Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 414: The Strong Attack [Three Updates]

On Shangcang Island, there is a seal of Shangcang outside, and a lake separates the inside and outside.

Few people in Qinggu Star Region know the true appearance of Shangcang Island. Even some people who have entered Shangcang Island to practice and inherit in the past years have only been outside Shangcang Island and have never entered Shangcang Island.

At this time on Shangcang Island, Chu Yan is still consolidating his practice.

But recently, Chu Yan encountered a very troublesome thing, that is Shangcang Xian'er. For some reason, this woman has been very attentive and attentive to him recently. Every day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are personally prepared and delivered to him.

Originally, Chu Yan practiced in the room, but now he dares not to do so, and simply ran to the mountain to practice.

"Are you so afraid of me?" On the mountain stream, Shangcang Xian'er's unhappy voice came, making Chu Yan look at Shangcang Xian'er with a wry smile: "Fairy, what are you talking about? I'm just practicing, feeling the breath of heaven and earth, and want to go further."

"Then I'll stay here with you." Shangcang Xian'er smiled sweetly and sat beside Chu Yan: "Don't call me fairy anymore, just call me fairy."

"Xian'er..." Chu Yan sighed helplessly.

"I'm tired of practicing, can I dance for you? It's also pleasing to the eyes." Shangcang Xian'er smiled sweetly, and then she didn't wait for Chu Yan's consent, her long skirt fluttered in the wind.

The fairy's dance was extremely moving, and the graceful lines, facing the fairy mist, looming, made Chu Yan obsessed.

Shangcang Xian'er was really beautiful. As a descendant of Shangcang, she also had a touch of fairy spirit. If Chu Yan hadn't been very determined, he would have fallen long ago.

"Beautiful..." Shangcang Xian'er flew over, her graceful figure gently leaned forward, and she danced with her cheeks slightly red, like a peach, making people want to taste her fragrance.

"Beautiful..." Chu Yan nodded almost as if possessed by a ghost.

"Since I am beautiful, why not take me? If you push me, I will fall." Shangcang Xian'er came closer, and Chu Yan's blood was almost gushing. He could feel that a pair of slender jade hands were groping on his body, like a swimming spirit snake, which was strongly stimulating Chu Yan's blood.

"Bang!" Chu Yan suddenly stood up and took a step back. Only then did he sober up and glared at Shangcang Xian'er: "Xian'er, I treat you as a friend. If you use this illusion on me again, don't blame me for being unreasonable!"

Shangcang Xian'er was shocked. She practiced Shangcang's charm technique, plus her own proud capital. She thought that as long as she wanted, she could make all the men in the world bow down to her pomegranate skirt, but today, she failed?

"You really don't understand romance. How many men want to spend a night with me under my magic? Don't you have any feelings for me?" Shangcang Xian'er complained.

"I am." Chu Yan nodded without hiding anything. Shangcang Xian'er asked in confusion, "Then why do you still want to push me away?"

"Xian'er, why do you have to do this? I have someone I love. If I flirt with you, it would be irresponsible to you and disappoint the person who loves me. If I do this, how can I be worthy of your entrustment for life?" Chu Yan said helplessly, thinking of Liu Qingcheng in his heart, full of longing.

Shangcang Xian'er was slightly absent-minded, but soon she laughed at herself again. It turned out that... he had been attached to someone for a long time.

But isn't this normal? How could no one like him if he was so outstanding? The person he likes must be very outstanding, right?

"What if I am willing to be your mistress?" Shangcang Xian'er put away her sadness and smiled sweetly again.

Chu Yan staggered and almost fell down. He was speechless for a while, and hurriedly clasped his fists and fled the scene.

"Cowardly guy." Shangcang Xian'er seemed very happy to see Chu Yan fleeing in a panic, and then snorted again: "If you really push me, maybe... I really won't refuse."

Chu Yan is now an emperor, with eyes and ears everywhere, so even if he walked far away, he heard this sentence, which made him sweat.

"This goblin." Chu Yan was speechless for a while, and the little wolf babbled in his arms: "Silly Yan, if you take her, someone will cook delicious food for me every day in the future."

"Get out!"

Chu Yan grabbed the little wolf and threw it out directly, making the little wolf dizzy. As a result, the little wolf climbed up and snorted in a baby voice: "Coward! You dare not push her, so you take your anger out on me! Next time I see Qingcheng, I will complain!"

"..." Chu Yan was speechless for a while. Damn it, even this little bastard dared to laugh at him.

Chu Yan is now in charge of the Shangcang lineage, and with the Xiahou lineage, he now has two powerful forces in his hands.

But Chu Yan knows that it is impossible to revive the world with these alone. Ji Huangji has spent ten thousand years to stabilize the six domains, and now he has his confidants in the galaxy.

Adding the other overlords, if he revives the world, he will definitely not sit idly by, and when the time comes, it will be a situation of collective attack.

So Chu Yan didn't want to be exposed too early, he took out another map, on which the remnants of the rest of the Zhentian lineage were marked.

"It seems that we have to hurry up." Chu Yan thought to himself.

"Dong! Dong! Dong... Dong!"

Just at this time, a divine bell suddenly rang in Shangcang Island, nine consecutive rings, soaring into the sky.

When the bell rang, countless powerful people in Shangcang Island flew out, causing Chu Yan to frown.

"The ancient bell of Shangcang rang for nine consecutive times. Something has changed on Shangcang Island." Shangcang Fairy flew to Chu Yan's side lightly. She put away her usual sexiness and her eyes were solemn.

"What's going on?" Chu Yan asked.

"I don't know, but the ancient bell of Shangcang rarely rings. It only rings when Shangcang Island is in danger. It is divided into nine levels. The last time it rang was three hundred years ago, when the disciples of Shangcang Island provoked a queen of the powerful clan. Man, that time, there were seven heavenly emperors on the other side, and the ancient bell of heaven only rang five times," Goddess Xian'er said seriously.

Chu Yan frowned, among the seven heavenly emperors, the ancient bell of heaven only rang five times? So if there are nine rings this time, doesn't that mean that the other party is a greater threat than the seven Heavenly Emperors?

"Come on, let's go take a look!" Chu Yan stood up and leaped to the center of the Heavenly Vein.

The Heavenly Dao unified people soared over the world. They were no longer as stubborn as before. Instead, they were very serious and stared into the distance.

"Grandpa Daotong, what happened?" Chu Yan asked here.

"The lineage of God has been exposed! The strong men of the Mu family are approaching here in Meteor Star Pavilion." The lineage of God let out a low roar.

Everyone looked shocked, and countless juniors below became nervous.

Meteor Star Pavilion, Mu Family? Are the two overlord forces attacking Cang Island? So how can he survive on Cang Island?

"How could this happen?" Chu Yan couldn't help but frown.

"The thief, it must be you!" At this moment, Shang Cangqing suddenly took a step forward and looked at Chu Yan viciously.

Brush it! Everyone looked towards Chu Yan. God Xian'er frowned slightly: "God Qing, you must pay attention to evidence when speaking."

"God's Fairy'er, it seems that you are really confused by him. My God's lineage has been hidden in the Qinggu Star Territory for thousands of years and has never been exposed. All disciples are cautious outside, but now, he has just come to my God's lineage. Within a month, the two overlords have set their sights on us. Is there anyone else besides him?" God Qing said coldly.

At this time, more people from the Shangtian Clan were staring at Chu Yan, and their eyes became evil.

Chu Yan also frowned. He was sure that he was definitely not exposed, but now the Meteor Star Pavilion and the Mu family have indeed found this place. Why is this?

"Heaven's line listens to the order, Yuexing Pavilion and the Mu family are here to hand over the thief Chu Yan, otherwise God's line will flow like a river of blood today!" A sound of thunder suddenly resounded above the sky.

Everyone on Shangcang Island stared at Chu Yan with cold eyes: "Sure enough, it's you!"

"Ancestor, hand him over."

"Yes, hand him over!"

"You..." Shangxian'er looked at everyone angrily.

"Enough, now Chu Yan is the leader of the lineage of God!" God's Taoist leader shouted coldly.

"Ancestor, do you still want to protect him? It's because of him that he harmed our entire clan. Now that the two overlords are here, our clan cannot compete with them. Thousands of years ago, our clan was Lord Zhentian has been on horseback, will he be buried with him again thousands of years later for the sake of Lord Zhentian's inheritance?" God Qing said angrily.

"Yeah, why, we have to be buried with him..."

"In these ten thousand years, we have been surviving, has Zhentian's lineage given us any help? How did we get through the most miserable time, and now that he has appeared, he wants us to follow and work hard for him? When we are in pain, Zhentian's lineage has given us no help. God, where are you? My God, Cang Qing, is not convinced!" God Cang Qing stirred up people's hearts.

"Senior Brother Qing is right." Some disciples were shaken.

Seeing this scene, the old Taoist priest's face darkened, and displeasure flashed in his eyes: "Are you going to rebel?"

"Senior!" But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly smiled. This time, he didn't even call Grandpa Tong, but called senior directly.

He felt that the reaction of the Heavenly Lineage was normal. Indeed, during the tens of thousands of years, when the Heavenly Lineage was in the most pain, no one in Zhentian stood up.

"Chu Yan!" God of Heaven frowned.

"They are right. There is really no need to harm the whole world for me. Since the other party wants me alone, just hand me over." Chu Yan smiled lightly.

The face of the Heavenly Daotong condensed, and he said angrily: "Nonsense, you are the one in charge of my Heavenly lineage. If I hand you over, how can I, the Heavenly Daotong, still have the honor to live? Thousands of years ago, I failed to help the king to defeat. At present, , even if I die, I will fight to the death!"

"Bang!" At this moment, the barrier of heaven was broken, and thousands of strong men were seen in the distance, crossing the fairy lake and surrounding the island of heaven.

On the side of the Meteor Star Pavilion, Chen Lihuo stood at the forefront. He swept up Shangcang Island, his eyes fell on Chu Yan, and revealed a ferocious smile: "Chu Yan, in the past in Xumi Peak, you killed my disciples. There were countless disciples in the Meteor Star Pavilion. Now the retribution is not good, today is your death day!”

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at Chen Lihuo. He also knew this person, Mu Feng's master, and couldn't help but laugh.

"In Sumeru Peak, Mu Feng was unable to kill me several times, and even with the help of the Shi family's magic weapon, he was still not as good as before and died in defeat. Now you are licking your face to avenge him, which is simply ridiculous." Chu Yan shook his head, and then he looked Looking into the distance, there are countless powerful beings approaching from here.

It turns out that not only Xumi Peak, but also people from the Emperor Sect came here. In addition, the Shi Family, Younu Palace, and several other overlords came here one after another.

Just to kill him, Chu Yan?

Looking at the luxurious lineup in front of him, Chu Yan couldn't help but sneer: "Everyone, you really think highly of me..."

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