Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 398 Battle with Mu Aotian

Ji Wufeng also realized that there was a heavenly monument, which was the Beiming Heavenly Monument of the Beiming Dynasty. However, the Beiming Dynasty was not as attentive to him as they were to Chu Yan, which made him jealous: "This junior doesn't understand!"

"Little guy, what don't you understand?" A grandmaster elder from Beiming Dynasty said calmly.

"This junior is a descendant of the Ji family of the Emperor Sect. He entered the Beiming Holy Land and understood the Heavenly Monument. However, he is just an empty shelf of the Demonic Heavenly Monument. Why did the senior invite him? How can he compare with me?" Ji Wufeng was cold. The way.

The elder of Beiming Dynasty stroked his beard and sneered: "You said, he is just an empty frame of the Demonic Sky Monument?"

"Isn't it true? There has never been a demon cultivator in our six-region galaxy, and the demonic heavenly monument has never been passed on to the inheritance. However, he has become the demonic heavenly monument bearer. Isn't he just an empty frame?"

"Hmph!" The elder of Beiming Dynasty snorted displeasedly: "He has comprehended sixteen heavenly monuments, and every heavenly monument resonates with him. Do you think he is still just an empty frame?"

"What?" Everyone was shocked. Chu Yan resonated with sixteen heavenly monuments? Why is this happening?

Everyone was shocked, Ji Wufeng's face froze, and he looked at Chu Yan viciously.

Chu Yan was also confused for a while. He didn't know that he had been recognized by the Sixteen Heaven Monument Master? He only understood the Demonic Sky Monument, but he did not know that he understood all the Heavenly Monuments.

"Haha! Ji Wufeng, is it funny? You think you have understood the Heavenly Monument, but you actually laughed at Chu Yan as just a Demonic Heavenly Monument. But Chu Yan has understood sixteen Heavenly Monuments. Now, he can understand the sixteen veins of Tianbei Mountain. Regardless of the lineage, what about you? Two Heavenly Monuments are just two dynasties, right?" Li Xiaoyao sneered proudly.

At this time, Ji Huangji also took a serious look at Chu Yan for the first time. Originally, he did not put Chu Yan in his eyes. He just thought that Chu Yan was just a young man. Even if he was the chosen one, then so what?

Ji Huangji has ruled the six regions for ten thousand years, how can he be overthrown by a young man? But today, he had to face it seriously. If Chu Yan really joined the Tianbei Mountain lineage, it would have unlimited influence on him in the future.

"Little guy, although you have understood the Heavenly Monument of the Demonic Way, our Ancient Demonic Sect never accepts useless people, nor does it extend an invitation to you. However, if you become emperor in the future, there will be ninety-nine great demonic mountains in front of our Ancient Demonic Sect. , if you can pass through the Demonic Mountain, you will be a disciple of our Demonic Ancient Sect." A demon cultivator from the Demonic Ancient Sect also said.

"Boy, our Heaven Monument's sixteen veins are all here, it's time for you to make a decision." The middle-aged man who spoke first also smiled lightly.

"Thank you for your love, seniors. I would like to give it some thought, junior." Chu Yan said with a cup of his hands. In this battle for the Heavenly Monument, he had not thought about joining any force. He just wanted to prove his reputation and call for the Zhentian lineage. , to rejuvenate the earthly world with anger.

"Rejected?" Everyone on Tianbei Mountain was surprised.

"Hmph, you don't know what is good or bad!" Changfeng shook his white gown aside and let out a cold snort.

Everyone looked at Chu Yan and felt that Chu Yan was a little ignorant. The other party is from the sea of ​​​​stars, a land that embraces hundreds of rivers. Now that Sixteen Meridians is recruiting you, you actually said that you want to consider it?

Sure enough, when Chu Yan finished speaking, many people in the Sixteenth Meridian showed displeasure.

Chu Yan also had a panoramic view of all this and shook his head secretly. He should have the right to refuse the other party's decision to accept him as a disciple. However, once he refuses, it would be ridiculous for the other party to make unreasonable comments and say that he does not know what is good or bad.

In the eyes of the Sixteen Meridians of Tianbei, their recruitment of disciples in the galaxy seemed to be a gift to Chu Yan. If Chu Yan refused, he would be ignorant of good and evil.

But Chu Yan naturally wouldn't say much. The other party was very strong, and he wasn't stupid enough to go against the other party.

"In that case, let's start the Heavenly Monument Ranking Battle." Ji Huangji said calmly, and everyone was a little excited. The Heavenly Monument Ranking Battle was the most exciting scene in the Heavenly Monument Realm.

The Sixteen Heaven Monuments are also divided into strong and weak ones. If you want to determine the ranking, fighting is the easiest way.

"Everyone, this son rejects us and does not accept our inheritance. We might as well stay here and see what abilities he has and where he ranks among the sixteen Heavenly Monuments." Changfeng said with a faint smile.

"That's fine!" A woman from Wangxian Tower laughed.

"Ji Jun, is there room for me and others to sit?" the middle-aged man asked. Ji Huangji waved his hand, and sixteen golden dragon chairs rose up from the cloud tower, suspended in the air: "The Heavenly Monument Messenger can watch the younger generations of my galaxy compete. , it’s their honor, please take a seat.”

Sixteen people sat in the void, just like sixteen gods.

At this time, Shi Cangsong showed a ferocious smile on the battlefield and looked at Chu Yan: "I was really shocked just now. If you join a certain lineage of Tianbei, I can't kill you. It's a pity that you actually If you refuse, then your death will follow.”

"I have some vengeance, and I should avenge it." Chu Yan also said lightly. Now he also knows one thing, that is, when he was in seclusion in the Tianbei Realm to practice the third true self, Shi Cangsong once joined forces with Hu Qiong, He hunted down Li Xiaoyao and others, and also targeted Liu Qingcheng.

But later Lin Daoyan took action to save Liu Qingcheng, otherwise Liu Qingcheng would definitely be in trouble, which Chu Yan did not expect.

"All those who have comprehended the Heavenly Monument in the Sixteenth Heaven Monument have not yet been ranked. Everyone can challenge and select their opponents. They will be ranked based on their final results. The person with the most winners and the least losers will be ranked number one in the Heavenly Monument!" Ji Huangji said, and everyone became excited.

"This year, Shi Cangsong should be number one, right?"

"Of course, Ji Longyu is not here, he should be number one!" An elder of the Shi family said with a confident smile.

As for the people of Tianyao Peak and Younu Palace, they are very embarrassed at this time. They are both overlords, but this year, none of their two overlords have become Sky Monuments. This is definitely a shame for them.

But this shame has all turned into hatred towards Chu Yan. In their opinion, it is all thanks to Chu Yan that they have fallen to this point, so they will never give up.

"Emperor, do you have any instructions?" At this moment, from the Emperor's Star Territory, Gu Gu suddenly came to Ji Huangji's side.

"Long Yu is now a core disciple of Tianbei Mountain, right?" Ji Huangji asked via voice transmission.

Gu Gu nodded: "Back to the Emperor, Long Yu is now a core disciple, and has become a disciple of an elder from the core lineage of Tianbei Mountain. He has great rights."

"It's best. Help me send a message to Long Yu and let him start operating. We can't let Chu Yan worship any heavenly monument or any lineage. Keeping this son will definitely be a trouble in the future." Ji Huangji said calmly, he and Chu Yan has no hatred, but when he lives to this point, he will nip all dangers in the cradle.


"Help me contact those people." Ji Huangji said again, and then he looked at Chu Yan with a hint of chill.

"I understand!" Gu Gu nodded, then glanced at Chu Yan, and couldn't help but shake his head regretfully. He naturally knew who those people Ji Huangji mentioned were. Their existence was very mysterious, and they represented a transcendent force. .

The battle for the Sky Monument began. At this moment, Mu Aotian was the first to jump onto the battlefield. His eyes revealed a ferocious look. Then he turned his gaze and landed on Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, get up here!"

"Mu Aotian actually wants to challenge Chu Yan in the first battle?"

"Haha, I guess I want to improve my record. Among the Sixteen Heavenly Monuments, Chu Yan is the weakest. He is only at the eighth level of the Venerable. Even the fat man and Hua Zhixu have reached the ninth level of the Venerable. Challenge him. It’s normal.” Everyone in the audience sneered.

Everyone nodded, and Chu Yan also raised his head and glanced at Mu Aotian. Then without hesitation, he stood up with his sword and jumped directly to the fighting platform.

"The battle stage is formed, and then the rules will be decided and negotiated by both parties." Gu Gu said calmly from the side.

"Magic weapons above the sixth level cannot be used, and magical powers above the emperor level cannot be used. If you win this battle, I want you to abandon your practice and get out of Tianbei Mountain." Mu Aotian looked at Chu Yan.

"Okay. If you lose, I will cut off your arm." Chu Yan said calmly, Mu Aotian's eyes flashed coldly, and then he was very confident, and suddenly his whole body changed into a demonic aura, and his body became huge, like a little giant. generally.

"The crazy demon blood of the Mu family has natural divine power, and Mu Aotian has practiced to the extreme. One of his punches may weigh ten thousand kilograms!" Everyone in the audience exclaimed in amazement.

As a two-time Sky Monument Master, Mu Aotian has enough confidence. Even though Chu Yan is the biggest dark horse this year and is very eye-catching, in his opinion, he is still unable to bear the absolute power.

"Are you fighting for strength?" Chu Yan nodded, and then he changed into his true self. The second true self started to move, and the four blood vessels suddenly changed, forming a crazy force. The next moment, his whole body expanded.

When they saw this scene, everyone frowned, and even the people on Tianbei Mountain condensed slightly: "Bloodline transformation? What a magical technique!"

At this time, Changfeng's eyes also brightened. Bloodline is fixed for any monk. Everyone is destined to awaken only four bloodlines. If he wants to practice again, he has to give up his cultivation. But after practicing to this point, Who would give up their cultivation for a bloodline?

But Chu Yan's accomplice was different, he could directly transform his bloodline.

"If I can master this technique, I won't be restricted by my bloodline." Changfeng thought that when he became a disciple of Jian Wuya, he had already understood two bloodlines, one of which happened to be the opposite of the sword cultivator. Fa, made him a little moved.

All the sixteen veins of the Sky Monument were staring at Chu Yan. Mu Aotian felt the change in Chu Yan and frowned: "That move again?"

He had fought with Chu Yan before, and Chu Yan had blocked his punch, which had always been a knot in his heart. Now, when they collided again, he would never show mercy. He stepped hard, and he was not fast at all. But with the push of force, he actually shot out, stabbing towards Chu Yan like a sharp sword.

Staring at Mu Aotian, Chu Yan clenched his fists and was not polite. When he clenched his palms, gravity formed around him. But then, his body shape changed and he punched out fiercely, colliding with Mu Aotian.

"Head-on confrontation?" Everyone was frightened, and a ravine suddenly opened on the battlefield, but it was restored by the holy power in a moment.

The Sky Monument Battle Platform has rules, and even if the emperors clash, they cannot be destroyed. However, the collision between the two still caused rocks to fly all over the sky, which was extremely shocking.

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