Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 400: The original intention remains unchanged

"Judging from the current situation, Chu Yan, Hu Qiong, and Shi Cangsong have the best records, with twelve wins and zero losses. It seems that these three are the top three this year."

"Don't forget that Lin Daoyan. Although he didn't challenge once, everyone who challenged him was defeated. Even Cao Yu was defeated by him. If he wanted to improve his record, he would be just as dazzling." Someone said.

Everyone nodded, expressing their approval of Lin Daoyan.

"Rest!" The battle had lasted for a long time. When the sky was dark, Ji Huangji finally stood up slowly and said calmly.

This sentence seemed to wake up many people, and many people sighed that time flew by, and a day had passed before they knew it. The only reason to blame is that today's battle was too exciting and exciting, it can be said that it was very Comparable to previous years.

"Emperor, I guess you already have a ranking in your mind now, right?" Elder Shi Clan stroked his beard and smiled.

Ji Huangji smiled lightly and said: "This is natural, but the battle stage is not over after all. Let's watch tomorrow."

"Messengers of the Heavenly Monument, would you like to come down and get together?" At this moment, Emperor Ji raised his head and invited the sixteen Heavenly Monument Messengers.

"Ji Jun invites you, so you should honor the appointment." The sixteen Heavenly Monuments Masters all smiled and nodded. Among them, the envoy of the Ancient Demonic Sect looked at Chu Yan and said calmly: "Boy, your performance today is very good!"

"Thank you for the compliment, senior." Chu Yan said politely, and then he noticed a cold gaze coming from Shi Cangsong.

"I will let you survive today, but I will take your life tomorrow!"

"I said that this year's Heavenly Monument, you can only be second!" Chu Yan said coldly, without any cover-up. According to his words, this year's Heavenly Monument will definitely take the first place in the Heavenly Monument.

Everyone secretly sighed. This year's competition for the Heavenly Monument was too strong. Whether it was the contemporary Heavenly Monument Master Shi Cangsong, Hu Qiong, Black Horse Chuyan, or Lin Daoyan, they were all outstanding. They were different from ordinary people. The performance of these four people The quality is much higher than in previous years.

After resting, the messengers of the Sixteenth Heaven Monument looked at Chu Yan from time to time, including Changfeng. Although Chu Yan's previous rejection made them not angry, their subsequent performance was so outstanding that they did not dare to look down upon him.

"This son is a malleable talent. If he can join our Cangyan Ancient Clan and train him, maybe in a few years, our Cangyan Ancient Clan will be able to stand out from the sixteen lines and a figure who can stand in that place will appear." The envoy of the Cangyan Ancient Clan couldn't help but think that the place he was talking about was the highest place in the Tianbei Mountain Peak and the vast sea of ​​​​stars.

In addition to the Cangyan Ancient Clan, the other people of the other clans also had their own thoughts. Except for Chu Yan, they also valued the rest of the group very much. For example, Li Xiaoyao, the people of the Purple Thunder Sect loved him very much.

Of course, in addition to the Sixteen Heavenly Monuments, there are also some talented people who will be won over by the Heavenly Monuments envoys, such as Liu Qingcheng.

A fairy from Wangxian Tower looked at Liu Qingcheng, her almond-shaped eyes twinkling: "What a beautiful person, little girl, have you ever joined Shanmen? If Wangxian Tower is willing to recruit you, would you be willing to join?"

Liu Qingcheng has always been sitting next to Chu Yan. She is so beautiful that even in the Six Realms Galaxy and thousands of stars, she is still the most beautiful flower.

"That Chu Yan is really amazing. He has achieved such results at such a young age and is accompanied by such a beautiful woman."

"It is rumored that this woman and Chu Yan made a marriage contract when they were children. The two walked out of the lower stars and experienced many hardships along the way before they achieved enlightenment. It is also a good story. The Lin clan also wanted to rob it by force before, so Chu Yan Get angry and destroy the Lin family," someone said with relish.

Chu Yan was quite surprised by the invitation from Wangxian Tower, and he sent a message to Liu Qingcheng: "Wangxian Tower belongs to one of the sixteen branches of Tianbei. It is naturally not weak in strength, and it only accepts women. It is a good choice for you. If you want to join, join.”

"I just want to be with you." Liu Qingcheng smiled sweetly.

Chu Yan was deeply moved. The Sixteen Veins of the Sky Monument, the supreme existence above the galaxy, how many people would betray their relatives in order to join them? But Liu Qingcheng said that she just wanted to be with him.

"Why are you bothering? Sooner or later I will go to the Land of Star Sea." Chu Yan sighed.

"Then I will go when you go." Liu Qingcheng shook her head and said to the fairy in Wangxian Tower: "Thank you for your kindness, senior. I am already someone else's wife, and I should follow my husband's will."

Of course, Chu Yan didn't know that someone had just sent a message to Liu Qingcheng asking her to refuse. It was an old man who appeared in the Heavenly Monument Realm. That person's spiritual thoughts had been following Liu Qingcheng since he left the Heavenly Monument Realm. Allure.

"That's a pity." The fairy in Wangxian Tower sighed, and then said to Chu Yan: "Boy, if you are willing, you can join Wangxian Tower with your wife."

Chu Yan smiled politely and did not respond.

The Ancient Demonic Sect was special. Although they stayed here, they did not recruit any disciples. Some people even visited in person, wanting to give up their cultivation and switch to the Demonic Sect, but the other party still refused to accept them, so they had to leave in disgrace.

The banquet was going on, and at this moment, another young man descended from the sky monument and came to the Emperor's Star Territory.

"Is there someone else coming to Tianbei Mountain?" Everyone was surprised. Everyone looked up in pilgrimage. But when they saw the face of that young man, many people's eyes were fixed. The young man was very eye-catching, and he was arrogant and superior. Jiuxiao.

"That's Ji Longyu?"

"Ji Longyu, who ranked first in Tianbei Mountain last time? He came from Tianbei Mountain? It turns out that he joined Tianbei Mountain!"

At this time, the messenger from the Sixteenth Line of Tianbei Mountain frowned slightly when he saw Ji Longyu. Changfeng held his hands in his hands with great respect and said: "Brother Longyu!"

"Brother Changfeng is here too. Please help me say hello to your master." Ji Longyu smiled calmly and directly asked Changfeng to say hello to the master for him. It can be seen that his status seems to be higher than that of the sixteen envoys. He slowly He slowly landed at the banquet and looked at Ji Huangji: "Long Yu pays homage to the ancestor!"

"Okay." Ji Huang laughed happily. Ji Longyu is definitely the number one genius in the Emperor Sect in thousands of years. Although he is only the third level emperor now, he is already a disciple of the inner sect of Tianbei Mountain. His talent is unparalleled and he will become a great king sooner or later. territory.

"Brother Long Yu is back, but something happened?" A disciple of the Cangyan Ancient Clan suddenly asked.

Ji Longyu glanced at Chu Yan with a hint of ridicule: "When did the dispute over the Heavenly Monument fall to this level? The eighth-level venerable is worthy of standing on the Heavenly Monument. It is simply an insult to the name of the Heavenly Monument Mountain." "

Everyone was shocked. As soon as Ji Longyu appeared, he directly said that Chu Yan had tarnished the name of Tianbei Mountain?

The envoys of the Sixteenth Line of Tianbei frowned one after another. An envoy from Beiming Dynasty frowned and said: "Emissary Long Yu, you don't know something. Although this son's realm has not reached the peak of Zun, his combat power is not weak. Comparable to the ninth level of the Venerable, his current record in the battle of the Heavenly Monument is also very impressive, and more importantly, he has also attracted the resonance of the Sixteenth Heavenly Monument! "

"Oh?" Ji Longyu's eyes narrowed, and suddenly there was a pressure coming down, suppressing Chu Yan: "You are so humble in strength, but you can resonate with my Sixteen Heaven Monument. It seems that you have some ulterior secrets hidden in your body. "

Chu Yan frowned, his face turned cold, and then he looked at Ji Huangji, who was sitting there calmly, holding a wine glass in his hand, as if everything had been expected.

Coupled with the appearance of Ji Longyu at this time, everything seemed to be self-evident, which made Chu Yan sneer in his heart. Ji Huangji, who rallied all the kings to judge Zhentian Lord thousands of years ago, now that he has just shown his talents, he wants to strangle him in In the cradle?

"But everyone, I would like to advise you that our Tianbei Mountain is a sacred object, and you need to understand it with your true skills. How can an opportunistic person like this want to join any of our Tianbei Mountains? In that case, our Tianbei Mountain will What's the use of leaving a sky monument in the land of stars? It will only allow some people to fish in troubled waters. How can I, the sky tablet mountain, rule all directions in the land of stars?" Ji Longyu suddenly made a cold voice.

Hearing Ji Longyu's words, the hearts of the sixteen members of Tianbei sank, and then they all looked at Chu Yan strangely.

Ji Longyu suddenly appeared and expressed his attitude directly. People in the Sixteenth Line of Tianbei were not fools. Who couldn't tell that Ji Longyu was targeting Chu Yan? But as the Sixteenth Lineage of Tianbei, they all have to worry about each other's identity.

"Chu is bold enough to ask you all, is there any rules or restrictions regarding the Heavenly Monument here, which invites people from all over the world to come here for enlightenment? What are the requirements for enlightenment?" Chu Yan said suddenly.

No one from the sixteen branches of the Heavenly Monument spoke.

Chu Yan looked at Ji Longyu: "Since there are no rules, if you understand the Heaven Stele and obtain the Heaven Stele inheritance, you will be regarded as a Heaven Stele holder. However, as soon as you appeared, you said that I was opportunistic. You are not in the Heaven Stele world, so how can you get it? You know? Just because I am an eighth-level venerable? Then your vision is too much. So what if I said that you were opportunistic three years ago?"

"It's ridiculous. When I understood the Heavenly Monument, it was all based on my personal talent. The sixteen Heavenly Monuments envoys witnessed it. It also resonated with the sixteen Heavenly Monuments and was accepted by the Heavenly Monument Mountain. How could it be opportunistic?"

"Why not? You were born in the Emperor's Sect and have access to training resources. Even if your talent is weak, the Emperor's Sect can use its resources to quickly break through and seize a heavenly monument. Doesn't this count as opportunistic? Why have you not been this before? Are you deceiving Tianbei Mountain?" Chu Yan sneered. Ji Longyu was clearly targeting him, so why should he talk nonsense with him?

"Sophistry!" Ji Longyu said coldly, and then he ignored Chu Yan and said calmly: "Everyone who built the Tianbei, based on my construction, this child has a bad character and is not suitable to join our Tianbei Mountain. I hope you will do something." The right choice."

Many people in the world looked at Chu Yan pitifully. Of course, there were also those who added insult to injury, such as the second elder of the Li family. Tianyao Peak, Younu Palace and others, they all do not want to see Chu Yan grow up.

"Everyone, are you still willing to accept Chu?" Chu Yan looked around and looked at the sixteen envoys from Tianbei Mountain.

However, there was a moment of silence in the sky. This time, no one from the Sixteenth Lineage of the Sky Monument was trying to win over Chu Yan. The Cangyan Ancient Clan also shook their heads regretfully, and finally chose not to offend Chu Yan between Ji Longyu and Chu Yan. Ji Longyu.

"Chu understands." Chu Yan sneered and nodded. The Sixteen Meridians of Tianbei who had previously attracted him were now silent just because of Ji Longyu's words.

Chu Yan felt the flow of vitality in his body and couldn't help but smile bitterly. It was really reality. Everything happened so fast.

"I, the Ancient Demonic Sect, will never change my original intention! When you become emperor, if you can set foot on my ninety-nine magic mountains, you will be a disciple of my Ancient Demonic Sect." But at this moment, a person from the Ancient Demonic Sect suddenly When he opened his mouth, the universe was clear, and the sound of magic filled the air, but at this time, it was so righteous.

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