Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 435 Development in the World

When the mortal world was in despair, Chu Yan returned and brought with him a group of super strong men, including the Xiahou Ancestor, a powerful king who had never appeared in the mortal world.

Therefore, everything ended. Thousands of emperors from the four directions came to fight hard, but in the end they failed to capture this little star and retreated in embarrassment.

This news immediately caused a sensation in the six regions.

In the Li family, Li Xiaoyao was extremely excited after learning that Chu Yan was still alive and laughed to death. He wanted to leave directly and go to the mortal world, but was stopped by Li Hongwei.

"Xiaoyao, in these troubled times, it's not safe for you to go out now." Li Hongwei sighed.

Li Xiaoyao frowned, but he also understood his father's worries. His mother's death had always been a mystery. His father only had his son, so he had to endure it.

The reappearance of the Zhentian lineage seems to have become a household name in the six regions.

Many people are talking about Chu Yan's style and the legend of Zhentian. A monument to heaven, the return of the king.

But there are joys and sorrows. The reappearance of the Zhentian lineage has made many overlords feel uneasy, especially the eleven kings who were led by Ji Huangji to encircle and suppress the world.

Ji Huangji was very uneasy, and finally on this day, he couldn't bear it any longer, so he walked and came to a land of nothingness.

There is a ghost gate here, burning with black fire, giving people a chilling feeling.

This place seems to be an existence beyond the six realms. It is very mysterious. It is not the overlord and very few people know about it. Now, Ji Huangji is here.

"I want to see the King of Soul Palace." Ji Huangji was here, and his tone was quite respectful.

"Come with me!" A woman in plain clothes introduced him and entered the ghost gate, where black candles were lit and there was a Void Throne in the center.

A second before Ji Huangji entered the place, there was no one on the throne. But as the candle burned, the throne popped, and a figure wearing a black robe appeared. He wrapped himself in the black robe and sat on the throne, like that random.

"King of the Soul Palace, you are welcome and safe!"

"Ji Huangji, you came in person? Chi Chi, it seems that something interesting has happened in the Six Domains again?" the King of the Soul Palace said with a serious smile.

"The Zhentian lineage has reappeared. Chu Yan is not dead. Now he has returned to the world and has unified the nine Zhentian lines. When are you going to take action?" Ji Huangji got straight to the point.

"Why are you so anxious? Do you think it is so easy to kill Chu Yan?" the King of Soul Palace said with a smile.

"He is just an emperor. Even if Xiahou Old Dog is around, is it difficult to kill him than it was to kill Qian Mengyu?" Ji Huangji frowned.

"Qian Mengyu?" The King of the Soul Palace suddenly laughed: "How can Qian Mengyu compare with that Chu Yan? Qian Mengyu is at most an extraordinary talent, having access to the Sixteenth Heaven Monument, and has learned a lot of inheritance, but he is just a member of the Li family , If it were not convenient for your Emperor Sect to take action, you could kill him yourself. But what about Chu Yan?"

"Ji Huangji, you were on Tianbei Mountain, and you came to the battle on Shangcang Island in person. Did you kill him?" The King of Soul Palace snorted coldly. Ji Huangji's old face froze, but he was speechless.

Indeed, he had two great opportunities, but failed to kill Chu Yan.

It can even be said that if he, Ji Huangji, had not forced him, Chu Yan might not have the reputation he has today, and the Zhentian lineage would not have surfaced so early.

"The price to kill Chu Yan is too high. I'm afraid you won't even be able to afford it if you spend all the Emperor's Sect on it." The King of Soul Palace said disdainfully.

Ji Huangji's heart trembled, and at this moment he realized that Chu Yan was far more terrifying than he thought.

"But since I was able to help you rise to the top ten thousand years ago, I will not let you come down. In these ten thousand years, I have also taken a lot of resources from the Six Domains. His appearance is indeed a hindrance. I will find opportunities to bring him down." Get rid of it, you can go now." The King of Soul Palace said again, and Ji Huangji nodded.

Everyone in the Six Domains believed that the Emperor Zongji was the king and the Six Domains were the hegemons.

But only he knew that the Emperor Sect was just a puppet, and that the man in front of him was the real strongest man in the Six Domains.

Thousands of years ago, it was the Soul Palace that arranged the fall of Lord Zhentian. Over the past ten thousand years, one of the huge reasons why the Six Domains have been unable to produce top-level experts is that most of the resources in the Six Domains have been used by the Soul Palace. Ji Huangji couldn't get a few points from it.

How terrifying is the resource offering from a galaxy?


Of course, no one knew about Ji Huangji's actions, and they did not cause the slightest ripples in the Six Realms.

The gods of the four directions left the world, Chu Yan reopened the ancient dynasty, and the palace of the former king of the six domains came to the world again.

In the ancient dynasty, Chu Yan was walking. The souls of Emperor Xu and others couldn't help but sigh when they saw Chu Yan: "Little guy, I didn't expect you to really do it."

"Thank you all seniors for taking action back then, otherwise my world would have been destroyed long ago." Chu Yan handed over his hand.

"It's a small matter. We have followed the master for many years and guarded the world. This is what we should do. It's just a pity that now we are just souls. We can't leave the ancient dynasty and kill the enemy happily." Emperor Xu was bellicose, but then He was unable to participate in this battle, which made him curse in displeasure.

"Senior, I have traveled across the six realms and heard many methods of resurrection. Perhaps if there is a chance in the future, you seniors can leave this ancient dynasty." Chu Yan said.

"Chu Yan, you don't need to comfort us. We have been dead for thousands of years and have long been accustomed to it. When you kill the Ji family's dog thief, my Zhentian lineage will still be the king of the six domains." The fortune-seeking king said with a bitter smile. I have also heard of some methods of immortal souls, regarded as immortals, and methods of resurrecting souls, but they are all unnatural powers. How easy is it to get them?

"Besides, what if we can't leave? Our souls are still here, and our skills are not gone. Now that the ancient dynasty has reappeared, we will teach again and open a school to benefit the area and add bricks and tiles to the road of revival in the world."

The Lord Jianming smiled. He was more free and easy than Emperor Xu. After the ancient dynasty reappeared, he decided to bring a few friends to open a school here to cultivate a group of excellent blood for the world.

"This is the best. I can also set up a school with the ancient dynasty." Chu Yan nodded. He supported the opening of the school.

After so long, he understood a truth more clearly. Whether it is a clan or a sect, it is indispensable to cultivate the younger generation if it wants to flourish.

This is also the reason why the major overlords recruited disciples in the six domains. The top powerhouses of a force are now, and the talents of the disciples are the future.

Otherwise, even if there is only one great monarch after the great monarch, and the younger generation is incompetent, the great monarch will eventually fall, and this force will also enter extinction.

The reappearance of the Ancient Dynasty caused quite a stir in the world.

Now the world is more orderly than before, with all the sects united, and the wilderness and the ancient dynasty ruled together.

Chu Yan did not merge the wilderness with the ancient dynasty, but the essence of the two is the same, both are forces in the world, the two top forces.

Half a month later, the school of the ancient dynasty was established, and the emperors came to congratulate. On the same day, Chu Yan personally served as a tutor, which made many students very excited.

"Look, that's Chu Yan, the king of the world, I actually saw a living person!" A beautiful little girl said excitedly.

Chu Yan's head was full of black lines, thinking, so you have seen death?

But he really guessed right, these little guys are all Yun people, there is a stone statue in Yun country, that is them, they really saw death.

Everything is on track, Chu Yan also stayed in the world, after six years away, he returned to his hometown, that kind of mood is beyond words.

He put aside his practice for a short time, often appeared in some gatherings and family dinners, especially the Liuye family, now very harmonious. Of course, the two old men played chess every day and still quarreled, but the younger generation didn't care and just watched them with a smile.


As winter gradually approached, the white snowflakes fell, adding a touch of gentleness to the world.

Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng held hands and walked on the mountain path outside the Liu Mansion without flying, leaving a line of happy footprints on the clean white snow.

As they walked, their hair turned white. Liu Qingcheng smiled with some emotion: "It's great to see you again!"

"Silly girl, you are so beautiful. If I die, wouldn't it be a bargain for others? I won't do such a loss-making thing. I will accompany you like now, until we grow old together." Chu Yan smiled and left a lip print on Liu Qingcheng's fragrant forehead.

"You said that if you leave me in this life, I will be someone else's wife in the next life!"

"Okay, if I don't, you will be my wife in the next life."

"A lifetime, is that not enough for you?"

"Such a beauty, no matter how I look at her, it's not enough." Chu Yan said with a wicked smile, and couldn't help hugging the beauty, lingering in the snow, that passion seemed to melt the ice and snow.

Liu Qingcheng smiled shyly, her branches trembling, so beautiful.

Then, it was a wonderful night.


March passed in a blink of an eye, Chu Yan enjoyed this comfortable life very much, occasionally he would practice, but most of the time he spent with his family.

He owed them too much, and besides that, he was investigating another matter. On this day, the nine veins gathered in the top hall of the ancient dynasty.

"Seniors, do you have any news?" Chu Yan couldn't help asking.

The Heavenly Dao looked at the Xiahou Patriarch: "You tell me?"

The Xiahou Patriarch nodded: "Chu Yan, the matter you asked us to investigate has some clues. The man you said was called Ye Xun was indeed rescued by someone, but the person who did it... is a little troublesome!"

"Who?" Chu Yan asked. He had always been worried about Ye Xun. After the Four Gods withdrew, he ordered an investigation.

"A forbidden place in the six regions, and the strong men of the twelve ancient god pillars." The Xiahou Patriarch smiled bitterly. He personally went to the Four Gods for this matter and had a strong conflict with several Heavenly Emperors. Only then did he find the source, but when he traced it back, he was surprised to find that the person who rescued Ye Xun was actually that forbidden place.

"The twelve ancient god pillars?" Chu Yan didn't know.

"That place... is a bit strange. Like the Heavenly Stele, it is an existence that escapes the Six Realms. It often recruits some disciples with destiny in the Six Realms, who can change fate, but it is not as blatant as the Heavenly Stele Mountain, so few people know about it. However, their requirements are extremely harsh. It is said that Ji Wufeng was once sent to the Twelve Ancient God Pillars by Ji Huangji, but was rejected on the spot. The friend you mentioned has the favor of the Twelve Ancient Gods and is not ordinary in talent, so he should not be in danger." said the ancestor Xiahou.

Chu Yan frowned. If that was true, Ye Xun's safety would at least not be a concern.

But there was one thing he couldn't figure out, which was how Ye Xun knew the Twelve Ancient Gods. Then he thought of Qin Zixuan.

Qin Zixuan took Ye Xun away. In just a few years, Ye Xun's name became popular and was valued by the Western Temple to accept him as a disciple, so he guessed that this matter was related to Qin Zixuan.

"It seems that I have to find my sister first." Chu Yan thought, as for Qin Zixuan's safety, he was not worried at all.

If anyone told Chu Yan that someone in the Six Regions could kill that evil woman, Chu Yan would never believe it. If it were in the past, if someone told him that someone had injured Qin Zixuan, he would probably burn incense and set off fireworks...

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