Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 449: Peak of the Human Emperor

A family banquet was more lively than the previous star field feast, and there were many top people.

Those who were eligible to participate in this family banquet were all Chu Yan's friends, elders, and respected people. After half the wine tour, the Purple Dragon Demon Lord also came. When he saw the three mirror images, he laughed and talked happily. What they talked about were the events of their time thousands of years ago.

Everyone has their own experiences, whether they are ups and downs, helplessness, or sadness. Of course, when the older generation is together, they don’t want to brag about each other.

Among the youngest generation, Liu Jun became the king of children, surrounded by everyone, and some outsiders gathered around him, asking about Chu Yan.

Liu Jun was Chu Yan's nephew, but he was willing to accept anyone who came, and he was quite talkative. He boasted to the juniors, and Chu Yan felt helpless.

"Liu Jun, don't talk nonsense!" Ye Ting'er glared at Liu Jun and smiled bitterly.

After the family banquet, everyone just dispersed. Chu Yan has been practicing for more than ten years and has rarely felt this relaxed.

Under the night, Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng were walking in the imperial city, with their fingers intertwined. The two of them walked gently with very light steps. Chu Yan was vaguely drunk. He raised his head and looked at the stars and the vast galaxy: "Back then, I was... Qin Tiange took him away, and my mother sent a message saying, "My heart is like my eyes. If my heart only lives in this small place, how can I want to dye this blue sky."

"Mom will be fine." Liu Qingcheng said with a sweet smile. She had never met Qin Ruomeng. Maybe she had met Qin Ruomeng when she was very young, but she didn't remember it, but she felt an inexplicable longing for him.

"Yes, it will definitely happen." Chu Yan also nodded in belief.

In the days that followed, the peace in the Six Realms was a bit frightening. On the contrary, this sudden calm made people feel inexplicably uneasy.

Like the calm before the storm.

Chu Yan began to be busy practicing. He had to work hard to catch up with what he had delayed earlier. The spiritual energy in his body was rotating rapidly every day.

"Tian Xing Jue Chen Dian!" Chu Yan made a seal with his hands, Wu Xin pointed upward, and started to use the memory method.

Chu Yan had always thought that the Tianxing Juechen Code was a very common set of skills, so it rarely worked after he became a king. But this time Qin Zixuan mentioned it, he paid attention to it again.

The Tianxing Juechen Code was operating, and the vitality in his body blew up a hurricane, like a small storm zone, turning into endless stars.

After a while, Chu Yan calmed down, and a small shadow formed in his Dantian. It was exactly what Chu Yan looked like, but a little childish. He suddenly discovered that with the practice of Tianxing Juechen Code, although his vitality had not strengthened, But the soul power is growing extremely fast.

Practitioners have a theory of dual cultivation, both internal and external. External cultivation refers to vitality and realm. Internal cultivation, bloodline repair, life soul forging. Any super strong person must be extremely powerful both internally and externally.

Otherwise, once there is a disconnect between the two, it will be extremely difficult for the other to make progress. Among them, the influence of bloodline is the most obvious. Before entering the emperor, if the bloodline does not enter the third realm and cannot cast the fourth life soul, it will not be possible to become emperor.

Soul power is a special kind of existence. It cultivates perception, insight, and control of spiritual consciousness.

A powerful Fire Emblem Master must have a strong soul, because to cast Fire Emblem, a powerful soul needs to be inside to control a party. Chu Yan himself is a powerful Fire Emblem Master, so his soul is more powerful than ordinary people. .

"The Heavenly Star Juechen Code is actually making breakthroughs as I improve?" After a long time, Chu Yan opened his eyes in surprise. This time he ran the Heavenly Star Juechen Code, and he found that it was much stronger than before, making his perception more powerful. It became more thorough, and the manic blood in the body gradually became much more stable.

"It seems that my sister is right. The Tianxing Juechen Code is indeed not simple. It will need to be run frequently in the future." Chu Yan thought.

This bloodline explosion also made him wary. He didn't know to what level this bloodline could be promoted, but such domineering power was by no means a blessing to him.

Once it breaks out, how many people will covet it? Also, will Chu Hanfeng’s tribe be aware of this power?

However, after practicing for several months, Chu Yan never achieved a breakthrough. He sighed: "It's still a little bit behind."

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the top of the galaxy: "It seems it's time to leave."

In the Chenjian Dynasty, everyone gathered together, including the people of Zhentian Nine Meridians. The young man sat alone on the throne, very calm.

"Seniors, now that the Dust Realm has been stabilized, what do you think?" Chu Yan asked.

Ancestor Xiahou said calmly: "Although several overlords were dissatisfied with the canonization of our mortal star domain, they did not stop it in the end. Now the six domains are relatively calm, and I have an exclusive domain in the mortal world. The overlords of all parties seem to have the intention of truce. Even the wars in the two major star regions, Ancient Yao and Yunhai, have been reduced a lot.”

"Although my Zhentian lineage occupies a star field, it has suffered a lot over the past ten thousand years. It has a rich foundation, but its height is insufficient. There is still a gap between us and the real overlord. The battle for the overlord is dominated by top powerhouses, and even low-level emperors. They all play the role of cannon fodder, guarding in the world, and there are fortune-telling kings and others, but if they take the initiative to attack, the chance of winning is not good. "God is humane.

"Well, that's why I called everyone here this time." Chu Yan nodded: "Although our Zhentian lineage has reappeared in the Six Domains, we still have to be careful. The Emperor Sect didn't take action last time, but it doesn't mean they can't , the Emperor Sect has four top men, and there is no chance of winning against them. "

"The world of mortals is developing steadily. Now that the six-domain pattern has begun to take shape, it will be extremely difficult for any overlord to swallow us up. We should continue to stabilize and accumulate strength."

"Chu Yan is right. Our current strength is too weak in front of the real overlords of the six regions." Someone agreed.

Chu Yan nodded, and then he said lightly: "So I think I will leave the Six Realms after a while."

"Leaving?" Everyone was surprised, but after thinking carefully, they felt that it was inevitable. The talent Chu Yan showed was too amazing. It was indeed difficult for him to improve in the Six Realms now. He could not walk freely in the Six Realms. Only by leaving could he find a higher realm.

"When are you going to leave?" Someone asked reluctantly.

"After a while. There is one more thing to do before leaving." Chu Yan said: "Today, I called everyone here just to say hello first, so that everyone can be prepared. In addition, try to keep a low profile and don't make a fuss about leaving."

Chu Yan said, and everyone nodded. They also understood that Chu Yan's identity is special now. As the master of a domain, if he leaves, once it is spread, it will cause a sensation.

More importantly, if the other overlords get the news in advance, they are afraid that they will secretly encircle and assassinate Chu Yan, which will be a big trouble.

So Chu Yan prepared to leave quietly.

In the following days, Chu Yan still focused on cultivation. Before leaving, he thought that he could break through a realm and reach the top level of the emperor.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye, and a strong lightning rose in the dust, turning into the body of the Thunder God, with a natural phenomenon.

Everyone looked up and looked at it with piety. Ancestor Xiahou smiled faintly: "It seems that he has broken through."

"He seems to be only 28 years old?" The Shangcang Daotong couldn't help but smile bitterly: "It's unbelievable that he is at the peak of the emperor at the age of 28."

"Breakthrough." Liu Qingcheng smiled and pushed the door in. Chu Yan stood up with a smile. Although it was only one realm, his aura had changed greatly.

The emperor realm is a watershed. Above the emperor, each realm is extremely difficult to break through. One realm a day, so there is a big gap between each realm.

Today, Chu Yan has become more handsome, with clear edges and corners. Even if his aura is restrained, he still gives people an extraordinary temperament.

"I heard that you are going to leave?" Liu Qingcheng said with a smile, but there was a little panic in her phoenix eyes.

"Yes, the Six Realms are too limited now. It's hard for me to break through if I stay here." Chu Yan said truthfully. Liu Qingcheng pursed her red lips and whispered, "I want to go with you."

"I know that if I follow you, I will become a burden, but I really don't want to be separated from you again." Liu Qingcheng said, her eyes turned red, and the pain of missing each other after being together for a long time was even more like a knife.

Chu Yan was slightly stunned. He went forward to hug Liu Qingcheng and kissed her on the forehead: "Silly girl."

Chu Yan's original intention was not to take Liu Qingcheng with him, not because he was afraid that she would delay him, but because he cared more about her, so he didn't dare to.

Beyond the galaxy, it was even more vast, and there would be many strong people at that time. Chu Yan was afraid that Liu Qingcheng would be in danger, but he looked at Liu Qingcheng's begging eyes and really couldn't bear to refuse.


Liu Qingcheng smiled brightly, and the two gently hugged each other.


Another half month has passed. On this day, a young man and woman flew out of the mortal world. The man was extremely handsome, and the woman was extremely beautiful. I don’t know how many people envy them.

The man and woman were Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng. They walked in the red clouds, left the star field, and went to a secret place in the six-domain galaxy.

This place is extremely secretive and rarely known in the six domains. There are layers of thick fog outside, and a storm formation in the center, which makes others dare not approach easily.

In the center of the storm, twelve bronze pillars stand upright. The twelve pillars seem to be related, but they are restrained by each other. On each pillar, there is a terrible mark.

The twelve ancient pillars are the most famous secrets in the six domains. This place, like Tianbei Mountain, is an existence that has escaped from the six-domain galaxy and is in a higher world.

In the history of ten thousand years, the ancient pillars have also selected the sons of Tianjiao. Any one of them has changed the world and changed his fate, obtained great fortune, and shocked the world.

But the test here is more difficult than that of Tianbei Mountain, and only one person can pass it in a thousand years.

And there are rumors that if a person who is not the chosen one dares to step into the Twelve Ancient God Pillars without permission, he will be punished by God, and the lightest will be seriously injured, and the serious ones will die on the spot, so people dare not break in easily.

Now, Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng came here, looking at the storm of the Twelve Ancient God Pillars, their eyes are full of some longing.

Ye Xun can be said to be Chu Yan's first brother and the best one. They met in the small Tianyong City when they were young and have been friends ever since.

After defecting from the Western Temple, Ye Xun disappeared here. Ancestor Xiahou investigated and found that someone rescued Ye Xun and brought him here.

"Wait for me outside, I'll go in and take a look." Chu Yan stroked Liu Qingcheng's cheek and smiled.

"Be careful, you still have me." Liu Qingcheng was a little worried, but she also understood that Chu Yan could not rest assured if she didn't figure out the matter of Ye Xun.

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