Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 439: Enthronement is imminent [Three updates]

Chu Yan's voice was very strong, and the emperors of several overlords frowned slightly.

"So Mr. Chu is not ready to give up?" the empress of Younu Palace snorted coldly.

"Today is the grand ceremony of my canonization in the mortal world. I don't want to do any killing. If you are willing to stay and witness the grand ceremony, Chu can ignore the past grudges for the time being and treat you like honored guests. If you are not willing, I will not see you off." Chu Yan took a sip of tea. , the voice conveyed as the teacup was put down.

The emperors from the Mu family, Shi family, Younu Palace, and Yaoshan Gate frowned, obviously not expecting that Chu Yan would be so strong.

As for them, they will definitely not stay, otherwise their presence at the canonization ceremony will be equivalent to recognizing the new hegemonic force of the Six Domains.

"In that case, I'll take my leave. I hope Mr. Chu will not regret today's decision." The Empress of Younu Palace left a sentence and left with a duster.

The other overlords left one after another.

The ancient dynasty became quiet again, and the ancestor of Xiahou entered the main hall: "They seemed to be persuading each other today, but in fact they were looking for an excuse to start a war. Now that you refuse so decisively, the canonization ceremony may not go well."

"Yes." Chu Yan nodded, his mind as clear as a mirror, and asked, "Do you know the number of powerful people who have entered my star domain in the past few days?"

"There are many emperors, and there is a great king in each of the four directions, not counting the Emperor Sect. I think the Emperor Sect will also take action."

"Four princes?" Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "These great overlords really think highly of me in this world."

Chu Yan looked at the leader of the Nine Meridians: "Seniors, the grand ceremony has been postponed until noon. I need to leave for a while. I will be back on time at noon."

"Okay!" Ancestor Xiahou nodded. There were four great kings on the other side, but they were not weak either. There was also a fortune-telling prince and others in the ancient dynasty. If they really took action, they might not be defeated.

Chu Yan left the Ancient Dynasty, stepped directly onto the teleportation array, and headed to the Ancient Demon Star Territory.

Now he needs help. It is still too difficult to fight against the four overlords in the world alone, so after he stepped into the ancient demon star domain, he walked and flew directly towards the three demon mountains.

The three major demon mountains are now the founders of the sect, located in the demon forest in the middle of the ancient demon.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up in the demon forest, and Qingyun was playing the piano alone in the forest. Ever since she learned that Chu Yan was not dead, she had always been here, thinking that one day, he would come and pass by this place.

"Who is it?" Qingyun frowned as the strong wind blew.

"Qingyun, it's me!" Chu Yan came, still looking so handsome in white clothes: "Long time no see."

Qingyun's jade face suddenly froze, and after a long time, she smiled brightly: "I knew that the person from the Six Realms Chaos who I turned into a jackdaw but kept trying to kill would not die easily."

"I didn't know that you actually knew how to play the qin." Chu Yan listened to the music of the Yaoliang qin and said with a smile, "Whenever you have the chance, play a piece for me."

"You can listen anytime you want." Qingyun stood up with a smile: "Are you coming here to find the Demon Lord?"

"Yeah." Chu Yan didn't hide anything, Qingyun put away the guqin: "I'll take you there."

Soon after, Chu Yan arrived at the top of the Demon Mountain, and suddenly a green light flew out, blocking Chu Yan's way.

"Qing Yi!" Chu Yan looked at Qing Yi and felt bitter in his heart. In the past three years, he had been hiding in the Six Regions and had heard a lot of news about Qing Yi.

She transformed into a god of death. After intercepting many overlords in the six realms, and even after the battle on Cangdao Island, she stepped into the Emperor's Sect alone once, threatening Ji Huangji that if Chu Yan died, he would kill Ji Longyu.

Later, he was chased and killed, and the Purple Dragon Demon Lord also suffered heavy losses.

Chu Yan had some feelings. Qing Yi stood there and kept looking at him without saying anything. After a long time, her pretty face suddenly smiled, and her smile was very sweet, as if she had encountered the happiest thing in the world.

The white snow is flying, and the beauty's smile is touching.

Chu Yan was mesmerized, so beautiful... Qing Yi was not good at words, so she didn't speak and walked silently behind Chu Yan.

"I still want to follow you in the future." Qing Yi said crisply, Chu Yan's heart trembled, he smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

Qingyun looked on and smiled blessingly. The two people in front of her were so outstanding. Chu Yan had a talent that was famous in the six realms, and Qing Yi was even more charming. Like fairies, they might have been born to be a couple. , but when they were reincarnated, they accidentally got separated.

But no matter how long it takes, they will meet, and that red thread will always hold them together.

As for myself, it might be best to watch him grow from a distance without disturbing him.

"Little guy!" Purple thunder exploded in the sky, and the purple dragon demon king appeared incarnate.

"Senior!" Chu Yan cupped his hands and smiled, and the Purple Dragon Demon Lord nodded with satisfaction: "I have heard your name a lot in the past few years. I heard Xia Hou say before that you have transformed into a demon body and cannot be reversed. I thought it was a pity, but today When I see you, it seems you have another chance."

Chu Yan nodded with a smile, and the Purple Dragon Demon Lord looked at Qing Yi again and blew his beard: "The female college student is not here to stay. It seems that she is leaving with him again?"

Qing Yi didn't say anything, just stood there quietly.

"Forget it, what do you want from me?" Purple Dragon Demon Lord asked.

"I want senior to send troops to the Demon Mountain Gate!" After Chu Yan said this, the air around him froze. "Bing Fa to the Demon Mountain Gate?" This is no small matter.

Nowadays, the war between the two overlords of the Ancient Demon Star Territory is often too big and involves too many things.

"It's difficult for the divine turtle and the phantom demon to be together." The Purple Dragon Demon Lord sighed. It's not that he didn't want to help Chu Yan. Now his position said everything, but it was too difficult to take down the demon mountain gate.

"Senior, rest assured. The Demon King is not in the Demon Mountain Gate now." Chu Yan sneered: "And there are many emperors among them, and they are not in the gate."

The Purple Dragon Demon King's eyes lit up and looked at Chu Yan: "It seems that you have a plan in advance?"

Chu Yan smiled but did not speak. The Purple Dragon Demon King nodded: "In this case, I will call for it now. Even if we can't take over the Demon Mountain Gate, we must severely injure them so that they dare not provoke a war in ten years."

"In this case, thank you very much." Chu Yan bowed, and then he left. Qingyi followed him to the Wuwang Star Domain.

Through the teleportation array, the span between star domains does not seem so far away.

In the Wuwang Star Domain, the Li family is heavy, and the Jiang family is also there. Recently, many things have happened in the six domains. All parties have taken positions, but the Li and Jiang families are unstable.

The two parties want to stay out of trouble, but it seems difficult. Once this war starts, it will affect all parties. As the dominant forces, they will be implicated.

"Master, someone outside wants to see you."

Suddenly, someone stepped into the hall. Li Hongwei frowned slightly. He didn't want to see anyone now, so he waved his hand and said, "No!"

"That person said his name is Chu Yan..." The housekeeper smiled bitterly.

"Hmm?" Li Hongwei frowned. Li Xiaoyao sat up at the side and said with some excitement: "Please come in!"

Chu Yan was brought to the Li family hall. He first bowed to Li Hongwei and the Jiang family: "Chu Yan meets several seniors!"

"You are not dead yet!" The second elder of the Li family snorted coldly, and the imperial power suddenly became crazy, crushing Chu Yan: "In this case, my Li family just needs a token of surrender, so use your head to do it!"

Li Hongwei frowned. The second elder of the Li family hated Chu Yan too much. Li Sheng and Li Hong died in Chu Yan's hands one after another.

"Chu Yan!" Li Xiaoyao shouted at the side.

"You have to have the ability to kill me as a token of loyalty." Chu Yan was very calm, letting the imperial power descend. A thunder spear appeared on his head and collided with the second elder of the Li family.


The second elder of the Li family frowned slightly. Although he had only used the imperial power just now, he was the strength of the emperor, so he couldn't do anything to Chu Yan?

"You have been crowned as an emperor, and have condensed the top imperial power?" The second elder of the Li family questioned.

"I advise the second elder not to be impulsive. Chu Yan thought that the attack just now was just to let you vent your anger, but I came to the Li family today to seek cooperation. If the second elder is so rude and hurts anyone, don't blame me for not reminding him." Chu Yan said lightly.

The second elder of the Li family sneered: "Chu Yan, you think too highly of yourself. Don't think that you are proud of destroying the four gods. In my opinion, you are still a little kid with no hair. Killing you is easy."

Li Hongwei did not speak, and the Jiang family was the same, although Li Xiaoyao and Jiang Tianwen had a good relationship with Chu Yan. But that is the matter of the younger generation.

The two overlords would never act on impulse, so they all wanted to see what Chu Yan had the ability to say such crazy words.

"Jiuyou, if he attacks again, just kill him directly." Chu Yan said lightly.

"Come--!" Suddenly, a long cry came out, and a flame rainbow light rose from Chu Yan's body, and he turned into a Jiuyou Sky Bird. The powerful power of breaking the emperor made the temperature of the air in the hall rise several times.

"The Jiuyou Bird of the Breaking Emperor level, this monster, was it the mount of Zhentian Jun back then?" Everyone frowned slightly.

The second elder of the Li family also looked unhappy, staring at Chu Yan.

Jiuyou woke up after Chu Yan destroyed the Eastern Altar. Surprisingly, Jiuyou fell asleep last time because of Chu Yan's bloodline explosion. Now that he woke up, he accidentally broke through the limit of the emperor and reached the breaking emperor realm.

Now Chu Yan has controlled the Zhentian lineage, so Jiuyou will naturally no longer be responsible for protecting Chu Yan as before, and will also obey Chu Yan.

"Now, can we have a good talk?" Chu Yan smiled, then he waved his hand, a chair flew down from the high platform, and he sat there directly, without the slightest courtesy.

At this time, the Li family and the Jiang family had to re-examine the young man in front of them.

After the Heavenly Monument, he disappeared for three years. After he reappeared, he seemed to be more terrifying than before, whether it was his mind, realm, or the power behind him.

Now he is no longer the young man without background, but a hegemonic existence in control of one side alone.

Involuntarily, the Li family and the Jiang family felt that the world is unpredictable. Who could have expected that in three years, the six domains would awaken such a terrifying dragon.

"Chu Yan, what exactly are you here for today?" Li Hongwei smiled bitterly and made a round.

"I came today only to give the Li and Jiang families a chance!"

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