Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 443: Execution on the Altar

The battle in the world caused a great sensation. Strangely, the Emperor Sect, as the dominant force, did not participate in this chaos.

After that, some conflicts broke out from time to time among the overlords of the six regions, but there was no major war.

This time, all the major overlords were injured, and recovery was not a matter of time, so they were restraining each other.

After the canonization was completed in the mortal world, the seal was released and appeared in the eyes of the world.

At the end of the year, the earthly world becomes lively. Every house is brightly lit, and the streets are full of people. Some people are boating on the lake, putting on night lights, and making wishes.

As the ancient dynasty grew more prosperous, a stone statue of Chu Yan was carved in the center like a symbol.

Ancestor Xiahou and others stood under the palace, looking up at the ancient buildings that were familiar to them ten thousand years ago, their eyes were red, and they smiled: "Ten thousand years, I didn't expect that I could really wait."

"Yes, I thought that I would end my life with regrets, but I actually saw the day when this dynasty would be reborn." God Taoism said with a smile.

Emperor Ren stood in front of the deserted palace with red eyes and raised his head to look at the sky: "Master, madam, the young master has really grown up and no longer needs our protection. Now he has become the leader of the six realms." The master of One already has some of your brilliance.”

"I wonder if the master is okay now." Yao Lao sighed.

"Where is the young master? Haven't you woken up yet?" Emperor Ren turned around and asked.

"No." The old demon said helplessly. Chu Yan had fallen into a deep sleep since the last battle and went crazy, and the energy in his body had also collapsed.

Ancestor Xiahou and others all proposed to circulate vitality for Chu Yan, but Qin Zixuan stopped him. In Qin Zixuan's words, this was Chu Yan's numerology.

He was destined to suffer this fate.

These days, Liu Qingcheng has been taking care of him. Qingyi will often appear, stand outside the door, look at him quietly through the window for a while, and then fly away on Meow Meow.

On this day, Qing Yi came as usual. With a creak, the door suddenly opened. Liu Qingcheng was holding a wet towel when she saw Qing Yi outside the door.

The two looked at each other and were slightly startled. This was not the first time the two met. Liu Qingcheng had also known about Qing Yi's existence for a long time. Back then, Qing Yunyan and Chu Yan had seduced the most beautiful junior sister from the three demon mountains. She knew Qing Yi, but she didn't point it out.

Today, it was the first time that the two of them looked at each other.

"Come in!" Liu Qingcheng smiled slightly and said politely to Qing Yi, but her tone seemed to have a clear attitude. When she invited Qing Yi, she also wanted to let Qing Yi know that she is the hostess here.

"Yes!" Qing Yi nodded sharply, still looking cool, and followed Liu Qingcheng into the room, sitting aside and looking at Chu Yan.

She was very quiet and felt a little uneasy, as did Liu Qingcheng. After cleaning the towel, she came back and wiped Chu Yan's handsome face.

Neither of them broke the silence until after a while, Qing Yi stood up and said crisply: "I'm leaving."

"Well! If you come again, you don't have to stand at the door and treat it as your own home." Liu Qingcheng stood up and smiled.

"My own home." Qing Yi thought for a while and seemed to understand what Liu Qingcheng meant. She smiled brightly, nodded lightly, and left on Miao Miao.

Liu Qingcheng looked at Chu Yan who was sleeping on the bed again, pouting: "What a lucky guy! If you don't get up, I don't know how many beauties will come to see you. Are you trying to make me angry on purpose, so you won't wake up?" "

This time Chu Yan was in coma longer than last time, a full three months.

During the three months, he had a long dream. In the dream, it seemed as if he had gone through a lifetime of ups and downs, from a baby that fell to the ground, to growing up to the nine gods and demons, fighting against the eight wilderness, fighting against the universe, and defeating the emperor.

In the end, dust returns to dust, dust returns to dust, and he comes to Qin Ruomeng's holy land.

The shrine towers into the clouds, like the top of the sky, and is worshiped by the public every day.

The shrine is like a realm of balance. Qin Ruomeng is still wearing a stunning phoenix, lying lazily on the bed. The Sword Immortal King and the Drunk Immortal are by her side all day long.

Chu Hanfeng had not yet appeared at that time, and there were always people from outside the world coming to attack, but they were all defeated by Qin Ruomeng.

Three hundred years later, Chu Hanfeng came to the shrine to attack Qin Ruomeng. He was extremely powerful. He was wearing a golden armor and holding a thousand-meter spear. He was like a god of war. He stood majestically on the shrine and wanted to challenge Qin Ruomeng. Ruomeng.

Qin Ruomeng faced off, and the two fought for hundreds of rounds. The first battle was indistinguishable, so the two made an appointment to fight again in three years.

Qin Ruomeng agreed, and three years later the two fought for the second time. In the short three years, both of them had improved. Chu Hanfeng used the Huatian Divine Halberd with a series of moves. Qin Ruomeng is not weak either. She controls the power of fire patterns. What she depicts is no longer an ordinary fire pattern formation, but a divine pattern that brings immortal power to kill.

In the second battle, the two were still tied, but due to the huge consumption, the powerful man from outside the world launched a sneak attack on the shrine. Qin Ruomeng tried his best to kill the man, but he was also seriously injured.

Chu Hanfeng had an excellent opportunity, but he disdained it. He gave Qin Ruomeng time to heal, about ten years after the third battle, and also made a promise that within ten years, no one would harass the palace.

In ten years, the two fought for the third time.

In the third battle, Chu Hanfeng won, narrowly winning a move. The long halberd broke through the sky, with infinite power and brilliance, and landed in front of Qin Ruomeng's fair jade neck.

The King of Swords and the Drunk Immortal Eyes were so close that they were about to burst, but they were unable to participate in a duel of that level.

Qin Ruomeng was defeated, and she closed her jade eyes without regret, as if waiting for death. But after a long time, she opened her eyes again, and the halberd had been taken back by Chu Hanfeng, and she didn't understand.

"Why don't you kill me?"

"I wanted to kill you, but after more than ten years, I suddenly couldn't do it." Chu Hanfeng was still handsome that year. He smiled and looked a little honest.

"My name is Chu Hanfeng." Chu Hanfeng wiped his hand on his pants and stretched it out.

"Qin Ruoming!" Qin Ruoming smiled brilliantly, with peerless elegance. Who could have thought that this was the first time that Chu Yan's parents knew each other's names, looked at each other, knew each other, and fell in love during the fight.

The next three hundred years were just as Chu Yan had seen before. Qin Ruoming was in charge of the Divine Palace, creating all living things, and his words were the law of the world.

Qin Ruoming would always play the zither in a bamboo forest. The elegant sound of the zither was so touching and calming that the birds seemed to be quiet and listened quietly on the treetops.

Chu Hanfeng lay on a cliff outside the Divine Palace every day, often drinking and dancing with swords. The two fell in love and spent three hundred years in the Divine Palace.

During the three hundred years, Chu Hanfeng got to know Qin Ruoming better. She was kind-hearted and treated all living beings well. Under the rule of the Divine Palace, there was peace and tranquility. She was not a demon woman who brought trouble to people as his clan said, and outside the Divine Palace was not a purgatory.

He decided to tell his family everything about the past three hundred years and take Qin Ruoming with him.

At first, Qin Ruoming hesitated, but seeing Chu Hanfeng's clean smile, she nodded lightly, and the two of them held hands gently and walked towards the top of the heaven.

However, Qin Ruoming knew that this trip was a sea of ​​fire, and she was willing to go with him. They came to that great Divine Clan, where there was endless brilliance. It seemed that just a mountain was several times larger than the entire Six Realms.

Qin Ruoming came here and was surrounded and killed endlessly. Chu Hanfeng was like crazy. He roared, and he realized how naive he was at that time.

He cried, a man of seven feet tall, he shed tears, was suppressed by several elders of the clan under the God-Slaying Platform, his knees slammed on the ground, shattering the earth.

He looked up, unwilling, and roared. Among them was a member of Chu Hanfeng's clan, he was about the same age as Chu Hanfeng, so arrogant, now he is the ruler of the royal family, he issued a divine punishment.

On the God-Slaying Platform, Qin Ruoming was besieged by the strong, the divine punishment came, breaking her bones, stripping her flesh, thousands of pains, but everyone was surprised that she was actually smiling at this moment, her smile was charming, she looked at Chu Hanfeng with love, without the slightest blame.

"No!!!" Chu Hanfeng roared, his eyes were red, he clenched his fists: "You knew it a long time ago!"

"Don't blame you!" Qin Ruoming knew that coming here was a dead end, but she still came, just because of Chu Hanfeng's clean smile, she also wanted to bet that this royal family still had a trace of compassion.

Chu Hanfeng exploded, turning into a violent force, as if there was an ancient beast roaring, the golden light condensed into a long halberd, shocking the sky.

He repelled everyone and wanted to rush to the God-Slaying Platform, but under the divine punishment, who could stop him?

Qin Ruoming was finally destroyed in that battle, and turned into a residual light and shattered. Chu Hanfeng has been heartbroken since then. He glanced at his own people. He was the most outstanding Tianjiao of this family, and he was also proud of this family, but today, this family killed the love of his life.

His long halberd shook the sky, and in the dark battle, it seemed that no one could stop his long halberd. He was like crazy, but he was defeated in the end. He fled in a panic, took away Qin Ruoming's body, and fought his way out of the crowd and escaped from the royal family.

"No!!!" Chu Yan woke up and roared, and his voice echoed in the huge world.

Everyone was shocked. Liu Qingcheng rushed into the room and saw Chu Yan holding his head in pain.

He was murderous, his eyes were red, and it seemed that no one could stop his murderous intent. He was like crazy, and the golden aura in his body kept surging.

Mother, is she dead?

Died on the God-Slaying Platform, endured the punishment of heaven, and suffered thousands of pains?

Why, my mother was kind-hearted, treated all living beings well, created a divine palace, and pacified the wars in the eight wildernesses, but why did such a person have to be treated so rudely?

Heaven is so unfair!

Chu Yan was breathing rapidly. He was unwilling to give up. He wanted revenge. He would not let any of those people who were on the God-Slaying Platform that day go. He wanted them all to die!

But after a long time, Chu Yan suddenly calmed down.

No, mother is not dead. That was three hundred years ago in the God Palace. If mother died before he was born, he would not exist. That is to say, mother must not be dead.

Chu Yan still wanted to recall and touch the taboo in his body, but he couldn't do it. The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower in his body was spinning rapidly. The strong sealing formation suppressed him layer by layer, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Mom, you must not be dead, right? You must have used some method to survive again. By the way, the Nine Heavens True Method can forge nine true selves. Maybe mother has practiced it too." Chu Yan gradually breathed a sigh of relief, but the hatred did not end.

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