Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 394: Li Hong's Death

"Chu Yan, you were lucky enough to escape from the Li family, today is your death!" Li Hong also said coldly, waving the nine-foot mad knife in his hand.

Chu Yan never looked at Li Hong from beginning to end, looking down at Liu Qingcheng's injuries, burning with anger, and flashing with murderous intent. The next moment, he flashed and carried Liu Qingcheng to a huge rock in the distance, and handed her to Xuanqing: "Senior Sister Xuanqing, please help me take care of her."

"Li Hong is not easy to deal with as a Heavenly Monument, I will accompany you." Xuanqing said.

"No need, he will die today!" Chu Yan shook his head, Mi'er seemed to want to say something, but before she could give him a chance, Chu Yan had already stepped out, alone, to meet Li Hong.

Everyone in the Ghost Girl Palace was slightly surprised: "Is Chu Yan going to fight Li Hong alone? And those people in the Li family are all at the ninth level of the Venerable, and their combat power is not weak."

"How arrogant." Li Hong showed a grim smile, he raised his head and looked at Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, I know you have a lot of divine objects, but in the Heavenly Monument, all the divine weapons will be sealed, and the supernatural powers above the emperor will also be suppressed. What is being competed here is just ordinary combat power. How can you fight me?"

"Can't use divine weapons?" Chu Yan tried it and found that the Haotian Tower and the Fire Pattern Bronze Mirror were dim, as if they were suppressed by a layer of holy power, including the One Thought Zhuxian. He couldn't feel the immortal power of the eight directions and couldn't use it.

"That's right, here, the competition is the most basic combat power, how can you beat me!" Li Hong sneered, he turned into a step and suppressed Chu Yan.

"Why would I need a magic weapon to kill you?" Chu Yan sneered and shook his head, holding an ordinary sword in his hand, and swung it casually, immediately forming thousands of sword qi, and ruthlessly slashed at Li Hong.

"A trifle!" Li Hong said contemptuously, and slashed down with a nine-foot wild knife. A mountain appeared in the void, as if this knife could cut off the mountains and rivers, and ruthlessly suppressed Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was not anxious, his sword qi was still bright, constantly released, and had a strong collision with Li Hong.

In Tianbei Mountain, a terrible storm suddenly formed, and the blades and swords intertwined with each other.

It immediately attracted countless Tianjiao, and at this moment, they were slightly shocked when they saw Li Hong and Chu Yan fighting.

"What a strong couple!"

"Li Hong is a Heavenly Monument Master, and he has been in the ninth level of the Venerable for three years. It is not surprising that he can have such fighting power. It can be said that he is an absolutely strong man. But Chu Yan is really powerful. He is the seventh level of the Venerable, but he can fight Li Hong like this."

Li Hong and Chu Yan had a brief confrontation, and he frowned immediately. He could feel that Chu Yan was stronger than the last time he was outside the Li Family Inn. Although his realm had not been broken through, the blood in his body was very strong, like a surging river, continuous.

"Hmph, a humble person is ultimately lowly. How can you beat me!" Li Hong roared, holding the knife with both hands, causing the mad knife to emit a long groan, forming a red blood light, like a bloodthirsty demon, swallowing Chu Yan.

Chu Yan did not dodge, but stood at the foot of the cliff. He stared at the blade coldly, took a step forward, and the sword in his hand flew into the sky, suddenly turning into seven afterimages, each of which was extremely strong, meeting Li Hong's sword.

"Bang!" There was a collision, and the flash of lightning.

In the chaos, Chu Yan suddenly stepped forward, and he pinched his hands into a handprint, his eyes flashing with a strange light: "Candlelight burns the heart!"

"Bang!" Li Hong felt a burning pain in his heart, causing him to scream, and his body quickly retreated, looking at Chu Yan in horror: "You sneak attacked me?"

"Ridiculous, you and I are in a battle, how can there be a sneak attack?" Chu Yan sneered, the candlelight continued to burn the heart, and burning the heart, naturally, burned the heart, Li Hong's face turned pale in a moment, and he covered his chest in pain: "Stop!"

Chu Yan looked at Li Hong ridiculously, asking him to stop? Is it possible?

Liu Qingcheng is his Achilles' heel, and so is Mi'er. If he comes a step later, what will happen to Mi'er and Liu Qingcheng? He dare not imagine it, and now, he will not let Li Hong go.

"Li Hong, I said that if you meet me in the battle for the Heavenly Monument, there will be no Li Hong's name on the Heavenly Monument anymore. I will do what I say!" Chu Yan roared.

"Puff!" Li Hong spit out a mouthful of blood. He was terrified. The candlelight attacked his heart and made him unable to defend himself. He could only flee very quickly and distance himself from Chu Yan.

"I am a member of the Li family!"

"So what?" Chu Yan said arrogantly, chasing after him very quickly. He looked down at Li Hong and said, "Go to the underworld to repent!"

"Bang!" Chu Yan's sword light slashed down, and Li Hong's eyes widened, but he had no power to escape, so he could only let the sword light slash him.

Li Hong died. He couldn't believe that he would be defeated, and he was defeated by Chu Yan, whom he had never taken seriously. A generation of Tianbei fell and fell from the altar.

Everyone in the distance sighed when they saw this scene.

The young man who had been full of charm since entering the Tianbei competition once again created a miracle.

After killing Li Hong, Chu Yan raised his head and looked around at the Li family members around him. One of them shuddered immediately: "Chu Yan, we are also following orders. Li Hong is a Tianbei, representing the Li family, we can only obey orders."

"For Xiaoyao's sake, I will spare your lives today. If there is a next time, no one will be spared." Chu Yan shouted coldly, and the Li family members all breathed a sigh of relief. They had seen the battle just now with their own eyes. Chu Yan was too strong. If such a strength attacked them, they believed that no one would survive today.

"Thank you!" A disciple of the Li family clasped his fists and then retreated. As for revenge, they didn't dare to think about it at all.

At this moment, outside the Tianbei realm, the second elder of the Li family froze, and suddenly burst into a strong anger.

"Second elder, what's wrong?" A deacon of the Li family couldn't help asking.

The elder's eyes were red, and he roared: "Hong'er, he fell!"

"Boom!" This news immediately caused a stir in Tianbei Mountain.

Li Hong is dead? As the Tianbei of the previous term, he has a unique advantage. Shouldn't he be able to seize a piece of Tianbei and easily become a Tianbei master? But now, he died in the Tianbei realm?

"Hong'er is a Tianbei master. Even if he meets Shi Cangsong and Hu Qiong, he can still escape, right? Who killed him!" The left wing of the Li family frowned. They were all optimistic about Li Hong. They thought that Ji Longyu was crowned emperor, and this time Li Hong was at least the sixth Tianbei master.

"Chu Yan! I will never reconcile with you!" The second elder of the Li family roared, surprising everyone.

Chu Yan? The second elder of the Li family yelled at Chu Yan. Did Chu Yan kill Li Hong? But how is this possible? Chu Yan is only the seventh level of the Venerable, two realms away. Could it be that his combat power can really look down on the Tianbei people?

In the Tianbei world, Chu Yan killed Li Hong in anger, which immediately caused quite a stir. There were tens of thousands of people in the Tianbei world, but no one bothered Chu Yan for a while.

Chu Yan fell back to Liu Qingcheng's side. Looking at Liu Qingcheng's haggard appearance, he felt a little heartbroken: "Sorry, I'm late."

"Don't blame you, I'm fine." Liu Qingcheng smiled sweetly, and then she looked at Mi'er: "Mi'er sister has been protecting me and suffered a lot of injuries."

Chu Yan was startled and looked at Liu Qingcheng gratefully. Although he and Mi'er were siblings, they were not related by blood after all, so in front of Liu Qingcheng, he actually kept a distance deliberately.

But when Liu Qingcheng spoke, he felt warm in his heart, hugged Liu Qingcheng, and walked towards Mi'er: "Mi'er, are you okay?"

"Brother Chu, I'm fine." Mi'er smiled happily: "Brother Chu is already very strong, even Li Hong can be defeated. With your strength this year, you will definitely become a Heavenly Monument Master."

"You have to work hard too. Now you are all Xuannv, which is very different from before." Chu Yan rubbed Mi'er's head, and Mi'er snorted again. She is so old, and she still likes to rub people's heads.

But Mi'er was happy in her heart. She had been looking forward to reuniting with Chu Yan countless times. The decision made by King Mi at the beginning made her feel miserable, but now, she and Chu Yan have no grudges, which makes her very happy.

Xuan Qing looked at Chu Yan from the side and sighed. In the Eternal Forest, she didn't think much of Chu Yan. At that time, Chu Yan was only the sixth level of the King, which was far from the Tianjiao of the overlord forces, but now, he has gradually revealed the edge of the Heavenly Monument Master.

Just as Mi'er said, Chu Yan will definitely be able to seize a piece of the Heavenly Stele this year.

At this time, in a void, no one noticed that there was an old man hiding. He had been following Chu Yan and witnessed the battle just now, which made his old eyes flicker.

"Interesting little guy." The old man exclaimed in surprise. He hid in the void and kept watching Chu Yan. He was shocked when Chu Yan first comprehended the Heavenly Stele of the Demonic Path. He did not expect that without his guidance, Chu Yan could really see through the essence of the demon.

You know, many people or demons cannot see through this. In the demon world, many demons believe that they are demons, evil, and kill countless people. People are the same, full of hypocrisy. But Chu Yan is different. He sees through the essence of human demons. There is no human demon in the world. Comprehending the Heavenly Stele will bring the evil demon to the world.

He was shocked, but he did not care about it. After all, the Heavenly Stele of the Demonic Path is set up in hundreds of galaxies, and every year someone can see through it.

The further he looked, the more frightened he became. Chu Yan was first hunted by Shi Cangsong. He escaped without fear of being criticized. He turned out to be a terrible fire pattern master. Now, for the sake of his beloved, he was furious again. His terrible fighting power completely moved the old man.

More importantly, the old man saw a determination in Chu Yan's eyes, which was rare. In the path of cultivation, talent may be indispensable, but mood is equally important. Many geniuses have developed inner demons because of a failure, but Chu Yan did not.

Another month later, he watched in the void and found that many times Chu Yan failed to break through the realm, but he was not humble and started over again, neither arrogant nor indulgent.

Treating Liu Qingcheng, he was gentle as water. Liu Qingcheng had been silently accompanying him. More importantly, the old man found that although Chu Yan had many enemies in the Tianbei Realm, he also had many friends, and his friends were the kind of people who were willing to work hard for him.

"This child, a plastic talent!" The old man was quite moved. At this moment, his divine consciousness finally disappeared completely. No one knew where he went.

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