Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 432: The Evergreen Tree Resurrects

Chu Yan's eyes turned into ice and shot at the disciple who spoke first, which shocked the man and he lowered his head in a hurry: "Senior, we are just talking nonsense. If we disturb you, please forgive me."

They all thought that Chu Yan might be a strong man of the Four Gods.

"Chen Jian, what happened?" Chu Yan asked in a low roar.

The eyes of several people flickered, which made them feel relieved. It seems that Chu Yan is not from the Four Gods or the Tianxing Sect.

"Just yesterday, the Four Gods suddenly gathered all the strong men and launched an offensive against a small star, directly sealing a star. It is said that it has nothing to do with realm. They killed anyone they saw and threatened to kill everyone in Chen Jian." One person observed the changes in Chu Yan's expression and said in a low voice.

"Four Gods, you are looking for death!" Chu Yan couldn't suppress his anger, and his breath changed drastically. It was as if there was an ancient beast roaring in the sky.

Although Chu Yan had expected that the Four Gods would take action against Chen Jian sooner or later, he didn't expect it to be at this moment.

He felt a strong sense of guilt. Everything was caused by him. He was indeed negligent. How could the Four Gods not take action in the chaotic world?

But Chu Yan couldn't understand why Qin Zixuan didn't show up when the world was sealed.

"Slaughtering the stars is a taboo in the six domains. Even if there are grievances, innocent people must not be harmed. The Four Gods did this. Could it be that the other overlords were indifferent?" Chu Yan growled.

"We don't know about this, but it is said that there are indeed overlord forces that want to support the mortal world, the three demon mountains in the ancient demon star field, and the Li family in the Wuwang star field."

"But just yesterday, a war broke out in the ancient demon star field. The demon mountain sect launched a strong attack on the three demon mountains. The illusion demon king and the divine turtle demon king both took action, sneaking attacked the purple dragon demon king, seriously injuring him, and killing several emperors of the three demon mountains!"

"There were wars in succession in the Qinggu star field and the Wuwang star field. In the Qinggu star field, Mu Jun personally took action and caused severe damage to the ghost knife clan. The Shi family of the Wuwang star field and the Younv Palace joined forces to encircle and suppress the Li family. They did not take action, but the great king guarded them, making it impossible for the Li family to leave."

"There is a female king named Qin in the Tianhuang Sect who was trapped by Ji Huangji. Although she escaped later, she was seriously injured. Now the six domains are in chaos!"

Chu Yan's eyes became colder. It turned out that all this was premeditated.

Was Qin Zixuan injured by Ji Huangji? Chu Yan was even more angry. He disappeared from the mountain stream in a flash.

Almost all the overlords of the six domains participated in this battle, except for the Jiang family and the Xuannv Sect, but the situation was not good.

An uninvited guest came to the Jiang family. He was one of the ** monarchs back then, the Great Lord Su Qing. He represented the Tianhuang Sect and suppressed the entire Jiang family alone.

The Xuannv Sect has long been unable to protect itself and retreated to a star, not to mention supporting the world.

So in the current situation, the world can't wait for any external help.

Chu Yan left, and he went directly to the central hall of the Yinshan Sect. He released his divine thoughts, and the Xiahou Patriarch, the Shangcang Dao Sect, and the other powerful people of the other sects appeared one after another, and soon filled the Yinshan Sect.

Looking around, thousands of emperors, all nine sects gathered, Chen Tianwang and Yaotong also came, and the two stood below with cold expressions.

They had known about the disaster in the world for a long time, but they were constrained and could not get out. Now Chu Yan opened the mirror door to let them get out.

"Are you all here?" Chu Yan stood up and looked down. At this moment, he had the spirit of a leader of an army.

"The nine veins are all here. Chu Yan, what should we do now is up to you." The Heavenly Dao said that the ancient world was also their hometown. Ten thousand years ago, there was a massacre there. Now history is reappearing. They are all angry, and each one is full of anger.

"Everyone, the world is in disaster now, but my Zhentian vein is not strong enough, so after this battle, Zhentian will be exposed and may be very dangerous. So if you don't want to fight, I won't force you. You can all guard this place and wait for the next Zhentian Tianchosen. At that time, revive the glory of my ancient world."

"But this is my battle, I must go. There are people I protect in the world. If they die, I have no intention of living." Chu Yan said calmly, but his voice was extremely cold.

"We have been dormant for ten thousand years, and we are unwilling to wait any longer. Now that we have surrendered, we should obey the monarch. Life and death are not up to us, but we will listen to Zhentian!"

"That's right. We have lived in shame for ten thousand years, and the six regions seem to have forgotten the glory of Zhentian in the past. Now let them see that my Zhentian lineage is still there!"

"That's right, if we want to fight, then we will fight! There are no cowards in the Zhentian lineage!" The voice was like a wave, covering one layer after another.

Chu Yan stood in the sky, his eyes flashing with a strong chill, and then he nodded vigorously: "Okay, Chu would like to thank all the predecessors here. In this case, from today on, I Zhentian will reappear. If I win this battle today, there will be no more Four Gods in the six regions! All Zhentian people will follow me to the world!"


The war broke out completely.

The world was still in chaos, and the people of the entire Four Gods Star Region were very nervous.

Some people felt sad for the world, and some people wanted to fish in troubled waters and get some spoils through this battle.

At this time, in a galaxy in the Six Regions, there is a green land.

The Eternal Forest, which was born ten thousand years ago, has been green ever since, a sea of ​​green that seems to have never withered. In the center is a ten thousand foot tall evergreen ancient tree, which grows branches and leaves every year, giving birth to more than a thousand inheritances. Every year, the descendants of the overlords of all parties will enter through the secret entrance to practice here and compete for inheritance.

Now is no exception. Even though the Evergreen Tree was recognized as its owner seven years ago, some inheritances are still born every year.

Just like seven years ago, the evergreen trees bloomed and gave birth to more than a thousand inheritances. Descendants of the overlords from all sides competed here to enter the ancient trees, overcome thorns, and seize the inheritance.

But at this moment, a young man in white suddenly appeared outside the Eternal Forest. He strolled over, stepped on the void, and directly arrived at the entrance of the secret realm.

There was someone guarding this place, and he immediately stretched out his hand to stop Chu Yan: "Who is coming? This is a sacred place in the jungle. Outsiders are not allowed to approach."

"Guarding for ten thousand years, you have completed your work. From today on, you can retire." Chu Yan said calmly, making the guard stunned. The next moment, Chu Yan raised his head, and an ancient seal appeared, making the guard stunned. The guard's eyes narrowed, and he knelt down in the air: "Subordinate, please see your Majesty!"

"Very good, now that there is a disaster in the world, those who lead you, go ahead. Today, I will rise to evergreen again!" Chu Yan said, the people who guard the evergreen tree are the descendants of Zhentian back then.

"Okay!" The guards retreated one after another, and Chu Yan strode straight into the Eternal Forest.

This was the second time he came here, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. In the past, he was just a king, and it took half a month to get from the periphery to the evergreen tree. But now he has been crowned emperor, and within a few breaths, he was under the evergreen tree. , he stood with his hands behind his back, raised his head, and looked at the green ancient tree.

"Has someone come in again?" Someone in the forest was surprised to see Chu Yan.

"Everyone, please go out. From today on, the forest is closed and is no longer open to the public!"

Chu Yan said lightly, and the overlord suddenly sneered: "Who do you think you are? You want us to get out?"

"That's right, the Eternal Forest is the treasure of the six domains, shared by the overlords. Is it possible that you still think you are the master of the Eternal Tree?" Someone joked.

Chu Yan glanced at everyone, then closed his eyes, the ancient seal in his body was born, and then his breath was released. In an instant, it resonated with the evergreen tree, and countless branches and leaves fell to him.

"Get out!" The next moment, a voice spit out, and all the disciples turned pale. They were rejected by the evergreen tree and were directly knocked away.

Everyone looked at Chu Yan in shock. This person could actually resonate with the evergreen tree?

So he is, Chu Yan?

Thinking of the rumors in the past, the evergreen tree recognized its owner, and this person was none other than Chu Yan, the number one in the heavenly monument.

But didn't he transform into an ancient demon and be blasted to death by the kings?

Why does it appear here?

The geniuses hurriedly backed away and left the Evergreen Tree, but still did not leave. They looked at Chu Yan in surprise. He was not dead. He disappeared for two years and came to the Evergreen Forest. What was he going to do?

Chu Yan stood up and leaped onto the evergreen tree. Suddenly thousands of branches and leaves gathered towards him, turning him into an ancient tree.

"What is he going to do?" Those king-level disciples stared at Chu Yan.


Chu Yan let out a low roar, and then everyone was shocked. They saw the huge evergreen tree trembling crazily. At this moment, it was uprooted and flew into the sky with Chu Yan.

"The evergreen tree... was uprooted? Did he go with Chu Yan?" The king-level disciple's throat rolled. What happened today was so shocking. The evergreen tree, the treasure of the six realms, even Ji Huangji could not take it away, but today, he was uprooted by Chu Yan.

"Disappeared?" However, the next moment, Chu Yan disappeared out of thin air, and the evergreen tree left with him. As for where he went, no one knew.


Stars in the world, gods and powerful men from all directions continued to pour in, and all the world fell. There were ruins everywhere, the once glorious dynasty was reduced to ruins, and the mountains and rivers were razed to the ground.

Chijunlin showed thousands of brilliance, carrying peerless divine weapons, and kept blasting out, causing the mirror image guarding array to tremble continuously, and several cracks appeared.

"The Land of Mirror Image can no longer be defended!" The people in the world looked despairingly.

If the mirror image is broken, the world will truly perish, and no one will survive.

Rendi, Yaolao, Huafeng, Wanqing, and other great emperors burst out, all with the belief of dying in battle.

"The barbaric world, after six years, you will eventually be destroyed. I have said long ago that the era of barbarism will eventually end. Today, everyone will die!" Chi Junlin smiled ferociously.

Wangfeng was suppressed by the ancient words. His eyes were red and his body was full of blood, but he couldn't break free at all. Even if he broke free, what would be the use?

"Is it true that he can't come back?" Countless people in the world turned into longing.

Liu Qingcheng's eyes were red, and she was calling in her heart: "Senior, I know you are... please, please, take action to save the wilderness!"

Sighing: "Oh, it's not that I don't take action. Every galaxy has variables. We practitioners all follow the destiny. This world is destined to have such a disaster. I can't save it even if I take action. To untie the bell, the person who tied it must still be there." , but I think the fate of this star is not over yet.”

"If you don't take action, I will die." Liu Qingcheng said coldly.

"You girl... If I take action, I will definitely lend you your body. With your current state, you can't bear my divine thoughts for even one second. I can't possibly watch her descendants die!" The ancient man said speechlessly, Then he looked to the sky again and murmured: "It's strange, it's strange. Looking at the stars, the world is not in disaster, but is shrouded in holy light. It is a sign that it is about to enter the prosperous age. Why is it like this? It's strange. "

Liu Qingcheng's eyes turned red. Her only reliance was an ancient thought in her body, but the other party refused to take action.

But she would never allow the world to perish, even if it meant death. She walked out of the mirror image and stood there. The Emperor of Wilderness and others were all shocked: "Qingcheng!"

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