Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 427 came into being [Three updates]

"Who is so presumptuous as to cause trouble in the Yinshan Void?" As Ye Wuji fell, a huge blood shadow appeared in the sky.

It was obvious that Ye Wuji had just felt the crisis of death and crushed a protective divine thought in his body.

As soon as the shadow appeared, many elders of the Yinshan Sect knelt down and bowed their heads: "See the Blood Emperor!"

"The elders of Crescent Village kowtow to the Blood Emperor!"

The elders of Crescent Village hurriedly buried their heads in the soil.

In addition, the rest of the people also knelt down, including the woman and Yin'er. Only Chu Yan was still standing there, which was very dazzling.

"I don't know what he is talking about. He is dead for offending the Blood Emperor this time!" The elders of Crescent Village sneered. The name of the Blood Emperor is very famous in this void. He is the strongest man in the Yinshan Sect. No one dares to talk about him in the void on weekdays. It is a big taboo not to kneel when seeing the Blood Emperor.

"You bold lunatic, you don't even kneel when you see the Blood Emperor!" An elder of the Yinshan Sect shouted angrily in the distance.

"I kneel down, but I'm afraid he can't bear it." Chu Yan said lightly, glancing at the Blood Emperor, thinking in his heart that this person must be the ancestor of the Yinshan lineage.

"Haha, so arrogant, the Yinshan void is controlled by the Blood Emperor alone, no matter who you are, you have to kneel down when you see the Blood Emperor."

"What if I am from the Tianhuang Sect? Or, I am the descendant of other overlords, do I have to kneel down when I see him? Can he bear it?" Chu Yan said calmly.

Everyone frowned, what Chu Yan said did make sense. Seeing the Blood Emperor kneel in the void is just because the Blood Emperor is powerful and unified.

But what if it is the Tianhuang Sect or other overlord forces? Do you need to kneel down when you see the Blood Emperor? Of course not, this Blood Emperor can't bear it.

The elder who spoke earlier also frowned and looked at Chu Yan warily: "If you are the descendant of the overlord, you should at least show respect."

"Yinshan Sect has been living a comfortable life for ten thousand years. Now it is the king of the Yinshan Void. It seems that you have forgotten the shame of the extinction of the clan ten thousand years ago?" Chu Yan's tone suddenly changed, and he looked coldly at the blood shadow.

The Blood Emperor's expression changed drastically, staring at Chu Yan: "You actually know about the extinction of my Yinshan Sect ten thousand years ago? Who are you?"

"The Tianbei Mountain has its own name." Chu Yan said lightly, and everyone's eyes froze. The light of Tianbei Mountain bloomed in the six domains and could be seen anywhere, including this void.

"A year ago, on Qinggu Shangcang Island, Chu Yan, the son of Tianbei, turned into a great demon and fought in all directions. He disappeared afterwards. The outside world said that he was killed by the great monarch and his body was gone, but there is no evidence. You said that you have your own name on Tianbei Mountain. Could it be that you are Chu Yan?"

"I came here today to represent the Zhentian lineage!" Chu Yan acquiesced, and a golden iron token appeared in his hand. The token was engraved with the ancient word Zhentian, shining in the void.

"The blood of Yinshan, seeing the Zhentian token, why don't you kneel down and surrender quickly?"

This token was given by the old man in the mirror image, representing the supreme existence of the Zhentian lineage. Seeing the order is like seeing Zhentian Jun, and you must kneel down and surrender and accept the order.

Everyone in Crescent Village was shocked, and Yin'er and the women's phoenix eyes were even more exciting. It turned out that the great demon who had been sitting on the cliff and looking into the distance was the son of Tianbei who had stirred up the storm in the six regions?

Now, Chu Yan came here to ask Yinshan Sect to kneel down and surrender?

Ye Wuji was even more shocked. As a descendant of Yinshan, he naturally knew about the inheritance of Zhentian. However, no one had come here for ten thousand years, so the people of Yinshan Sect had long forgotten about it.

He even stopped hiding his identity, and controlled the sky with one side, claiming to be the king and dominating, planning to expand and develop. Nine years ago, he participated in the battle of the Heavenly Monument and became a Heavenly Monument Master, but the young man in front of him was the first in this year's Heavenly Monument Battle, the Son of the Heavenly Monument.

However, today, someone from Zhentian came.

Offer a token and ask them to kneel down and surrender?

The Blood Emperor stared at Chu Yan. For ten thousand years, he had long forgotten about the Zhentian lineage and was used to freedom. Moreover, he was now the king in the void and could do whatever he wanted.

If he continued to follow Zhentian, his status would be affected. In addition, his current strength had reached the level of Emperor Po, and he had enough confidence. How could he pursue the will of a dead person?

Even in the past ten thousand years, he had sent people to secretly kill several chosen people. He was afraid that one day, the Zhentian lineage would come and ask him to surrender.

"It's ridiculous. The Zhentian lineage has been destroyed long ago, not to mention the chosen people. You must have got the Zhentian Order from somewhere, and you even tried to tarnish the Zhentian lineage, pretending to be the king. You are simply courting death!" After the Blood Emperor finished speaking, he turned into a blood shadow and blasted towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan seemed to have expected it. He had seen the Xiahou lineage and the Shangcang lineage. Although the two lineages had also produced strong people in the past ten thousand years, they were all very low-key and hidden. Only the Yinshan lineage was particularly powerful and rampant. It can be seen that they had long forgotten the existence of Zhentian in the past ten thousand years.

Now Chu Yan asked him to kneel down and surrender, and it was normal for the other party to disobey. Chu Yan's magic arm spread out, turning into a giant holding up the sky, and rushed towards the Blood Emperor.

"You think you can defect and form your own lineage after ten thousand years of development and reaching the level of Emperor Breaker? If Senior Zhentian hadn't risked his life to save you ten thousand years ago, how could the Yinshan lineage survive until now?" The giant shattered the Blood Emperor's blood light, and then a strong demonic aura rose into the air and grabbed the Blood Emperor.

"Damn it, how can you be so strong?"

The Blood Emperor was shocked. He had known Chu Yan for a long time, the Heavenly Monument Master of this generation, but in two years, even if the other party was not dead, how could he be so terrifying?

"I can destroy the Meteor Star Pavilion, let alone your Yinshan lineage. Today is just a warning. Control the blood seal and do not harm people. The Yinshan lineage has broken the rules. Now that you have reached the level of Broken Emperor, you have committed countless sins. I will destroy you today with just one thought. Three In the future, I will personally ascend the Yin Mountain. If you don’t surrender, I will kill you without mercy!”

"Get out!" Chu Yan shouted, and a huge burst of demonic energy spurted out, violently knocking the Blood Emperor away, shattering his mind and directly injuring me.

"Bastard!" The Blood Emperor himself was furious on Yin Mountain in the distance.

As for Yue Wuji and others who were still left in Crescent Village, they were so frightened that no one dared to take action.

"He stays, you all go away!" Chu Yan glanced at Ye Wuji indifferently, and the other Yinshan Sect elders were frightened. This man can even destroy the blood emperor's divine will, and none of them dared to intercede for Ye Wuji.

"Chu Yan, you can't kill me! I am the genius of the Yinshan lineage! If you want to take charge of the Yinshan lineage, killing me will also be a loss for you!"

"Zhentian's lineage, even if it is weak, will not leave a piece of trash like you." Chu Yan snorted coldly, and then with a thought, he directly killed Ye Wuji into powder.

Everyone looked at this scene and panicked. Chu Yan was far stronger than they imagined. The elder of Yueya Village was even more frightened. He looked at Yin'er and the woman in horror: "Yin'er, Xiaoqing... ...Please plead for me, I, I have my own reasons too!”

"Now you know you regret it..." Xiao Qing said angrily. She has been in Crescent Village for thirty years and has feelings for this place, but today's incident broke her heart.

"Big man, please let the old man go." Yin'er said crisply.

Chu Yan sighed, he was a kind-hearted child after all. His evil thoughts swept away the Yueya clan elder and left an evil mark: "For Yin'er's sake, I won't kill you today, but I will monitor every move you make in the future. If you dare to hurt Yin'er, your clan will be destroyed!"

"Don't dare!" The Yueya clan elder knelt on the ground, he was frightened.

"Thank you, senior!" Xiaoqing said as she rushed to the market. She knew that if Chu Yan said a word today, no one would dare to harm their mother and daughter.

"Big man, do you want to leave?" Yin'er said reluctantly from the side.

"Yes, the things that the big man came here have been done. Of course he has to leave. There is no such thing as a banquet in the world. But after the big man leaves, Yin'er must practice well so that he can protect himself in the future."

"Can Yin'er see you again?"

"When you practice well and become emperor one day, I will come to watch the ceremony in person." Chu Yan smiled and rubbed Yin'er's head. Yin'er seemed to have confidence again and stretched out her little finger: "It's a deal. , let’s hook up!”

"Okay!" Chu Yan said seriously, stretched out his huge fingers, and gently pulled Yin'er together to make an agreement.

Chu Yan raised his head, and the huge demon wings behind him spread out and flew into the sky.

Everyone in Yueya Village was slightly touched that the troll who had been sitting outside their village for three months was actually transformed into a young man, and this young man was even more famous in the six regions.

Of course, they didn't know it until a few years later, when they were traveling in the six realms, they were even more shocked when they heard the name of Chu Yan. At that time, Chu Yan was so powerful that he swept across the realm.

Chu Yan left Yueya Village. On this day, he stood at the entrance to the void. There were strong winds coming from the distance. After a long time, people from the lineage of God arrived. The lineage of God saw Chu Yan, who had transformed into a great demon, with red eyes: " Is it really you?"

"Grandpa Daotong, it's me." Chu Yan smiled, then lowered his head slightly and choked up: "I'm sorry, Xian'er..."

God of Heaven shook his head sadly: "That girl's fate."

Xiahou's lineage arrived here not long after. When Xiahou Yuehe saw Chu Yan, his delicate body trembled violently. Will the sunny boy of the past really never come back?

Ancestor Xiahou was full of emotions. He first met Chu Yan in the Ancient Demon Star Territory. At that year, Chu Yan was just an emperor. Who could have expected that in just a few years, he would transform into an ancient demon? The demonic power reached the sky, and the gods killed the kings in one battle, and countless emperors fell.

"It's hard on you."

"Senior, you're welcome. Not everything is okay now." Chu Yan said with a free and easy smile. He was used to it. Since he could not be transformed into a human being, he would become a demon in this life, so he became the great demon in the world, asking demons from all directions to come to worship, sweep everything, and destroy everything. Emperor Sect.

"Everyone, we are living in troubled times, and our hatred for thousands of years is our pain. Now that the situation has come true, I will represent the Zhentian lineage and reappear in the six realms."

"From today on, you will all obey my orders. The ancient world will soon reappear. I want these six realms to be even more chaotic, and I want this world to have a new overlord force born!" Chu Yan's voice resounded throughout the universe. At this moment He is full of majesty.

He wants these six regions to give birth to a brand new overlord force that will shake the sky, be born in response to destiny, and reappear in the six regions!

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