Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 434: Defeat Chi Junlin

Chu Yan's voice was like thunder in the dust.

Everyone looked at Chi Junlin, and some of his junior brothers who usually admired Chi Junlin were looking forward to Chi Junlin coming out to fight and give Chu Yan a fatal blow.

"Brother, go and fight! He is only the second level of the emperor, and you are one level higher than him. Let him know how ignorant he is." A disciple said.

"Chi Junlin, do you think you can escape without fighting?" Chu Yan walked slowly, and every step seemed normal, but it spanned thousands of meters, like a moving mountain, constantly pressing towards Chi Junlin.

"I can fight you, but you can't use external forces in this battle. Do you dare to use magic weapons?"

"Why do I need magic weapons to kill you?" Chu Yan sneered and looked at the old ancestor Xiahou: "Senior, help me open the battlefield, so that some unruly people can't afford to lose!"

"Okay!" The old ancestor Xiahou nodded, and the king's power was released. A battle platform of Xumi immediately appeared in the sky: "In this battle, anyone who intervenes will die!"

"Get up!" Chu Yan said coldly. He was one realm lower than Chi Junlin, but his aura was very scary.

"Since you are the emperor, you are still not as good as me. You killed the great lord in the battle on Shangcang Island, and you also used external forces. It seems that you have become arrogant. Without external forces, do you think you will be my opponent?" Chi Junlin sneered and said to comfort himself.

In the battle on Shangcang Island, all the six domains knew that Chu Yan killed the great lord.

But it was precisely because of this that the details were also spread. Chu Yan used all the immortal magic weapons that day and transformed into a demon body. However, now that the battle platform has been built, no immortal magic weapons are allowed, so Chi Junlin still believes that with Chu Yan's strength, it is impossible to defeat him.

"Fight!" Chi Junlin stepped onto the battle platform, and a red blood shadow filled the sky.

Chi Junlin's imperial power is that of a blood demon, who practices blood erosion and is extremely domineering.

"Don't overestimate your own abilities. Senior Brother Junlin is not just a level 3 emperor. His blood demon imperial power is so strong that he can win against ordinary level 4 emperors. Chu Yan is simply courting death by challenging him!" A junior brother who admires Chi Junlin sneered.

Chu Yan glanced at Chi Junlin's imperial power, shook his head, and stood calmly without any movement.

There was a joke in the void. Emperors fight, but without imperial power? This is simply courting death.

Chi Junlin's eyes were cold, and then he moved, and the blood demon immediately descended on him and merged with him. His power is extremely strong, and every move leaves an afterimage in the air.

The blood demon's brilliance continued to descend, like a killing chariot, causing a bloody storm, and the intersection of the storm was Chu Yan.

On the battlefield, Chu Yan was calm and composed. He let the ruthless force approach him, and he stood there, like an unyielding god of war, motionless.

"What is he going to do?" All the living beings in the world were worried about Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's strong return gave them hope, but after all, he was only a second-level emperor. He looked down on Chi Junlin so much, wasn't he a little arrogant?

"He is looking for death!" The master of the Eastern Altar had a gleam in his eyes, and looked at the ancestor Xiahou, lowering his voice and saying: "When Junlin has a chance to kill Chu Yan, we will go all out to stop Xiahou Laogou and create opportunities for Junlin."

"Yes!" The four gods nodded. Chu Yan was the core of the Zhentian lineage. If Chu Yan died in battle, they would have won half of the battle today.

Emperor Ren, Yao Lao, Wan Qing and others looked at Chu Yan's figure. They were not worried, but a little excited and inexplicably trusted.

They knew the reason why Chu Yan had to fight Chi Junlin.

Chi Junlin had killed countless people in the wilderness. Chu Yan wanted to fight him today for a bloody shame, and it was also a dispute within the world.

Both of them were the young kings of the world in the past 20 years. Chi Junlin was ten years older than Chu Yan.

Six years ago, Chi Junlin returned in glory and almost destroyed the world.

That year, Chu Yan was only an emperor, but six years later, he was crowned emperor and fought with Chi Junlin.

They all knew Chu Yan. If Chu Yan said it, he would definitely do it. This was the pride of this young man.

Just like six years ago, the bell rang thirty-one times, the ancient dynasty was opened, and the battle was fought every ten years, and the young king was crowned. He is doing the same now, step by step towards the peak. This seems to be inevitable for him.

Closer, closer.

Chi Junlin's blood demon emperor's might permeated the sky, constantly crushing Chu Yan, and even the surrounding air was corroded and decomposed.

Chu Yan still did not move, and Chi Junlin's eyes rose with contempt: "Bluffing."


Chu Yan smiled and shook his head, and then there was a crackling sound in the air, and the blood demon's giant fist slammed down, but at this time, a golden light rose in Chu Yan's skin, protecting his whole body like a golden armor, making any attack unable to shake a step.

"This..." Everyone's eyes stagnated, staring at Chu Yan, the golden armor was like an iron wall, indestructible, no matter how Chi Junlin blasted, he could not break the defense.

"Although I know you are weak, I didn't expect that you are so weak that you can't even break my defense!" Chu Yan spoke coldly, and his figure finally moved, taking a step forward, with a thud, the battle platform shook, and then Chu Yan raised his hand, and the sky turned into a mad thunder to lead in.

"Boom!" Chu Yan transformed into the body of the Thunder God, holding a spear, extremely powerful. Facing Chi Junlin's attack, he swept all the way without dodging once.

"No!" Chi Junlin was shocked and quickly retreated, but Chu Yan used the power of thunder to move faster.

The Thunder Spear pointed directly at the sky, causing a thundercloud to appear in the sky. There seemed to be a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring in the thundercloud, forming a terrible vortex, which seemed to destroy everything between heaven and earth.

The power of divine punishment descended, and the terrifying sounds continued to be heard. Chi Junlin's eyes were horrified, and he suddenly felt restrained by a force. He wanted to break free, but he couldn't.

For a moment, the thunder dragon entangled itself, as if it came from the God Realm. The blood demon in Chijunlin was immediately locked and screamed, but how could it break free under the thunderous thunder?

"Ah!" Chi Junlin said in pain, the next moment the thunder dragon penetrated, the entire battlefield seemed to be full of afterimages, the spear pierced, indestructible, who can stop it?

"Bang!" The huge blood demon was penetrated and turned into a pile of fragments. Chi Junlin spurted blood one after another and knelt on the battlefield.

"Imperial power crushing?" The altar leader of the Eastern God Altar focused his eyes. Imperial power is also different. Strong imperial power has an absolute advantage. In the battle between Chu Yan and Chi Junlin just now, he did not use any magical powers at all. It was just the emperor's power. A collision of powers.

With just one blow, Chijunlin's imperial power was shattered, which shows how big the gap between the two people's imperial power was.

The disciple who originally expected the victory of Chi Junlin had a stiff face, defeated? one move?

Is Chijunlin too weak? Obviously not. Chijunlin's imperial power is very high, he can practice bloodthirsty, and he is stronger than many people. But he still lost, what does it mean?

So how terrifying is Chu Yan's imperial power?

"I didn't expect you to be so weak!"

"Six years ago, you were so arrogant, despised all living beings, and said that killing me would be like slaughtering a dog. However, in just six short years, you were defeated in Chijunlin. The defeat was such a shame. Chijunlin, where is your pride?" Chu Yanzi His words were cold and his eyes were full of disdain. At this moment, he didn't even bother to kill Chi Junlin.

Everyone suddenly realized that all this happened only six years ago.

In just six short years, Chu Yan crushed Chi Junlin.

Even with an absolute advantage, he still gave Chi Junlin a chance to fight. What he wanted was to win this battle openly and for the glory of the world.

"That's enough!" The palace master of the Southern Shrine shouted in a low voice. He took a step forward, but almost at the same time, Xiahou Patriarch and the Shangtian Dao Tong leaped behind Chu Yan.

"Chu Yan, you have shown enough strength in today's battle. No wonder Ji Huangji can't wait to kill you. Your growth is indeed a threat, but how about today, everything ends here?" Southern Divine Palace The palace lord said coldly.

"That's it?" Chu Yan shook his head ridiculously: "You have killed countless people in this world and mutilated innocent people. Now that you know you can't defeat me, you want to stop here. Is there such a good thing in the world?"

The Palace Master of the Southern Divine Palace stiffened and said coldly: "Chu Yan, although you control the Zhentian lineage, our powers from the Four Directions are not weak. If a war really starts, it will be difficult to tell the winner or lose, and it will be inevitable in the world. More people will die."

"Shameless!" The people in the world cursed. The Southern Palace actually threatened Chu Yan with the beings in the world.

Chu Yan's eyes flashed sharply, staring at the Southern Shrine. But I have to say that the other party's words did affect him.

If a war breaks out, the Zhentian lineage may be able to win, but then the world will surely fall into a sea of ​​misery, and countless innocent people will die in vain.

"Chu Yan, what should I do?" Zhentian Jiuzhen was waiting for Chu Yan's order.

As long as Chu Yan says something, they will definitely accept the challenge without hesitation.

However, after a long time, Chu Yan finally sighed. He looked at the messy Chenjian, and his heart ached. Chenjian could no longer bear the hurt.

If the two sides go to war, the king of the four gods will definitely appear, which will cause a war between kings. War between kings is terrible. In a battle, many people will die.

"Let go of the lookout and get out!" Chu Yan said coldly, but after a moment, his eyes flashed coldly: "The day when the trees bloom at the Eastern Altar is coming soon!"

Were the people of the Four Directions Gods relieved that there was no war?

People from the three directions looked at Gu Yu, and Gu Yu snorted coldly: "Let them go!"

"Senior Brother Chu!" Wangfeng broke free from the chains and flew to the world of mortals. With his wonderful eyes, he looked at Chu Yan and said excitedly: "You are so awesome."

"Wangfeng, where is Ye Xun?" Chu Yan asked. What he is most concerned about now is Ye Xun. If the Western Temple goes to war against the mortal world, Ye Xun will definitely rebel with his temperament.

"Brother Xun, Brother Xun..." Wangfeng's eyes suddenly turned red, Chu Yan's heart trembled, and he had a bad premonition rising quickly.

"That day, the gods of the four directions decided to send troops to the mortal world. Xun Ge objected but it was useless, so he even took action against Gu Yu. However, he was seriously injured by Gu Yu and almost died, but suddenly a group of mysterious people appeared and rescued Brother Xun. I just don’t know where Brother Xun went,” Wangfeng said helplessly.

Chu Yan started to listen and was frightened, but he was relieved when he knew that Ye Xun was not dead.

But all this is not over yet. Ye Xun almost died at the hands of Gu Yu. He must avenge this.

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