Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 475 Entering the Demon Mountain

Chu Yan temporarily lived in the Demon City. Although he was not yet a disciple of the Demon Sect, everyone in the Demon Sect was extremely polite to him.

Especially Zhu Feng, Zi Yin and others, they belong to the same lineage as Gu Lie and usually take good care of Chu Yan.

Zhu Feng has been clamoring to compete with Chu Yan. Chu Yan refused at first, but Zhu Feng worked tirelessly and insisted on fighting.

"Junior Brother Chu, just fight! Just once!" Zhu Feng looked pitiful.

Zi Yin rolled her eyes at the side: "You are a fourth-level emperor, and Junior Brother Chu is only a third-level emperor, so you are embarrassed."

"I can let him reach the first level." Zhu Feng said confidently: "I just want to try the power of the successor of Sword Lord. How about Junior Brother Chu?"

Chu Yan was helpless for a while, and he looked at Zhu Feng strangely: "Do you have to fight?"

"We must fight!" Zhu Feng said firmly, and Chu Yan finally agreed without getting tired of it: "Then let's fight once."

Zhu Feng's eyes were gleaming. For this battle, he deliberately amplified his momentum and challenged Chu Yan to a male-female battle on the central stage of the Demon City.

This battle also attracted many people to watch, but the outcome is self-evident. Although Chu Yan is still the third level of Emperor, the inheritance of Sword Master, coupled with the powerful combination of life and soul, can no longer be compared with the realm. Ordinary The fourth level emperor is no match for him at all.

On the sword platform, Zhu Feng acted extremely confident and polite. He also told Chu Yan that Chu Yan could rest assured that he would be merciful.

The result... Zhu Feng was defeated in three moves.

This is why Chu Yan showed mercy.

"..." The disciples of the Demon Sect were stunned for a while, and Zhu Yin and others laughed loudly: "You are humiliating yourself!"

"Junior brother, you tricked me!" Zhu Feng got up from the fighting platform, his head hanging down.

"I said I won't fight, but you insist on fighting." Chu Yan said speechlessly. Fortunately, Zhu Feng didn't care. After such a long period of contact, Chu Yan found that the people of the Demonic Way were more frank, and defeat was not terrible for them. If you lose, work hard and fight back.

Three months have passed in the blink of an eye, and Chu Yan has been practicing in the Demon Sect. For three months, he still has not broken through. Above the emperor, one step at a time, it is extremely difficult to break through.

Within three months, his strength bloodline broke through and reached the third level. Now he only has the speed bloodline left, and he has entered the third level.

The strength of the other two true selves has also stabilized at the peak of the Human Emperor. Now, he is confident that when he meets Yang Chen, he can win within three moves even without using the world of swords.

On this day, a piece of news came out from the Demon Sect.

Chu Yan wants to go to the Magic Mountain.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted many people to watch. Zi Yin and Zhu Feng came early and were smiling under the magic mountain.

"Guess, Junior Brother Chu can go to the Magic Mountain?" Zhu Feng asked from the side.

Zi Yin rolled her eyes at Zhu Feng and said, "You can take it. If he can beat you, of course he can."

"..." Zhu Feng's face darkened, and he said helplessly: "Please, can you not make fun of me? Who knew that that kid at the third level of the emperor, with such terrifying combat power, at the third level of the bloodline..."

"However, the magic mountain is different from combat power. It is the understanding of the devil's way. Junior Brother Chu is not a demon cultivator himself. Setting foot on the magic mountain is hundreds of times more difficult than ordinary demon cultivators."

Thinking of this, Zi Yin also showed a bit of worry. In the past three months, Chu Yan had shown extremely strong combat power and talent, but today he was going to the Magic Mountain.

The Demon Mountain is the Holy Land of the Demon Sect. There are ninety-nine big Demon Mountains, and there are eleven Demon Palaces above. Each Demon Palace controls nine Demon Mountains. If you want to become a true disciple of the Demon Sect, you must obtain a Demon Palace. recognition.

And in addition, going to the Demon Mountain is also an experience in itself. Even the disciples who have joined the Demon Sect will come often, because every time they step into the Demon Mountain, they will have a different understanding and a deeper understanding of the true meaning of the Demonic Way. layer of understanding and insight.

Therefore, from a certain level, it is almost impossible for human beings to set foot on the Magic Mountain.

"People cultivate into the magic mountain, hehe, this is interesting." In the distance, a young man sneered, his eyes full of contempt.

"I'm afraid I will be kicked out of the Demon Mountain by the Lord of a certain Demon Palace again." Another Demon Sect disciple laughed.

Chu Yan slowly came to the foot of the magic mountain. The ninety-nine magic mountains in front of him seemed to overlap, giving people a majestic and inviolable feeling.

"You should think clearly, with your talent, if you abolish your cultivation and cultivate demons again, it will not be difficult to step into a demon temple even if you are in the realm of three dusts. However, if you are in the state of human cultivation, it will be too difficult to comprehend the demon mountain. Gu Lie frowned at the side, and then advised: "You are now in the imperial realm, and your understanding of cultivation is beyond ordinary people. Even if you abolish your cultivation and practice again, it will only take a few years to return to the top. By then, you will practice the devil's way again." With the help of the ancient inheritance of the Demonic Heavenly Monument, you will definitely become a demon king."

Chu Yan smiled and shook his head. He had incarnated as an ancient demon, so he did not want to be a demon anymore, not to mention that in his opinion, humans and demons were no different.

"Okay, I won't persuade you any more. I wish you good luck." Gu Lie stepped aside.

Chu Yan took a deep breath, and then took the first heavy step. With one step, the magic mountain trembled, and he suddenly felt like he was being sucked into a strange world.

This is a world full of vicious demons and endless killings. Chu Yan transformed into an ordinary demon clan, cruel and violent like all demon cultivators.

In this world, human life is like a piece of grass. If you want to live, you can only fight. Chu Yan fought his way to the sky. He looked at the desolate land, but his heart was extremely sad.

Because among those corpses, there were countless people he cared about, and he had a huge magic knife in his hand that he couldn't let go of.

"Is this the Magic Mountain?" Chu Yan sighed, looking at the magic knife stained with countless blood in his hand: "I hold the magic knife and am regarded as a demon in the world. However, if I put down the magic knife, I will be the flesh and blood of others. This Is this the real world of demons?”

"Devil Sword, can I put it down?" Chu Yan took a deep breath, and he suddenly became extremely relaxed. The Demon Sword in his hand sank into the underworld at this moment, and then Chu Yan endured the killing of thousands of giant demons. , he stood in the center, motionless.

"Everything is just a passing cloud, let it go." Chu Yan said calmly, and there was a faint demonic roar coming from his body, making the earth tremble.

"Boom!" The first magic mountain was broken!

There was a huge demon spirit hidden in Chu Yan's body. He raised his head and looked at the endlessly cruel troll: "You can't stop me!"

"Passed!" Outside the magic mountain, Zi Yin showed a smile: "Junior brother passed the first magic mountain, the first mountain in the Heart Demon Palace."

"The inner demon is easy to deal with at first, but it will be more difficult later. He still has a long way to go before he wants to be recognized by the Demon Palace." Gu Lie shook his head.

"Senior brother, you went to the Demon Mountain for the first time. How many demon temples did you get approval from?"

"Three." Gu Lie said: "Heart Demon Palace, Dark Demon Palace, Killing Demon Palace."

"I wonder if my junior brother can go to the Demon Mountain, how many demon temples will he be recognized by?" Zhu Feng thought at the side, while Wangfeng said confidently: "My senior brother will definitely be recognized by all the demon temples."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted countless strange looks, and then someone shook his head and said with a smile: "All Demon Palaces? My Demon Sect has never appeared before."

"It's just a cultivator. If he can be recognized by a demon temple, it would be a miracle. How dare he try to be recognized by all demon temples? What a shame." Someone next to him spoke, and everyone looked at him with a bit of envy and concern. Respect.

Zi Yin said from the side: "This person's name is Xie Yun. He is a descendant of the Xie clan. He was born to cultivate demons. He has a strong talent for magic. He has also been inherited by a heavenly monument. He is now very famous in our Demon Sect."

Wangfeng curled his lips and looked at Xie Yun: "This is your first time, how many demon temples have you recognized?"

"Seven! The most recognition from the Demon Palace in the history of the Demon Sect." Xie Yun said proudly. He was right. The Demon Sect has been established for hundreds of thousands of years. It is the first time that the Demon Sect has entered the Demon Mountain and has been recognized by more than three Demon Palaces. He is a top genius, such as Gu Lie, who is extremely talented among his senior brothers.

As for more than three, any one of them will have extremely high achievements, and with some, they now have a pivotal position in Tianbei Mountain.

And Xie Yun, the seven demon palaces are already records of the demon sect.

In the history of the Demon Sect, there have only been one hundred people recognized by the Seven Demon Palaces, and Xie Yun is the one hundred and first. In addition to Xie Yun, there are currently two disciples in the Demon Sect who have been recognized by the Seven Demon Palaces.

"My senior brother will surpass you." Wangfeng said calmly, as if he was stating a fact. He didn't understand the history of the Demon Sect, but he knew enough about Chu Yan, and that was enough.

"More than Xie Yun?" After hearing Wangfeng's words, everyone in the Demon Sect just sneered. Several young people beside Xie Yun shook their heads, not even sarcastically, just because, in their opinion, Chu Yan wanted to surpass Xie Yun. It is undoubtedly nonsense.

"He's one step closer." While everyone was talking and laughing, Chu Yan took several steps in succession towards the top of the Heart Demon Palace.

"The Temple of the Heart Demon is about to be breached." Zi Yin smiled and was truly happy for Chu Yan.

There are nine magic mountains in the Palace of Heart Demons, one mountain and one world. They go through pain and make people sink. Chu Yan walked in the ocean of innocence, with a strong will. From time to time, demon spirits entangled him and affected his mind, but he remained unmoved.

"My mind is strong and I will not be disturbed by demons!" Chu Yan ran the Immortal Art of Immortality, and it was like there was a pure candle in his body, driving away demon spirits.

"Heart Demon Palace, it's approved." Not long after, a palace appeared on the Demon Mountain, and at this time, it opened the door to Chu Yan.

Gu Lie finally let go of his worries and said with a smile: "From today on, he is my disciple of the Demon Sect."

"Everyone present here, who has not logged into the Demon Mountain and been recognized by the Demon Palace, is just recognized by a Demon Palace, nothing special." A young man next to Xie Yun said unconvinced.

Zi Yin rolled her eyes at the young man and did not explain, but everyone knew that Chu Yan had already cultivated to break into the Demon Mountain, which required a lot of determination.

"He is still continuing." A disciple of the Demon Sect said. Everyone looked up and discovered that the Heart Demon Palace was opened. Chu Yan did not step into it, but chose to continue the challenge.

"Is the next Demon Palace the one to kill the Demon Palace?" A disciple whispered.

"The Killing Demon Palace is extremely domineering. If you want to pass, you can only kill and fight like crazy. This Demon Palace is the most test of combat effectiveness." Everyone from the Demon Sect said.

When Chu Yan passed through the Heart Demon Palace, the world in front of him changed again, forming an endless killing battlefield.

There is only one road here, but on this road lies a demon Shura. If you want to pass through, you must fight and defeat all these Shura before you can pass.

"Is this the test of killing the Demon Palace?" Chu Yan thought in his heart, with the corner of his mouth raised. For him, killing the Demon Palace is much easier than the Heart Demon Palace.

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