Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 442 The situation in the six regions is formed [Three updates]

"Kill!" Chu Yan went crazy.

The powerful men in the world twitched at the corners of their mouths when they saw this, the emperor versus the king?

Moreover, he is only the Human Emperor. The power shown by Chu Yan is too powerful, right?

The ancestors of several major overlords looked very gloomy, but there was no way, they had to fight today, otherwise they would all be seriously injured.

"Kill!" The five princes actually joined forces to deal with a Chu Yan at this time?

Ancestor Xiahou stared at him from a distance: "You bastard, how dare you!"

"Hmph, Xiahou, your master is crazy. He doesn't distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. If we don't kill him, this star field will be catastrophic. I advise you not to interfere!" The Illusory Demon Lord roared.

"You want to kill me?" Chu Yan glanced at everyone, and then he strolled out, approaching everyone, and greeted them.

A sword slashed out, tearing apart the void. The ancestor of the Shi family was shocked. His arms were turned to stone, and his power was infinite. However, the stone arms immediately shattered and he took a few steps back.

Everyone was shocked. The ancestor of the Shi family couldn't block Chu Yan's sword?

The king of the Mu family said in fear: "Chu Yan, our Mu family is willing to withdraw from this battle and will never be your enemy again!"

"It's too late!" Chu Yan said indifferently. He had very little sense and little chance of survival. He slowly pointed his sword at several princes, intending to kill them.

"Chu Yan!" Liu Qingcheng's eyes were red at this moment, and she wanted to take a step forward.

But at this moment, an ancient thought in Liu Qingcheng's body stopped her: "Little girl, I advise you not to go forward. He has lost his mind now and does not distinguish between friend and foe at all. If you come forward, he may even kill you!" "

After saying that, Gu Nian looked at Chu Yan and said to himself: "It's strange. This is the first time I have seen such a terrifying bloodline, but this bloodline is not under his control. It can be seen that it is powerful. It seems that this The identity of the son is not as simple as the Six Domains."

"I am his wife!" Liu Qingcheng said decisively, strolled out, and leaped behind Chu Yan: "Yan!"

Chu Yan's tiger body trembled. He turned back to look at Liu Qingcheng, his eyes already golden with murderous intent. Then he raised his hand and struck out with a sword.

As soon as the sword light came out, everyone was shocked. This sword could definitely kill Liu Qingcheng!

Liu Tianqing was furious and roared: "Chu Yan, that's Qingcheng!"

The eyes of Ren Emperor, Yao Lao and others also turned red. Chu Yan's sword was too fast and no one could stop it, so they could only shout, hoping to wake Chu Yan up.

If not, Liu Qingcheng would definitely die if Chu Yan's sword fell.

Liu Tianqing was almost desperate, that was his daughter... No matter how outstanding Chu Yan was, Liu Qingcheng was his daughter.

If he had expected today, he would never marry Liu Qingcheng to Chu Yan, not even if Chu Yan had a great background.

Is Liu Qingcheng about to die?

"Hide!" Liu Mu growled, and Ye Ting'er also knelt down: "Sister Qingcheng!"

However, looking at the sky-high sword, Liu Qingcheng suddenly smiled. She did not hide, but rushed forward. She opened her arms and looked at Chu Yan with a smile, her cheeks already covered with tears.

Gu Nian in Liu Qingcheng's body said hurriedly: "Little girl, get out of the way quickly, I can't block this sword at this distance!"

"No!" Liu Qingcheng shook her head stubbornly, and she stood there: "If you kill me and you can recover, I am willing to die!"

"Sister-in-law!" The fat man cried anxiously, but there was nothing he could do.

The sword was getting closer, and everyone couldn't bear to turn their heads.

But at this moment, a strange scene appeared. The sword approaching Liu Qingcheng suddenly stopped in mid-air. Chu Yan let out a scream, threw the sword away, held his head with both hands, and roared crazily: "Ah!!!"

"Poof!" The power of the sword that was about to be released was all contained, and it exploded inside Chu Yan's body, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood and kneel directly on the ground.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this and looked nervous.

The king of the four overlords stared at Chu Yan, and the ancestor of the Shi family frowned slightly: "The breath in his body is gone!"

Just like the last time, Chu Yan lost all his vitality and became an ordinary person, with all his imperial power gone.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene, but the next moment the ancestor of the Shi family flashed his eyes fiercely, and turned into a huge boulder and struck Chu Yan with his hand.

At this time, it is definitely the perfect opportunity to kill Chu Yan. If he misses it, I don’t know how long it will take.

"You dare!" Ancestor Xiahou said anxiously, flying out quickly, but it was too far and he had no time to save Chu Yan.

Qing Yi was very close, but her strength was definitely not enough to stop Chu Yan, but she still stood there, trying to save Chu Yan with her petite body.

"It's you again!" The ancestor of the Shi family snorted coldly. He had seen this woman before, and many people paid attention to the fact that she killed the Emperor Sect back then.

A few years ago, she had forced the Emperor Sect to appear as a monarch, but in the end it was all over.

"Poof!" Tsing Yi was hit by the Sky-Strengthening Stone Arm, spurting out a mouthful of blood, but the next moment a dragon roar resounded, and the Purple Dragon Demon Lord's spiritual thoughts flew out of Tsing Yi's body.

"Humph, Zilong, you are just a spiritual thought, do you think you can stop me?" The ancestor of the Shi family snorted coldly. If it were the Purple Dragon Demon Lord himself, he might really be afraid. After all, the Purple Dragon Demon Lord is as famous as Ji Huangji. existence, but he is not afraid of a divine thought.

The Purple Dragon Demon Lord glanced coldly at the ancestor of the Shi family, and then looked at the tragedy in the world, and was slightly moved.

"If you touch her, your Shi family will be destroyed. By then, no one in the six realms can save you." The Purple Dragon Demon Lord said coldly, making the ancestor of the Shi family frown.

He glanced at Qing Yi again. Qing Yi was still standing there indifferently. There was no wave in his eyes. Thinking about what Qing Yi had done before, he was a little afraid.

Qing Yi dared to kill even the Emperor Sect, and said that she wanted Ji Longyu dead. Could it be that this woman really has an extraordinary background?

"I won't kill her, but Chu Yan must die!" The ancestor of the Shi family took a big step forward, bypassing Qing Yi and trying to cut Chu Yan.

However, at this time, a huge hammer fell from the sky, and Qin Zixuan returned. She looked at Chu Yan with a frown, and her jade face was extremely cold. The hammer was blasted out without hesitation, shattering the stone arm of the ancestor of the Shi family.

"Get out!" Qin Zixuan shouted, her jade eyes full of strong coldness.

The corner of the ancestor of the Shi family couldn't help twitching: "It's you!"

"Three breaths, if you don't leave, I will go to the Shi family. It's easy for you to kill Chu Yan, but you see, can I kill your Shi family and exterminate them!" Qin Zixuan said unceremoniously, and the corner of the ancestor of the Shi family couldn't help twitching. The other side has another monarch, and the female monarch in front of him is a special existence in the six domains.

As the overlord, the Shi family has rich intelligence and knows that Qin Zixuan is special. She fought with the Tianhuang Sect, and someone came to rescue her in the end. Even a mysterious person like Qin Tiange showed up to protect her, which shows that this woman has an extraordinary background.

"Huan Yao, why don't you come back? Your demon mountain sect is about to be exterminated." The Purple Dragon Demon Lord's mind looked at the Huan Yao Lord in a joking manner.

"Asshole!" Today, the overlords of all parties have been frustrated. They wanted to kill Chu Yan and occupy this star field, but not only did they fail, but they suffered huge losses.

Chu Yan went crazy and killed countless emperors. Now that Qin Zixuan has arrived, the Tiandao Patriarch is probably not far away.

The other side has two more great lords. How can they fight them?

"This matter is not over!" The ancestor of the Shi family roared, and finally roared: "Retreat!"

"Retreat!" The Shi family left, and the other overlords would naturally not stay here. Qin Zixuan was like a madman. If they didn't leave, they might really kill their clans.

They may not be afraid, but the descendants of the clan and their descendants are afraid. The crazy killing of a great lord is definitely a nightmare.

Today's battle has come to a temporary end, and the people of Zhentian Jiumai are relieved.

"Today, the king of Chenjian Star Domain is crowned, who else is dissatisfied?" Qin Zixuan waited for Chu Yan to speak, and the echo echoed in the star domain.

"Greetings to King Chen!"

"Greetings to King Chen!" Many forces smiled bitterly and knelt down and bowed their heads.

Before, they still had the idea of ​​watching the fun, but now there is no need to consider it. The strength of Chenjian has surpassed the original four gods.

Chu Yan showed a crazy fighting power in today's battle.

Many Qin Tiange appeared, and the great star king of Chenjian was also there, sighing: "It has been sealed for ten thousand years, but it is not destroyed. When a demon star was launched into the sky, it really changed the situation in Chenjian."

"Princess still refuses to leave with us?" The second star king looked at Qin Zixuan and asked.

"I didn't ask."

"Why not?"

"If you want to ask, ask. I won't. The Star Array is being smashed. You are responsible for repairing it!" The Great Star Lord said unhappily. The Second Star Lord's face turned black and he was speechless.

Now that the pattern of the six domains has changed, the name of the Dust Sealed Star Domain has become a trend and is unstoppable.

As Chu Yan said, it was born out of necessity.

Everyone sighed. Ten thousand years have passed and the world is uncertain. The former Western God Star Domain has completely become history since today's battle. Maybe someone will mention it hundreds of years later, but I'm afraid it will only highlight Chu Yan's name.

In addition to the Dust, the other major domains have also quietly changed in today's battle. The three major demon mountains took advantage of the Illusion Demon Lord's trip to the Dust to launch a general attack on the Demon Mountain Gate.

The God Turtle Demon Lord was seriously injured, and the Demon Mountain Gate suffered heavy losses. The original three major demon tribes can only retreat to the east now, and the general situation is gone.

The Shi family was even worse off. They were surrounded and suppressed by the Li and Jiang families. It can be said that they were almost wiped out. Only a few emperors fled with their juniors and went to the Tianhuang Sect for refuge.

For a time, the structure of the six domains underwent subtle changes.

But after this battle, the six domains became much quieter, and the conflicts between the major overlords were reduced. They were all injured, and it was probably difficult for a war to break out in a short period of time.

As for Chu Yan, he never woke up, but his breath recovered a lot, and his face was no longer so pale. Liu Qingcheng took care of him every day.

The title of the King of Dust has resounded throughout the six domains, and there is a place in the Dust called Blood Destruction Valley.

In the battle that year, Blood Destruction Valley did not participate. Because of Lin Daoyan, Chu Yan did not destroy Blood Destruction Valley, but now it is not as elegant as before.

In Blood Destruction Valley, there was a woman who was slightly gloomy. It was Ye Zixi. She looked at the brilliant ancient dynasty and laughed at herself in her heart.

The person she mocked so much back then is now covered with thousands of rays of light, and Liu Qingcheng has also become the queen of the world.

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