Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 448 A heartwarming scene [Three updates]

During the banquet, the emperors of all clans knelt down one after another. They were all filled with resentment and were speechless towards Qin Zixuan.

Are you, the majestic empress of ASEAN, the enchantress of the Six Realms, short of money? Even if you are really short of money, just tell us directly and we will give it to you. Which gambling house are you going to?

Of course, they only dared to think in their hearts, who dared to show a trace of dissatisfaction in front of Qin Zixuan?

Qin Zixuan glanced at everyone and said calmly: "What are you doing? It's just about winning or losing. It's not like I can't afford to lose. I'll give you all the spiritual jade I lost. Get up."

"Thank you so much, Madam." Everyone laughed dryly before standing up one after another.

"These little guys are good at gambling. I rarely suffer losses. They can actually beat me. The banquet is over. If you are not busy, please stay and play a few more games with me." Qin Zixuan said.

"Okay, okay, since the queen is willing, the juniors must obey. Li Yufeng, do you hear me? After the banquet is over, go and spend time with the queen." An old man said in a pretentious manner, and then immediately sent a message to the disciple below him: "Remember, you are not allowed to win, you are only allowed to lose, and lose to death. All the spiritual jade will be reimbursed by the family!"

The disciple smiled bitterly. He now knew Qin Zixuan's identity. If you let him win, he would have to dare.

The opponent's female monarch is trying to destroy his clan as if it's a joke. How dare he win?

The ancestor of the Gu family looked extremely frightened at this time. He knelt down tremblingly, gritted his teeth, and said to Chu Yan: "Young Master Chu, our ancient clan is willing to disband from now on, and no longer ask anything about the Star Territory. I beg you, Young Master Chu, to atone for your sins." !”

"Get up." Chu Yan took a sip of wine and said calmly: "Now that the star field is unified, today's banquet is a happy event. Ancient tribe, please retreat on your own."

Chu Yan did not punish the ancient clan, but his words made everyone understand that the ancient clan was finished. The top family in the West was completely destroyed just because of Gu Feng's dandyism.

In the future, no matter how prosperous the Star Territory is, it will have nothing to do with his ancient clan.

The banquet continued, and the episode of the ancient clan did not cause too much trouble. Strong men from all sides came up to propose a toast. Chu Yan was also polite to this. Although he now rules the same side, he understands that many of these people are It's because of the Nine Shocking Veins behind him. As for himself, he doesn't have the strength to make these people afraid.

He is a second-level emperor. Although he is not weak, he is still too young and still has no right to speak in front of these powerful clans.

After experiencing this banquet, Chu Yan also understood the truth that one's own strength is extremely important.

After all, he can't stay in the galaxy forever. If he wants to seek revenge, he needs strong strength to set foot on the highest place on the galaxy to take revenge.

In his memory, Chu Hanfeng's tribe boasted of being gods, controlling the will of heaven, and controlling all living beings. That realm was beyond his reach.

He is too humble now.

"It seems it's time to leave." Chu Yan thought while drinking.

Although he now rules a star field and becomes the king of the star field, he is also restrained here. Even a tiger trapped in a cage for a long time will eventually lose its aggressiveness. Minions are tamed and cannot become stronger.

The real strong people are all from different sides. This is why many top ancestors and giants of many big forces still travel continuously to explore some secret realms full of dangers and experience themselves.

Why is the current Six Domain Galaxy not a constraint for Chu Yan? Here, he is like a tiger trapped in a cage for a long time, unable to exert its full strength.

But before leaving, he still needs to make good preparations.

Chu Yan thought in his heart that after the banquet was over, many powerful people left one after another.

After that, Chu Yan invited all the relatives and friends to stay and held a family banquet.

During the family banquet, Hua Zhixu came back in a wooden boat and saw Chu Yan stepping forward and hugging him hard.

"You still know how to come back!" Hua Feng said, blowing his beard and glaring at the side. Qiu Mengxi was also full of resentment.

"Hey, how could I not come on the day when my brother becomes king? Come back to ask for a drink." Hua Zhixu smiled, Chu Yan said to Hua Feng from the side: "Senior Huafeng, Zhixu is now in the ancient demon. Achievement is a happy thing.”

Hua Zhixu is now very prosperous in the Ancient Demon Star Territory, and has joined the three major demon mountains. The Purple Dragon Demon Lord likes him very much, and like Duan Hen, he is accepted as a secluded disciple.

"Oh, what a good thing, this bastard likes to cause trouble, and walks around the Ancient Demon Star Territory in the name of Purple Dragon Demon Lord every day!" Hua Feng said speechlessly.

Chu Yan felt ashamed for a moment, but Hua Zhixu still had the same personality and liked to show off, even more so now that he was confident.

"Zhixu, you are very talented, don't delay. By the way, it's time for your wedding with Mengxi to be held, right?" Chu Yan said, pretending to be serious: "Mengxi is a good girl, if you I can't forgive you for betraying him!"

"No way." Hua Zhixu smiled bitterly and looked at Qiu Mengxi: "Mengxi, you have to wait for me for a while. The Demon Lord wants me to become the Emperor of Heaven first. At that time, I will make you a promise."

"After waiting for so many years, why not wait a few more years." Qiu Mengxi said with a sweet smile.

Emperor Qiu was also there, but now, the Divine Weapons Guild had long been disbanded. He could appear here entirely because of Qiu Mengxi. He looked at Chu Yan and Hua Zhixu with helpless eyes, secretly sighing at his own stupidity back then.

When Chu Yan returned from the disaster that day in the mortal world, he understood how big of a mistake he had made. The Divine Weapon Guild, like Baicaotang, had the opportunity to become the core of the mortal world.

But that time, he chose Chijunlin.

If it weren't for Qiu Mengxi, he might have died long ago.

"Uncle Mi." Chu Yan came to the direction of the End Flame Valley. Mi Wang also came. Mi Tong was beside him. Now he was also a Venerable.

Mi Tong looked at Chu Yan and smiled bitterly: "I knew long ago that you would turn into a dragon one day and get involved in the country. It's too fast."

"Brother!" Chu Yan looked at Mi Tong and smiled gently, as usual. As for the hatred, he had long forgotten it.

After calling him brother, Mi Tong sighed and shook his head weakly, looking at Mi Wang: "Father, you were wrong back then."

"Wrong." Mi Wang burst into tears. End Flame Valley, missed once, and missed it again. Chu Hanfeng once let him go, but later, he was still an enemy of the wilderness.

The two families were originally aristocratic families. Qin Ruoming liked Mi Er very much. He might even be Chu Yan's father-in-law, but everything was gone.

"Uncle, all the grudges are over, let the past go with the wind." Chu Yan smiled and said, "Mi'er is now the Xuannv of Xuannv Sect, and is regarded as a generation of Tianbei. His achievements are the pride of my six regions."

Back then, he really hated Mi Wang, who forced Mi'er away and wanted to destroy him in the wilderness.

How many times did Chu Yan want to tear Mi Wang apart and flatten the Moyan Valley.

However, the voice of Brother Chu is still in his heart. The blue-clothed woman in the Hundred Forests. The unswerving support in Xumi Peak, the pressure from the strong on Tianbei Mountain, and her smile.

Mi'er even became an enemy of Moyan Valley for him and severed her relationship with Mi Wang. If he killed Mi Wang, how would he face that girl?

Mi Wang's eyes were filled with tears. He nodded, closed his eyes, and looked at the sky: "Han Feng, I feel guilty."

"Uncle Mi, if you don't mind, let's disband the End Flame Valley." Chu Yan said lightly. Many elders of the End Flame Valley frowned, but then Chu Yan said: "You can move to the Ancient Dynasty and treat this place as your home. Brother Mi Tong will also stay here and practice in the Ancient Dynasty."

The people of the End Flame Valley bowed their heads in shame. Chu Yan forgave them and let them enter the land of the dynasty.

"Senior Xiahou, help me repair the meridians for my uncle, accumulate essence, and help him practice." Chu Yan looked at the ancestor Xiahou, who nodded, and the king's majesty was sprinkled. A change occurred in Mi Wang's body. The meridians that had been dry for six years began to become full, like a long drought meeting a sweet rain, and finally all the essence flowed into the dantian.

In a short moment, Mi Wang's realm reached the top level.

He originally had the ability to defeat the emperor. Now that his meridians have recovered, he only needs the soul of the pig to be crowned king. His future practice will also be much easier.

All the grudges finally passed away with the wind. King Mi smiled, and everyone was very harmonious at the family banquet.

Chu Yan has been practicing until now, and almost all his friends have arrived. The older generation, Hua Feng and others are drinking and reveling together. Among them, the most talked about is Chu Yan.

Ancestor Xiahou smiled and said, "When the ancient monsters came, I knew that this kid was extraordinary. My vision was right, haha!"

Everyone rolled their eyes and was not happy.

Chu Yan was with the fat man and others. Xiahou Yuehe and Chen Nishang were there. Liu Qingcheng had been sitting beside Chu Yan. Qingyi came, but she hesitated slightly when she saw this scene and turned around to leave.

"Qingyi!" Chu Yan saw her, hesitated, and couldn't help shouting, but he couldn't say what purpose it was for.

"What's wrong." Qingyi stopped and looked at Chu Yan calmly, still as cold and beautiful as before.

Chu Yan was stunned and was speechless. The important thing was that Qingcheng was still by his side. He didn't know how to keep Qingyi. He could feel the loneliness in Qingyi's heart.

"Sister Qingyi, can you stay with me? The men are drinking, let's go sit aside." Liu Qingcheng stood up and asked her to stay, smiling sweetly.

Everyone was surprised, including Qingyi, but then she saw Liu Qingcheng smiling at her, and she felt a little relaxed in her heart, and nodded crisply: "Okay!"

"Silly Yan!" The little wolf suddenly jumped out from under the table, lay on Miaomiao's back, and fell asleep lazily.

Everyone looked at Chu Yan with a smile, and Chu Yan was speechless. At this time, Chen Nishang smiled faintly and said: "Chu Yan, Qingcheng is very reasonable, and seems to understand you very well. How about you discuss with her one day and take me in? I will be your mistress."

"..." Chu Yan was speechless for a while, but his heart finally relaxed, and then everyone drank and had fun again.

Among the younger generation, Chu Yan was the main one. Almost all the friends who had practiced cultivation over the years were there, except for two people, one was Ye Xun and the other was Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao was in the Li family. Although he had not come yet, he wrote him a letter to congratulate him and told him that he was engaged to Jiang Xueer. When the wedding came, Chu Yan must be there. Chu Yan was very happy to know that the two had achieved their goal.

As for Ye Xun, Chu Yan missed him a little. The person who had been with him in the martial arts world for the first time, and who had embarked on a journey to change his fate for him, but now, he didn't know where he was.

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