knowledge."

"He moved!" But at this time, everyone's eyes froze, and Chu Yan, who hesitated for a long time, took a step and stepped into the Nine Mountains of the Killing Demon Palace.

Xie Yun's eyes turned cold, and he was obviously very unhappy with Chu Yan's decision, because the seven demon palaces he got did not include the Demon Palace of Killing.

He, Xie Yun, was rejected by the Demon Palace of Killing and was defeated on this ancient battlefield road.

"Just because you can't do it doesn't mean my brother can't." Wang Feng smiled proudly, his eyes shining. He admired his brother very much. Whether in the world or in the land of stars, he created countless miracles.

"Let's see how many Shuras he can defeat." Xie Yun hugged his arms.

Chu Yan moved, he adjusted his state, and the sword in his hand rang. The first Shura seemed to feel him, and immediately roared, holding a dark magic knife, and slashed at Chu Yan. The magic road seemed to be able to cut through the void, and the void was fractured and spread to both sides.

"Seven steps, one kill!" Chu Yan groaned, his sword heart flashing, and then he slashed at the demon knife. The sword and the sword collided in the air, and immediately produced a strong residual power. The sound of metal collision was like the roar of beasts, and a demon mountain was shaking and roaring non-stop.

Blocking with a sword, Chu Yan changed his true self. His original body only had three bloodlines, which was not enough to compete with this Shura, so he directly used the pure power bloodline. His body became bigger, and he was a foot tall. I don’t know when a huge axe appeared in his hand, as if he was going to open the sky, golden, and smashed it towards the demon cultivator.

"Human cultivator? You don’t know what you can do, retreat on your own!" Demon Lord Shura could actually speak human language and looked down on Chu Yan.

"What is a demon? I am a human cultivator, but if I have a power more terrifying than a demon, are you me, or am I a demon?" Chu Yan asked back, and the demon cultivator laughed wildly: "It's ridiculous, demon cultivators have top-level bloodlines, unparalleled combat power, and can you compare with human cultivators?"

"How do you know if you haven't tried it?" Chu Yan opened and closed the golden axe in his hand. His body was ten feet tall, like a golden giant, and was almost the same as the demon lord Shura. The golden and black lights produced several major contrasts, constantly colliding in the air, and bursting out with strong residual power.

"Cut!" Chu Yan chopped with an axe again. With the blessing of gravity bloodline, the golden axe weighed ten thousand tons. The demon cultivator's eyes were horrified and hurriedly retreated, but it was too late. Chu Yan chopped with an axe.

"No matter you are a human cultivator or a demon cultivator, I will chop them all with one axe." Chu Yan said calmly. He turned into a body of power, like a golden god of war, with extremely strong power. Every step he took left a deep pit on the ground.

"So strong!" The people outside the Demon Mountain were shocked.

Ziyin's phoenix eyes sparkled with brilliance, and she smiled: "Zhu Feng, if we were fighting that day, would you be able to block this move from Junior Brother?"

Zhu Feng curled his lips: "This kid, he has a conscience..."

Xie Yun's face was extremely ugly, but he would not show it: "It's just one Shura, there are nine in this ancient road, and each one is stronger than the other. I don't believe he can win."

Wangfeng shook his head and refused to defend himself. He just waited for Chu Yan to vent his anger after being recognized by all the demon palaces.

"You win, you can go to the next mountain." The first Demon Lord Shura made way. Chu Yan turned back to his true self and politely handed over his hand: "Thank you, senior."

"You have a good talent. It would be a pity if you don't cultivate demons." The first Shura sighed.

"What do humans and demons mean? There are evil people in humans and good demons in demons. My heart remains the same and I remain true to myself. I am both a human and a demon." Chu Yan said with a smile. Demon Lord Shura was stunned and laughed: "That's right. You taught me a lesson, it’s interesting, go ahead, I look forward to your next performance.”

Chu Yan nodded and continued to step onto the Demon Mountain, followed by the second Shura Killer. This Shura was good at demon shadow attacks. He cultivated the speed bloodline, and all magical powers and martial arts were derived from the bloodline, forming thousands of demon shadows. As Chu Yan continued to strangle.

Feeling this power, Chu Yan changed his true self, and his true self appeared, using the same method to fight against Shura.

Everyone outside the Magic Mountain was stunned, and many were speechless.

"How to deal with Shura in the way of Shura?" Gu Lie said with a hearty smile: "It's quite interesting."

After half a stick of incense, Chu Yan came out with his sword and stepped into the third magic mountain of the Demon Killing Palace.

"It passed." The Demon Sect disciples were a little shocked. Zi Yin looked at Gu Lie: "Senior Brother Gu, how long did it take you to pass the Killing Demon Palace?"

"Seven full days."

"Then it seems that my junior brother may be able to break your record." Ziyin's silver bell-like voice thought, and Gu Lie agreed: "Indeed, junior brother's combat power is terrifying. Although he is a human cultivator, within his body, I saw demons, demons, Buddhism, and many kinds of power at the same time. This demon-killing palace should not be able to stop him."

"What an alien." Zhu Feng rolled his eyes. He is a demon cultivator. He should understand that although there are great ways and simple methods, there are still differences between various methods. For example, they demon cultivators can also Practicing some human supernatural powers and the art of imitating demons is taboo in Buddhism.

This is true for demons and Buddhism. Of course, there are also some rare ones, such as Buddhism. There are also some eminent monks who practice demons. They reincarnate for a lifetime and go to the demon state to preach and save people. Therefore, there is a saying that if I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell, but after all, It's a minority.

But now Chu Yan is practicing thousands of methods by himself.

After killing the Demon Palace, Chu Yan swept through all the seven remaining Demon Mountains.

The Demon Lord Shura here is all the third level emperor, but for Chu Yan, being invincible in the same realm is his self-confidence.

Even if you are the top Demon Lord, as long as he is the third level Emperor, he will not be defeated. This kind of confidence will become more and more extreme as his realm improves.

"Kill the Demon Palace, it's on!" Zi Yin smiled brightly: "There are two Demon Palaces."

At this time, some people from the Demon Sect who were not optimistic about Chu Yan also nodded secretly to express their approval of Chu Yan.

"Whoosh!" At this moment, a huge demonic shadow suddenly flew out from the magic mountain, with demonic wings behind it. It spread out to a thousand feet, enveloped the magic mountain, and landed in front of Chu Yan.

"It's to kill the Demon Lord!" The Demon Sect disciple's eyes lit up. Although the Ancient Demon Sect is one sect, the eleven Demon Palaces are all different.

"The Killing Demon Lord actually appeared in person." Everyone was surprised. In the past, when people broke into the Demon Mountain, and occasionally there were outstanding disciples, the Demon Lord would appear and recruit them as disciples.

And the Killing Demon Palace is definitely the top existence among the Eleven Demon Palaces.

"Boy, although you are a human cultivator, your fighting power is amazing. Now that you have been recognized by my demon-killing palace, would you like to be my lord? If you are willing, even if you are a human cultivator, I will personally guide you and help you Cultivate a person with extraordinary combat power, comparable to a great demon," said the Killing Demon Lord proudly.

Everyone at the foot of the Demon Mountain was envious, and the Demon Lord was killed and recruited disciples in person, which was rare in the Demon Mountain.

Chu Yan smiled and glanced at Killing Demon Lord: "Thank you, senior, for your kindness. I would like to think about it, junior."




"Rejected." Under the magic mountain, everyone was stunned for a while. Gu Lie also looked at Chu Yan with a profound look, and then showed an appreciative smile.

Chu Yan didn't know the situation under the Demon Mountain, but as far as he was concerned, it was not too difficult to kill the Demon Palace. As for worshiping a certain Demon Palace, he really didn't think carefully and just responded as he pleased.

Demon Lord Killer's expression changed slightly. Apparently he did not expect that he would be rejected by Chu Yan when he came forward in person.

"Have you thought about it? With your appearance, although your fighting power is good, if you continue to challenge, the Demon Mountain above will definitely knock you out. At that time, I will not accept you anymore." Killing Demon Lord is somewhat threatening. The way of meaning.

Chu Yan also frowned slightly. To others, killing the Demon King sounded like a kind words, but to him, it sounded like a threat or a curse.

"Junior still wants to give it a try." Chu Yan said without hesitation, and then he made a determined decision. Without even looking at the Killing Demon Lord, he turned around and stepped towards the next demon palace.

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