Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 395 Heaven is waiting for you

One month after the Tianbei Realm opened, Tianbei Mountain is still crowded with people, and people from all walks of life are looking forward to it.

"Aotian, this year it's up to you." An elder of the Mu family clenched his fists and said alone.

"Cao Yu, last year you failed to win the top three titles in the Sky Monument, and you endured this for three years. Now that Ji Longyu has been crowned emperor, you are ranked third. This time is your last chance. You must seize it." An elder from the Falling Star Pavilion said expectantly.

The faces of the Li family and Tianyao Peak were not good-looking. Originally, this year, the Mu family, the Li family, the Shi family, the Yue Xing Pavilion, the Tianyao Peak, the Demon Mountain Gate, and the three major demon mountains were all absolutely sure to win a sky tablet. They have Sky Monuments members involved.

But now, Jiang Fan and Li Hong have been beheaded one after another, how can they not be angry?

The second elder of the Li family hated Chu Yan so much that he even angered Li Hongwei: "Li Hongwei, Hong'er died in the hands of Chu Yan. I heard that your son Li Xiaoyao was a good friend of him, and you helped him several times, but... He repays kindness with evil, because you are raising a tiger to cause trouble! If my Li family fails to win a sky monument this year, you, the head of the family, must pay the price!"

Li Hongwei shook his head ridiculously: "Chu Yan originally had a harmonious relationship with my Li family, but when your two sons humiliated his master, the relationship became tense. Now within the Tianbei, each has his own destiny. Li Hong's skills are not as good as others, and Who can you blame?”

"As the head of the Li family, you don't care about the development of the Li family, and now you still favor outsiders?" the second elder of the Li family roared.

"Whatever you say." Li Hongwei sneered and shook his head, feeling helpless in his heart. Some of him blamed Chu Yan for not caring about his feelings at all. Even if he wanted to kill Li Hong, he should at least wait for the Sky Monument to end.

Everyone in the Tianbei Realm did not know what was happening in the outside world. They each practiced in it. Within a month, countless geniuses died, and almost all the people from all tribes gathered together.

Hua Zhixu, Fatty Ye Xun and others gathered together. It is worth mentioning that Hua Zhixu and Fatty have both broken through to the eighth level of the Supreme. With the addition of a realm-breaking pill, the two of them have finally reached the top of the realm.

Chu Yan also encountered a breakthrough opportunity half a month ago, but he forcibly blocked it. Instead of breaking through, he kept suppressing his realm.

Once a breakthrough is made, it will take time to stabilize, but Chu Yan doesn't have time now.

In the world of Tianbei, Chu Yan still has something to look for, which is the second chapter of the Xuantian Fragment Chapter.

That day, he was flying alone in the world of heavenly monuments, until one day, he came to a cliff. This cliff was bottomless and shrouded in mist. Looking down, it gave people an inexplicable feeling. Feeling of fear.

"The induction power disappears here. Is the second remaining chapter under this cliff?" Chu Yan thought, and was a little speechless. The dense fog inside this cliff made it difficult for people to see the depth, and he didn't know what was inside. What's critical?

"This cliff is the Valley of Death. You'd better not take any risks." At this moment, a figure in white suddenly stepped forward and said to Chu Yan.

"Death Cliff Valley?" Chu Yan looked at that figure strangely. This person had an extraordinary aura, but he did not notice such a person when he was at the Battle for Heaven Monument level.

"This Yagu was born in the Tianbei Mountain sixteen years ago. No one knows its origin. However, in every Tianbei battle, some people are curious and try it out, but they all die in it. So I would like to advise you, if you want to survive, It's better not to go down to the valley," said the young man in white.

"Sixteen years ago?" Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at the young man: "You are not from Xinghe. Are you from Xinghai?"

The young man in white smiled faintly and did not explain: "The danger has been told to you. As for the choice, it is all up to you. You have a good talent. If you don't die, it is not difficult to comprehend the monument. Don't lose your life because of it."

"Thank you for reminding me." Chu Yangong made his move, but after hesitation, he still walked down the cliff. This cliff might be a place of death for others, but it was different for him. The Jiutian Xuan Pagoda was about to attract him. This place must be destined for him, and he wants to go down and find out.

"Huh?" Seeing Chu Yan still descending off the cliff, the young man in white frowned: "I don't know whether to live or die!"

"Changfeng, you are so happy this year, why don't you come to see this star of the galaxy in person?" A graceful woman flew from a distance, very charming, giving people a full sense of charm.

"The fairies in Wangxian Tower are really fairies." The young man named Changfeng smiled faintly.

"If Changfeng likes it, you can push me to give it a try." The woman's charming smile was full of temptation. Maybe she was a man, and she couldn't help but want to rush towards her at this moment, right?

Changfeng's concentration was amazing. He just glanced at the woman one more time and then looked away: "Master sent me out to travel, and I happened to come across the selection of heavenly monuments here, so I came to take a look. I didn't expect to encounter such a person. People who don’t know whether to live or die.”

"Is there anything special about him that makes you pay attention?"

"It resonated with the Sixteenth Heaven Monument." Changfeng said calmly, which immediately made the woman's almond-shaped eyes condense: "The Sixteenth Heaven Monument resonated? Are you sure?"

"Yes." Changfeng nodded: "There are no demon cultivators in the Six Realms Galaxy. In previous years, the Demon Dao Sky Monument was never opened. Although a Heaven Monument holder would be recognized, it was never given to the inheritance. It was just a false name. But this year is different, the Demon Dao The Sky Monument also chose him and directly dragged him into the Sky Monument, and passed on an extremely domineering inheritance, which seems to have been lost in the Demon Sect for a long time. "

"In addition to the Demon Dao Heavenly Monument, the other fifteen major Heavenly Monuments also resonated once. This child can enter any of the sixteen meridians."

"That's interesting." The woman laughed sweetly, then looked towards the direction of the cliff, and shook her head with a sigh: "It's a pity that after making such an ignorant choice, no one can come out of this death cliff valley alive, right? ?”

Chang Feng sneered, obviously dissatisfied with Chu Yan for not listening to his advice: "Let's go, he can't come out."

Chu Yan didn't know about the conversation on the cliff. He went deep into the cliff and immediately felt the strong miasma entering his body, which made his body stiff and his blood coagulated.

"Poisonous fog?" Chu Yan was shocked and hurriedly circulated his spiritual energy, but it was too late. He wanted to retreat, but there seemed to be a huge traction in the cliff, so he could only descend. With a thud, he fell heavily under the cliff valley, and several bones were broken directly.

"What a terrible power." Chu Yan got up after a long time, and then he felt that his whole body was about to fall apart.

"You are here!" Suddenly, the voice of the ancients rang out, deafening, and Chu Yan's eardrums were in great pain.

"Senior, is it you?" Chu Yan raised his head in surprise. He seemed to be familiar with that voice. He had heard the voice of such an ancient in Jiuyou Tianchi.

That time, the ancients gave him the Nine Heavens True Method, which could cultivate the second true self. Now, his second true self is also very powerful. If all four pure power bloodlines are activated, the power is comparable to the blow of the human emperor.

"It seems that you have not insulted the way of heaven." The voice of the ancients sounded again: "The way of heaven, prying into the will of heaven, practicing the Nine Heavens True Method, you have inherited my inheritance, so now, I will give you the second world."

Chu Yan was shocked, and then he saw a ray of light flying towards him in the distance, imprinted on his eyebrows, and finally slowly disappeared.

The mark appeared in his dantian, and suddenly, his dantian was churning, and the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower trembled violently. Finally, the second floor suddenly became bright, and a very terrifying power emerged.

"The second floor, is it finally lit up?" Chu Yan said in shock.

Chu Yan's soul returned to Dantian and came to the second floor of Jiutian Xuan Tower. Here, a phantom like him appeared, but this phantom had no realm, no blood, no soul, and was completely a mortal posture, and needed to rebuild his life again.

"Nine Heavens True Method, cultivate nine true selves. If you practice it to perfection, you can split into nine people at the same time. As long as you don't die, you can survive. Even if the original body dies, it won't really die. This kind of practice is too terrible." Chu Yan couldn't help thinking, he got excited, but as he understood, the fog and miasma of the Death Cliff Valley began to dissipate and gradually disappeared.

Chu Yan was startled and looked around: "Did the poisonous miasma disappear? The young man in white said that this place is extremely dangerous, but I came here without any danger. Is it all just to wait for my appearance? Jiuyou once said that the first fragment of the divine feather was left by his mother, but why would the second fragment wait for me here?"

"Boy, do you know what the Heavenly Dao is?" The voice of the ancients suddenly sounded again.

"The Heavenly Dao is the Dao of God, controlling everything in heaven and earth?" Chu Yan responded tentatively.

"Haha, that's right, but do you know who controls the Heavenly Dao?" The ancients suddenly asked again: "Why would the Heavenly Dao wait for you here?"

Chu Yan shook his head. He didn't understand. The so-called Heavenly Dao was too terrible. It was not something that he, a seventh-level Venerable, could comprehend.

"The Heavenly Dao is the Heavenly Dao. He controls heaven and earth, space, time, and peeks into the future. He came from the past and went to the future. He saw you. The Heavenly Dao is waiting for you." The ancients laughed.

"Heaven, is it waiting for me?" Chu Yan was shocked. Traveling through time and going to the future? Is this possible? This is not something Chu Yan could imagine at all. He has heard of some transcendent powers that can slow down the flow of time, but time has never stopped.

"It has never stopped, but it does not mean that it cannot flow backwards." The ancient man seemed to be able to hear Chu Yan's thoughts and smiled: "The second Heaven has descended into your body. Go and create your world. Your road is still far away. You chose Heaven, and Heaven chose you. There is no turning back. Go."

The voice of the ancient man disappeared completely, leaving Chu Yan stunned in place. Time flows backwards? Is there really anyone who can do it? That's too scary, right?

Traveling through the future and returning to the past? How difficult is that? Chu Yan didn't know, but when he looked inside his body, he found that the second world inside his body was brighter, which made him smile.

"My second true self, I practice pure power, so how should I choose this third world?" Chu Yan thought, and suddenly, he seemed to have some ideas, heaven, time?

Chu Yan closed his eyes and comprehended, and sat for another month. During this month, he did not practice the original body, but practiced the true self in the third world.

Because the physical body and Dantian do not need to be rebuilt, the practice speed of the third true self is extremely fast. As long as he swallows the vitality of heaven and earth, he can break through on his own. In a month, Chu Yan's third true self reached the peak of human respect, and the four bloodlines he comprehended were: speed, time, space, and domain.

The three souls were all cast above the seventh grade, attracting the light of dragon and phoenix.

The first soul: Shuttle sword.

The second soul: Time pendulum.

The third soul: Space crystal.

Such a combination makes Chu Yan's third true self extremely terrifying. It can be said that in terms of speed, he has reached an extreme. His speed can shuttle through space and time, creating a unique domain, which makes him smile with satisfaction.

"Finally, did it succeed?" Chu Yan finally opened his eyes and revealed an excited smile. He could vaguely feel that if the realm of his third true self was a little higher, then even if an emperor wanted to hunt him down, he would have the ability to protect himself.

“It’s a pity that I can’t make my true self appear at the same time. Otherwise, with the fusion of power, absolute power, and absolute speed, I should be able to fight against Shi Cangsong again, right?”

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