Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 415: The First Appearance of Imperial Power

The current situation can be described as a miserable and desperate situation. The originally isolated Shangcang Island is being surrounded by thousands of powerful people from all directions.

All the people who came here are the overlords of the six domains and the top forces of the unified side.

They are riding on mighty chariots, there are countless emperors, and there are also monarchs among them. Ji Huangji stands at the highest point of Jiuxiao, wearing a golden dragon robe, standing with his hands behind his back, as if he is the emperor.

"Everyone, you really think highly of Chu. You took the trouble to kill me." Chu Yan looked at the sky and said lightly.

Chen Lihuo looked at Chu Yan with a murderous look, revealing a hint of coldness: "Then you should know that your death today is not unjust."

"It is indeed not unjust, but I am unwilling." Chu Yan said calmly, without too much fear: "The six domains are vast and endless, but they can't accommodate me, Chu Yan."

"You are cruel, fighting for Xumi Peak and Tianbei, killing countless people, how can the six domains accommodate you?" Mu Yu, the head of the Mu family, snorted coldly.

"It's ridiculous. In the world of martial arts, people compete with martial arts. Everyone who has grown to this day has stepped on the corpses of others and fought their way to heaven, and only then did they have the reputation they have today?"

"Ten thousand years ago, Ji Huangji led eleven great monarchs to descend to the mortal world. After three years of fighting, Ji Huangji won, so he is the king of the six domains."

"Meteoric Pavilion is the king of the Qinggu West. If you don't obey, you will be killed. Which of you is more cruel than me? Isn't this the martial arts? The six domains are endless, and the times have changed. How many Tianjiao have their hands stained with blood and have achieved fame by fighting their way out of the blood? Am I wrong?" Chu Yan said ridiculously.

Everyone was silent.

Yes, is he Chu Yan wrong? The world of martial arts is extremely cruel. Who has not stained his hands with countless blood along the way?

However, everyone also understood that all these were excuses. The major hegemons wanted to kill Chu Yan just because Chu Yan killed their descendants and just because they wanted Chu Yan to die.

"I believe that the people I killed all wanted to kill me, Mu Feng and Shi Canglong. They died because they were not as good as me. Let me ask you, if it was me who died, would you think that I, Chu Yan, was not as good as others and deserved to die?" Chu Yan said coldly.

Everyone was silent. Chu Yan's words were simple and clear, but they spoke directly from his heart and made people ponder.

Every word was like a thorn, piercing everyone's heart.

Yes, what if it was Chu Yan who died? Would the many overlords think that he, Chu Yan, deserved to die?


Chen Lihuo snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense. Last time you escaped with the space magic weapon. Now this time, there are countless space powers around. If you use it, it will block the space and leave you nowhere to escape. Who can save you!"

"Don't bother, the magic pen can't be used anymore." Chu Yan said directly. The space magic weapon is the same as the internal armor given to him by Emperor Qiu. The cooling period is one year.

The current situation seems to be more brutal than the battle for the Heavenly Monument nearly a year ago. That time, Chu Yan at least had a monarch by his side, but this time, he didn't.

Chu Yan was alone, but the other party was well prepared, how could he survive?

At this moment, the heaven and earth were wailing, and the Haotian in his body was shaking wildly, as if roaring for him.

"Are you wailing for me again?"

But, what can be done? Although the Haotian Tower has the power of a divine object, it fought against all directions in the Haotian Sect that year, but how can it compete with these thousands of emperors?

"In that case, then die! Xingchen, you go kill him!" After Chen Lihuo finished speaking, he tried a look at a human emperor beside him. After all, they are emperors and great monarchs, and they are in the Qinggu Star Region. Countless people are watching. It is embarrassing for them to attack a young man.

"Die!" The Star Emperor stepped out of the sky. He was at the peak of the Human Emperor's strength. He had a sharp sword in his hand. Then he cut the stars without hesitation and chopped towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan looked indifferent and looked at the Human Emperor. He was no longer timid. Who could save him in his despair? Then, let's fight.

"I know it's impossible, but I still do it. I am the son of Chu Hanfeng!" Chu Yan laughed loudly. The next moment, there were thousands of thunders. It seemed that there was a thunder dragon roaring in the sky. It turned into a body and descended into Chu Yan's body. Thunder armor rose from his skin and he held a long halberd.

"Is that the body of thunder?" Everyone in the lineage of the Heavens was amazed when they saw this scene.

"No, this is not the body of thunder. This power is stronger than the body of thunder!"

The Thunder Holy Land, the body of thunder transformed by Qi Ri, does not seem to be so powerful, right?

The old eyes of Shangcang Daotong were focused, and his heart was even trembling. He looked at Chu Yan, who was like a thunder god of war, holding a long spear, and wanted to fight the sky. Wasn't the natural phenomenon on that day just such a person?

"That is the soul of life, the Thunder King Elephant!" Shangcang Daotong sighed in his heart.

"Kill!" Chu Yan rushed out in an ambush. What if he was defeated? At least he didn't admit defeat to the sky, and no one let him lose!

Shangcang Xian'er watched from the side, her jade hand gently covering her red lips, her eyes seemed to be misty, and it seemed like tears were falling. At this moment, her heart was so painful.

"Is there really no way?" Shangcang Xian'er murmured.

At this time, the old eyes of Shangcang Daotong were red, looking at Chu Yan who was surrounded by thousands of strong men. He was so powerless. No matter how strong he was, he was just a broken emperor. How could he stop these thousands of strong men?

"Asshole!" Shangcang Mei'er couldn't help but roar.

Shang Cang Qing was full of excitement. He stared at the Human Emperor of the Meteorite Pavilion. In his opinion, this one person alone could kill Chu Yan invisibly.

"Chu Yan, today is the day you die." The Star Emperor roared. The Star Sword in his hand was so bright. He seemed to represent justice and wanted to kill Chu Yan and his sword.

"Cut!" Chu Yan turned into a body of thunder, and then he raised his palm slightly and turned into a huge force to chop down. The fighting method of the Heavenly Halberd was running, and thousands of welcomes appeared in the sky one after another, as if to tear the sky apart.

"Boom!" Chu Yan's halberd collided with the Star Emperor's Star Sword, creating a terrifying fault that seemed to swallow up the world.

In the distance, everyone saw this scene, and their eyes flashed with shock.

Chu Yan, blocked the Star Emperor's attack?

In the sky, the overlords from all sides could not help but frown. A cold light flashed in Chen Lihuo's eyes: "You have indeed been crowned emperor!"

The overlords of all parties felt panic in their hearts. Less than a year after the Heavenly Monument, Chu Yan was granted the title of emperor. However, by becoming the emperor, he had the strength to compete with the peak human emperor. This was definitely bad news for the overlords of all parties.

Chu Yan has now shown his talents. It seems that it is only a matter of time before he enters the realm of the emperor. His fighting power amazes everyone.

Even if he becomes an emperor, if one day he grows up and becomes a great king, how many people in this world can kill him?

A flash of surprise flashed through the eyes of the Star Emperor who was blocked, but it was fleeting and he sneered: "Chu Yan, you are indeed good, but in front of me, you are still as humble as an ant, indescribably weak, how can you stop me? !”

"Meteor Transformation!" The Star Emperor roared, and then he turned into a powerful killing force. He seemed to transform into a falling star, dragging a long star tail and penetrating towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan swept away the Star Emperor, and he was not in a hurry, letting the violent storm beat on him.

"Do you know why Hu Qiong and Shi Cangsong died in my hands?" Chu Yan asked calmly, then he raised his hand in vain, put away all the halberds in his hand, turned into a sword, and lowered his hand. In an instant, seven swords rose into the air.

"Because they are all as arrogant, self-righteous, and proud as you are, but they are all dead, and you will die too!"

After saying this, Chu Yan moved, and he turned into a sword, slashing down mercilessly with the light of the Seven Killing Sword.

That moment was too fast. The sword light contained the power of thunder, which could not be captured by the naked eye. Any imperial power and defense were all illusory under the absolute speed and power.

Then everyone was shocked, only to hear screams that continued to resound in the sky. A peak human emperor in the Meteor Star Pavilion had countless bloody holes in his chest. In the end, he could only die tragically unwillingly and turned into a corpse. The pool of blood has fallen.

Everyone watching was shocked. A human emperor fell like this?

Being killed by Chu Yan across two levels?

Countless onlookers in the distance were stunned, and their throats rolled: "Isn't Chu Yan just the emperor? Why is he so powerful?"

Chu Yan's figure was still standing there calmly, as if he had done something very calm. Then he raised his head and looked at Chen Lihuo: "Meteor Star Pavilion is still so weak, doesn't it mean we have to fight? Then come on! Who wants to kill me today?"

The faces of all the overlords were ugly, and Chen Lihuo was even more angry. He thought that by sending just one human emperor, he could kill Chu Yan, but he never expected that Chu Yan was not dead. Instead, the man fell, and the killing was so fast that he didn't even have a chance to save it.

But this is also the case, which makes more overlords feel happy. Today, they are here to kill Chu Yan. If not, if they really give Chu Yan a chance to grow, who will perish in the future?

"I, Chu Yan, will destroy you all in this life unless I die." Chu Yan gave a cold shout.

"You are going to die today!" Chen Li said coldly. The next moment he took the initiative. This time he didn't care about his reputation. Chu Yan made him feel scared. He took a step forward, turned the stars into his palm, and headed towards With Chu Yan ruthlessly suppressing it, that was the power of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Bang!" Chu Yan shuddered, his body dwarfed by half in the air, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. The Emperor of Heaven was still too strong.

After all, he couldn't compete with the opponent. He looked at the giant hand holding up the sky, feeling so resentful in his heart that he was unwilling to give in. He still had long-cherished wishes, people to protect, and worries.

But today, if God wants him to die, how can he live?

Chu Yan also became ferocious: "Father, mother, I may not be able to see you again. I am unable to step into the highest place in the galaxy, but I am your son. Even if I die today, I will die in battle."

"Boom!" But at this moment, a withered hand suddenly pressed on Chu Yan's shoulder: "Silly boy!"

Chu Yan looked strangely at Shangtian Daotong, who was standing behind him. At this time, he was so solemn, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit and pride.

"In the Zhentian lineage, you are enough! God, I have waited for thousands of years and finally waited for you. How can I watch you die today?"

"Knowing that you can't do something, but doing it, my arrogance from God is still there!"

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