Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 416 Heaven is jealous of him

Chu Yan was moved, the pride of the Shangcang lineage was still there.

"Shangcang, the Zhentian criminal law lineage?" Ji Huangji's eyes condensed and looked at the Shangcang lineage.

"Ji Huangji, Zhentian has been there for thousands of years. As long as Zhentian is still there, you will never be at peace. Today, I, the Shangcang lineage, accept the challenge!" The Shangcang Daotong let out a low roar, and the next moment Shangcang Mei'er and countless emperors of the Shangcang lineage flew out and stood behind Chu Yan.

"Knowing that it is not for the sake of doing it, the Zhentian lineage is still there!" Shangcang Mei'er also expressed her attitude.

"Humph, a lineage that survives is like an ant trying to shake a tree!" Mu Yu of the Mu family also snorted coldly, and then he turned into a furious thunder force, and then violently blasted out at this time.

"Fight!" Everyone roared, and everyone's eyes froze, and they were all shocked by the scene in front of them.

Chu Yan's eyes also turned red. He suddenly smiled and nodded vigorously. This time, he was not abandoned. Although he did not want the Shangcang lineage to die for him, as long as the Zhentian lineage was still left, there would be a chance for revenge, but how could he refuse today's move?

"Then let's fight, who is afraid of who!"

Chu Yan held a sword and wanted to kill Yuntian: "Ji Huangji, remember my words on the Tianbei. If one day I enter the Tianhuang star field again, it will be the time for your Tianhuang clan to be destroyed!"

"Kill!" Many powerful people rushed out to kill, and this battle was so tragic.

In this battle, Chu Yan's side will definitely lose, even if the Shangcang lineage participates, but today's battle is their attitude, their passion and pride.

Rather die in battle than live in vain!

The Shangcang lineage, the passion is still there.

"Kill!" Chu Yan rushed out fiercely, and he swept through the realm of the human emperor.

More people gathered in the distance to watch. At this time, the Tianxing Sect also arrived. Zi Yan and Mu Bai stood in the crowd. Zi Yan almost subconsciously rushed out, and she let out a whimper and roar.

"Junior brother..."

But immediately an elder of the Tianshan Sect stopped her and shook his head at Zi Yan: "It's useless, it's not enough. There is no monarch in the Shangcang lineage, let alone even if there is a monarch, what can it do? Today's situation is more tragic than that on Tianbei Mountain. Ji Huangji is here in person. Even if the Purple Dragon Demon King and Qin Zixuan are there, who can save him?"

Zi Yan also understood that she couldn't help Chu Yan at all if she went forward, but she was unwilling to do so.

She hated that Chu Yan had extraordinary talent and was a peerless evildoer, but the heaven wanted him to die!

The heaven was jealous of him!

Zi Yan's eyes became even redder, and an old ancestor of the Tianxing Sect also sighed: "It's too early, too early. If he is allowed to grow up for some time, then these six domains will all be his six domains, and he may really be able to become the king, but it's too early now, and he shouldn't be exposed."

More people were moved, and Chu Yan fought his way to heaven. At this time, he was already covered in blood, ragged, and so haggard.

"Ah!" The little wolf roared, and he also went crazy, rushing into the sky, turning into a huge demon wolf, fighting with countless emperors, and biting an emperor to death.

But what can be done? There are thousands of emperors who want to kill Chu Yan today, and there is still a great monarch who has not made a move. Today, who can change this outcome?

"Chu Yan, you must die today. After you die, the world will also perish, and the Zhentian lineage will be swept away." A Tiandi of the Tianhuang Sect roared.

Chu Yan's eyes were furious. He raised his head, pierced through the clouds, and landed directly on the emperor.

"You will die!" Chu Yan said calmly, but everyone was stunned. In this dead end, Chu Yan actually said that a emperor would die?

"Are you kidding?" The emperor sneered, and then he laughed wildly, not taking Chu Yan seriously at all. Then, he turned into a ray of imperial light and approached Chu Yan straight away.

However, at this time, Chu Yan didn't waste any words. He went forward and let the thousands of lights descend on him.

But at this moment, his arm condensed, and suddenly a sword emerged.

That's right, it was a sword, Chu Yan's first soul, the Heaven-Slaying Sword. This sword can cut the sky.

"One thought can kill the immortals, and it can destroy the immortals. It's enough to kill you!" Chu Yan said, holding the sword with both hands, and his eyelids flashed with endless power.

"I want to become an immortal, and ascend to heaven in one step! Borrowing the power of the heavens, I gather the stars to kill and reach the immortals in all directions."

The sword came out, and the world wailed, as if at this moment, the stars were all swords. At this moment, Chu Yan's thought of killing the immortals was more terrifying than before.

Zuo Jun of Tian Yao Peak was also there. When he saw the sword, his eyes were filled with fear.

"The last one of Zhentian inheritance!" Shangcang Mei'er's phoenix eyes were even more unbelievable. That one, the power that even Zhentian Jun had never used, was now used by Chu Yan.

Suddenly, Shangcang Mei'er remembered that Chu Yan had said that he had another inheritance, but he couldn't use it, but today, he used it.

But that power was burning Chu Yan's vitality crazily. In just a moment, Chu Yan spurted blood.

"Burn your own vitality and borrow the power of the gods." Someone roared.

This sword is too terrible. For a moment, even the great king didn't dare to step forward.

Shangcang Xian'er cried even harder. She had heard of the tenth inheritance of the Zhentian lineage. If you want to use this sword, you must kill yourself first.

Everyone was shocked. For a moment, the divine sword spread in all directions. The emperors did not dare to move forward and retreated.

"All those below the emperors, retreat 100,000 miles away!" Mu Yu immediately ordered. This battle was too terrible. Although Chu Yan was only a human emperor, he did not even doubt that this sword could kill a monarch.

"Chu Yan, if you use this sword, you will die." Chen Lihuo whispered.

"Haha, I don't need it, will you let me live again?" Chu Yan sneered at Chen Lihuo: "In this case, why not kill a few great lords to accompany you, it's worth it!"

Everyone was stunned, and at this time another person screamed, a human emperor, his body was destroyed by the sword alone.


More people screamed, under the sword of Zhuxian, the human emperor could not survive, the earth emperor had to kneel, the sky emperor had to tremble, even the great lord was afraid.

"The overlords of all parties want to kill me, mobilize thousands of powerful people, treat my life as worthless, and kill me at will. Then today, I have disturbed the six domains of heaven, so what's wrong with that!"

Chu Yan roared, his sword was still trembling, the blood in his body continued to burn, and he only had this sword left.

"Grandpa Daotong, take the Shangcang lineage and go!" Chu Yan suddenly said. Shangcang Daotong's eyes condensed and looked at Chu Yan seriously: "If I leave, what about you?"

"The Shangcang lineage cannot die! Now my sword can hold the other party back. If you leave, it is hope. If you stay, you will die!" Chu Yan said hurriedly. His arms were shaking. He knew that he could not control the Zhuxian Sword for too long. When the sword came out, even if the king was killed, it would still be useless.

When the overlords attacked together, he and the Shangcang lineage would die!

So the best way now is to let the Shangcang lineage leave first, at least that way, there is still a chance.

"Chu Yan!" Shangcang Mei'er frowned. How could she not know Chu Yan's intention.

"The Shangcang lineage listen to the order, all evacuate, this is an order, I order you to live! Are you going to rebel?" Chu Yan suddenly said in a stern voice, which made everyone in the Shangcang lineage tremble in their hearts.

Including those who had previously doubted Chu Yan, now they all bowed their heads in guilt. Chu Yan could have used this sword to escape with his only son, but he didn't. He chose to let the Shangcang lineage go first.

"Chu Yan, true character, risking his life for the Shangcang lineage, we actually still doubt him!" A disciple of the Shangcang lineage whispered.

"Let's go!" Chu Yan roared, and the sword in his hand became more manic, turning into the sword energy of the heavens, and thousands of sword shadows formed above the sky.

Chu Yan was about to give up.

The eyes of the Shangcang lineage were red, and at this moment he finally knelt on one knee, so formally.

"The Shangcang lineage, receive the order! I will never let you down in this life! Let's go!" The Shangcang lineage then turned around and evacuated quickly with the people of the Shangcang lineage.

Seeing this scene, a Heavenly Emperor in the distance felt his heart sink: "Can you get away?"

"Get lost!" But the next moment, Chu Yan's thought turned into thousands of killing intent, and the killing sword technique was directly blasted out. The Heavenly Emperor was immediately pierced by thousands of sword intents and turned into a bloody shadow.

"If you take a step forward, I will kill you!" Chu Yan stepped out with a sword, approaching the enemy step by step.

Chen Lihuo's eyes were cold, and he suddenly said: "Haha, Chu Yan, you are magnanimous. Even if you die, you must protect the lineage of Heaven, but I'm afraid you don't know who exposed your whereabouts?"

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold. This question has been bothering him. He believes that the mirror world can definitely allow him to hide his whereabouts. The six domains cannot know his whereabouts, but the overlords of all parties are still chasing him now.

He had long guessed that someone might have betrayed him, but he didn't know who it was.

"It was the Shangcang lineage that betrayed you. How ridiculous it is that you want to save someone." Chen Lihuo sneered. At this moment, everyone in the Shangcang lineage was stunned.

Shangcang Qing was shocked and looked at Chen Lihuo viciously: "You betrayed me!"

"My good disciple, your eyes are disrespectful to the master. Now, why don't you submit to the master?" Chen Lihuo smiled proudly. Everyone looked at Shangcang Qing. The Shangcang lineage was even more angry and roared: "Shangcang Qing!!!"

"Why?" Shangcang Xian'er's eyes were red. Everything today was betrayed by Shangcang Qing?

Shangcang Qing hated it in his heart, but he also knew that he could not hide it now. He suddenly looked at Chu Yan: "I don't accept it. I should have been the one who took over the Shangcang lineage, but since he appeared, everyone has been on his side. Why! I don't accept it!"

"Asshole!" The Shangcang lineage was trembling with anger. A traitor appeared in the Shangcang lineage.

"Die!" The Shangcang Daoist sect angrily slapped Shangcang Qing with a palm, and Shangcang Qing screamed and was slapped to death. At this time, all the Shangcang sects were silent and looked at Chu Yan with guilt.

Chu Yan looked at Shangcang Qing's body, and his heart was also cold. Today's battle was so tragic, but it was just because of Shangcang Qing's inner jealousy.

"Go! Grandpa Daoist sect, take this wolf cub away with me!" Chu Yan retracted his expression and did not change his original intention because of Shangcang Qing's matter. He ordered.

"Ah!" The little wolf growled and tried to break free, but it was useless. Chu Yan knew the little wolf too well. Although this guy was used to being lazy on weekdays, if he died in battle, he would definitely go to die, so he wanted the Shangcang Daoist sect to take it away!

"Go!" The people of the Shangcang sect retreated one after another. The Shangcang Daoist sect tied up the little wolf. The little wolf fought hard and burst into blood all over his body, but was still taken away.

The sword energy in Chu Yan's hand continued to radiate, making the whole world tremble. His blood was burning, and he could feel that even the candlelight in his body was being consumed.

Now, the thought of killing the immortal has reached its limit. If he does not release it again, there will be a stronger backlash. By then, he will not even be able to control this power.

"Not enough!" But when he turned around, he saw that the distance between the Heavenly Cultivation Lineage was not enough. He had to continue to endure it. He spit out another mouthful of blood.

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