Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 447: The Fear of the Ancients

"Huh?" This scene was so sudden that everyone frowned and looked up in confusion.

What did those ghost swordsmen just say? See King of Dust?

King of Dust, are you here?

Everyone turned around and searched among the crowd, as if they had found the King of Dust, and took a look at his appearance, but still no one noticed Chu Yan.

A Heavenly Emperor walked from a distance and landed next to the drunkard. He glanced at the people of the Ancient Clan and sneered: "The Ancient Clan is really majestic. How dare a mere Gu Feng mock Young Master Chu? It seems that the West God’s death did not teach you any lessons.”

The people of the ancient clan frowned slightly, and a Heavenly Emperor glanced at this person. The Dongfang Fang family was also the top family of the Po Emperor.

That drunkard came from the Fang family.

The Heavenly Emperor of the Fang family was an ancestor, but he bent his waist very low in front of Chu Yan. For fear of being overlooked, he respectfully said to Chu Yan: "I have long heard about the demeanor of Young Master Chu. The Eastern God that day The battle at the altar was right at the foot of the Holy Mountain. It was a wonderful battle. I am honored to see it today. "

"Chu, Young Master Chu?" The eyes of all the people outside the stars froze, and they were all shocked. King Chen, seems to have the surname Chu too, right?

Gu Feng's face was even more astonished, and Wang Feng couldn't help laughing.

Everyone suddenly realized, and immediately felt regretful. They had a chance to say something fair just now, but due to the existence of the ancient tribe, they didn't. That was an opportunity to make good friends with King Chen.

But they all missed it.

As for the people of the Gu clan, all of them were livid, and some of the clansmen who were originally very unhappy with Gu Feng's actions were extremely angry, with the intention of killing Gu Feng with their eyes.

Today's mortal world is extraordinary, even stronger than the Four Gods back then. As top families, they must be friends and seek asylum, but just now, they have completely offended each other.

And he also humiliated the king of the earth.

"Senior Fang, you're welcome." Chu Yan looked at the Emperor of the Fang family and smiled lightly: "Since you are here, you are a guest. The Fang family should sit in the seat of honored guests."

After saying that, Chu Yan glanced at the drunkard again, who nodded with a wry smile: "I didn't expect you to be Chu Yan, King of Dust. I'm really blind, Fang family, Fang Jiitu."

Chu Yan nodded and looked at the Heavenly Emperor of the Fang family: "Senior, I think he is very good. Perhaps the new generation of the Fang family can be trained with him as the focus, what do you think?"

The Emperor Fang's eyes lit up. He didn't know the previous relationship between Fang Jiitu and Chu Yan, but today's sentence meant a lot. He nodded immediately: "This is natural."

Immediately, he immediately sent a message to Fang Jiitu: "Jiitu, do you know the King of Chu?"

Do you know each other? It was just that he casually said a word to Chu Yan in the gambling shop.

"Jiitu, you must make more friends with the King of Chu in the future. From now on, the Fang family's achievements will all depend on you." Emperor Fang Tian sent a message.

Fang Jiitu smiled bitterly. He understood that Chu Yan's words today would completely change his future. He was actually very talented, but because of his straightforward temperament, he was not successful in the clan, so he drank every day. However, he knew that from then on, From now on, no one in the clan will look down upon him.

"Everyone is here, come to the imperial court and take your seats." Chu Yan said with a faint smile, without the slightest hint of arrogance, which greatly changed many people's impression of Chu Yan.

As for the Gu family, he didn't take a look, but everyone understood that the Gu family would be destroyed after today.

The aliens all sneered. A disciple of a family that was far inferior to the Gu clan glanced at Gu Feng and sneered: "Gu Feng, you are so majestic. King Chu is the king of the Star Territory, but he is not as powerful as you, Gu Feng." So powerful, so arrogant."

"Of course, he said that he was born in a noble place. In his eyes, the King of Chu is just an ant with a low life and soul." Another woman sneered.

Gu Feng clenched his fists fiercely, but was speechless, his face turned red to the extreme.

Who would have thought that the person he met at the gambling house would be the King of Star Territory?

"Gu Feng, it's all your fault!" The people of the Gu clan are also full of resentment towards Gu Feng, but so what?

The earthly banquet started. At the banquet, Chu Yan attended, and Liu Qingcheng was also present. All the top families in the star field came here.

The ancestor of the Fang family personally visited and toasted to Chu Yan at the banquet. He did not show any arrogance at all. Instead, he lowered his body and said with a smile: "Young Master Chu, I would like to toast you on behalf of the Fang family. From now on, Star Territory will rely on you." You.”

"Senior Fang, you're welcome. Although I am the King of a Star Realm in the mortal world, I have no intention to rule the world. You are still of your own clan and there is no need to submit to me in the mortal world."

"It's just that my star field in the mortal world has always been the most barren place in the six realms. It has been discriminated against for thousands of years, the battle for the sky monument, and even some secret realms are not open to our star field. That's why I in the mortal world hope that everyone can unite and create a better place together. A good place to practice." Chu Yan smiled.

"Young Master Chu is absolutely right." Someone from below suddenly said flatteringly.

Chu Yan shook his head helplessly and said calmly: "My ancient dynasty in this world was so glorious ten thousand years ago. Now, ten thousand years ago, it has fallen into a barren land and is looked down upon in the six realms. This is not my ambition in this world. I hope everyone understands that even if As the king of a star region, I will not force you to do anything. Your resources are still yours. If all races are strong, I will not interfere in this world. "

"But some rules are ironclad. I hope everyone knows it. Don't wait until one day when I come in person and everyone feels that Chu is unsatisfactory."

Chu Yan's words can be regarded as courtesy first and then fighting. He is right, this is not the purpose of the world.

Back then, in the world of mortals, the emperor ruled the six realms, and when the sky shook, who could compete with him? Now it is just the Yutong side, there is nothing to be proud of. Chu Yan also believes that sooner or later, the world will regain its former glory.

But he will not forcefully recruit people with foreign surnames and exclude dissidents like other overlords.

In Chu Yan's view, everyone has his or her own way of cultivation, and the purpose of uniting them is to create a better cultivation illusion for this star field.

The mortal world is the place guarded by Chu Hanfeng and Qin Ruomeng, and Chu Yan should also guard it. Therefore, for him, becoming the king of this star field is not a once and for all thing, but a responsibility. He I also hope that in the future, more powerful people will come out of the dusty star field and regain their former glory.

"The Dust King is generous and more humane than the other overlords. I admire him." Everyone nodded, this time sincerely.

If the other overlords were like the mortal world and controlled a star region, they would definitely plunder resources and strengthen themselves in order to achieve stability.

But Chu Yan didn't, and instead allowed others to develop on their own. This kind of magnanimity is also a kind of self-confidence.

After all, the long river of history is constantly changing and advancing. How many younger generations have come out to defeat the world and change dynasties?

Even if there is a rebellion in a country, the royal family will use various means to squeeze and threaten the princes, let alone an entire star region? This temptation is too great, who dares to do this?

Chu Yan, dare you today, he allows you to develop as long as you don't violate the rules. Of course, if you think it is enough to compete with the world, you can violate it, but the price will be destruction.

Of course, it was not until many years later, when Chu Yan was no longer in the galaxy, that everyone understood that Chu Yan really did not have this ambition. His vision, his sky, was so high and wide.

At this time, another strong man flew in from outside the Six Domains. He was a top-level Po-Emperor. He had flowing white hair, wore common clothes, and his old eyes were gray.

He landed outside the imperial city, knelt down and kowtowed three times at a time, carried a thorn tree to the imperial city, and attracted everyone's attention.

"That's the ancestor of the Gu family?" everyone said, and then sneered. Everyone present knew what Gu Feng had done before, and now, a broken emperor came to plead guilty?

"The old ancestor of the Gu family has failed to teach his son well. Come here and kneel down to beg for mercy from King Chen!" The ancestor of the Gu family stood there tremblingly. Everyone sneered. Aren't your Gu family very powerful?

"Gu Feng, get over here and kneel down!" the ancestor of the Gu family roared. He didn't want to come either. He had lived for thousands of years. He was famous in the Star Territory and wanted to have an old face.

But there is no other way. He has lived for a long time and has seen more clearly. He has long understood the power of power. He does not even doubt that if he does not come today and the banquet is dispersed, maybe Chu Yan does not bother to take revenge, but there will be other families in the Star Territory. They attacked the Gu family, and in the name of conquering Chu Yan, they destroyed the Gu family.

Gu Feng stood aside, but he didn't have that consciousness and was unwilling to do so.

Chu Yan glanced at it and sneered: "Senior Gu, what do you mean by this? I can't afford the Gu family's apology. However, I asked Gu Feng before if the Gu family is very strong. He also personally admitted that he is the top force in the Star Territory. When I see him in the mortal world, I have to be polite to him. Since he is so powerful, there is no need to apologize to me. I have neglected the Gu family. I will definitely visit the Gu family in person when I have the opportunity. "

The ancestor of the Gu family felt a thump in his heart. He wanted to kill Gu Feng. He knelt down with a thump and said, "King Chen will atone for his sins!"

"Gee, old guy, your grandson still wants to pursue me. Do you want me to agree?" Qin Zixuan said something casually from the side. As a result, the whole place was silent...

Not many people who knew Qin Zixuan looked at Qin Zixuan curiously.

"Old Dog, are you afraid that you still don't know Miss Qin's identity? She is the sister of King Chen. The chaos in the Emperor Sect not long ago was her fault alone. She was also the one who forced the ancestor of the Shi family to retreat. She is the real deal. A great king." Emperor Fang Tian sneered from the side: "Your Gu family is really awesome."

"Boom!" Everyone's hearts trembled. At this time, not only the Gu family was uneasy, but also the younger generations of other families were trembling.

Their elders couldn't help but frown when they saw this, and asked through a message: "What's going on?"

"I...I won a lot of jade from her in the gambling house before." The young masters of all races became frightened. Were they gambling with a prince? And, they even won?

"Pfft!" Many elders of the family knelt down in a hurry, sweating coldly. They knew that this witch was more difficult to deal with than Chu Yan.

"I have no idea how to teach my son, so I still hope that the queen will atone for her sins!"

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