Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 397 Invitation

"Chu Yan, you kill Hong'er and pay for it with your life!" The second elder of the Li family shouted in a low voice from the Yun Tower. He suddenly stood up from the ground, turned into a light screen and rolled his palm towards the battle platform to suppress it.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, and Chu Yan also frowned. The powerful imperial power directly made his body sink, as if he was suppressed by a mountain of gravity.

Li Xiaoyao let out a cold shout from the side and stood in front of Chu Yan: "Second elder, you saw with your own eyes the personal grudge between Li Hong and Chu Yan in front of the Li family inn. In the sky monument, Li Hong kidnapped Liu Qingcheng. , but also to humiliate Xuannv Zong, Chu Yan was forced to kill her. Now that you are avenging your private revenge, does it mean that Tianbei Mountain does not exist? "

Several female elders of the Xuannv Sect looked cold, and one of them stood up: "Mi'er, is this the case?"

"Elder, it's true. Li Hong injured me in Tianbei Mountain and even humiliated me. It was Brother Chu who saved me!" Mi'er nodded.

"Li family, should you give me an explanation?" Mi'er's master from Xuannv Sect asked displeasedly.

The second elder of the Li family snorted coldly: "It's ridiculous. Who doesn't know that your sect Xuannv and Chu Yan have always been on good terms, and they were brother and sister in Despicable Stars back then. Now that she says this, who knows if she is using her own Come to protect Chu Yan innocently, no one has confirmed this!"

"Since no one has confirmed this, how can you dare to say that Li Hong died in my hands?" Chu Yan sneered and looked at the second elder of the Li family.

After saying that, Chu Yan looked around: "Everyone present, you are all the overlords. The Tianbei Mountain is opened, and anyone in the world can participate. In the Tianbei, life and death are not determined by one's fate, but a genius died in it. As a dominant force, you have to take revenge privately? Is this what you call a dominant force? If this is the case, why should Tianbei Mountain be open to everyone in the world? It would be better for you to be a dominant force in private!"

"The so-called Heavenly Monument, once every three years, is the Heavenly Monument that determines the fate of the sixteen strongest people under the emperor. It is inevitable to fight, and life and death are inevitable. But once your overlord force dies, you will suppress it based on your identity and take revenge privately. If that’s the case, who would dare to participate in the battle for the Heavenly Monument? It’s just a joke!

Chu Yan's words made everyone think deeply.

Many people nodded secretly. Chu Yan was right. Although the Overlord was powerful, it was only a small part after all. The largest group of people in the Six Domains Galaxy were small families and forces. They came to participate in the Sky Monument every three years for the same reason. They can become famous in one move, but if they win, as Chu Yan said, they will be retaliated against, who would dare to come?

The second elder of the Li family had a gloomy face, and the Xuannv Sect snorted coldly, letting him understand that it was absolutely impossible to kill Chu Yan today, and then he slowly sat down and said, "I will let you live for a while, after the Heavenly Monument , you are still going to die!"

"After the Sky Monument, I went to find my father. I still have an iron order of the Li family in my hand. If the second elder refuses to let go, I will use the iron order to launch a judgment against him!" Li Xiaoyao whispered beside Chu Yan, letting Chu Yan rest assured.

Chu Yan smiled faintly. In fact, he was not worried because the moment the second elder of the Li family moved, he felt a familiar aura envelope him.

If the second elder of the Li family really wanted to kill him by force, Qin Zixuan would probably do it too, right?

Sixteen Heavenly Monuments Masters stood on the stage, with their backs to the Heavenly Monument Realm. Li Xiaoyao was a little excited and said to Chu Yan: "How was the harvest from this trip?"

"Fortunately, you have made great progress." Chu Yan swept away Li Xiaoyao. In two months, Li Xiaoyao's aura changed greatly. A burst of thunderous power emerged from his body, and his eyes glowed with purple light.

"Haha, of course, I am a genius. I have understood the Sky Monument of Kuang Lei Sect and obtained the inheritance of a nine-turn thunder technique. It is very powerful." Li Xiaoyao said with a proud smile, and with a fist of his palm, the thunder light condensed into a handful. Halberd.

"Thunder attribute?" Chu Yan said in surprise. Thunder attribute is a very rare attribute, and it is very violent.

"Yeah, what about you, which heavenly monument did you comprehend?" Li Xiaoyao asked.

"It seems... the Demonic Heavenly Monument, right?" Chu Yan hesitated and said, but as soon as he finished speaking, Li Xiaoyao was startled and looked at Chu Yan in astonishment: "The Demonic Heavenly Monument, are you sure you are not mistaken?"

Chu Yan shook his head at a loss, and then he saw Li Xiaoyao's face looking a little strange.

"So, what you understood is the Demonic Sky Monument?" Ji Wufeng heard from the side and suddenly let out a mocking laugh.

"I thought you were so lucky, but it turns out you just picked up a piece of rubbish sky monument. It's so ridiculous." Except for Ji Wufeng, Su Bei, Shi Cangsong, Cao Yu, Mu Aotian, and Hu Qiong all looked at him with sneers. Chu Yan is full of contempt.

Chu Yan still doesn't understand that the sixteen heavenly monuments all have the inheritance of heavenly secrets. Why does it seem to be a very shameful thing when he hears that he is a demonic heavenly monument?

Although he didn't know how strong the inheritance in the other fifteen heavenly monuments was, he had personally entered the Demonic Heavenly Monument and had seen the true meaning of the Demonic Path and the tyranny of the devil's coming into the world. He believed that the Demonic Heavenly Monument could not be said to be sixteen heavenly monuments. The monument is the strongest, but it is definitely not weak.

"There are no demon cultivators in the Six Realms Galaxy, but the Demon Dao Sky Monument only accepts people from the Demon Dao. Therefore, it has never been opened for the Six Realms Galaxy in previous years. Even if a person is chosen to accept his destiny as the Sky Monument, it is just an empty shell and will not be passed down. "Li Xiaoyao explained on the side: "In previous years, among the Sixteen Heaven Monuments, those with the Demonic Heaven Monument were ranked sixteenth because of their inheritance. It can be said that among the Sixteen Heaven Monuments, they are the least valuable. one of."

"Uh..." Chu Yan blinked his eyes and said after understanding: "No wonder they all look at me like this. Do they think that I have not received the inheritance?"

"Yeah!" Li Xiaoyao nodded and sighed: "You too, with your talent, you chose the Demonic Heavenly Monument, but it doesn't matter, the ranking of the Heavenly Monument is still determined by the final battle. With your fighting power, even if it is the Demonic Heavenly Monument, you should be able to get the top five."

Chu Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head. He naturally would not say that he had comprehended the Demonic Heavenly Monument.

The Heavenly Monument on Tianbei Mountain comes from the Tongtian Star Sea, which is a vast and endless land, and Tianbei Mountain is the real overlord of this land.

Ten thousand years ago, a war broke out in the six domains of the galaxy, and the ancient dust was destroyed. Eleven great monarchs formed their own lineage and formed eleven great overlord forces. The Tianhuang Sect has four great monarchs, who are the leaders of the overlords, but they do not restrict each other.

Tongtian Star Sea is different. In Tongtian Star Sea, Tianbei Mountain is the king. One person controls the entire star sea. He is a real overlord. Under the sky, it is Tianbei.

Tianbei Mountain has ruled the Tongtian Star Sea for hundreds of thousands of years, and has never had a different master. During these hundreds of thousands of years, sixteen veins have been divided, representing sixteen Tianbei tablets. They are: Wangxian Tower, Jian Wuya, Beast King Hall, All Saints Gate, Kuanglei Sect, Cangyan Ancient Clan, Beiming Dynasty, Jiuyou Dynasty, Zilei Dynasty, Du Zong, Xiyu Xinghe, Chilian Hall, Wandao Gate, Tianshan Mansion, Jingxin Temple, and Modao Ancient Sect.

Just at this time, a ripple suddenly appeared in the Tianbei Realm. At the end of the mountain, a group of people seemed to descend from the nine heavens to the galaxy. They were all so high above, like saints, overlooking all living beings.

"Tianbei Mountain, someone is coming!"

"It's the people of Tianbei Mountain. They, someone is coming!" At the foot of Tianbei Mountain, everyone exclaimed, looked up, and was very pious.

At this time, Chu Yan also looked up and found that the young man in white he had seen before at the Death Cliff was also in the crowd. He was so arrogant and insolent, and he actually revealed a strong imperial power.

Not only Changfeng, but also the other dozen people were the same. They were not very old, but each of them was a genuine emperor.

Changfeng also saw Chu Yan and was quite surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect that Chu Yan was still alive, but it was fleeting, and he retracted his gaze, as if he had never seen Chu Yan.

"Ji Huangji, meet the messenger of the Heavenly Tablet!" Ji Huangji flew high into the sky and bowed to the person who came out of the Heavenly Tablet.

A middle-aged man stood up. Even though he was facing a venerable, the strongest person in the six-domain galaxy, he didn't care too much. He just raised his hand to signal and looked at the sixteen Tianbei people on the battle stage: "In the battle for the Tianbei, since you can take a piece of Tianbei, it proves that you have a connection with my Tianbei Mountain. From today on, I allow you to become my Tianbei Mountain's outer disciples. If you can be crowned as an emperor in the future, you can go to Tianbei Mountain to practice. Are you willing to accept it?"

When the world heard what the middle-aged man said, they all showed envy. Being able to worship and practice in Tianhai is the dream of many people.

The three-year battle for the Tianbei, isn't it for better practice? Joining Tianhai is undoubtedly a better choice.

"Junior is willing!" Hu Qiong was the first to nod and agree. He was already a contestant for the Tianbei of the two realms, and he chose the Beast King Palace twice.

An old man in the Beast King Hall nodded with satisfaction: "You are a descendant of the Sky Tiger Clan, very good. When you are crowned as an emperor, come to my Beast King Hall and strive to become an inner disciple."

"The junior will definitely live up to everyone's expectations!" Hu Qiong agreed excitedly.

At this time, an elder of the Beast King Hall glanced at Chu Yan: "Little guy, are you willing to join my Beast King Hall? If you are willing, I can take you away now and directly crown you as an inner disciple of the Beast King Hall."

When the elder of the Beast King Hall spoke, everyone was stunned, even Hu Qiong was the same, staring at Chu Yan angrily.

Even for him, the Beast King Hall only promised that he would go after he was crowned as an emperor, but Chu Yan, without the assessment, could directly become an inner disciple?

Chu Yan was also quite surprised. He remembered that he only comprehended the Demon Dao Heavenly Stele, but not the Beast King Heavenly Stele. The other party actually wanted to recruit him?

"Little guy, my Purple Thunder Sect is also willing to accept you as an inner disciple. As long as you are willing, you can set off with me now." An elder of the Purple Thunder Sect also looked at Chu Yan and said lightly.

"The door of the ancient Cang Yan clan is open to you at any time!" Someone from the Cang Yan Tianbei clan that Shi Cangsong comprehended also spoke to Chu Yan.

"Hehe, my Wangxian Tower never accepts male disciples, but boy, today my Wangxian Tower is willing to make an exception for you. As long as you are willing to join, my Wangxian Tower will also accept you as a disciple. When the time comes, you will be close to the water tower, and tens of thousands of fairies in my Wangxian Tower will be yours." A woman in Wangxian Tower smiled charmingly, making Chu Yan ashamed.

"Hmph! Charming all living beings!" An elder of the Beast King Hall snorted coldly, and then did not speak.

Then, **Tianbei, actually invited Chu Yan one after another. This scene stunned everyone. **Tianbei forces actually allowed Chu Yan to join?

"How could this happen?" The faces of the elders of the major overlords turned gloomy. They had experienced countless battles for the Heavenly Monument, but this was the first time they had encountered a situation like today where all the major overlord forces accepted one person.

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