Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 441 Who wants to kill me?

Many forces in the Star Territory frowned and stepped back, deciding to watch the excitement from the sidelines.

Whether it is the gods of the four directions or the mortal world, it has nothing to do with who controls them.

"Today, with the participation of all the overlords, it is difficult to canonize them in this world."

Many people are not optimistic about the world of mortals, and the words of the Illusory Demon King are still ringing in their ears.

He wanted Chu Yan to kill himself on the spot, with blood splattering five steps away.

Chu Yan was still standing calmly, and people were still coming towards Chenjian from a distance. A king-level expert from the Mu family arrived in a chariot. All-powerful.

A king came to the Shi family, followed by Younu Palace, and in the blink of an eye four kings appeared on the horizon.

Not long after, there was another extremely old demon king. He looked toward the world of mortals filled with deep resentment.

"It's the Divine Lord of the Four Directions, and he's here too!" Some forces with deep roots in the dust world recognized this person.

"The Sifang God was destroyed, and you were reduced to being a dog for the shepherds?" Chu Yan glanced at the Sifang God Lord and said jokingly.

"Roar!" The Sifang Divine Lord roared, with a strong murderous intention. In the past, he was chased and killed by many Heavenly Emperors such as Xiahou Patriarch, Heavenly Dao Tong, etc., causing him serious injuries. He must avenge this.

"Chu Yan, how can you break today's situation? I advise you to listen to me and kill yourself to avoid hurting innocent people." The king of the Mu family said calmly.

"Old dog, have you forgotten how the Meteor Star Pavilion was destroyed in just two years? But the five monarchs are only weak compared to the battle on Shangcang Island. If I were to transform into a demon, hold an immortal sword, and kill What do you think?" Chu Yan sneered.

"By then, will your Mu family follow in the footsteps of the Falling Star Pavilion? Without your protection, how could these overlords let your Mu family go if they try to destroy me in this world?"

The expression of the ancestor of the Mu family changed slightly. Chu Yan was right. He was there during the battle on Shangcang Island. He still remembers the power of the fairy sword and the sky-reaching giant demon.

This was also the reason why he hesitated to take action, but after a moment, he sneered: "Can you withstand that level of magical power a second time?"

"Do you want to try it?" Chu Yan said lightly, and the ancestor of the Mu family snorted coldly.

"Everyone, don't be disturbed by this man's nonsense. Last time, we were unprepared and were attacked by him. This time, even if he turns into a demon body and uses a fairy sword, how can he resist us." The first ancestor of the Shi family He said coldly, and then he took out an ancient war flag.

As soon as the battle flag came out, everyone's eyes lit up.

The battle flag waved, and the space instantly changed, forming an independent battlefield.

"The divine weapon actually has the power of a king. Is it an eighth-level divine weapon?" Everyone was surprised.

Chu Yan stared at the battle flag and felt a strong sense of oppression. It seemed that in this battlefield, all his power was restrained, and the Nine Nethers in his body were roaring.

"The Shi family is a family of weapon refiners. Unexpectedly, the ancestor of the Shi family even trained an eighth-level magic weapon." Someone said with envy.

In the world of martial arts, magical weapons and elixirs are extremely noble.

Divine weapons can protect people from death, and some of them can even withstand a life. Divine weapons above the seventh level are extremely powerful and contain imperial power. As for the eighth-level magic weapons, they have never appeared in the six realms.

"This magical weapon is a war drum and flag, with an independent battlefield inside. If you release the Immortal Technique on this battlefield, you will definitely cause it to kill." The ancestor of the Shi family said with a proud smile.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he shook his head. He had no intention of relying on magic to win. He raised his head and looked at the crowd: "In order to kill me, you all really went to great lengths to kill me. But I'm very curious. I didn't know you were here today. Is there anyone left in the clan?”

"Huh?" Everyone frowned, seemingly confused.

But at this moment, the face of the Illusory Demon King changed in shock, and he let out a shocking roar.

"Monster, what's going on?" Everyone looked at the Illusory Demon King in confusion.

The Illusory Demon King's face was extremely embarrassed, and he said hoarsely: "Purple Dragon is at the gate of my Demon Mountain!"

Everyone was shocked. At this moment, the Purple Dragon Demon Lord actually appeared at the Demon Mountain Gate?

"Asshole!" At this time, the face of the ancestor of the Shi family also turned gloomy, and he roared: "The Li family, the Jiang family, and my Shi family are at odds with your two families!"

"Palace Master, it's not good, the Xuannv Sect has counterattacked and led its people into the hinterland of Younv Palace!" Someone from the direction of Younv Palace said in a hurry, making the jade faces of many strong men in Younv Palace turn cold.

Their descendants and heirs are still in the palace.

No one expected that when the five great kings came today, not only did they not take down the mortal world, but they were all attacked by surprise.

"Seal the mountain and kill!" Chu Yan made a decisive decision, and all the Nine Veins of Zhentian sent out their magic soldiers to prepare for war.

But the four overlords didn't want to fight anymore. They were worried about their clan, were absent-minded, and suffered heavy losses one after another.

Even though there were five great kings, the Mirror Image Old Man opened up the mirror image of the ancient dynasty, and Jianming Tianjun and others used the power of their souls to kill the enemy, causing heavy losses to the opponent.

Everyone was stunned. They originally thought that the situation in the world would be defeated, but suddenly they counterattacked and turned into a one-sided battlefield.

Chu Yan was not polite, he strolled out and walked towards Zifeng.

Zifeng panicked, full of fear. He quickly retreated, and some surviving emperors from the four directions flew out. However, the emperors below the fourth level were so vulnerable in front of Chu Yan.

"Asshole! Withdraw troops!" Everyone roared.

The four overlords came with force, but today the situation was over. All members of their clan were attacked by sneak attacks, so they had no intention of lingering here.

"Let's go, I'll kill you first!" At this moment, the ancestor of the Shi family suddenly looked at Chu Yan with fierce eyes. His murderous intent was so strong that he turned into a petrified giant fist and struck it at Chu Yan.

"Chu Yan!" Everyone roared, and Chu Yan frowned slightly when he felt the strong monarchy, and his body sank, as if he was restrained by power.

"Die!" The ancestor of the Shi family roared. He is a great king. He wants to kill Chu Yan. Who can stop him?

Ancestor Xiahou, Shangcang Daotong and others were all shocked and angry, Liu Qingcheng's beauty turned pale, but even sleep could not stop this scene.

Qing Yi suddenly appeared, and she suddenly stood in front of Chu Yan.

Suddenly seeing Qing Yi, Chu Yan's pupils shrank: "Qing Yi, go quickly!"

"If I leave, you will die. I don't want you to die!" Qing Yi said crisply, her voice still very cold. However, she was only an emperor, but a strong determination flashed across her jade face, and there was endless energy in her delicate body. Green light blooms.

Chu Yan was angry in his heart, it was the same scene again, the battle on Shangcang Island, Shangcang Xianer was the same.

"Why don't you all listen to me!" Chu Yan roared. Suddenly, a dragon awakened in his body, and a golden light flashed in his eyes. He was almost crazy, and violent dragon roars continued to emit from his body. The candlelight was burning crazily at this moment.

"Ah!" Chu Yan roared, he took a step forward, and then he almost went crazy. He clenched his palm and a golden sword appeared.

"Kill!" With one word spoken, the shackles of the monarch's power were immediately shattered. He stepped out of the air, seemingly slowly, but he spanned a thousand meters in one step and directly met the ancestor of the Shi family.

Everyone was shocked. Fatty was stunned when he saw this scene below, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "What the hell, are you doing it again?"

Chu Yan's eyes were full of golden light, and he slashed out with his sword. It was as if there was an ancient divine beast dormant in the sky, trying to tear the sky apart, and crawled out.

"What's going on?" Everyone was shocked, and Chu Yan's aura surged: "He clearly still has the aura of the Human Emperor, but why did he suddenly burst out with such terrifying power?"

"I don't know..." The ancestor of the Mu family was also shocked. It was the first time he saw such a strange situation. He was obviously still an emperor, but the power he released was like a great king.

In other words, Chu Yan is now using the power of the emperor to reach the power of the great king.

Everyone in Zhentian Jiumai was also stunned, and the Heavenly Daotong whispered: "Xiahou, do you know what happened to the young master? Did he deliberately hide his strength before, but he is actually a king?"

Xia Hou shook his head decisively. He had seen Chu Yan when he was the emperor. It was impossible for him to make a sudden breakthrough in a few years: "Something is wrong. The situation in Chu Yan is very wrong now!"

"Damn it, war drum flag, destroy it!" The ancestor of the Shi family panicked when he saw that his petrified hand was broken. He originally thought that Chu Yan had used the Immortal Art and Divine Punishment to directly activate the war drum flag and turn it into a battlefield.

However, the war drum flag did not move at all. Does that prove that Chu Yan's current power is not any immortal weapon?

"This kid is weird!" The Illusory Demon King's expression didn't look good either. He could feel that Chu Yan's aura was still increasing rapidly.

"Back off first!"

"Can you leave?" But at this moment, Chu Yan made a hoarse voice. The golden blood in his body ran through his whole body, and every inch of his skin was rioting. He moved step by step and faced the Great Lord of the Heavens alone. .

"Who wants to kill me!"

Chu Yan let out a deafening roar, and at this moment, everyone was stunned.

"Asshole, it's the blood in his body that's doing the trick! Back away!" The overlords from all directions were stunned. Chu Yan was like a killing machine at this time.

His eyes were cold, as if he only had killing intent. Whoever he looked at would be struck with the sword in his hand.

Everyone was stunned, and the faces of the people in the world were not good-looking. Chu Yan was too weird. At this moment, the Yao Lao saw that the fat man was a little strange, and asked in a low voice: "Fat man, do you know what's going on?"

The corner of the fat man's mouth twitched. This was the second time he saw Chu Yan go crazy. The last time, Emperor Chu Yan killed the Emperor of Heaven... Now, the emperor dare not collide with him.

"I don't know, but crazy Brother Chu is invincible..."

"The vitality in this kid's body is burning, and his blood is about to dry up. He must be stopped." The crowd roared.

"Chu Yan!" Everyone was shocked. Ancestor Xiahou gritted his teeth, stood up and rushed into Chu Yan's golden circle of light. He stretched out his hand to grab Chu Yan, but the next moment Chu Yan turned around, his eyes were extremely hollow. There was a flash of golden light, and a sky-high sword light was slashed out.

"Bang!" Xiahou Ancestor was shocked. He couldn't help but cursed: "You bastard, it's me!"

"Kill!" Chu Yan did not distinguish between friend and foe at this time. The ancient blood in his body turned into a big dragon. The Xiahou ancestor was shaken back by a force of energy. He turned his eyes and looked at the Shi family ancestor. This time he was Because the ancestor of the Shi family went crazy, how could he be willing to live without the ancestor of the Shi family?

Chu Yan seemed to be invincible, and the four overlords were shocked. They did not even dare to take a step back, because if they moved, they would be hunted by Chu Yan.

"Everyone, this guy is crazy. It must be because of the magic power. We must practice our skills to stop him!" The ancestor of the Shi family roared.

The ancestors of several overlords looked very embarrassed. They were about to retreat, but because the ancestors of the Shi family attacked Chu Yan suddenly, Chu Yan suddenly exploded. Now, none of them can escape.

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