Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 477 All Demonic Palaces

"Very good!" Killing Demon Lord snorted with a hint of coldness, and then the demon disappeared, looking extremely unhappy.

Thinking about it, a demon king figure who is already a top-notch existence in the Six Realms Galaxy, now personally came forward to take Chu Yan, but was rejected.

But Chu Yan didn't care about this. Killing the Demon Lord had a condescending attitude, and he was sure that he would never be able to enter the other Demon Mountains, so if he didn't accept it, he would give it a try.

"I don't know what's good or bad!" Xie Yun sneered, but he was a little envious in his heart. Although he was recognized by the seven demon palaces, there was never a demon king who appeared, just some elders of the demon palaces.

Chu Yan turned around and continued to enter the Demon Mountain. The next nine Demon Palaces each had their own merits, but they were all tests of Taoism.

The third seat is the test of blood.

Chu Yan stepped into it, and a pair of big empty eyes appeared in the sky, spying on him, but he was not in a hurry, and stood there calmly. After a long time, his surroundings turned into a river of blood.

These rivers of blood must be crossed with the power of blood, otherwise they will suffer backlash. Chu Yan changed his true self and broke the magic mountain with his second true self.

Bloodline Demon Palace, passed!

The fourth Demon Palace is the True Illusion Demon Palace. There is a huge stone door here. In front of the stone door, a pair of demon lions sit cross-legged. The demon lions look lazy and have a third eye. As soon as the eyes open, they immediately command Chu Yan fell into an illusion. If he wanted to be recognized by the True Fantasy Demon Palace, he needed to break through this illusion.

Chu Yan appeared in an illusion, and then he found a stone wall in front of him. On the stone wall was carved a demonic lion. The demonic lion was like the eye of the sky, possessing extremely terrifying power. It kept releasing power, as if it could make the real world sink. .

Chu Yan was struggling in this world, and he suddenly found that his mirror soul resonated with it, and an independent world emerged.

"This illusion actually evolved from the mirror image?" Chu Yan was shocked. This was the first time he saw someone using the mirror image technique, except for the old man in the mirror image.

The art of mirroring is a spiritual magical power that can portray one's own world, achieve great success, and even be able to confuse the real with the fake.

Now, he is in this illusory realm, with mountains of ice and fire on both sides, and the overlapping of yin and yang, which makes the aura in his body extremely violent. However, after a long time, he calmed down. He once practiced the art of Liangyi in the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda. There are yin and yang in all Tao, and they are all two rituals.

"Is it the illusion of yin and yang?" Chu Yan smiled faintly. At this moment, with a flash of eyebrows, he actually created another mirror image within the mirror image. In his world, he merged icebergs and volcanoes to form a huge Tai Chi pattern, and he stood in the center of the Tai Chi seal.

"You can't confuse me!" Chu Yan said lightly, "The True Illusion Demon Palace, Liang!"

"There are four Demon Palaces." Zi Yin was extremely excited outside the Demon Mountain. In just one day, Chu Yan had been recognized by the four Demon Palaces. Although the Demon Sect was not the best, it was still at the top.

Gu Lie nodded in approval, and suddenly remembered that his ancestor found him in the Six Realms Galaxy and asked him to protect Chu Yan from death no matter what. At that time, he didn't understand why the ancestor cared so much about cultivating alone. But today It seems that Chu Yan is indeed outstanding.

The fifth Demon Palace is the Demon Palace of Divine Powers. If you want to be recognized by this Demon Palace, you need to use your own power to deduce new magical powers.

There are a lot of resources in the magic mountain. Chu Yan is sitting here, practicing crazily and evolving with his own power.

He also has an innate advantage in this regard. The Haotian Tower can create magical powers. He learned the Juechen sword technique there, so it is not difficult to deduce a magical magical power.

Not long after, Chu Yan passed through the Fifth Demon Palace and walked towards the Sixth Demon Palace. Under the Demon Mountain, many disciples were even a little numb.

"It's the seventh demon palace." Soon after, the seventh demon palace also lit up.

Wangfeng was at the foot of the Demon Mountain and looked at Xie Yun with confidence: "Seven Demon Palaces, is it difficult? Now my senior brother has stepped into it. If he steps up to the Eighth Demon Palace, what you said the most will be broken."

Xie Yun's face was pale, and there was hatred in his heart. No one expected that Chu Yan was so good.

"Hmph! So what? After all, if you can cultivate alone, how much success can you achieve?" The demon said unconvinced.

"It seems you still don't understand." Wangfeng sighed: "My senior brother is a human being, and he is a dragon among men. If he is a demon, what use do you have? As for the so-called genius of the demon sect, let's not talk about it in the future. My senior brother is here, and you are in the Demon Sect, so you are destined to be only a foil."

"It's the eighth Demon Palace, the record has been broken." When Wangfeng and Xie Yun were arguing, another Demon Palace on the Magic Mountain lit up. Chu Yan passed through the Seventh Demon Palace and stood on the Eighth Demon Palace.

"There are only the last three left." The hearts of the Demon Mountain disciples seemed to be overwhelmed, and some of them began to cheer for Chu Yan, hoping that Chu Yan would be recognized by the Eleven Demon Palace.

"The ninth one!" someone else said, and all the Demon Sect disciples were counting silently in their hearts.

Chu Yan continued. After the nine demon temples were broken open, he found that his understanding of the demonic path had deepened.

The so-called demonic cultivation is actually the same as human cultivation, but the method of cultivation is different, and the demonic cultivation is more domineering. They are good at fighting and competing. As long as you show extraordinary strength, you will be respected, and there will be less intrigue than other people.

"The tenth one." At this time, not only the ordinary disciples were watching outside the Demon Mountain, but also some of the top disciples practicing in the Demon Temple also came down and looked at Chu Yan.

"Interesting guy." A very enchanting woman chuckled. She was more beautiful than Zi Yin. Everyone was extremely fascinated when they saw her. At this time, her eyes were also looking at Chu Yan.

Like Xie Yun, she is one of the people recognized by the seven demon palaces. Her name is Mengya. She practices dream magic and is good at creating dreams.

Wangfeng looked at Mengya with a smile: "Does the young lady also like my senior brother? But if the young lady wants to pursue our senior brother, she may have to go through a lot of troubles."

"Uh..." Everyone in the Demon Sect stared at Wangfeng with wide eyes.

Mengya was also stunned and giggled: "My little brother talks funny, do you think with my appearance, if I seduce him, he will refuse?"

"It's hard to say." Wangfeng said seriously. Although Mengya is beautiful, he has seen Liu Qingcheng, Qingyi, and Li Xianer, and no one is inferior to Mengya.

Wangfeng said with sly eyes: "Miss, how about we make a bet?"

"Tell me about it." Mengya smiled even more, and Wangfeng continued: "If my senior brother is recognized by all the demon halls, how about you pursue my senior brother?"

"..." All the Demon Sect disciples were speechless for a while. Wangfeng actually said, let Mengya pursue Chu Yan? Mengya was also stunned for a moment, and looked at Chu Yan on the Demon Mountain with a smile: "Okay, if he is recognized by the eleven demon temples, I will chase him."

The Demon Sect was in a state of excitement. The goddess in their dreams actually said that she wanted to pursue Chu Yan?

For a moment, countless vicious eyes looked at Chu Yan. Of course, Chu Yan didn't know all this, otherwise he would have the urge to beat Wangfeng violently, and he would never continue to step towards the magic mountain.

It's a pity that he didn't know that after passing through the tenth temple, there was only the last one left. This demon temple was the Soul Demon Palace.

When Chu Yan came here, there was a huge stone array in the center, and there was a vague figure in the distance.

"Junior Chu Yan, I have met my senior." Chu Yan cupped his hands to the shadow and said with a calm smile: "Senior, what is the test of this demon temple?"

Xuying glanced at Chu Yan: "The assessment of the Life Soul Demon Palace is simple. Sacrifice your life soul and I will judge it myself."

Chu Yan nodded and thought to himself, this Demon Palace is easy, but this Demon Palace is actually the most difficult among the eleven Demon Palaces.

After all, you can try hard in the first ten demon temples, but this one is destined.

If your life soul arrangement is not high enough, no matter how hard you try, you will not be recognized.

Chu Yan stopped talking nonsense, and then an extremely dazzling brilliance appeared all over him. The four souls rose into the sky one after another, making the whole space bright. The light was vaguely dazzling.

As soon as the four souls came out, Xuying's eyes flashed with surprise. Even though he was a demon king, he believed that he had never seen such a terrifying combination of souls.

The first life soul is a sixth-grade life soul forged. As for the next two life souls, they are both seventh-grade life souls. This means that when Chu Yan respects him, he has a seventh-grade life soul.

Even if it is the Land of Star Sea, how many people own it?

"Okay!" Xuying took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and then said calmly: "You can go down to the Magic Mountain."

"Senior, do you think I passed?" Chu Yan asked.

Xuying glared at Chu Yan angrily, and the next moment, the ninety-nine magic mountains trembled slightly, appearing strange as never before, and the eleventh demon temple also lit up at this moment.

Chu Yan was recognized by all the Demon Palaces.

Under the magic mountain, even though some disciples had expected it, they were still full of shock when they saw this scene.

"I really did it." Zi Yin's eyes turned slightly red, she was so excited.

Wangfeng smiled confidently, as if this was inevitable for him.

"Little sister, don't forget our bet." Wangfeng looked at Mengya. Mengya's almond-shaped eyes were also full of surprise. She had been recognized by the seven demon palaces and knew how difficult it was, but Chu Yan actually passed them all. , including the Killing Demon Palace and the Life Soul Demon Palace.

"Okay." Mengya smiled charmingly, and countless disciples of the Demon Sect seemed to hear their own hearts breaking at this moment.

Walking down from the magic mountain, Chu Yan found that there were more people, and walked to Gu Lie in confusion: "Brother, what's wrong?"

Gu Lie smiled bitterly: "You kid, you have broken the record of my Demon Sect and been recognized by eleven Demon Palaces, and yet you still ask me what's wrong."

"Don't you have to go to the end of the Demon Mountain?" Chu Yan blinked innocently, and countless disciples of the Demon Sect had the urge to hit people.

"This guy!" Yan Xie smiled and shook his head, thinking that he could really pretend.

Chu Yan felt miserable because he didn't know the rules, otherwise he would never have been in the limelight. He had always thought that the Magic Mountain meant that he had to walk through the Ninety-nine Mountains.

However, the next second, Chu Yan felt countless vicious eyes looking at him. He saw many disciples of the Demon Sect gnashing their teeth, as if Chu Yan had robbed their women, making Chu Yan's head full of black lines.

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