Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 425 Crescent Village

Chu Yan did not know yet about the sudden changes in the Sifangshenxingyu.

At this time, in a hidden void in the galaxy, there is a huge demon body sitting cross-legged, surrounded by demonic energy, sometimes real, sometimes illusory. It can be vaguely seen that there is a handsome young man's body inside the giant demon. , flickering in and out.

There is a remote village here called Crescent Village.

In the past three months, people in Yueya Village often passed by the cliff and looked up at the huge ancient demon on the top of the cliff. They seemed to be curious about when such a demon cultivator appeared in the Six Domains.

In addition to practicing, this demon cultivator would sit on the cliff in a daze. There was always sadness in his huge demon eyes. As the stars flowed gently, his eyes were always looking out, full of longing.

"Big man, who are you and why are you practicing here alone?" That day, a young girl, who looked like thirteen or fourteen years old, climbed up the cliff and asked the troll.

The troll turned around and glanced at the girl. Perhaps it was because the girl was so naive that he couldn't help but think of Liu Qingcheng. He smiled and said: "This place is the highest point of the galaxy. I am worried about it. Looking down from here, I can see my hometown. "

"It turns out that you miss your hometown. My mother said that you are a demon, and demons are all evil in the world, but why don't I think you are a bad person?" The girl's name is Yin'er. She imitates Chu Yan and puts her two little feet on Drifting under the cliff, fluttering in the wind, her youthful look makes people envious of her age.

Chu Yan had some feelings. When he was thirteen years old, he must have been as innocent as this girl. He didn't know the cruelty and darkness of the world of cultivation. He rubbed Yin'er's head and said with a smile: "Yin'er, remember, you will be worthy of your cultivation. Heart, there is no distinction between good and evil in heaven and earth. If you feel it is right, just do it. If it is wrong, just don’t do it.”

"Yin'er, come back!" A shout came from the distance, and a woman cautiously came to Luoya and looked at Chu Yan warily: "Your Excellency, Yin'er is still young, I hope you will let Yin'er go."

"Mom, the big guy is very nice. He didn't hurt me. He's not a bad person." Yin'er argued with reason.

"Come back!" The woman frowned, and Chu Yan shook his head helplessly at this moment. The devil was finally despised by the world, but who knew that the real devil was once proud of the world, disdaining to bully the weak, and not caring about other people's words? Compared to human cultivation, it is more generous and free-spirited.

"Yin'er, go back."

Chu Yan rubbed Yin'er's head and smiled.

The woman was stunned for a moment and did not expect that Chu Yan could be so easy to talk to. She looked at Chu Yan with deep meaning: "Your Excellency, there are no demon cultivators in the Six Domains. Why do you appear here? I don't think your strength is good enough." Su, he should have gathered three life souls and entered the realm of respect, right?"

Chu Yan smiled lightly, acquiescing. In Yueya Village, the powerful ones are the top beings.

"Yin'er, let's go. Don't disturb your practice." The woman marveled in her heart. What she saw in front of her was a huge demon king.

Yin'er stuck out her tongue at Chu Yan: "That big man, practice well, and I will come to see you again in the future! I have heard that if the venerable master can generate imperial power, he will be able to become an emperor. Then the big man will be powerful ”

With the strong wind, Chu Yan stood up in the air and turned into huge magic wings soaring into the sky, seeming to cross towards the end of the sky.

This place in the void is very hidden in the Six Domains, but there are also many powerful people hidden in it. One of them is a force called Yinshan Sect. It is said that the Yinshan Sect has been inherited for thousands of years and has lived in seclusion here. It has a rich heritage. The ancestors are a He is a powerful Po-Emperor, and there are many Emperor-level experts in his clan. He is the well-deserved overlord of this void.

On this day, on the cliff, a group of strong men suddenly leaped over. The leader was quite a monster, with full of monster energy exuding from his body, and turned into a rainbow light.

"So strong!" In the village next to the cliff, the indigenous practitioners looked up.

"They are from the Yinshan Sect!" someone else said.

"Where is this village elder?" Yaojun young man said, his tone full of arrogance.

"Sir, I am the elder of this village." An old man walked out of the village, looked up at Yaojun young man, bowed slightly, and spoke with great respect.

The Yaojun young man nodded with satisfaction: "Well, I am here today to tell you that there is still half a month left before the festival. After seven days, your village will send this year's tribute to the sect, which will ensure your village's stability for the whole year. , if not, you know the consequences.”

Hearing the word tribute, everyone in the village was startled and became nervous. The woman who had been talking to Chu Yan hurriedly pulled Yin'er back and hid her behind her, her eyes full of vigilance.

The clan elder clenched his fist slightly, but due to the identity of the other party, he had no choice but to sigh: "Go back to the Young Master, Crescent Village obeys your orders."

"Well! Let's go!" The Yaojun young man and his group turned and left.

Yueya Village fell into a tense atmosphere again. The people in the village sighed and looked unhappy.

In the blink of an eye, three days later, Yin'er was playing in the courtyard, but suddenly a large number of footsteps came from outside the door. He stepped in forcefully and broke the door open.

The leader was none other than the elder of the Crescent Village and a group of cultivators.

The woman frowned when she saw this scene, pulled Yin'er behind her, and looked at the clan elder warily: "Village Chief, what do you mean?"

"You heard what Mr. Ye said three days ago. The day of sacrifice is coming soon. Yin'er has been selected as this year's tribute. Please hand it over now."

The woman's jade face froze. She had been in Yueya Village for a long time, so she naturally knew what a sacrifice was. There was an ancestor who practiced blood kung fu in the Yinshan Gate, and every year he had to use the blood of a young girl to extradite him.

So every year, Yueya Village has to prepare a young girl for Yinshan Sect. However, according to the plan, this year's tribute has already been decided. It should be the granddaughter of the elder, but why has it become his own daughter now?

"Elder, this year's tribute should be your granddaughter, why did it become Yin'er?"

"It's ridiculous. How can my granddaughter be a tribute? She has now been engaged to Ye Shao, so the tribute must be changed. The only girl in the village who meets the requirements is Yin'er. This year, she is the tribute." Yueya elder said.

"No!" The woman roared. As a mother, how could she watch her daughter being captured as a tribute?

She was even afraid that Yin'er would be chosen as a tribute. She didn't allow Yin'er to practice since she was a child, and didn't let Yin'er ask about martial arts, but could she still escape this disaster?

"Go and capture the person and prepare to send him to Yinshan Sect." Yueya elder ordered.

There were several strong men on the side, many of whom were at the Venerable level, and there were also several Emperor-level strong men. However, the woman was only a top Emperor. How could she stop so many strong men?

"Wait!" But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from the void, causing everyone's eyes to freeze.

Above the Nine Skies, there was a huge demon body hovering, slowly landing in Crescent Village. The huge demon body made him very conspicuous.

"It's him!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw this big demon. This big demon had been outside Crescent Village for three months, always on the cliff. Many people even said that this was a stupid big demon.

But now, he actually flew down from the cliff and landed in Crescent Village.

"Big guy!"

Yin'er saw Chu Yan shouting excitedly, and then she ran forward regardless of the woman's obstruction and hid behind Chu Yan. Her petite body was still trembling. It can be seen that this girl is now very scared.

"Sir, you have been outside my Crescent Moon Village for three months, and no one has disturbed us. Now you want to interfere in the affairs of my Crescent Moon Village?" The ancestor of Crescent Moon Village said unkindly, and a strong breath of Tianzun suddenly burst out from his body.

"Big man, the village chief is a Tianzun, very powerful. I have seen it with my own eyes. He can pull up a house with a wave of his hand. Mother said that today is Yin'er's disaster, and it has nothing to do with you. You should go." Yin'er saw the ancestor's move. Even though she was afraid, she suddenly walked out from behind Chu Yan, stubbornly, as if she didn't want to implicate Chu Yan even if she died.

Chu Yan glanced at Crescent Moon Village. This void was a barren land, and the strongest was just a Tianzun. He smiled at Yin'er: "Yin'er, don't be afraid, I am here, they dare not bully you."

"But they are very strong..." Yin'er was still worried. She was not a cultivator, but she also knew the difference in the realm of martial arts. The King of Three Dusts was regarded as the King, and above the King there were the Emperor, the Venerable, and the Emperor.

The ancestor is the strongest person in Yueya Village, the limit of Tianzun. It is rumored that no one can beat the elder except the people of Yinshan Sect.

The woman is now pale. She looks at Chu Yan and is also very worried. She has seen Chu Yan a long time ago and knows that Chu Yan's strength is above hers, but she is just a Tianhuang, so she naturally cannot see through Chu Yan. She thinks that Chu Yan is at most a Renzun.

"Don't worry, the big guy is not afraid of them." Chu Yan smiled calmly.

"You are so shameless!" Many strong men in Yueya Village were angry, and one of them snorted coldly: "You are just a downtrodden demon cultivator. In my six domains, there is no place for you. Hiding in my Yueya Village, no one is targeting you. Now you dare to take the initiative to cause trouble and seek death!"

"Do it!" The strong men in Yueya Village are also very confident. Chu Yan's breath is restrained. They think that he is at most a Venerable. Even if he is a demon lord, what's wrong? He is still very weak.

"Kill!" A powerful Tianzun from Yueya Village rose into the air, and then he sacrificed his soul, which turned into a meteor hammer, and blasted towards Chu Yan's huge demon body with burning flames.

"Yin'er!" Feeling the power, the woman's face turned pale, but then her eyes froze. She saw that the meteor hammer of the Tianzun was about to fall, but Chu Yan was still calm. He didn't even raise his head. With just a thought, the soul of the Tianzun suddenly shattered and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

This scene shocked everyone. A Tianzun was suppressed like this?

Chu Yan was so calm from beginning to end. He looked at Yin'er in his arms and smiled: "Big guy is here, no one can take Yin'er away!"

"Big guy, are you an emperor?"

"Yes, I have been crowned an emperor!" Chu Yan smiled calmly, but everyone in the distance froze. The big demon in front of them was actually a demon emperor?

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