Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 401 I don't accept it

"Thank you, senior!" Chu Yan looked at the ancient demon sect with his hands raised, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, what is a demon?

Today, Ji Longyu's unfair evaluation of him was obvious to the world. However, due to the identity of the other party, no one said a fair word. He was a demon who never changed his original intention.

Ji Longyu's face darkened, and he looked at the Ancient Demonic Sect indifferently: "Does the Ancient Demonic Sect want to go against me?"

"Although you are part of the core lineage of Tianbei Mountain, it is not your turn for me, the Ancient Demonic Sect, to recruit disciples." The elder of the Ancient Demonic Sect said calmly, with his huge demonic body standing there like a giant beast.

"Hmph!" Ji Longyu let out a cold snort. At this moment, Ji Huangji also frowned and slowly stood up: "The sixteen veins of the Sky Monument are originally one vein, so why bother? Come to our Six Domains Galaxy today. , let me be fair, the battle for the Heavenly Monument is over the Heavenly Monument. In that case, are you willing to join our Emperor Sect? If so, I can do it for you. Say something fair."

Chu Yan sneered in his heart and said together: "I'm sorry, I already have a sect, and I dare not forget the kindness of my sect. I will not join the Emperor Sect."

"Hiss..." Chu Yan rejected Ji Jun?

Ji Huangji's face finally turned evil. He looked at Chu Yan coldly: "Since you are so ignorant, then I will start announcing the rankings in this year's Sky Monument Competition."

"Ranking?" Everyone looked at Ji Huangji in surprise. The decisive battle had not yet begun, but Ji Huangji actually wanted to start ranking?

"This year's ranking, everyone can see it. Shi Cangsong understands that the Cangyan Ancient Clan has superior combat power and deserves to be ranked first. The Heavenly Monument is number one! The Tiger Qiong leads the Beast King Palace, and the second is well-deserved! Lin Daoyan also has no defeat, ranking third. Chu Yan, his combat power is also very good, ranking fourth, for him, it is well deserved." Ji Huangji said calmly.

Everyone looked at Ji Huangji in surprise. Chu Yan was fourth, did he deserve it?

If Chu Yan was ranked third, people might not say much, but Lin Daoyan was third and Chu Yan was only fourth? Round record, Chu Yan's record is definitely higher than Lin Daoyan.

Li Xiaoyao frowned and said: "My brother Chu Yan, like Shi Cangsong and Hu Qiong, has twelve battles, twelve wins and zero defeats. Why is he not in the top three?"

"The ranking of the Heavenly Monument should be compared with the inheritance of the Heavenly Monument, so the ranking I set should be based on the inheritance. Although Chu Yan had no defeat, he did not use any of the inheritance of the Heavenly Monument on the battlefield. How can he be worthy of being ranked in the top three of the Tianbei?" Ji Huangji said lightly, and he said it very fairly, but when he heard it, it was obvious that Ji Huangji was targeting Chu Yan.

"Previous Heavenly Monuments, when is it not a comparison of combat power, it will be decided by the final battle. Now that this battle has not yet been fought, Ji Jun said that Chu Yan cannot enter the top three. Is it rash?" An elder from the Three Demonic Mountains suddenly Speak calmly.

"What, you question me?" Ji Huangji's face darkened, and his royal power was directly released, shocking countless people.

The face of an emperor elder from the three demon armies suddenly turned red, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and finally let out a cold snort without saying anything else.

"Chu Yan, if you are not convinced, you might as well release your Heavenly Monument inheritance and let me wait and see. If it is really powerful, this ranking can also be modified." Ji Huangji said calmly, with a gleam in his eyes.

Chu Yan sneered in his heart, is this what Ji Huangji had in mind? Want to see the power of your inheritance, or in other words, steal your inheritance power?

"On the battlefield, all means can be used. Since I was chosen by the Demonic Sky Monument, I am a Sky Monument user. Why do I have to use inheritance? Even without the inheritance of the Sky Monument, I can still win." Chu Yan said proudly , using evil spirits to come into the world? He would never do it, unless he wanted to cultivate demons forever.

"In this case, the ranking can only be like this." Ji Huangji said calmly, as if there was no unfairness.

However, at this moment, everyone looked at Chu Yan. Was Chu Yan destined to be fourth? With such a glorious record, he has been showing a strong posture since the start of the Sky Monument, but in the end, he can only be ranked fourth?

No one from the sixteen branches of the Heavenly Monument spoke. As for the demon cultivator, he sneered and said to Chu Yan through a message: "Ji Huangji deliberately suppresses you and doesn't want you to become famous. However, the ranking of the Heavenly Monument in the Land of One Galaxy, It’s just a false name, so you don’t need to worry about it. If you join our ancient Demonic Sect in the future, you will have the opportunity to prove your name.”

After hearing the message, Chu Yan also knew that the so-called Sky Monument was just a false name, but he was not willing to accept it. He had not avenged Mi'er yet. He wanted to make Shi Cangsong only second. He wanted to use this to call Zhentian One lineage.

Li Xiaoyao and others' expressions were extremely gloomy, and Ye Xun even let out a roar.

"The battle for the Heavenly Monument is over." Ji Huangji ignored everyone and said to the sixteen members of the Heavenly Monument: "Everyone, pass on your orders!"

"Hmm!" The Cangyan Ancient Clan spoke first, sacrificing an ancient order and leaping in front of Shi Cangsong.

"Cangsong, hurry up and accept the ancient order!" At this time, an elder of the Shi family said excitedly. Stepping into the Cangyan ancient clan and practicing in the sea of ​​stars, in a few decades, something might happen to his Shi family. A top-notch monster with no name.

Perhaps Shi Cangsong can still become a prince, and by then, his Shi family will have a bright future.

"Cang Song pays homage to the master!" Shi Cangsong took the ancient order with both hands excitedly, and the old man of the Cang Yan Ancient Clan smiled and said: "I am waiting for your arrival in the Cang Yan Ancient Clan."

The Beast King Palace also issued an ancient order to Hu Qiong, and then Jiang Tianwen and Lin Daoyan of the Jiang family joined the Wandao Sect.

But at this moment, when Zi Lei Sect sent Li Xiaoyao the ancient order, Li Xiaoyao did not raise his hand, which made everyone startled. They discovered that not only Li Xiaoyao, Ye Xun, Fatty, Mi'er, Wangfeng, Hua Zhixu , none of the six of them went to accept the ancient order, which made the elders of several major lineages look displeased.

"Xiaoyao, hurry up and accept the ancient order!" Li Hongwei said anxiously.

But at this moment, Li Xiaoyao suddenly shook his head: "I came to participate in the Tianbei, just for a kind of experience. I have never thought about joining any sect. I hope my seniors will take back the ancient order."

"Huh?" Zi Lei Zong's face turned cold, showing a bit of displeasure. He, Zi Lei Zong, accepted someone, but now he was rejected?

"We are here to participate in the Heavenly Monument, which is just a kind of experience. As for worshiping at the mountain gate, I think that I am not talented enough. I only understood the Heavenly Monument through opportunism, and I am not worthy of joining the ancient sect." Ye Xunye said cheerfully, but But it reflects the injustice of the Sixteen Heaven Monument.

"Everyone!" Chu Yan frowned and looked at everyone. Although he suffered injustice today, he didn't want to implicate everyone because of it.

The fat man laughed at the side and said: "Brother Chu, you don't need to say more. We think that our talents are not as good as yours, but you can't even look down on the Sixteenth Heaven Monument, so why should we bother others, not to mention that we have traveled all the way from the mortal world. We didn’t join any force when we came here, but today, our brothers are still standing here, at the highest point of the Six Domains Galaxy. Even if we don’t join the Sixteen Meridians of the Sky Monument, sooner or later, I believe you can take us there. The top of the sea of ​​stars.”

Chu Yan looked at the sincere expressions of everyone and felt moved in his heart.

"Presumptuous!" The faces of the people in Tianbei Mountain were extremely ugly, but even so, they waved their hands and took back the ancient order: "This is simply not a good thing. If this is the case, then you are not worthy of joining my Tianbei Mountain!"

Ji Huangji also sneered again and again, such a scene was exactly what he wanted to see: "In that case, this year's Heavenly Monument is over, everyone, please go away. Tomorrow, a list will be engraved to announce to the world, and the three-year Heavenly Monument ranking will be determined. "

"Wait!" But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly let out a low roar, and everyone looked at him in surprise. What else did he want to do?

Chu Yan flew towards the battle platform of the Heaven Monument. He stood there alone on the huge battle platform with cold eyes, scanning the crowd. The Sixteen Heaven Monument behind him was faintly glowing, as if testifying for him.

"I don't accept the battle for the Sky Monument!" Chu Yan suddenly raised his spear and looked directly at Ji Huangji: "Emperor, the battle for the Sky Monument is a battle between the strong and the weak. You said that I am destined to be fourth. That is to say , in your eyes, there is no need to fight. Shi Cangsong, Hu Qiong, and Lin Daoyan are all stronger than me. Even if we fight, I will lose? "

Ji Huangji's face turned cold. No one in the Six Realms Galaxy had dared to speak to him like this for many years. He snorted coldly: "Yes?"

"Then if I can defeat them, what will happen to the name of this heavenly monument?" Chu Yan asked.

"You said you can defeat me?" Shi Cangsong said contemptuously from the side: "If you can win, I will give it to you as the number one in the sky monument!"

"Same!" Hu Qiong also sneered. In the eyes of the two of them, Chu Yan was still too weak. The two of them really tried their best for twelve battles, but Chu Yan did not. Many people gave up to Chu Yan.

"The battle for the Sky Monument is just a false name. Fighting here is humiliating to you and me. I have gained a lot from this trip. This trip to the Sky Monument is over for me. As for the false name, you fight for it." Lin Daoyan He said calmly, and then he suddenly put away his weapon and left.

But after a moment, Lin Daoyan suddenly turned around and looked at Chu Yan: "You and I will have a battle sooner or later. Before I win you, don't let others defeat you."

After saying that, Lin Daoyan left. No one knew where he went, but no one paid attention to him. The battlefield was too hot at this time, and everyone looked at Chu Yan.

Ji Huangji also frowned, and he snorted coldly: "If you can really win, you will be the first in the Sky Monument!"

"I hope Tianzun will remember these words, and the six realms will bear witness for me!" Chu Yan nodded.

"Are you sure?" Li Xiaoyao asked a little uncertainly from the side. After all, the other party was Hu Qiong and Shi Cangsong, both of whom were super powerful beings.

"You are willing to reject the Sixteen Meridians of the Sky Monument for me. How can I lose this battle?" Chu Yan's eyes were full of fighting spirit. Then, he held a spear in his hand, which was Ye Xun's Iron Dragon Black Spear, pointing at the tiger. Qiong and Shi Cangsong, as well as Su Bei, Ji Wufeng, Cao Yu, and Mu Aotian: "The Emperor said, although I have good fighting power, my talent is not strong. In this case, I will be bold for a while in the last battle." , let’s see if I am worthy of the fourth place! Come on together!”

As soon as these words came out, Tianbei Mountain suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Chu Yan in shock.

Chu Yan alone wanted to challenge everyone. It can be said that except for Chu Yan's group of people, together with Lin Daoyan and Mi'er, Chu Yan alone challenged all the sky monumenters? Is he crazy?

Are there any weaklings in this group of people? Of course, among the hundreds of millions of people, there are only sixteen heavenly monuments. Which one is not a genius? Even though Mu Aotian, Cao Yu, Ji Wufeng and Su Bei had all been defeated by Chu Yan before, no one would question their combat prowess.

But at this time, Chu Yan wants to challenge them all?

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