Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 426 Bloodline

The woman stood far away, and her heart was filled with waves. She initially thought that Chu Yan was just a Demon Lord at most, but she never thought he was a Demon Emperor.

The elder of Yueya Village stood in the distance with an extremely uneasy expression on his face. A demon emperor had been outside of Yueya Village all this time?

"Who are you, Your Excellency? Why do you want to interfere in my affairs in Crescent Moon Village?"

"As the leader of a clan, you just don't think about how to protect your clan members. Instead, in order to protect yourself, you hand over your clan members as tribute. You are not worthy of being the leader of this clan." Chu Yan sighed and shook his head.

"Your Excellency, the Yinshanmen Sect is me, the overlord of the void. It is our duty to offer tribute every year. Why do you bother to embarrass me?" The clan elder said helplessly for a while.

"The Yinshan Gate wants tribute, let them come to me." Chu Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense and said calmly.

The clan elder's face turned cold and he snorted coldly: "Your Excellency, you have such a strong tone. Even if you have become the Demon Emperor, there are countless emperors in the Yinshan Sect, and you alone can compete with them. I advise you not to provoke yourself." Please hand over Yin'er, and I can pretend that what happened today never happened."

Chu Yan didn't say anything. The demonic energy in his body suddenly rose into the air, and the demonic wings behind him shook the air and turned into a huge wave roaring towards the clan elder.

"Get out!" Chu Yan roared, and the clan elder looked shocked. He was now in the realm of Emperor, and with his relationship with the Yinshan Sect, he had vaguely touched the Emperor's power, but the other party just looked at him and knocked him away. ?

"Huh, if that's the case, then I will inform the Yinshan Sect. I hope you will still be so tough!" The elder snorted coldly and said to everyone: "Let's go!"

"Get back!" But suddenly, a huge wave of demonic power came and suppressed the clan elders and others in place.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean by this?" Everyone felt angry and frightened. If this demon emperor wanted to attack them, they would all die in the near future.

"If you break into the door, then repair the door and get out." Chu Yan said lightly. The other party's face froze. They were all powerful people at the senior level, but now Chu Yan actually asked them to stay and repair the door?

"Three breaths, if you don't follow the instructions, you will die!" Chu Yan was not polite. He saw that the other party was heartbroken. He had no choice but to use his energy to repair the stone gate.

"Get lost!" Chu Yan shouted again, and the other party members fled one after another.

Yin'er watched from the side and said with a very exciting expression: "Big man, you are so powerful! I have never seen Grandpa Zu suffer a loss, but today you did it, are you already invincible?"

"Silly girl, the world is so big and vast. The six realms between heaven and earth are only a grain of land. There are countless people who are stronger than the big man. Who dares to say that he is invincible in the world?" Chu Yan said with a smile. , Yin'er's age is the most youthful, she thinks of whatever she says, says it without hesitation, and has a straightforward temperament, which Chu Yan likes very much.

"So Yin'er, you have to practice hard in the future so that you can protect yourself and your mother in the future. Do you understand?" Chu Yan rubbed Yin'er and said.

"But my mother didn't let Yin'er practice, saying that if Yin'er practiced, she would be chosen as a sacrifice." Yin'er said aggrievedly. She had practiced practice many times, but when the women found out, they all beat her up. But she still couldn't let her give up, until one day, she saw a woman crying secretly at night, and she swore not to practice anymore.

"Senior..." The woman's name for Chu Yan changed. She walked forward and knelt on the ground: "Today's great kindness is unforgettable. I am a woman. My husband died early. I have long been indifferent to life and death. The only thing I can't let go of is Yin'er, you are a good person, I boldly ask senior to take Yin'er away!"

"What are you doing?" Chu Yan waved his magic arm and lifted up the woman's knees: "Since I took action today, I will naturally be responsible to the end."

"But, the Yinshan Sect is really strong." The woman still said uneasy. The Yinshan Sect is the king of the void and has ruled for thousands of years.

"I heard before that the choice of sacrifice this time was not Yin'er. Why did it suddenly become Yin'er?" Chu Yan asked.

The woman sighed: "The sacrifice this time was originally the clan's eldest daughter Qu Mengxi, but in order to let her escape this disaster, the clan elder betrothed her to Young Master Ye of the Yinshan Sect. Ye Wuji was the genius of the Yinshan Sect. Disciple, now in his thirties, has been crowned emperor and reached the pinnacle of human emperor. Rumor has it that he participated in the Heavenly Monument Competition nine years ago and was the Heavenly Monument Master before the Three Realms. Therefore, with this relationship, Qu Naturally, Meng Xi will no longer become a sacrifice, but become Yin'er."

"Is that so?" Chu Yan suddenly realized, but he was thinking alone in his heart.

At the Yinshan Gate, Zhentian specializes in the Blood Art lineage, guarding the control of the Blood Seal inheritance.

There are nine inheritances in Zhentian. After the defeat in a battle ten thousand years ago, nine inheritance powers were left behind. Among them, Xiahou's lineage controls the roar of dragons and tigers, which was transformed by a demon cultivator.

The line of God is the line of criminal law. It has the will of God, and the inheritance it protects is the walking of gods and the steps of ghosts.

The Ghost Sword lineage led by King Chen Tian is the Ghost Sword Technique lineage. They practice Ghost Sword and are also the most powerful lineage among the Zhentian lineage. They take the name of the army and transform themselves into an army of Ghost Swords.

It's just that the blood seal controls the lineage, and bloodthirsty practice is not allowed. This is a taboo. Chu Yan thought to himself: "It seems that over ten thousand years, the Yinshanmen lineage has gradually forgotten the rules of Zhentian. And I don't know how to hide it, future generations He went so far as to participate in the battle for the Heavenly Monument and seek self-improvement.”

"Don't worry, Yin'er will be fine as long as I'm here." Chu Yan smiled, and then he looked at Yin'er and said, "Yin'er, are you willing to practice with me?"

"Yin'er is willing!" Yin'er said happily, she loves practicing.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and Chu Yan was still sitting on the mountain. Since the last time, Yin'er would come here every morning to practice with Chu Yan.

Chu Yan did not teach Yin'er, but only gave occasional guidance from the side. After all, one's own understanding is very important in the journey of cultivation, and the paving the way by the ancestors is just a little element.

Yin'er's talent was pretty good. In just a few days, she opened her spiritual apertures, awakened the seven-star life form, danced with swordsmanship among the flowers on the cliff, and often smiled sweetly at Chu Yan, which was very moving.

Chu Yan kept smiling, and he was not in a hurry. On this day, he returned to the mirror world. The old man in the mirror image was always here. He raised his head and glanced at Chu Yan: "What happened? Do you need help?"

"Master, I am now transformed into a troll and am unable to move, so I would like to trouble Master to help inform the people of the Heavenly Lineage and the Xiahou Lineage that the Yinshan Sect's bloodline has changed and I need troops to conduct a conquest."

"Okay!" Old Mirror Image agreed readily and disappeared.

Chu Yan returned to the land of void again, standing here, still not in a hurry, waiting. Yin'er also grew very fast. In half a month, the realm broke through the moving dust.

On this day, there was a strong wind in the sky, and I saw the demon-horse young man flying quickly and arriving at Yueya Village. He was extremely arrogant: "Seven days have passed, why don't we see the sacrifice of Yueya Village?"

The elder of the Yueya Village stepped out, glanced at the woman and sneered; "Back to Master Ye, the sacrifices have been prepared, but the other party refused to hand them over and asked an emperor demon cultivator to help. We had no choice but to Wait for Mr. Ye to show up, and I’ll do it in person at most.”

"Emperor Demonic Cultivator?" Ye Wuji glanced at Chu Yan on the cliff. In fact, he already knew the matter. He came here today to kill this demonic cultivator.

"Standing up for others?" Ye Wuji shook his head ridiculously, and then he said calmly: "There is no demon cultivator in the Six Realms, but you chose to cultivate demons. You are already beyond redemption, and you dare to go against our Yinshan Sect. So, I will give you today Two choices, hand over the sacrifice, kneel down and apologize, or die!”

Yin'er raised her head and looked at Ye Wuji with fear. The woman beside him was also extremely frightened. He was a real emperor.

The emperor's power is invincible. Of course, in their world, the concept of king is completely untouchable.

Chu Yan heard that it was ridiculous, not to mention that he was now transformed into a great demon and had the ability to defeat the emperor. Even with his own strength, he could slap Ye Wuji to death with just a raised hand, but the other party actually asked him to kneel down and apologize?

"As for you, are you guilty?" Ye Wuji's eyes turned cold, he glanced at the clan elders of Yueya Village, and said in a cold voice: "Yueya Village did not send tribute on the agreed date. According to the rules, the clan should be exterminated. What are you going to do now? Do you need me to say more?”

"Bang!" After saying that, Ye Wuji slapped the Yueya tribe elder. The elder's face was shocked. He didn't expect that Ye Wuji would be like this at this time. How can he be regarded as Ye Wuji's father-in-law?

"Wuji, you..."

"Wuji? Are you worthy of calling me that? I have already enjoyed your daughter. If you are wise, I will spare your life. Otherwise, today, all of Yueya Village will be regarded as sacrifices for my Yinshan Sect's blood work." Ye Wujiji He said arrogantly, then he glanced at the woman and sneered: "Although she is a little older, she is still quite beautiful. I have never tasted what women are like."

"Senior, please take Yin'er away." The woman seemed to know that she would die today, and she let out a low roar.

The elder of Yueya Village immediately understood. His heart was filled with anger and he approached the woman: "Bitch woman, it's all because of you who harmed my clan. Today you must pay for your sin and go accompany Young Master Ye!"

"Alas!" But at this moment, with a sigh, Chu Yan slowly flew down from the cliff and landed in the center of Luoya Village.

When the clan elder saw Chu Yan, he felt fearful: "Your Excellency, you have seen the situation now. It was all because of you that it harmed my clan and also Xiao Qing. Are you still obsessed with it now? "

"I said, you really are not qualified to be the leader of this clan!" Chu Yan sighed, and then he raised his hand and turned into a huge force, and a huge demonic figure appeared behind him.

Ye Wuji didn't take action and just watched from the side, which made the elder of Yueya Village feel even heavier. He knew that he could never afford to offend Ye Wuya, so he had no choice but to attack Chu Yan.


"Boom!" But in an instant, Chu Yan took a step, as if like a mountain coming, crushing all the ground, causing the opponent to vomit blood.

"You can't afford to offend the Yinshan Sect, but can you offend me?" Chu Yan shook his head sadly.

Everyone was shocked, how could he be so strong? Is this really just an ordinary Demon Emperor?

Ye Wuji's expression also changed slightly. He still couldn't see through Chu Yan, but as a member of the Yinshan Sect, he had enough arrogance. His imperial power formed a sharp sword and stabbed Chu Yan's demonic body.

"I'm standing here, are you worthy of flying in the air? Get off!"

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold, he raised his hand and grasped it in the air, turning it into a huge magic arm, and immediately grabbed Ye Wuji, causing Ye Wuji to let out a painful scream and hit him directly on the ground.

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