Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 433 Return of the Legend [3rd update]

"Liu Qingcheng, you were honored to marry my Eastern Altar in the past, but you were shameless and had an affair with Chu Yan. Killing you would be too easy for you. Today I will take you back to the Eastern Altar and let you bear the most cruel punishment!" Several emperors from the Eastern Altar rushed out.

At the horizon, countless strong men attacked Liu Qingcheng together.

Emperor Xu and others looked so desperate, and Liu Tianfeng was even more angry. Although he was weak, she was her daughter!

"Chu Yan! You promised me to take good care of Qingcheng! You are ashamed of me!" Liu Tianfeng said painfully.

Liu Qingcheng stood at the horizon, her long skirt fluttering, she was so beautiful, but why was she so beautiful at this moment that it made people feel heartbroken?

"Since you are dead, I will accompany you on the road to the underworld and will not let you be alone!" Liu Qingcheng suddenly smiled, as if death was not terrible to her. The only regret was that she could not see you again. A tear finally flowed from her almond eyes!

"I said, no one in this world can make you cry, and no one can bear your tears! Qingcheng, I'm back!"

Above Tianqing, a clear and refreshing voice suddenly rose and spread throughout the world.

At that moment, Liu Qingcheng's delicate body trembled slightly, as if struck by lightning, and froze there.

The next moment, her tears could no longer be stopped, and everyone was shocked. Liu Qingcheng cried, and she cried so beautifully.

But who made this beauty cry so miserably? Where is the source of the sound?

"Boom!" Just at this moment, there was a huge tremor, and the place that was originally sealed cracked. A young man in white came walking in. He was alone, carrying an ordinary sword on his back. It looked so simple, but at this moment, it was particularly dazzling.

The appearance of the young man in white attracted everyone's attention, and then the space seemed to be still. Thousands of emperors and countless powerful people all stopped at this moment.

Everyone looked at the young man like that. The young man walked and walked, ignoring the strong. In his eyes, there was only Liu Qingcheng.

Walking step by step, the young man came to Liu Qingcheng's delicate body, looked at her, and then he embraced Liu Qingcheng in his arms regardless of everything, and kissed her gently with his hot lips.

Liu Qingcheng was stunned, tears could not stop pouring out, just let the young man hug her and respond.

At this time, it seemed that all the misery had disappeared, leaving only the happy couple in the sky.

The eyes of the four gods in the distance were all fixed on the young man, as if they had seen a ghost, and their faces became very ugly.

Especially Chi Junlin, his eyes flashed with cold light: "How is it possible, how is this possible!"

Isn't he dead? In the battle on Shangcang Island, this person should have been killed by countless great kings, but why did he appear here?

Mixed in the four-sided divine star field, there was an emperor of the Tianxing Sect whose eyes were even more fixed. He also participated in the battle on Shangcang Island, so he was even more shocked.

Although his memory was erased, he knew that Chu Yan was possessed by the devil. Why did he turn back to human form now? Back.

Many young people in the world of mortals didn't understand why, but they found that their elders were all laughing and crying at this moment. They looked at the young man with respect in their eyes.

"Grandpa, who is he!" A little boy asked crisply.

The old man beside him smiled vicissitudes, and sighed: "Child, remember, he is the king of this world of mortals!"

"The king of mortals? He is that Chu Yan?" The little boy suddenly realized, and there was a trace of happiness in his heart. It turned out that their king was not dead, nor did he abandon them.

Chu Yan hugged Liu Qingcheng, but at this time, thousands of eyes pierced him. Liu Qingcheng seemed to think of something and was full of worry: "The current situation is very bad. The predecessors such as Emperor Ren were seriously injured. Hua Zhixu went to the ancient demon to ask for support, but the support did not arrive. The world of mortals may not be saved... Sorry! Sorry!"

"It's okay, I'll be there next." Chu Yan smiled brightly, still so clean.

"Young Master!" The old demon and others raised their heads, and when they saw Chu Yan, their eyes were filled with tears.

"Seniors, Yan'er came back late, and you suffered." Chu Yan said apologetically. He ran thousands of miles without stopping for a moment. Fortunately, the scene he was most worried about did not happen. Chen Jian was still there.

"You are really lucky! You didn't die even like this." Chi Junlin couldn't help but let out a low roar.

Chu Yan turned around and looked at Chi Junlin, his eyes full of contempt: "Chi Junlin, you became famous in Chen Jian more than ten years ago. You claim to be the first genius in Chen Jian. Six years ago, you represented the Southern God Palace and oppressed the wilderness and oppressed me. But now, I am the emperor!"

I am the emperor! These four words seemed to be swearing something.

Chi Junlin's eyes sank, and his heart was full of anger, but he had nothing to say.

Indeed, six years ago, he was so arrogant that Chu Yan was even like an ant in his eyes, but in six years, things have changed. Chu Yan has reached the second level of the emperor, but he has not moved forward and is still standing still.

"Get out!" Chu Yan suddenly roared, and his imperial might turned into thunder and divine light, crushing towards Chi Junlin.

Chi Junlin was shocked. Under Chu Yan's imperial might, he actually felt an invisible force eroding him bit by bit.

"Why, where is your pride in the past? Don't you call yourself a genius, the first genius in the world? Now, I give you a chance to fight me fairly, but you don't dare?" Chu Yan flew high into the sky, overlooking Chi Junlin, full of domineering.

Chi Junlin's resentment deepened. Wang Feng was still imprisoned by shackles. He knelt in the void and laughed wildly: "Haha, hahaha! Chi Junlin, I have fulfilled what I said. My senior brother Chu is not dead. Now he has returned to the mortal world. How can you survive today?"

"Shut up!" Chi Junlin shouted angrily, and his imperial power slashed towards Wang Feng, causing Wang Feng to spit out a mouthful of blood.

But Wang Feng didn't care. He let the blood flow from the corner of his mouth and looked at Chi Junlin jokingly: "If I were you, I would have been ashamed to death. When my brother Chu was the emperor, you were so majestic and powerful, but now you don't even have the courage to fight. It's ridiculous."

"Chu Yan, I am really surprised to see you, but even so, what? Now my four-sided divine army is crushing, and the mortal world and the wilderness will be destroyed. There is no suspense. Even if you are not dead, what can you change. What right do you have to fight me fairly?" Chi Junlin said, and many people sneered in their hearts. Chi Junlin was obviously afraid.

The people in the mortal world were slightly sad.

Although Chi Junlin was shameful, he was right. Chu Yan was just one person. Although he was gifted, he had given the people in the mortal world hope in six years.

If he continued to grow, when he became a monarch, he might really be able to shake the entire Four Gods. Unfortunately, the time was too early. He was just an emperor now.

In the current situation, how could he change the situation by himself?

"I alone?" Chu Yan shook his head ridiculously.

"What are you laughing at? Now in the six regions, the three major demon mountains have been severely damaged. The Li family and the Jiang family are all restrained by the Tianhuang Sect. The Xuannv Sect is even more difficult to protect itself. Who can support you!" Chi Junlin said unhappily. He was once so powerful and proud, but all this was destroyed because of Chu Yan's appearance.

It was like this six years ago, and it is like this today.

"I laugh at your ignorance!"

Chu Yan's voice suddenly became louder, and then his eyes sparkled, and he said very domineeringly: "Dust world, why do you need others to save you!"

"Huh?" Everyone frowned, not understanding Chu Yan's meaning, and the emperor of the Four Gods sneered: "No need for others to save you, can you rely on yourself?"

"Seniors, come out!" After Chu Yan finished speaking, the wind and clouds surged in all directions.

"Boom!" Suddenly, Dust world was like an earthquake, and the many emperors of the Four Gods focused their eyes, all feeling a terrible power.

"What's going on?" Someone asked in confusion, looking into the distance.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz...Buzz!" In an instant, there were continuous explosions, and the mountains were shaking. I saw a disciple of the Four Gods hurried forward, sweat on his forehead.

"Palace Master... It's not good, a large number of strong people suddenly appeared outside Dust world."

"How is it possible, at this time, who can come to support Dust world?" A Heavenly Emperor of the Eastern Altar frowned.

Suddenly, the eight directions came to pay tribute. The Xiahou lineage arrived. The Xiahou ancestor's majesty radiated in all directions. He alone supported the sky and stood behind Chu Yan, like an unshakable mountain.

"The Xiahou lineage has never forgotten the shame of extermination. Now it returns to the mortal world and listens to your orders!"

"Buzz!" The lineage of heaven arrived. The heavenly tradition turned into thunder and took charge of criminal law: "The lineage of heaven responded to the choice of heaven and returned to the mortal world!"

"The blood lineage pays homage to the king!"

"The ghost knife lineage pays homage to the county king!"

"The guardian of the ancient forests, today I have retired after success and am willing to continue to be loyal to the king!"

Emperors kept pouring in from the horizon. Their number was so huge that they seemed to surpass the gods of the four directions.

The eyes of everyone in the mortal world were very exciting. So many emperors came at once?

They seemed to be calling Chu Yan the king?

Emperor Ren was so excited that tears streamed down his face: "Master, the young master has lived up to your expectations! Now, he has commanded a region and is truly famous in the six regions!"

Everyone in the world was extremely excited. Many disciples in the wilderness looked up and looked at Chu Yan like worshipping. They couldn't help but think: Legends are still legends, but he is more powerful than before.

Back then, under the threat of the Four Gods, he was so powerless that he needed to rely on Chu Hanfeng and use the soul thoughts of the ancient emperor Xudi and others to deal with it, but now, he is more mature. He doesn't need to rely on any external forces. He himself is the capital.

"This group of people... are the Zhentian lineage?" Gu Yu Lao's eyes were full of shock.

The master of the Eastern Altar turned into a giant beast and appeared, staring at the group of strong men.

The Four Gods knew that the world had the Zhentian inheritance, otherwise they would not have repeatedly sought opportunities to invade the world, and even wanted to take the opportunity to control this force, but they didn't do it, but helped Chu Yan.

Chu Yan returned with the Zhentian lineage. He said, why does the mortal world need others to save it!

"The Four Gods, who were as humble as ants ten thousand years ago, now dare to invade my holy land in the mortal world. They deserve to die." Ancestor Xiahou said with contempt.

"Chu Yan, what should we do?" asked the Heavenly Dao.

"Surround them!" Chu Yan gave a cold order without any politeness. The next moment, the nine Zhentian lines were unified, forming nine divine lights, and all the people of the Four Gods were surrounded.

The people of the Four Gods were terrified, and even the Emperor of Heaven did not dare to act rashly at this time.

"Chu Yan, even if you control the Zhentian lineage, my Four Gods have a thousand years of heritage, and I am definitely not a good person. Do you really think that you can beat the Four Gods with the Zhentian remnant lineage?" The master of the Eastern Altar roared.

"Zhentian remnant lineage? Do you want to try?" Ancestor Xiahou snorted coldly, and the king's power was released, turning into a big hand and slapping it, which immediately made the master of the Eastern Altar spit blood.

"Asshole!" the leader of the Eastern Altar said angrily.

"Chi Junlin, get out!" Chu Yan raised his head and walked out. Suddenly, everyone dispersed to give him a space. He stood with a sword in his hand, the tip of the sword flashing with cold light, pointing at Chi Junlin: "You just said that I am not worthy of a fair fight with you?"

"Now, I will still give you a chance. If you still remember that you are a mortal, stand up and fight me fairly. If you win, I will spare your life! If you have the ability, you can also kill me directly. Let me see where your pride is!"

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