Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 424: The Actions of the Four Gods

Chu Yan's soul drifted in the void, where it was dark and boundless, with only a faint firelight.

"Who is it?" Suddenly hearing the voice of the ancients, Chu Yan frowned slightly and looked around, but there was no one in sight.

"Since you chose me, you don't know who I am?" The man laughed even louder: "I am the Supreme of Ten Thousand Demons."

"Are you the Demon Lord?" Chu Yan suddenly remembered everything that happened on Shangcang Island, and then his heart couldn't help but become gloomy again. That day he activated the evil demon to descend to the world, sucked the demon spirits from all directions, and turned into the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons, but even so, he still lost and failed to save Shangcang Xian'er.

But as for what happened later, he didn't remember it. He thought he was dead, but now it seems that he is not dead, at least, his soul is still there.

"Did you save me?" Chu Yan looked up and asked the sky.

"No, I just sensed that someone would inherit my mantle, so I came to take a look, but I didn't expect that it was such a weak person." A shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, looking at Chu Yan with a smile.

Chu Yan couldn't help but frown. If it wasn't for the Supreme of Ten Thousand Demons who saved him, who else could have saved him in the desperate situation at that time?

He couldn't figure it out. The Supreme of Ten Thousand Demons glanced at Chu Yan with his mind: "Little kid, although you are ridiculously weak, there seems to be an unusual bloodline in your body that even I can't see through. Are you willing to follow me and worship me as your master, and leave this barren land with me?"

Chu Yan hesitated. He didn't know what his current situation was, but he could feel that he was still in the Six Realms, but he couldn't be sure which star field it was.

As for letting him leave, he wouldn't think about it for the time being. He still had things to do in the Six Realms. Where did the Heavenly Clan go after escaping? Are they okay now?

If the overlords of all parties failed to kill him, they would definitely not give up. At that time, they would inevitably attack Chen Jian, and Qingcheng. Where did she go after the Heavenly Monument?

He had too many concerns in the Six Realms.

"Thank you for your kindness, senior."

"Forget it, it seems that you still have concerns in this barren land. In this case, I will not force you. However, since you can inherit my mantle, it means that you have a good fate with me. I will give you another chance. This technique is a unique skill of the magic way. Only the top demons can practice it. Now that you have absorbed the demon spirits from all directions, you are barely worthy of it. I will give it to you." The shadow waved his hand, and a token flew towards Chu Yan.

"Immortals and demons in chaos?" Chu Yan was stunned, looking at the ancient book in his hand, and there was a faint familiar feeling flowing on the ancient book.

This method is actually an immortal method?

This is the third immortal method Chu Yan has obtained. The first one is naturally a thought to kill the immortal, and the second one is the great compassion immortal method inherited at the ancient demon trial site, the immortal platform.

The current world of immortals and demons is the same as the previous two. It is a book of immortals, but this immortal law is extremely domineering and is used to cultivate the demon body. If you can practice it to perfection, you can transform into a solid demon armor, and your arms can be transformed into blades, which can attack and defend at the same time. However, it is extremely difficult to practice.

This skill requires gradual progress, and you need to absorb the demon spirit, find demon bones and demon blood, and forge a strong demon body in your body to achieve an indestructible body.

"Don't insult my inheritance, otherwise, I will kill you next time I see you." The shadow laughed and disappeared out of thin air.

In the void, Chu Yan was left alone by the only son. He was stunned for a while, and then he looked up to the sky and clasped his fists towards Jiuxiao.

Although he did not become a disciple, this person inherited his legacy and was considered half of his master.

Chu Yan was also full of curiosity about this Ten Thousand Demons Supreme. Where did he come from and where did he go? It seems that his demon thoughts can reach the nine heavens, reaching an extremely terrifying height.

As soon as he made a move, it was an immortal law.

Chu Yan sighed, but he did not practice the immortal demon chaos. This skill is not cultivated in a day, so he is not in a hurry. He now wants to know his situation and where this place is.

In the mirror land, the mirror old man found wine and sat on the stone tablet again. After a long time, he raised his eyebrows and stood up to look at the huge demon body: "Hey, is it finally waking up? It's been a long time."

"Master?" Chu Yan was surprised when he saw the mirror old man, but then he was relieved: "You saved me?"

"I guess so." The mirror old man looked at Chu Yan mischievously: "Little guy, are you very brave? You dare to challenge Ji Huangji directly. It seems that you didn't take my words seriously at all."

Chu Yan was sad for a while. He went to the Shangcang lineage not to challenge Ji Huangji, and he didn't expect what happened later.

He couldn't help but think of Shangcang Xian'er again.

"That girl may not be dead." The mirror old man hesitated and said to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan smiled bitterly. He thought it was the old man in the mirror who was comforting him. Shangcang Xian'er died in his arms and turned into powder under the great power of the monarch. How could she not die?

"Forget it. When we meet again one day, maybe you will understand." The old man in the mirror did not continue to say more about Shangcang Xian'er. He paused and said, "This time, you were indeed impulsive. Your wings are not full enough, and the foundation of Zhentian is not enough. It is too early to expose it now, but since you have done it, the other two have started the conquest. What are your plans?"

"The other two?" Chu Yan was stunned and immediately thought of Yaotong and Chen Tianwang.

Fatty once told Chu Yan that he had seen a big roc in the ancient demon, which looked like the transformation of Yaotong. He guessed at that time that in addition to him, there might be other people working together in Zhentian.

Yaotong and Chen Tianwang are both chosen by heaven, and they will definitely take over some of Zhentian.

Now it seems that his guess is right.

Zhentian, has the conquest started now? Then the six realms must be in chaos now, right?

Chu Yan sighed, and then he got up, looking helplessly at his huge demonic body. The demon came into the world, and his power increased ten times. But once he becomes a demon and attracts the demonic spirit into his body, he will cultivate the demon in this life and become a demon forever, which is irreversible. He is no longer a human being now.

Suddenly, Chu Yan remembered the young Qin Shi he saw in Jiutian Xuan Pagoda.

"Senior Qin Shi seems to be cultivating people as demons, right? Since he can be a demon for a lifetime and conquer the world, then if I am a demon, I will also dominate the world."

"As a human in this life, I will rule the world and behead Ji Huangji. If I can't be a human in this life, then I will rule the demons from all directions and defeat the Emperor Sect, so what's the problem?" Chu Yan's voice was proud, even if he turned into a great demon, he belonged to His arrogance remained the same, and there was a vague intention of looking down on the world in his eyes.

"Master, I need to control the Yuzhentian lineage." Chu Yan looked at the old mirror image.

The old man in Mirror Image nodded guessingly: "Now that you have a plan, go ahead and do it. But be careful, life is important. I have been waiting for thousands of years. Keep my life. The worst is to do it again. But if my life is lost, everything will be lost." No chance."

Chu Yan handed over to the old man in the mirror image, and then he turned around, opened an exit in the mirror image, and left from here.

Today, Chu Yan's understanding of mirror images is not as good as that of the old man, but after becoming the emperor, his life soul is stronger, he can open up space and create the world with great ease.

Looking at Chu Yan's leaving figure, a figure suddenly appeared next to the mirror image old man. Taoist Qinglong stood there, looking at the huge demon body with a bit of emotion.

"Does he really want to cultivate the devil forever?" Qinglong asked helplessly.

The old mirror image shook his head: "I don't know, that evil demon came into the world to be extremely domineering. It may come from a high level of inheritance that neither you nor I can look up to. Once it becomes a demon, it attracts demonic spirits from all directions into the body. It is too strong and irreversible."

"What a pity for a generation of genius."

"What a pity. He didn't say that once he became a demon, he would let the demon dominate the world and rule the world." The old man in the mirror said with a smile: "It has been ten thousand years, and his style is even more brilliant than that of you and me. He is destined to be If he were a human being, how could there be a demon in the world? If he were a demon, who would dare to disobey him?"

Qinglong nodded: "This time, the old madman and I both lost. It was you who won. He is the best."


Two years have passed since the last battle for the Sky Monument.

In the first year, Chu Yan used space teleportation to leave and disappear, hiding for a whole year without coming out.

The next year, it was rumored that Chu Yan was hunted by the overlords of all parties, and countless monarchs were bombarded on Shangcang Island, leaving no trace of his body.

Now there is only one year left before the next Heavenly Monument Competition, and countless young people from the six regions have risen up, showing new styles, and want to show their style in the new year's Heavenly Monument Competition.

After Chu Yan left the mirror land, he became extremely inconvenient because of his transformation into a huge demonic body, so he did not dare to act easily for fear of alarming several major overlord forces.

Therefore, Chu Yan chose to retreat in a mountain forest. This place was an independent void, above the galaxy.

He sits here cross-legged, the magic in his body is constantly running, and he has extremely powerful power after transforming into a demon body. Both his physical body and his cultivation have been greatly improved.

Now his power is comparable to that of the Emperor of Heaven. If he kills with all his strength, he can even fight with ordinary kings.

But he understood that this was not his power. This demonic body was made by demonic spirits from all directions, and he was also suffering from the intense devouring of demonic spirits every day.

If the will is not firm, it will surely suffer.


While Chu Yan was practicing, another big event happened in the Six Realms.

This incident occurred in the distant Sifangshenxingyu.

In the starry sky palace of the Four Directions God, the situation was changing on this day. A majestic battle platform in the center was engraved with the Four Directions Divine Beasts, and now tens of thousands of strong men gathered together.

Now their target is actually a tiny starry place in the distance, with several Heavenly Emperors in it, including the ancient sayings from the Northern Temple.

Next to Gu Yu, there was another figure standing, it was Ji Feng from the Emperor Sect.

"Target, the world of mortals, break the seal and enter the ancient dynasty!" A heavenly emperor from the Four Directions God suddenly shouted, and suddenly the wind started to rise in the Four Directions God Realm, and thousands of strong men stepped into the earth world in batches.

For the mortal world, such a terrifying lineup is absolutely a devastating disaster.

"Master, have you thought clearly, do you really want to do this?" Wangfeng looked at Gu Yu with red eyes.

"Who can live in troubled times without being stained by the mud. Now that the six regions are in chaos, if we, the four gods, do not stand in a good position, we will only perish. The Emperor Sect is our hope!" Gu Yu said calmly, and then the Northern Temple, Some people also set off, sweeping towards the earthly land.

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