Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 440 Overlord Arrives

In the Li family mansion, on the high seat, Li Hongwei and an elder of the Jiang family frowned slightly. The elder of the Jiang family sneered: "I am curious, although you have destroyed the four gods and unified the star field, how can you give us two big families A blessing."

Li Hongwei also looked at Chu Yan with interest.

"Is the entire Martial King Star Territory enough?" Chu Yan's words were not surprising, and he said one sentence, which was the entire Martial King Star Territory.

The atmosphere in the main hall became subtle. There were many emperors present who had experienced wind and rain, but still gasped when they heard Chu Yan's words.

"If I sincerely invite you all to destroy the Shi family, the Li Jiang clan, and rule the King Wu Star Territory, would you two be interested?" Chu Yan said with a smile.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" The elder of the Jiang family snorted coldly: "Newborn calves are really not afraid of death. How much do you know about the Shi family? Do you think the Shi family is comparable to the little Sifang God?"

"Chu Yan, although you have achieved some status now, you know too little about the six domains. The overlord of the six domains is not as simple as you think. Although the Sifang God is the overlord, it is only a peripheral force. To us, no one can It can be annihilated. But the Shi family is different. The Shi family, the weapon-refining family, has a deeper foundation than you can imagine." Li Hongwei has always admired Chu Yan, and with Li Xiaoyao's relationship, he persuaded him.

"If we add the Qinggu Star Region, what about the original resources of the Meteor Star Pavilion? Do you two think it is worth fighting?" Chu Yan glanced at everyone with bright eyes. After defeating the Shi family, the resources of the Meteor Star Pavilion also belong to them. In this way , the resources of the two races are equal to doubled.

"Meteor Star Pavilion is far away in Qinggu. If our two clans interfere, the Mu family will definitely stop it. What's more, once the battle for overlord begins, the Emperor Sect will never stand idly by."

"Back then, Mr. **, there were four emperors in the Emperor Sect. If they were involved, we would have no chance of winning."

"The Shi family also has three ancestors and two seventh-level magic weapons." Elder Jiang said hesitantly.

"There are only two monarchs of the Shi family now. One of them, in my mortal world, if the two are willing to start a war, then I will do everything in my mortal world to hold back the monarch of the Shi family. With the two dominant forces, won't it be possible to annihilate the Shi family? ?”

Chu Yan said calmly: "As for the Tianhuang Sect, they may have helped in the past battles, but if a war really starts, will Ji Huangji start a hegemony battle with the two major families because of the Shi family?"

Immediately, Li Hongwei and the Jiang family elders became clear-eyed. There was a chance in this battle.

As an overlord, although he enjoys high glory in the six domains, he also checks and balances each other. Now that he has the opportunity to break this balance, he will not let it go.

"Everything is just a thought, and there is only one chance. I hope you two will think it over carefully." Chu Yan said calmly.

After saying that, Chu Yan did not stay. It was already very close to noon. He had to return to the world to sit down. He stood up and smiled at Li Xiaoyao: "Xiaoyao, let's drink together next time."

"Okay!" Li Xiaoyao nodded excitedly. He had long known that Chu Yan would have extraordinary achievements, but he did not expect that he would reach such a high level and become the master of a domain.

After Chu Yan left, Li Hongwei's eyes were bright and he said to Li Xiaoyao: "Xiaoyao, you have a very good relationship with Chu Yan. Don't break it off. If this son doesn't die today, his future will be limitless!"

After leaving the Li family, Chu Yan directly used the teleportation array.

In the middle of the journey, he made several deliberate turns and quietly returned to the mortal world.

Today is an eventful time in the mortal world. During today's canonization ceremony, Chu Yan asked the ancestor of Xiahou to send a message, asking all parties to come to watch the ceremony. Those who come will be regarded as surrenders and will be protected by the mortal world. Those who do not come, or those who come but have an uncertain attitude, Considered a betrayal.

So today we are divided into two groups of people. Some of them choose to surrender and have prepared good gifts.

Chu Yan was also appointed as a guest of honor, and Liu Qingcheng was personally responsible for entertaining everyone.

"Everyone, come with me. When the time comes for the canonization, King Chen will personally meet you." Liu Qingcheng chuckled, but at this moment, a sneer came from the distance: "What a beautiful person, this woman is the wife of King Chen. Well, it would be a pity to follow a dying person, why not follow me?"

The person who spoke was a young emperor, holding a curved hand with flowing fairy light. His white clothes were fluttering, and he looked like a hypocrite.

"Hurt the queen, kill without mercy!" God's Taoist order immediately issued an order, and all the powerful men from God's lineage flew out to kill the young man.

"Drink, King Chen is so domineering. He just became the king of this star field and he acted like this?" The young man sneered, not afraid of the lineage of God.

At this time, Chu Yan had returned to the ancient dynasty. He strolled out, raised his hand to stop everyone in the lineage of God, and looked at the young man: "Who are you?"

"After the Yun family of the Four Directions God in the West, Yun Ying." The young emperor said proudly. He entered the fourth level of the emperor in his early thirties and was extremely famous in the western part of the Star Territory as a super powerful evildoer.

"I'm not asking you, the Yun family, you don't deserve to talk to me. Who do you represent when you come here today?" Chu Yan said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Yun Ying frowned slightly.

"Yun family, Heavenly Emperor family, you are only the fourth level emperor. If you directly challenge me in the ancient dynasty, you will definitely die. So if I am not wrong, you must have someone to rely on behind you, so you dare to do this, right? Tell me, yes Who gave you the courage?"

Chu Yan said, this man has good talents, but these alone are not enough to protect him from death in the ancient dynasty.

Yun Ying's face changed slightly, but he calmed down after a moment: "I don't represent anyone, I just want to say something fair for the gods of the four directions. You Chu Yan is cruel and kills the gods of the four directions. How can you be worthy of Yutong, the star domain, with such a character? So I don’t accept it today.”

"Aren't you going to say it?" Chu Yan shook his head, and then he took a step forward and looked up at Yun Ying. The imperial power in his body suddenly rose into the sky and turned into a big hand to grab it.

"Want to fight? Chu Yan, you'd better think it through. Although you are the King of Dust, your strength is two levels lower than mine. You have no chance of winning against me." Yun Ying smiled contemptuously, not afraid.

"You think too highly of yourself." Chu Yan said coldly, his offensive continued.

Yun Ying's eyes flashed with pride: "Chu Yan, this is what you want to do, don't say I'm bullying you!"

Everyone frowned, and some of the spectators even shook their heads: "This King of Dust is too young after all. He was impulsive. Yun Ying is two levels higher than him, and the gap is too big."

"Yun Ying deliberately provoked him, and he knew it, but he still took action, too unsteady." Someone else said disappointedly.

Chu Yan didn't waste words. Yun Ying's appearance must have been premeditated by someone, so why should he be polite?

The breath in his body surged wildly, and the Thunder God of War's soul blessed him, allowing him to control the power of the sky thunder, forming a spear, as if to pierce the sky, and the purple light continued to linger and fall on the ground.

Yun Ying snorted coldly and also sacrificed his soul. The fourth level of the emperor has reached the level of the earth emperor, and the emperor's power is even stronger. Suddenly, there was a rolling on the ground, as if a dragon was born.

The earth dragon and the lightning intertwined, and suddenly the stone broke the sky. Chu Yan stepped on the sole of his foot, and turned into countless emperor's power flowing. Then his figure suddenly disappeared, and turned into thousands of afterimages, each of which was extremely strong.

The original ghost steps did not have offensive power and could only psychedelic the opponent, but now Chu Yan was crowned as an emperor, and dispersed the emperor's power in each afterimage, integrating thunder, so the afterimage also had a huge killing power.

"Cut!" Chu Yan flew out all the way, holding a spear, like an arrogant thunder god. The earth dragon was smashed by his palm under his feet with a thud. The next moment he grasped the void, and Yun Ying felt as if his throat was locked, and screamed.

"So strong..." Everyone was shocked. Although some people knew that Chu Yan had defeated Chi Junlin and had the ability to kill people across levels, but in the Emperor Realm, even across two levels, what does that mean?

Seeing this scene, everyone realized that Chu Yan had never taken Yun Ying seriously from the beginning to the end. But it made sense. Chu Yan could destroy the Eastern Altar alone, let alone Yun Ying?

"Two levels higher than me? Bullying me?" Chu Yan snorted coldly, and with a flick of his wrist, Yun Ying was thrown to the ground, which was horrible.

"Come here!" Chu Yan shouted, and the lightning turned into a chain, grabbing Yun Ying in his hand, and then a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Old Mu, save me..." Yun Ying screamed in fear.

"Chu Yan, you dare!" The world suddenly changed. A Heavenly Emperor of the Mu Family stepped out of the sky and stood on the clouds. He said coldly: "Chu Yan, Yun Ying is already a member of the Mu Family. I advise you to let him go."

"Chu Yan, if you kill me, you will be an enemy of the Mu Family. Even the original Four Gods would not do such a stupid thing." Yun Ying sneered.

"So, the Four Gods are destroyed." Chu Yan said lightly. Yun Ying's pupils shrank. Then he was struck by lightning, and his chest was pierced by a thunder spear. The Emperor's body protection was directly broken.

"Kill, kill..." Chu Yan killed Yun Ying directly, and it was after the Heavenly Emperor of the Mu Family appeared.

Yun Ying said that the original Four Gods did not dare to provoke the Mu Family. Chu Yan said, so the Four Gods were destroyed.

Chu Yan was more decisive than the Four Gods.

"Insolent!" The Heavenly Emperor of the Mu Family was furious.

"You are so presumptuous!" Chu Yan's voice was stern, and the ancient dynasty rose with great power. The Xiahou Patriarch and others all rose into the air, and they were on the verge of a fight.

"Since you are here, please come out." Chu Yan said calmly. There was a wave in the star field, and countless strong men stepped out of the void and stood there.

Nearly 10,000 people, countless emperors, and monarchs. The Illusionary Demon Lord came in person, looking at Chu Yan with a cold look. In the past few years, many disciples of the Demon Mountain Gate have been killed by Chu Yan.

Feng Yao is the one he is very optimistic about.

"Chu Yan, you are too presumptuous. Even if you are now the overlord of the power, we will never stand idly by and watch such brutality." An old ancestor of the Shi family snorted coldly: "Bring someone here!"

A young man walked out and stood behind the crowd. Seeing him, many disciples of the wilderness had a cold look in their eyes: "It's you!"

This young man was Zi Feng, the former Tianjiao of the Four Gods. In the past, he had a military incident in the world. He also seriously injured Xiao Bei and teased Yu Lingxi.

"The Four Gods were brutally exterminated. As overlords, we will not stand idly by. My Shi family is quite friendly with the Four Gods. I believe you all know this boy. He is the disciple of the Four Gods. Today, my Shi family is willing to revive the Four Gods."

"You are really full of benevolence and morality." Chu Yan sneered: "When Zhen Tianjun was assassinated by eleven people, I didn't hear any of you want to revive him. But you are right. If that happens, I'm afraid you will commit suicide."

"Stop talking nonsense, Chu Yan. Today, you will abandon your cultivation and bleed for five steps. We can spare the mortal world, otherwise, we will wash the mortal world with blood!" said the Illusionary Demon Lord coldly.

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