Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 399: Brushing Achievements [Three Updates]

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Mu Aotian punched three times in a row, each punch seemed to penetrate the stars, with a violent brilliance.

However, when the three punches fell, the scene of Chu Yan being knocked off the platform as everyone expected did not appear. Instead, he remained motionless, like Mount Tai, facing the three punches.

After three punches, everyone was dumbfounded. Chu Yan was really weak. Was he a waste used to improve his record?

Mu Aotian also frowned. His three punches were actually a set of punches, Panlong Fist. The first punch was Dragon Awakening, the second punch was Dragon Wrath, the third punch was Dragon Roar, and the power of the three punches were all superimposed. The force of three punches can reach 30,000 kilograms. Such power cannot shake Chu Yan?

"What is your life soul?" Mu Aotian suddenly took a step back and stared at Chu Yan.

Everyone was shocked at this moment. It seemed that many people had never seen Chu Yan's soul.

But at this moment, Li Xiaoyao showed a sneer. He had seen Chu Yan's life soul before. That abnormal combination of life souls was simply terrifying. He had never seen the combination of six, six, and seven in the Six Domains Galaxy.

Rumor has it that the seventh-grade holy life soul can only be condensed when the venerable becomes the emperor, but Chu Yan has it one level earlier.

"Two-time Heavenly Monument Master? You are so weak. You are not worthy of me sacrificing your life soul." Chu Yan shook his head ridiculously. When he was a seventh-level master, he was seriously injured by Mu Aotian's punch. At that time, he felt that Mu Aotian's The power is extremely strong, but now that he has reached the eighth level of the Venerable, he has discovered that Mu Aotian's power is not strong.

"If this is all you do, then you have lost this battle!" Chu Yan moved, and he stepped forward. His tall body shook the earth with every step. Then he clenched his hands and turned them into a punch. , blasted out violently.

"Bang!" That punch was so powerful that countless people outside the court felt a sense of oppression.

"Powerful enough to break mountains and rivers?" An elder of the Mu family stood up suddenly and stared at the battle platform, with a strong chill flashing in his eyes. The Mu family is a man, but he practices demon power and focuses on pure power, so he knows the meaning of power better. Differentiation, now Chu Yan's punch has reached the point of breaking mountains and rivers.

"Aotian, admit defeat!" an elder of the Mu family suddenly said.

Mu Aotian gritted his teeth. He refused to accept it. As a Sky Monument Master, how could he admit defeat?

"Ah!" Mu Aotian roared. He was unwilling to give in. Then he took a step forward, and his blood essence was burning, making everyone frown. Li Xiaoyao stood in the audience and said coldly: "The Mu family's imperial method , Demon God Transformation, Mu Aotian, you violated the rules!"

"I want to kill him!" Mu Aotian said without paying attention at all, and the demonic energy in his body boiled even more.

Chu Yan's face darkened when he felt Mu Aotian's change. He quickly took a step back, and then his eyes flashed with cold light: "There is no shame in defeat. If you don't accept your defeat, you don't hesitate to violate the rules and use imperial laws. Thinking that this is the case." Can we save face?"

"As long as I kill you, no one in the world will care what method I use. As long as you die, everyone in the world will only remember that I, Mu Aotian, defeated you, Chu Yan, and you are destined to be buried in the long river of history." Aotian roared.

"Boom!" But at this moment, a holy light suddenly descended from the sky. The holy light hit Mu Aotian, causing Mu Aotian to spurt out a mouthful of blood, and was directly knocked off the fighting platform.

"The rules of the Heavenly Monument Holy Platform can be broken by you? Break your arm!" The holy light flashed again, and Mu Aotian's arm was broken!

Everyone was surprised. It turns out that the rules of the battle arena are not just words, right? Just a thought, Mu Aotian's arm was broken?

"Aotian!" An elder of the Mu family leaped forward and supported Mu Aotian, but his eyes were filled with chills. He looked at the messenger of the Heavenly Monument who took action: "There are people from my Mu family in the Heavenly Monument Mountain. Even though we are from the same sect, why do you want to be so harsh?"

"The rules of the Heavenly Monument Battle Platform are established. Is it your turn to break them?" The man snorted coldly: "In this battle, Chu Yan wins!"

"Roar!" The shepherd elder roared unwillingly, but the other party was the messenger of the Heavenly Monument, so he could only endure it and retreated to the cloud tower.

"The ranking battle continues!" People from the Tianbei lineage continued. However, after this battle, everyone also understood that in today's battle, the rules of the Tianbei are absolutely irreversible.

At this time, someone continued to challenge. The person who took the stage in the second round was Hu Qiong. The person he challenged was Jiang Tianwen of the Jiang family. This battle can be said to have no suspense. Hu Qiong was the top three figure in the last Tianbei. He There is no doubt about his strength, he wins directly.

The third person to fight was Shi Cangsong. Everyone guessed that he might challenge Chu Yan, but to everyone's surprise, he raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Xuannv Zong Mier: "You."

Everyone was startled, Shi Cangsong, the first person recognized as the Second Monument in the last term, this time, he actually wanted to challenge Mi'er?

"Chichi, you don't know something. Mi'er and Chu Yan have a very good relationship. In the Heavenly Monument Realm, Shi Cangsong suffered from Chu Yan. He must have deliberately challenged Mi'er now."

Chu Yan also frowned and said to Mi'er: "Mi'er, admit defeat."

He had fought against Shi Cangsong and knew that Shi Cangsong's strength was terrifying. Mi'er was definitely no match for him.

But at this moment, Shi Cangsong suddenly said: "I have long heard that every generation of Xuannv in the Xuannv Sect is extremely powerful, and will definitely be the next leader of the Xuannv Sect. I just want to learn from it today, no, Don't you dare to fight? I heard that you have a good relationship with Chu Yan. When you were in the Emperor's Sect, he didn't dare to fight. Are you brothers and sisters the kind of people who are afraid of fighting? In this case, on the Heavenly Monument, It’s a bit of a disgrace to the name of the Heavenly Monument.”

Mi'er squeezed her jade hand again, her phoenix eyes cold.

Xuan Qing said under the stage: "Mi'er, he is deliberately provoking you. Once on the stage, he will not show mercy. You are a Xuannv. You will enter the Xuannv Holy Land in the future and be reborn like a phoenix. There is no need to fight him now. Just find an excuse to admit defeat."

"Although I am a Xuannv, my talent is not the best in Xuannv Sect. I also have a senior sister Xuannv above me. They are all better than me, so I can't represent Xuannv Sect." Mi'er said lightly, and then she took a light step and flew to the stage: "But if you must fight, I can also fulfill your wish!"

"Okay!" Shi Cangsong's eyes flashed with a cold light. Chu Yan had been watching from the stage, and his anger was even stronger.

Shi Cangsong faced Mi'er. The gap between the two was huge. As soon as Shi Cangsong made a move, his whole body was petrified. His petrification power even petrified the air, and then he continued to suppress Mi'er.

"Bang!" Shi Cangsong punched out, hitting Mi'er's chest. Mi'er spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew out violently, but suddenly, a row of stone mountains rose from the ground, blocking Mi'er and preventing her from falling off the stage.

"It's not over yet!" Shi Cangsong sneered.

"Enough!" The elders of Xuannv Sect shouted angrily, and Xuanqing's eyes were also extremely cold.

"I will ravage all those who are related to Chu Yan one by one, and this is the first one." Shi Cangsong said fiercely, he raised his hand and slapped it again, directly injuring Mi'er. That kind of injury made Mi'er unable to participate in all the subsequent battles.

Chu Yan jumped up, caught Mi'er, and said with heartache: "Why are you doing this?"

"He can humiliate me, but he can't humiliate Brother Chu!" Mi'er smiled brightly with blood stains on the corners of her mouth.

"I will avenge you!" Chu Yan's eyes shot out a strong flame. He looked up and looked at Shi Cangsong: "Last time, you were the second in Tianbei. This year, do you want to be the first?"

"This year's first place must be me!"

"You can only be the second this year." Chu Yan let out a low roar, and then he finally took the initiative to go on stage, and then he also issued a challenge: "Meteor Pavilion Cao Yu, roll up!"

The first person he challenged was Meteor Pavilion Cao Yu.

Everyone was stagnant. As soon as Chu Yan came on stage, he was going to challenge a Tianbei person? Cao Yu was the fourth in the last Tianbei. His strength was naturally very strong. More importantly, he represented the Tianjiao of Meteor Pavilion.

"Humph! Don't know whether to live or die!" Cao Yu jumped onto the battle stage, and then he performed the Meteor Step and quickly pressed Chu Yan. The Star Sword Technique is the peerless sword move of Meteor Pavilion.

But the next moment, Chu Yan also moved. His speed was faster than Cao Yu, reaching a terrifying level. There were thousands of afterimages on the stage. Chu Yan seemed ethereal, and afterimages were generated with every step. As for his swordsmanship, the Seven Killing Swordsmanship, it was even stronger than Cao Yu.

"Bang!" After a collision, Cao Yu's face froze violently. He felt full of oppression. He retreated very quickly, but even so, he was still suppressed by the seven sword energies and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Fourth in the last Tianbei? So weak, get out!" Chu Yan clenched his palm and blasted Cao Yu off the stage in a mess, making Cao Yu's first battle a defeat.

Cao Yu stood on the stage very unwillingly. Like Shi Cangsong, he thought that without Ji Longyu this year, he would definitely be able to enter the top three and become a generation of Tianjiao. He was absolutely proud, but unfortunately, the first battle was a defeat.

Everyone looked at Chu Yan at this time, and was shocked. He was only at the eighth level of the Venerable. His fighting power was so terrifying? The Heavenly Monument was opened, and the four Heavenly Monuments were all defeated by him.

Shi Cangsong's eyes were cold, and he also went on stage. In the second battle, he challenged Wang Feng and won. Wang Feng was defeated in the end, but he was stronger than Mi'er and was not injured.

The challenge continued. The three strongest people were Shi Cangsong, Chu Yan, and Hu Qiong. These three people challenged all the way. Chu Yan fought three games in one game. Standing on the Tianbei battle stage, it was like a record. As for Fatty, Hua Zhixu and others, they naturally admitted defeat to Chu Yan. Li Xiaoyao and Chu Yan competed for a while, but shook his head and admitted defeat in less than ten moves, secretly cursing Chu Yan as a beast.

Chu Yan stood on the Tianbei battle stage with an ordinary sword, as if he was undefeated and defeated, and his record was full.

Now, Chu Yan has fought twelve games, twelve wins, and zero losses. He only has three people who have not challenged, Lin Daoyan, Hu Qiong, and Shi Cangsong.

Hu Qiong, 12 battles, 12 wins, zero losses, like Chu Yan, did not challenge Lin Daoyan and Shi Cangsong.

Shi Cangsong, 12 battles, 12 wins, zero losses, the three of them have become the most dazzling existence on the battlefield now, and some people are also discussing that the top three this year will be selected from these three.

There is another person with a zero-loss record, that is Lin Daoyan. Like Chu Yan, he is an absolute dark horse this year. He only played four games, but won all of them, and they were all killed instantly, including Cao Yu, the last Tianbei winner, so people dare not ignore him.

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